The creature is a seed-like creature and it's ID is 13, not that you can do anything with that now, and so i call it 13 for lack of a better name.
If you've been at ggg when i've been around you're likely seen me attack with this creature, and it's an adorable little thing
Considering that this is a completly unique creature (currently), in the sense that nobody else in MD has this creature
I am not selling this creature, not yet anyway, but due to the prices i've noticed being offered for rare creatures lately, i wondered what people would be willing to offer for this unique one.
Please only make offers that you would actually be able to make, as if this were a real sale, as i want a genuine valuation on it.
Feel free to make the ""offers"" in this thread or pm me if you want it more private, i will try to keep this first post updated
Offers can consist of eith creatures, silver/gold, or a combination of both, i will make personal valuations on creatures.
Current Valuation - ~205 Silver (Reindrach, Nutcracker, Santa, Shade)