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Muratus del Mur

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  1. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  2. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from pamplemousse in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  3. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Arianna de Montrève in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  4. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Yoshi in Md Archives Issue   
    Situation: i messed it, nothing else to say, ..big time.

    Update... i figured out that a full restore on that domain should make things as the were yesterday and i can retry the upgrade this time _READING_ the instructions.I emailed hosting for a recent backup, I hope they have it (they should).

    I will keep you informed on the way.
  5. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Granos in Md Archives Issue   
    Situation: i messed it, nothing else to say, ..big time.

    Update... i figured out that a full restore on that domain should make things as the were yesterday and i can retry the upgrade this time _READING_ the instructions.I emailed hosting for a recent backup, I hope they have it (they should).

    I will keep you informed on the way.
  6. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Tarquinus in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  7. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  8. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from dst in Inappropriate Public Log   
    I was convinced this matter was solved in a friendly way. Seems not.
    Well its solved now, comment removed, Shoeps sent to prison.
  9. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in M B: Liberty's Heritage   
    I surely hope you will pass by from time to time to see whats going on, in general.
    What about the Libs? Should i go on with making them a public army?

  10. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    Err..what is the problem if someone buys items to collect them? His role is a collector then...

    You guyz simply run out of rant topics? O.o
    I should call out the common sence of you..this is a game. If he wats to buy items and he buys them he can do so..WHO are you to decide or to question what he does with his money and items payed in MD? Does he has something you want really really bad? then scratch your face in silent and try to buy it, but stop the random rant and go have a calming tea ...

    I suppose very soon you guyz will make a topic spaming the forum with RANT about avatars from alts and rare creatures .

    PS: this is not a rant or a post that needs a reply, it is simply what i think about you all the ranetrs out there.
    I am sure nothing will change regarding Shape Shifter as he is not doing something against any rule so have fun continuing to rant at things that you desire or not
  11. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Watcher in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

    I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

    Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

    What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

    ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.
  12. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

    I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

    Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

    What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

    ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.
  13. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Granos in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

    I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

    Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

    What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

    ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.
  14. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Calling Out Shape Shifter   
    as you already figured i can't [b]and dont want to[/b] take something from someone just because others wish it more. He didnt get them free, from what i saw he got his items fair, actually with more effort than any of you, so i don't see what is wrong with this. Yes he is hoarding them, but he could as easy create 5 alts and keep a low profile and what then??

    I am much much more concerned by those of you keeping nice avatars on alts then someone trying everything to get items. If you don't like him hoarding the items that way then dont sell them to him, simple as that.

    Looks to me like a gangup against a player that is not that popular but keeps that top position on a popular list. Therefor also the topics about removing the item owner list. Its something like lets rob him or at least lets make him invisible to protect our ego.

    What about i make it so that people with drachs wont be able to use them on people without drachs? if you want communist rules so much.

    ps. would be nice to hear his intentions and opinion on this too, not so hard to write a post is it shape shifter, maybe a bit of social interaction would solve the problem faster than an official robbery you are asking me to do.
  15. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur reacted to Akasha in Discussion about reviving MD   
    Dst, i would add to that the big secret things that some players like to have, the separation from the game thru ym and other forums. That is what is killing new players. If you are not 'profi' you can't simply stay in the game; So all of you profi rp should stop ranting and look at yourself. Md is not an exclusiv rp game, nor one to fight and get stats and stats but one that mixes both.
    Atm it is like in high school..groups that are outside of MD at first and where the plans are made and come to 'enlighten' the other ppl from the realm about what is hapening.
    Also the paranoia around you, introduced from several players is ruing you, the players that curently rant.
    Ranting is a problem..ppl ! stop living in what you dont have and what you would like, start living in what you have and build upon what it is something. Stop living in nothing is worth nor good and maybe light may come.

    PS: did someone noticed that rants come from ''profi' rp;s? or their group? .. what can i say..in the end that profi rp ends...leaves nothing to do more and it simply end...it limits you
  16. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Md In General   
    All your points are very interesting to hear and come just when i was analyzing the same matter.

    Story is a driving force of MD, but who to do it? I don't want to offend anyone or ignore your efforts, but to put it like that, even Ady went derailed with stories when not kept within lines. Story went great when i took care of it. The moment i left it in your (player) hands it started to become exagerated and faded, as each is targeting its own interests, and its normal.

    I have more than one role to perform, it is the programming part, to build the tools so to say, it is the management part, to keep things going, even if slow, it is the content/story part that gives md direction. I rarely can do them all, and in recent period i dont think i can do any at all anymore.

