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Posts posted by stormrunner

  1. your opinion is fine but yes it has no barriar in most places the thing their are a lot of things not many people know about story wise the main reason I want this alliance is to deal with those, everything else is just to get support because right now beside the few people who say they'll help me and a few good lucks I have no surpport once I get some then I can narrow things down but tell I get that I have too try to get surpport how ever I can and once agaian look around they are are many then one alliance like that but there there so please look around then tell me my idea is useless tell then please open your mind alittle oh and you should know most of them are over worked and is so bad for a alliance to openly encourge their members to become LHO and dojo staff and aid the game hell loreroot does that not minding there own stuff they just don't tell anyone even their own

    to make it clear this is the main idea they rest is ether apart of this or trying to get some surpport
    [quote]most people would not see the threats the my group will take care of in fact if my alliance seems to do nothing then we are doing our job well[/quote]

  2. thats only part of it Liberty what no one seems to understand we will not be doing only one thing but many and part of that will be to help the lhos and dojo staff, others will been seen less then this but it will be done hell you needit explain out of the 3 I decide to give power within to only one will do this if the firgure carries over it will only be 1/3 at most doing this the rest will be doing other things and even this will only be half of that 1/3's duties

  3. yes they do but there no reason I can't help they don't always have heat and there are times when no mp 6 is around

    on another point if you wish to join and help me form this and be a member when it start talk to me or Kazya

  4. (laughs)odds are not in my favor this is true but I believe firmly with the aid of my people I can do this beside look at the mr all the have is a name that at first galnce is not a good reason but MRD made them into something great and made their name something to be proud of, I may not be as good as he is but come hell or high water I will not let that stop me not this time

  5. they are working on a place for the dojo but it going to take a while and as rider said one of many dutys would be to try and help the dojo I support them and if I was mp 6 I woould make a point to heal people who been attacked and to do evil thing to those who know the rules yet still attack but our task will not be liimted to just this most of this the dojo staff can do, I wish for my people to help them as much as they can but not try to replace them they are doing a fine job as is and as I said not just this there are other things that need to be done that is why I need the help of a alliance

  6. odds are never in my favor makes life more interesting and before you say my reasons are bad just look at the Savelites their reason is not that good ether yet the their all over the place(their only reason is to make Savelfuser more powrful that is why they were founded) as I said there may be a good story but if things go my way it will never be heard and you need a good reason stilll hm ok dmg control to keep another war from happening after all most only honor the treaties in name and if you know it or not there are things going on I been working dmg control by myself but it to much for only me I need help that is the real reason I started searching for people that is why I need to get this alliance made

    now I'll let the others speak their parts

  7. Page 338 [2008-11-17 04:23:50]
    darkness reborn-rav. others
    a group of shadowy figures stand over the fallen raven
    this can not be allowed, one of them speaks
    your are right says another his voice echoing within itself
    but I can bring him back stronger then he ever was before
    one of the figures places his hand over raven
    a black mist flows down to the fallen warrior
    the mist covers him it swirls slowly a figure rises up from the mists
    raven is reborn no more a mere carrot
    he now can take his revage against the The Bunny Empire

    and so darkness is reborn

    I had too :diablo: :rofl: because the end is only the beginning of your doom(lame evil laugh) just kidding

  8. (laughs)ok you win if I can get The Archivists surpport it will be MDA if not the bell would be good

    How is it a social service? most people would not see the threats the my group will take care of in fact if my alliance seems to do nothing then we are doing our job well other then that doing things like helping saving bob(did that about five mins ago) helping newbies oh and story tellers and book keepers are not know to be fighters watching their backs in case the book burners in necro decide to raid the Archive would also be part of it(half joking)

    on darkness and necro, so am I, I am half demon for those who forgot or do not know, I made sure to say I don't care about that only if your willing to live and die for the cause in fact I what to make it very clears as far as Marind's Bell, Golemus Golemicarum, Necrovion. loreroot go if they don't cause problems as a group I don't care if people with the group start causing problem then yes my alliance would move against that person but only that person and hopeful before the rest of the people knows what happened it be over, so we will be neutral to the other fighting alliance, maybe not to all the people within the alliances but as far as the group, no allies, no enemies in war or battle(again as far as the fighting alliances go) and I will set aside my own feelings if needed both if a friend causes problems and to not attack a enemy if they are doing good deeds

    one thing will not deal with is a internal problem if say someone within necro made a bid for power within the alliance then even if I like khalazdad and he comes to me and asks for help we will not help ether side but we will make sure it stays within that alliance and if one side start to try to force anyone to join them we will stop them by any means necessary

  9. if your willing to help me protect the innocent I will be thankful and will help
    you as I can maybe together we can from a new power that not bound to
    anything but protecting the innocent form the shadows if needed with are
    lives a shadowguard to protect all form the darkness even if it means
    becoming dark ourselfs
    if you want to help me protect others please pm me and
    lets talk

    from the papers of stormrunner

    those who have pledged to help me as my shadowguard
    Kazya(peacekeeper and recuiter)
    dragonrider7(head of patrollers and newbie helper)

    please I need help to do this I need warriors, spys, assassins people who can slove quiest I care not if you have a dark past or carry many sins I only care if you have the will to live and if need die to protect the innocent

    I am currently ask the The Archivists for there surpport

  10. instinctive reactions and subconcious reactions are the same thing just it called subconcious when someone(maybe not the person having the reaction) can find a reason for it but instinctive seem to have no reason to anyone most of the time and when it does it makes no real sense maybe not even to the person having the reaction but it is always hard to shake

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