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Logan Marquis

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Posts posted by Logan Marquis

  1. Actually...I could make you all laugh and say something about how the real world loses important people all the time and they end up replaced...effecting the overall "storyline" as they do. For instance, when John F Kennedy was assassinated in the U.S., the Vice President took over and many things changed immediately.

    Or when September 11th happened in the US...hell...lives were changed. Those "roles" were filled with new people...even though the world would never be the same.

    Is there any given reason the roles couldn't be given to someone else who is worthy of receiving them? Like in Wodin's case...is there another we feel could become the next Wodin...but not truly Wodin?

    I realize there are ties, in-game, but again...is it not part of the cycle? :-) Just a few thoughts...And besides...should anyone TRULY be above the game?

  2. In agreement with Tarquinus' eloquent post:

    What information everyone has is what has been handed to us. Nothing is written upon the documents of old. Everything is perception, and perception is, if nothing else, impure and altered based upon the degree of reflection of one's own motives and beliefs.

    With this said, I believe it necessary to explain that any who question the Sentinels need only look at our statement as an alliance. We are focused on being a defensive group intent upon protecting the lands of Necrovion. These attacks you speak of? I have been attacked more times by seekers of things other than shades, than by the shades or sentinels themselves(before and after joining them).

    You can not POSSIBLY believe that this light you so desperately believe to be your greatest pursuit is really true to you. If it had the opportunity to pursue it's motive and leave you to wallow in your own sufferings...it would. It is not as great as you believe it to be. It is truly blinding you, bit by bit.

    You delve deeper into what you believe is this great balance we are "currently in", but in truth, there is not a thread of balance at the moment. You speak on things you have only been told to be true, yet, in reality, you know no less than I or any other how true they really are. You believe in them because you CHOOSE to believe in them. They are true to you BECAUSE you believe in them.

    There are truths to be sought and found, do not get me wrong. But those which you believe in, I am not of the inclination they are to be true. Perhaps they are perceptions as Tarquinus put it, perhaps not. Either way...

    War is not inevitable. There are ways, but I know not of them. If peace is what you seek, so be it, but is it truly what you seek?

  3. Yeah, I believe I am inclined to agree with Renavoid here. I use Logan on lots of different games(even Star Ocean oddly enough :-p) and I'm not sure how I'd feel if I managed to get him to a RPC status and then for whatever reason decided to leave.

    Perhaps there should be an option to let the creator of the character decide whether they want to sac the char or let them remain around as a true legacy.

    At least that way they can choose. But I have the feeling very few would ever choose to let their character remain, unless it just became too big a deal for them to handle. Who knows...maybe they would?

    In this instance I think it's a little different, and as such might benefit all to have him remain. And oh yeah...Ren has a point, RPC's created for this purpose is one thing...this is entirely another.

  4. Simply...Logan is hoping to achieve the ability of perception of the future within a confined series of events, action, or structures. To expand upon this, his secondary focus of principle is syntropy. I believe if one could focus on only one aspect or outcome within the thread, one might be able to influence to the desired outcome.....

  5. Things are NOT balanced right now. It is only perceived as such. But true balance is when light is NOT the guiding force of the world (that is not to say dark need be either). The moment that cycles, all of them, are returned, we may see TRUE balance. Then...and only then...can war be avoided.

  6. Plus these equipments and such could really enhance the overall flavor of player-controlled stuff. What I mean is, players could essentially place their items in the game where others would write about these special things. They would not be ordinary, and unique is the flow of the game! Great idea Sol!

  7. I have a point of note here...perhaps the true cycle is not really a cycle, but more to be thought of as a circle?

    Think of the time principle as it is explained. It refers to a distinct action(let's say firing an arrow). There is the cocking of the arrow. There is the aiming of the arrow. There is the releasing of the arrow. There is the flight of the arrow. And there is the hit or miss of the arrow. (granted there is one more aspect of the arrow which is actually after the hit and the effect of the hit, but for now we will leave those out of the equation).

    If by broken down in this context of time, we constitute the time principle using the cyclicity principle, could time then become circular/cyclical? If so, one could manipulate time by effectively manipulating the cycle.

    Oh the possibilities are endless! And I believe that is the beauty in the way Manu has crafted all this. Every other game stifles imagination, creativity, and "applied thinking", but this game takes on deeper meanings and encourages those things. This game will succeed because it is a beautiful take on the real world, in a fantasy setting. While poetic and cryptic, it is also meaningful to real life. One might even find they learn something from the game they can apply to life. Wouldn't that be humorous?!!

  8. Well, let's think for a bit to maybe help understand what time could influence in terms of the principle...

    First, it can effect the obvious, which is time. If effected correctly through it's own breaking, one could effectively slow time to allow more hits or to steady one's aim perhaps. Second, it can effect the less obvious, such as initiative. If one were to effectively say slow the cycle of time for an opponent, one might even gain an extra round of attack or first attack.

    Let's go deeper, as I am growing more intrigued as I think on time...

    Think of time as line or string. You have a beginning, a middle, and an end, right?

    Well, what if we were to cut the string in the middle. Now you have, oddly enough, two lines of very different times, but you have essentially two beginnings, two middles, and two ends. Now, what if we swap the two ends of the string and tie it back together. You now have a beginning that was a middle, a middle that was a beginning, and an end that was a middle( i know hard to understand, but picture the string and cut it and follow what i am doing visually ).

    Now, what if we took that single piece of string and made it into a circle or cycle? Time is believed on the natural plane to exist as a circle, where the cycle repeats itself at some point (or at least that is a distinct theory someone has created that I find intriguing). The circle effectively creates no beginning and no end. All is middle.

    Just think of what things you could do by manipulating the circle as you see fit, or the string? Or...what if you could take the linear string and turn it into the circle?

    You effectively gain control over very powerful things. And very intelligent minds could find some VERY cool uses with this one.

    If you could slow time, you could better dodge, block, parry, strike. You could essentially become a powerful adversary just off that one alone. Imagine mixing in other principles...

    And I was thinking further on it, we can actually go one step deeper with this than I already did...

    For instance, take the Time Principle and apply the Cyclicity Principle using the method described above. If time is a linear device, then attuning the Cyclicity Princpile to it would allow one to turn time circular. In other words, with the two working in unison, one could effectively turn the line into a circle(regarding time).

    Using this circle method described above, one could literally rewind time, or perhaps fast-forward. Now this a bit deep for a single spell, but perhaps a line of spells? I mean, you could also fathom it as such...

    If an action is defined within the realm of time it has a distinct beginning(the catalyst that led to what happened), the middle(the actual happening), and the end(what the end result of the happening). If one applied the time principle to this, we see the distinct line. Take and apply the Cyclicity Principle and you now have the circle of time, where each part is still distinct. But...what if...

    What if you turned that circle a tad bit using that Cyclicity Principle(or maybe...Syntropy or something else?). You would not have affected the true time line, but merely shifted the positions of what was considered beginning, middle, and end. Now...what if we say return the circle back to a line using the time principle again? I suppose we could assume that the line would be altered, re-arranged, possibly shifted forward or backward enough that what was once the beginning could now feasibly be the end result?

    I'm just beginning to think upon these things rather deeply as they relate heavily to my character's concepts and future.

    Manu, would you have anything to add or guide me with this? I think what you've done with the Principles is at their root quite revolutionary and the impact is global. You rock Manu!

  9. I concur. I had planned to come on the forum today and post some stuff on my char and his recent activity, but I cannot find where to put it, and as such, it will not end up on the forums. We really need a sub-forum called Roleplays(same as player stories, but a little more open for other stuff too).

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