    MD is now formed by veterans. This is something i appreciate a lot and its only them that keep it alive. Of course this scares off new players, but without the veterans to scare them off, MD would be justfull of scared noobs.

    Its been several month since i last focused entirely on MD. No its not because i was busy..i am always busy, thats not something to stop me. Its because i feel a burden, and that cuts off my creativity and most important it cuts my will to get things moving. I am a terrible worker, i do briliant when i am motivated and i do crap when i lose my motivation. I was like that always and i can't and don't want to change.

    Realising that i spend hours thinking what to do in md and not doing anything, i started to focus on other things to shift the stress of "having to do" something, away.

    I keep saying this in all forms and with all occasions i speak about this ... if i am not motivated i can not work. My motivation is MD are you the people playing it, to see it grow and also the tehnological treats i do from time to time to see if "i can do it". ..like the translation potions and such.

    I fear i am trapped myself in this downfall of MD, your lose in interest amplifies my ignorance to the matter and in turn makes MD stagnate and drives more people away.

    Have you at least noticed since when i stoped updating the newslog with relevant information?
    I have my batteries too, and if they get burned i have two options ..to push harder and risk destroying them or to backoff and retry when they are recharged.

    My life goes to big changes, i believe i finaly succeded to work only on my projects and not lose valuable time with shithead clients... but at what cost.. Recession hit us all and without money i risk to see all things i love, such as MD, fall apart around me.

    You might think at this point that this is about MD and not about ME ... well as arogant as it sounds i must say that these two things are tighlty connected.

    I want to get things going, i badly do. I plan "Muratus del Mur" to retire and actualy start to play. You have no ideea what quests i have for you. The veterans that know me from back long ago will be able to imagine a bit of what i can do now. MD world is much more ripe and a lot of features allow me now to do things that before could not be achieved.

    My plans to achieve that spread over a few month, like half a year. During this time i plan to establish a way of getting a constant flow of traffic to md, without depending on advertising money. At the same time i hope that in a few month to finaly trust someone to handle MD programming matters in my place. That will be the milestone in MD development. So far one guy tried but failed.

    I have so many ideas on MD, i always had and I always will...but i have only that much energy to give away. To be able to give more i need to receive more, and to receive i need to be happy with my achievements and enjoy the work i do , not just feel "I must do it".

    When i chat with someone in MD, it takes about 10minutes before someone starts asking stuff or puts questions or so.


    There are so many things to say about this, so i will stop. What i want you to know is that MD means its players and regardless how long it will take untill i find the will to get back in action and resuscitate MD, i will do it, but if you think that you wait for that , you will be dissapointed. When it will happen it will happen.....can be a day, can be 100...
    I will only be efficient when my initiative in a matter still has a word to say, not when i am pushed by events to do something. So one day when i will feel to shake MD world with something new, i will sit on my chair, open md, and enjoy my every moment of it...then i guarantee you that you will enjoy it even more. it might be that by that time will be empty, full of tired veterans that are bored by anything else md will have to offer, or full of confused noobs upset things change...it might be md will be no longer because hosting shut it down, lol...

    I wish to think about you as friends, please don't think about me as a service provider because i am not.

    Enough said..
    here is the thing that i started yesterday, trying to find my excitement about new and inovative projects once more:


    Its watching you right now O.o
  17. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Md In General   
    All your points are very interesting to hear and come just when i was analyzing the same matter.

    Story is a driving force of MD, but who to do it? I don't want to offend anyone or ignore your efforts, but to put it like that, even Ady went derailed with stories when not kept within lines. Story went great when i took care of it. The moment i left it in your (player) hands it started to become exagerated and faded, as each is targeting its own interests, and its normal.

    I have more than one role to perform, it is the programming part, to build the tools so to say, it is the management part, to keep things going, even if slow, it is the content/story part that gives md direction. I rarely can do them all, and in recent period i dont think i can do any at all anymore.

    MD is now formed by veterans. This is something i appreciate a lot and its only them that keep it alive. Of course this scares off new players, but without the veterans to scare them off, MD would be justfull of scared noobs.

    Its been several month since i last focused entirely on MD. No its not because i was busy..i am always busy, thats not something to stop me. Its because i feel a burden, and that cuts off my creativity and most important it cuts my will to get things moving. I am a terrible worker, i do briliant when i am motivated and i do crap when i lose my motivation. I was like that always and i can't and don't want to change.

