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  1. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Seigheart in Treasure Keepers - Awarding Service - Job Opening   
    Maybe because I was curious to see if he would make the effort to apply properly on his own, rather than some handing it to him.

    But thanks for the insult Burns. Really appreciate it.
  2. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to phantasm in Return   
    maybe because he steals alliances, laughs at the people, and then makes them beg for it back? Then acts all high and mighty like he did them a favor for taking the alliance
  3. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Fire Starter in New Administrative Role   
    Name: Fire Starter

    AD: 582 (as of today, 11.may.2012)

    ID: 202147
  4. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Blood Prince in New Administrative Role   
    I like to apply for the post

    AD: 1170
  5. Upvote
    lightsage reacted to Princess Katt in New Administrative Role   
    I'd like to apply also. I've looked a lot at the avatars, though I usually don't trade them myself (mostly I've helped others with them). I watch my messages very closely and am moderately active.

    Princess Katt
  6. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Eagle Eye in New Administrative Role   
    Name: Eagle Eye
    ID: 180715
    AD: 747
  7. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to I am Bored in New Administrative Role   
    I would like to submit my name as well, although I am not easily directly reachable, I am always reachable immediately via Orvid, who's always at the GOE. (yes, I'll 'borrow' his keyboard for a while if need be )

    Name: I am Bored
    ID: 38621
    AD: 1231

    I also have the free time to be able to fulfill the requirements quite easily.
  8. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Neno Veliki in New Administrative Role   
    Name: Neno Veliki
    ID: 133549
  9. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Seigheart in New Administrative Role   
    Seigheart (ID:18214)

    I think it would suit my role as Treasure Keeper, handling the gold avys.
  10. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Lack of research point counter.   
    Today, there was some minor inconvenience by there not being a counter of the amount of research points you have. It is something that requires attention.
  11. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Hedge Munos in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  12. Downvote
    lightsage reacted to Liberty4life in Return to Papercabin   
    its story choice and nut principle choice that matters like mya said

    also ya get out on next story page, meanin 16-24h since its ch3, also in ch3 ya get ported for every single page, enjoy the trip, many ppl dunt have that luxury since 15/16 of ch3 aint released
  13. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Dragual in Lack of research point counter.   
    Today, there was some minor inconvenience by there not being a counter of the amount of research points you have. It is something that requires attention.
  14. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from lone wolf pup in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  15. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Dragual in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  16. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  17. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Grido in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  18. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Jubaris in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  19. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Brulant in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    Didn't you know? The cake is a lie.
  20. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Brulant in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    To start of: I really enjoyed this. There were some creative riddles and the likes but it was not mainly the assignments at the gates that caused this.

    I do feel I should give a compliment to Kyphis for posing interesting questions for all.

    What I enjoyed most was the feeling of coherence in a way, people being at the challenger unable to pass sharing probable online times, sharing experiences of what was to come if gates were passed. Quite frankly, the 'mood' reminded me of the good ol' days.

    That being said, there are some points for improvement:

    In my opinion the best riddles have but one solution. I encountered some riddles that had a multitude of possible solutions, the 'correct' one being arbitrary and not necessarily the one fitting best. This was slightly frustrated. If you make riddles that have alternate solutions you might want to consider counting them as correct if fitting as well or beter than the intended solution.

    A much smaller issue was time zones, I think it was Windy whom was only able to log in for a few hours a day. On a few days these hours happened to be situated in the middle of the night CET, which was inconvenient. I can imagine different challengers had their online time in different time zone’s nightly hours.

    I was surprised by the amount of online time quite a few of the challengers/gatekeepers put in. Thank you for investing so much of your time into an enjoyable event.
  21. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    To start of: I really enjoyed this. There were some creative riddles and the likes but it was not mainly the assignments at the gates that caused this.

    I do feel I should give a compliment to Kyphis for posing interesting questions for all.

    What I enjoyed most was the feeling of coherence in a way, people being at the challenger unable to pass sharing probable online times, sharing experiences of what was to come if gates were passed. Quite frankly, the 'mood' reminded me of the good ol' days.

    That being said, there are some points for improvement:

    In my opinion the best riddles have but one solution. I encountered some riddles that had a multitude of possible solutions, the 'correct' one being arbitrary and not necessarily the one fitting best. This was slightly frustrated. If you make riddles that have alternate solutions you might want to consider counting them as correct if fitting as well or beter than the intended solution.

    A much smaller issue was time zones, I think it was Windy whom was only able to log in for a few hours a day. On a few days these hours happened to be situated in the middle of the night CET, which was inconvenient. I can imagine different challengers had their online time in different time zone’s nightly hours.

    I was surprised by the amount of online time quite a few of the challengers/gatekeepers put in. Thank you for investing so much of your time into an enjoyable event.
  22. Upvote
    lightsage got a reaction from lashtal in Dominion Journey - your opinion   
    To start of: I really enjoyed this. There were some creative riddles and the likes but it was not mainly the assignments at the gates that caused this.

    I do feel I should give a compliment to Kyphis for posing interesting questions for all.

    What I enjoyed most was the feeling of coherence in a way, people being at the challenger unable to pass sharing probable online times, sharing experiences of what was to come if gates were passed. Quite frankly, the 'mood' reminded me of the good ol' days.

    That being said, there are some points for improvement:

    In my opinion the best riddles have but one solution. I encountered some riddles that had a multitude of possible solutions, the 'correct' one being arbitrary and not necessarily the one fitting best. This was slightly frustrated. If you make riddles that have alternate solutions you might want to consider counting them as correct if fitting as well or beter than the intended solution.

    A much smaller issue was time zones, I think it was Windy whom was only able to log in for a few hours a day. On a few days these hours happened to be situated in the middle of the night CET, which was inconvenient. I can imagine different challengers had their online time in different time zone’s nightly hours.

    I was surprised by the amount of online time quite a few of the challengers/gatekeepers put in. Thank you for investing so much of your time into an enjoyable event.
  23. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Frog Spell during TC   
    Only people carrying a torch can not cast spells.

    The creature will be in your inventory after you leave the illusion.

  24. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Watcher in Development Focus - Citizenship   
    I think that getting people to vote should be part of the process. Perhaps require 50% of the land loyalty of active citizens (same way as adepts logged on in the last 5 days or perhaps a little longer for this such as 14) to vote in favour in order to become citizen.

    As for the length of voting, I believe two weeks to a month is far too long. It would make the voting procedure tiresome and would make the activity indicatore before mentioned inaccurate. Most of the active citizens should be able to find time within a week to vote.

    I don't think negative votes should matter, the border of getting people to vote is a much more involved one. After all, to be admitted you'd require over 50% of the land loyalty.

    I'd suggest an activity indicator of 14 days and a 7 day voting period.
  25. Downvote
    lightsage got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Development Focus - Citizenship   
    I think that getting people to vote should be part of the process. Perhaps require 50% of the land loyalty of active citizens (same way as adepts logged on in the last 5 days or perhaps a little longer for this such as 14) to vote in favour in order to become citizen.

    As for the length of voting, I believe two weeks to a month is far too long. It would make the voting procedure tiresome and would make the activity indicatore before mentioned inaccurate. Most of the active citizens should be able to find time within a week to vote.

    I don't think negative votes should matter, the border of getting people to vote is a much more involved one. After all, to be admitted you'd require over 50% of the land loyalty.

    I'd suggest an activity indicator of 14 days and a 7 day voting period.
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