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Everything posted by Grido

  1. it's all the same issue
  2. or in public profiles. Mur knows about this, it's because of the extra protection that he put on the creatures recently, this will hopefully get sorted out soon
  3. when does the bidding end?
  4. bumpity bump bump Initial post updated Bump, please make offers, i'm quite open to them i'm still wanting to buy creatures.... Merged posts- Fenrir
  5. i'm pretty much certain that neither of them have it considering they've been around longer than i've had the creature, and the creatures stats were added when i got it.... updated value
  6. [quote name='Burns' date='28 December 2009 - 03:54 PM' timestamp='1262015657' post='51280'] I do like that part of the topic, that might turn out to be some nice idea... Like, people who are often 'hard to find' or simply have some uncommon online times can sign up at the post office and people who need to message them can do so in the post office? Would make things a lot easier for quest-setters who stay mostly in one place... or, if that's _too handy_, the persons who sign up at the post office don't get the messages sent to them, but have to go to the office and fetch them so they can read them? we could also start sending that strange messenger around to deliver letters, now that his role in AL is over, or at least on hold XD [/quote] Well we do have a Postman already.....
  7. The creature is a seed-like creature and it's ID is 13, not that you can do anything with that now, and so i call it 13 for lack of a better name. If you've been at ggg when i've been around you're likely seen me attack with this creature, and it's an adorable little thing Considering that this is a completly unique creature (currently), in the sense that nobody else in MD has this creature I am not selling this creature, not yet anyway, but due to the prices i've noticed being offered for rare creatures lately, i wondered what people would be willing to offer for this unique one. Please only make offers that you would actually be able to make, as if this were a real sale, as i want a genuine valuation on it. Feel free to make the ""offers"" in this thread or pm me if you want it more private, i will try to keep this first post updated Offers can consist of eith creatures, silver/gold, or a combination of both, i will make personal valuations on creatures. Current Valuation - ~205 Silver (Reindrach, Nutcracker, Santa, Shade)
  8. If done in game, it would take a part of the idea of the game away, if each scene is a place on the land (and it is) how would you in reality talk to someone in MDA from Golemus? i hope that reasoning makes sense. If you're talking about having one in the forum, that's perfectly possible, but extremely open to spam, and would probably need a moderator keeping a constant eye on it in case people started swearing, saying spoilers or some other thing
  9. it's a stupid little thing i'm picking up here, but " create an array of the creature types" needs the // in front, to mark it as help text LE: As it stands with the updated code, i can enter the same ctc of LR archer, any way to ensure that there's actually 2 LR archers rather than the same one twice?
  10. I'd be happy enough if only i could see it, as it is, my HD has a screen shot of each creature level i've had, so it'd just be in game, rather than on HD. If everyone could see them then it would be a massive spoiler for the players who havent got creatures to those levels yet
  11. thanks and that's why i intentionally put 2 of one of the creatures will check it, what would be considered later today, although i'm about to go to sleep
  12. (as far as i understand it) Alts are/were allowed to collect christmas gifts. Alts created for the purpose of the christmas gifts is not allowed. Gifts are not allowed to be transfered between accounts of the same user. LE: @Bell, players were not allowed to transfer between their own accounts anyway, even before this, this did however prompt Mur to do something to make it harder for players to do things like this in the future
  13. For the example given the creator of the script would have to input the CTC to get returns and display it etc, yeah? What about if i wanted to check that the person doing the quest had certain specific creatures? e.g. A fake battle senario; Pete the Bull stands guard, you have learnt that the only way to defeat him is to attack with 2 Lorerootian Archers, an Elemental and a Grassan Would there be a way to detect that they have those creatures?
  14. Lol Princ, i had refreshed before i saw the 70 AP But for some reason i've now been able to post the link, so figure that it's fine
  15. I'm trying to post a link to my wtb rare creatures thread in the mood panel, and i've seen other people posting links before so it shouldnt be any issue. I tried several times with 10 AP and got a little confused when i got the message "[color="#ff0000"]Not enough action points.[/color]" but i figured that there might be some sort of a requirement on AP to be able to post, however i just tried when i have 70 AP, and it comes up with the same message, so bug? or large AP requirement i've previously not been aware of?
  16. it's sad to see you go, but hopefully you'll have a good life outside of this place keep in touch when you can, it'd be good to hear how that game's getting along may you have safe and pleasant journeys throughout your life
  17. lol, damn clause for younger players, cos i really need more Pimps... on another note, you might want to specify what "younger players" constitutes
  18. I want to buy various of the rarer creatures, these include, but are not limited to; Shades ('normal') Tainted Angiens Shades with Swords Darklings Gg Drachs Rusty Windy Reindrach Morph PM me what you have and what price you want for it. Don't be shy, if you're willing to sell, i'm willing to buy. Oh, as an additional note, i'm also buying items if people want to sell them, i'll buy anything.
  19. "Grido, they can still sell them to those who cannot purchase them." You're saying that you'd spend ~$51 to get a rusty, purely to sell it to someone else for silver? Cos...i dont think you would...
  20. oh, sorry, my bad for not phrasing right, i wasnt saying that it was Meant to do that, just that's what it did
  21. Just as a note, you can only acquire 1 Reindrach from the shop anyway, as with all the christmas creatures, it only appears in the shop once. You say it is not about taking the rich's money, but what is the point for someone to buy a rusty (when they've already got one) if they cannot use it, people spend money and this idea would essentially be getting them to pay for something they cant have.
  22. It's a matter of doing exactly what it says on the tin. It does give you 2407.75 VE, as that is what you have after you eat the cookie, it just doesnt add onto what you had at the time, it replaces it instead.
  23. It's also in completly the wrong section. Moved to prevent confusion with the topic area
  24. yup, i downloaded it fine as well, just about to listen to it
  25. MRD has released redneck upon the terms they agreed upon topic closed
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