    Realising that i spend hours thinking what to do in md and not doing anything, i started to focus on other things to shift the stress of "having to do" something, away.

    I keep saying this in all forms and with all occasions i speak about this ... if i am not motivated i can not work. My motivation is MD are you the people playing it, to see it grow and also the tehnological treats i do from time to time to see if "i can do it". ..like the translation potions and such.

    I fear i am trapped myself in this downfall of MD, your lose in interest amplifies my ignorance to the matter and in turn makes MD stagnate and drives more people away.

    Have you at least noticed since when i stoped updating the newslog with relevant information?
    I have my batteries too, and if they get burned i have two options ..to push harder and risk destroying them or to backoff and retry when they are recharged.

    My life goes to big changes, i believe i finaly succeded to work only on my projects and not lose valuable time with shithead clients... but at what cost.. Recession hit us all and without money i risk to see all things i love, such as MD, fall apart around me.

    You might think at this point that this is about MD and not about ME ... well as arogant as it sounds i must say that these two things are tighlty connected.

    I want to get things going, i badly do. I plan "Muratus del Mur" to retire and actualy start to play. You have no ideea what quests i have for you. The veterans that know me from back long ago will be able to imagine a bit of what i can do now. MD world is much more ripe and a lot of features allow me now to do things that before could not be achieved.

    My plans to achieve that spread over a few month, like half a year. During this time i plan to establish a way of getting a constant flow of traffic to md, without depending on advertising money. At the same time i hope that in a few month to finaly trust someone to handle MD programming matters in my place. That will be the milestone in MD development. So far one guy tried but failed.

    I have so many ideas on MD, i always had and I always will...but i have only that much energy to give away. To be able to give more i need to receive more, and to receive i need to be happy with my achievements and enjoy the work i do , not just feel "I must do it".

    When i chat with someone in MD, it takes about 10minutes before someone starts asking stuff or puts questions or so.


    There are so many things to say about this, so i will stop. What i want you to know is that MD means its players and regardless how long it will take untill i find the will to get back in action and resuscitate MD, i will do it, but if you think that you wait for that , you will be dissapointed. When it will happen it will happen.....can be a day, can be 100...
    I will only be efficient when my initiative in a matter still has a word to say, not when i am pushed by events to do something. So one day when i will feel to shake MD world with something new, i will sit on my chair, open md, and enjoy my every moment of it...then i guarantee you that you will enjoy it even more. it might be that by that time will be empty, full of tired veterans that are bored by anything else md will have to offer, or full of confused noobs upset things change...it might be md will be no longer because hosting shut it down, lol...

    I wish to think about you as friends, please don't think about me as a service provider because i am not.

    Enough said..
    here is the thing that i started yesterday, trying to find my excitement about new and inovative projects once more:


    Its watching you right now O.o
  18. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in The Temple   
  19. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Unacceptable Pl Entry   
    This kind of event is defenelty regretable, especialy when it comes from some people. Since the issue in cause is to be solved by him, i will do my part and work on a player ignore feature next. In the past incidents i heard about, from different people, i think such a feature will be most helpful. The first step will be a pm ignore option. The next much more agressive could be chat ignore, but its tricky to do it because it could be used as an advantage (invisibility).

    I am unable to do this change asap, but you will see it in a few days announced.
  20. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Unacceptable Pl Entry   
    This kind of event is defenelty regretable, especialy when it comes from some people. Since the issue in cause is to be solved by him, i will do my part and work on a player ignore feature next. In the past incidents i heard about, from different people, i think such a feature will be most helpful. The first step will be a pm ignore option. The next much more agressive could be chat ignore, but its tricky to do it because it could be used as an advantage (invisibility).

    I am unable to do this change asap, but you will see it in a few days announced.
  21. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Kamisha in The Temple   
  22. Downvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Discrimination In Md   
    What i did not mention very clearly there is that trying to trap someone into offending you or discriminate you is also a serious thing. I have nothing against man that love man untill one comes next to me wearing a dress and tries to kiss me, well then i explode. If you want to be respected by others , learn to respect the others too.

    This is like that, woman want to be equal with man, fine, then don;t expect man to open the door for you or to carry the groceries or pay for your closes, THEN you are equal.

    I live in a country where such discrimination is common, but in MD i learned that judging anyone by apparences is not only irrelevant but also a huge barrier against realy understanding that person. Its not about how smart or how cute or how well integrated the person is, its about the "character" of that person, something that MD tries to show and to analize. If you bring in MD your personal frustrations, likes and dislikes, everything will go down without a chance to go up.

