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Everything posted by Grido

  1. other things havent taken their positions, they ~should~ be there
  2. yup, you did pm's and forum pms as well asking to pay for me to take you to GoE (i denied, after using locate on him)
  3. If your account was created this year, then i have no idea...... I know last year i couldnt get them because i had an ''old'' shop They should just be there....There is a christmas treat in the 4 main shop branches, there are no treats in either Token or Avatar sections.
  4. @da doctor, the numbers go up to 196, so you cant use 721
  5. uhh yeah.....basicly what everyone else has said with the extension of Live Help initiatives being directed at me, and asking about the idea before doing it. The live help system is in game, and i believe it would be taking a step or several backwards to want to take it and put it to a single person on yim
  6. seems you got skipped off the post for Spell Caster, the attachment shows all votes, refer to that for how many you got
  7. Full, unedited log of the ceremony, as a warning though, it's 40 Pages long [attachment=1340:awards ceremony 2009.doc]
  8. a chat log along with the winners listed will be up soon
  9. My/Our aim with this was to lower the amount of people using the spell, your idea would increase it, so not a good idea imo
  10. when? not saying he didnt, just wondering when, cos i wouldve thought i'd remember him saying that He also said that players can use the tools at their disposal for punishing how they like so long as they can back it up, regardless publicly tearing down someone is a nono
  11. want to point out, my ruling is that i'm ignoring, and deleting any screenshots of silencing on the forum that's not the way to do this if you want to report abuse, then message me, do not put a fing picture in the gallery! I'm also less inclined to do anything if you piss me off (like now) --tired and grouchy Grido
  12. [b][b][i][color="#993300"]MD Awards Ceremony[/color][/i][/b][/b] Don't forget! The MD Awards Ceremony starts at [b][color="#993300"]2000 server time TODAY[/color][/b] in [b][color="#993300"]Sage Keep[/color][/b]. Don't miss the event that everyone's been waiting for! Doors will be open from approximately 1900 server time to give everyone time to get in, and get settled. --Grido
  13. Fenrir, no two numbers twice, Rhaegar already claimed 13
  14. Ok, update, ceremony will take place at [u][b]Sage Keep[/b][/u] on [u][b]Day 352[/b][/u] (Tomorrow/Saturday) at [u][b]2000 Server Time[/b][/u]. The doors to the keep will open prior to the start time, at approximately 1900 server time, to give everybody time to get in and settled. For those who are not able to attend, i will take a chat log, and the speeches will be presented in the archives, anyone who wants the full log is welcome to contact me and i'll send it to them.
  15. topic closed per request
  16. i want to know why people are picking certain numbers..... 14*14 = 196 196 / 2 = 98 98 please
  17. yes, there is a skilldamage stat Wodin had it for instance, when they attack you they apply skill damage, which means you loose stats, i know of at least one current player who applies skilldamage LE: i should point out this is one possible explanation, i do not know whether this is the case for you
  18. Grido

    Little Or Lot?

    Just a curious little question, welcome to discuss
  19. RE: circle thing below explre points - if it doesnt do anything, it should mean that the values havent changed, so they refresh, but dont change because they dont need to
  20. the circle does not GIVE you anything, it refreshes your stats, as Burns said and i like people finding things out for themselves
  21. ahh well yes, i suppose you have a point there, i thought you were doing the silly thing of sleeping
  22. Pff, Firs it's only 1am!! I will gladly strive to attend.
  23. hehe, you lot really need to be more observant. pay close attention to what happens each time the orange line hits the top of the circle. make sure to run around a bit, or buy something, or (get) attack(ed) just before though LE: oh and keep your eyes on your ve/vp/ap totals
  24. I tried to prove that Santa exists last year, i didnt have any gifts for people that said yes though [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/2929-do-you-believe-in-santa-claus/"]http://magicduel.inv...in-santa-claus/[/url] LE: compare the second post in that thread, with the one previous to this post
  25. Votes have now been counted up, over the rest of today and tomorrow the winners will be told. Winners are asked not to tell anyone that they have won, but to please make speeches to say at the awards ceremony on Saturday at 2000 server time. All winners should strive to be present at the awards ceremony, if they are unable to be present, please point this out when you're told and alternatives will try to be arranged.
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