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Everything posted by Grido

  1. depends how you view it, for instance, due to the rareness of my actually taking people off Golemus, people see it as a prison sometimes, when they end up there for over a week as a note, something bad will happen to people who refer to Golemus as a prison
  2. i think you caught my post before i edited it saying it would be possible but wouldnt liely happen
  3. ach, really need to get around to reading Twilight
  4. it wouldn't be linked with adepts, just saying, too many things can and would go wrong with it not sure if it would be possible to do, coding wise, probably, reality dont imagine
  5. there is no reward for completing the labrynth anymore
  6. ''Those who can't hear the music, think the dancer is mad.'' is mine to be fair on myself the initially visible text is: [quote name='My Hate Doc']Hate Hate is for those with darkness tainting their soul. I do not hate, for that tainting would destroy me. Think of what a better world it would be if we all the whole world had cookies and milk about 3 o'clock every afternoon and then lay down with our blankets for a nap.[/quote] So the title is deceptive in having nothing hate related in it, whilst the content does
  7. hmm, it would appear Udgard has been infected as well, that is grave news i myself am researching into this, i believe that a shock to the senses is needed, so in essence, hurt him enough and he will be cured. i have tried hitting him round the head with a bit of wood, which didnt seem to work, and he ran away before i could try with a stone, i'm hoping to try again with that later. i invite people to assist me in this, hurt Bunny, and tell me the results of your.....experiments if you manage to cure him please make him realise that you did it, and also tell me i'm sure he'll appreciate the help, though he may act liek he doesnt want to be hurt to be cured, i'm sure he does really
  8. Grido

    Forum Bug

    i know that Chew, and it's not that the icon is that of unread, i enter, read the new posts, leave, it still says unread, enter again, leave again, and it hasnt got any unreads if it was the thing you mentioned, it would still say unread when i left the second time
  9. Grido

    Forum Bug

    not sure if this is just me or not, but in the General Forum, if i enter it when it says it has new posts there (when the symbol is orange/yellow/golden) if i then read appropriate threads then click on the main ''MagicDuel Forums'' tab at the top then it still shows the General area as having new posts now entering it again, i see no new posts, and then clicking the main tab again then means that i no longer see it as having new posts now, no not major, and i can certainly cope with it, just thought i should say about it
  10. [quote name='IAB']mur noticed me missing when i had computer problems around december last year...... at least i think he did...... i may be remembering wrong though.... as i do a lot..........[/quote]lol, what we do know is that he also left you in House Of Tainted Times Interior for 3 weeks, because he forgot you were there [quote name='Chewett']Perhaps then As "Greats" come along we should vote on making them a great?[/quote]THe problem with this, do we vote that they're great whilst they're still around? or do we do it after they leave? how long do we wait until we vote to make them Great?
  11. have to agree Bunny, it's just....beautifull
  12. only scanned this thread, cos well it's late, or early depending on perspective i've always bee too scared to read The Neverending Story, you can guess why hmm, favourite books I agree, Hitchikers Guide is a must Lord Of The Rings, you have to survive the whole ''Gimli son of Gloin'' stuff on every single page to understand the beauty of the book though ooh, anything by Garth Nix, awesome name and actually his birth name, it's fantasy magicy stuff, not entirely sure how to categorise books though. i particularly like the ''Sabriel'' trilogy by him Noughts an Crosses i'm reading the forth book (latest) currently, google it to find out more what else...oh yes, Neil Gaiman, ''American Gods'' i've actually read but the others look good as well, it's about the old norse Gods in a sort of battle against the modern Gods of Television and Money and such, quite fun. you might have heard of the film ''Stardust'' that's from a book he wrote by the same name. Can't think of anything else off the top of my head
  13. lol Chew, i know how you felt, i was like ''what? oh s*** i forgot! errm errm how to explain to my mum....'' then i remembered
  14. 2007-02-17 21:30:16 that's before i'd even joined, like well before and i'm an oldie actually, 14 April 2007 was when the game was released to the public....so i somehow doubt Fenrir had a vision of the future and made the drawing for this game, and then the drawing was stolen by Rachel Kremer, which is the only other possibility to him not stealing the drawing that i see By [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam%27s_Razor"]Occam's razor[/url], Fenrir is guilty in human courts as well as our own do what you will with him and the fact that he's been seen viewing this topic and not made a responce to it just confounds his guilt even more
  15. we brits had ours on the 22nd March [url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Day#Dates_around_the_world"]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mother%27s_Da...round_the_world[/url]
  16. wasnt there thoughts of being a statue room in one of the new MDA rooms? could we put some plaques or something up in there saying a little bit about them? yes, i want one too
  17. whilst i know a hell of a lot of swear words, i dont like hearing them most of the time, and i rarely ever say them aloud to anyone. [quote name='Fenrir']We were taught NOT to like swearing because someone way back when didn't like hearing people swear.[/quote]errm, i think you just mucked up your own point there, yes, we might've been *taught* to not like swearing, that doesnt change the fact that we dont like it....
  18. Chew, add me to that list lol also, ahh yes, Sacophilz, i seem to remember i liked his forum sig his name was meant to be an equation or something second also, errm ''Speak for yourself Grido, mua ha ha > '' (Cryxus) errm i think you mean Burns, not me, i dont think i said much on this thread, actually nothing other than my comment about splitting the topic
  19. Grido

    Alliance List

    The Balence Keepers? havent heard of them i dont think.....
  20. She hadnt closed the code in the title for the animated background fixed (by me) and topic closed
  21. Grido

    Alliance List

    on the forums, scan down to the Golemus area, DS is there
  22. Grido

    Alliance List

    so why are they under Golemus forum heading?
  23. Grido

    Alliance List

    errm...isn't DS a Golemus alliance....
  24. i forgot to mention i split this topic, i felt it was going ever so slightly off the topic of the Savelites....
  25. Lib, we get coins in the system only to hide the coins away from people? that's how i see it anyway, you're making real coin into imaginary coin, which makes no sense to me really plus, i like to see my coin
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