    Even if you are by nature a person that judges others by race, sex, other, at least try in MD to respect everyone and please don;t mix RL with MD discriminations, ...maybe you will realise that you have A LOT to learn if you do that. I myself learned how idiot i was when i judged people by their preferences or ethnicity, and i still realise how difficult it is to change what others think, like my family or you MD players. If RULES are needed to force you to keep MD clean of that, then so be it. I assure you i will enforce these rules untill md is clean.
  23. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Jubaris in Discrimination In Md   
    What i did not mention very clearly there is that trying to trap someone into offending you or discriminate you is also a serious thing. I have nothing against man that love man untill one comes next to me wearing a dress and tries to kiss me, well then i explode. If you want to be respected by others , learn to respect the others too.

    This is like that, woman want to be equal with man, fine, then don;t expect man to open the door for you or to carry the groceries or pay for your closes, THEN you are equal.

    I live in a country where such discrimination is common, but in MD i learned that judging anyone by apparences is not only irrelevant but also a huge barrier against realy understanding that person. Its not about how smart or how cute or how well integrated the person is, its about the "character" of that person, something that MD tries to show and to analize. If you bring in MD your personal frustrations, likes and dislikes, everything will go down without a chance to go up.

    Even if you are by nature a person that judges others by race, sex, other, at least try in MD to respect everyone and please don;t mix RL with MD discriminations, ...maybe you will realise that you have A LOT to learn if you do that. I myself learned how idiot i was when i judged people by their preferences or ethnicity, and i still realise how difficult it is to change what others think, like my family or you MD players. If RULES are needed to force you to keep MD clean of that, then so be it. I assure you i will enforce these rules untill md is clean.
  24. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from Sharpwind in Hoarding Of Creation Items   
    items will still be stplitted in rare and common items. Raw materials might get more common , such as silver for example, but if so they will also have a different dynamic. Maybe they will be just temporary untill you convert them into somethign or gain something for them. The rare or unique items will remain unique, their value won't change, in fact it might grow once they get any kind of usability.

    You better don't haste to make assumptions on what it will be. I am still not sure of the things i can do with the new features. It might surprise me as well in the end.

    The only stable things you can rely on are the things i place in the announcements. Here on forum i say ideas, how things might be , etc. If you want to plan ahead and anticipate if the item value will raise or drop, its your own risk.
  25. Upvote
    Muratus del Mur got a reaction from xPo in Homing Items   
    Since server is down and hosting is not responding, i will write a bit about what i did today.

    Homing items, well, its possible now. I have a few ideas that might change md a lot in the future, for example:

    - pet items, you feed them with heat or me, or with creatures, they can weaken enemies or simply be cute. They have a fixed number of uses. While in your possession the number resets every time it reaches zero, but when they give them to someone, they will return to you once they are used a given number of times.

    - homing pigeons, owls ... You could give them to someone then when used they would return to you and their description would have a text written by the one that set them free. Of course there is no practical purpose because we have pms ..but maybe for a quest or something...

    - Tool renting. There could be a place where you could rent tools for different things. You pay something for them, like one silver, or other items (supposing there will be many raw material items), or for free, and you could use that tool for a limited number of time. Once its used entirely it would reset back to its "base", reset, and be ready for an other player to use it.

    - torch competition. Heheh...this one is related to somethign bigger and you will see when time comes. Nice part is that without this feature some things that i planned long ago would not be possible, yet back then i was not expecting such a thing.

    There are obviously a lot of new items possible. I just built myself a heat-to-vitality conversion device. It lets you store heat (that drops 1 per sec) and you can activate it whenever you want and heal anybody with that same amount of Ve. It has also the homing feature and limited use, so its very likely i will be passing my new toy around for some of you to test.

    Right now server is dead, and i am at the edge of eating my keyboard out of frustration, so i cant think streight about more possible uses, but i knwo there are.

    one question is most important. Economy or not economy, should there be raw items, and a sort of industry to convert and use them, and together with that skills such as mining, crafting of all sorts and such? I am a bit afraid of making that part of the game. Economy leads to abuse, and in time will need a lot of "continuation" i will not be able to provide ... (because i will be always working on stuff i enjoy and never on stuff i should).

    So its difficult to decide. For now i will be playing with the new toys and try to find a way to keep them balanced, or more towards the unefficient side. Items still have an importance just as such, without their use, so their use can remain on the luxury side for a while.

    Now, this is outrageos, server still down...i'm so gonna kill somebody/thing/....argggg
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