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  1. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Grido in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    yeah, that's godmodding...

    if they bulked it out a little then it's a bit better..but a line for each?

    there is a number of players who godmod without thinking they are unfortunately, but there are also a number who know they're godmodding and still do it...

    on the most part though people are sensible with their roleplay i think, as in actually acted out, instead of the one-liners.
  2. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Udgard in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Heh, finally a topic about this.

    TO be honest, I'm quite dissappointed at how the majority of RP is heading with MD right now. When I first joined MD, people had unique roles that is somehow based on the realm of MD. Right now a lot of RPers is roleplaying things that, based on the MD world's setting, doesn't seem to exist (demons, vampires, werewolves? -_-a). But I guess it's everyone's right to RP what they like.. And then the godmoddings.. Casting firebolt out of nowhere? Teleporting via magical portal blah3? Yeah, people are godmodding everywhere, and I can totally understand how you feel being called a small minded idiot by someone who did that amount of godmodding in just 3 lines of text...
  3. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Shadowseeker in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    I do admit I sometimes godmod a bit, as in give shadow traits he shouldn't possess...

    But everything has it's limits. The way you create something is easily said in a few lines, but it won'tbe affected by everyone:

    1. Interaction. You can't just go around saying you'll kill everyone with just one swipe of a sword, give them a chance to bend it to their liking. So if you attack them, they can dodge or flee or hit back..whatever. The timing is crucial sometimes, which is why certain roleplay is more suited when you wait a bit, or else you dominate it too much. It's hard to find someone who fits your speed, sometimes.

    2. Powers. Powers do exist, but you aren't a god. Things like dreams, creating fire out of nowhere are already borderline to me, but things like flying without wings/other means, being able to shoot lasers which destroy everything etc..are a bit unlikely and weird not? This most likely will be heavily critisized, but yeah...It should stay solid to a certain degree. If you are someone who can't read, how can you manage to decipher the ancient language nobody else gets? You hopefully understand what I mean.

    3. Story. Roleplay is about stories. You can pick up strands left by other people, you can pick up on events and even as you roleplay you create stories. Roleplay is nothing but a way to express yourself and be creative, in a sense we are all writing one huge book named MD. I'm not sure what the sum of it is or what the standard is, but everything together forms MD, every single one of us. Shouldn't we aim to improve these stories? So they should be fun to read, write and also give us a feeling of satisfaction.

    But yeah, what should I say? Not everyone would follow what I just wrote. Sadly enough, in my opinion.
  4. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Kafuuka in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Obviously godmodding not in the least because they fail to state actions as intentions and give people the opportunity to react. I've put funny comments on that behavior in my papers long ago and I've seen others with similar remarks.
    You are godmodding if:
    a. Your characters' powers aren't just above average, but so far above average that average looks like a the sun at several light years away: a tiny dot.
    b. You decide what happens to other peoples characters. This includes not giving them the opportunity to react to things any sane person would do, like a sword being thrusted at them... think about it: would you stay still waiting until it's plunged deep between your ribs, or would you at least try to dodge it? And mind that it's not the first time they're threatened, they won't freeze due to shock.

    There is one word in the above explanation that can be annoying: average. I really dislike the idea that the majority is right and am more inclined to believe that the majority is a bunch of selfish idiots unable to comprehend the implications of game theory and suboptimal solutions. Luckily we don't have to refer to the players but can look at the AL. I haven't read the entire thing, but how often does a character use their power in it? To me it looks like the realm is filled with powerful magics but the average player is far from controlling it. Instead magic happens to them, for better or worse. Or we could look at the game mechanics: there are spells to temporarily weaken others, silence them... but no instant kill fireball.

    As for people roleplaying demons, werewolves or vampires... some of them would have to think a bit about the MD cosmology. The sun almost never sets and the moon isn't visible often. But what annoys me most is people that say "my character is a demon" and that's it. If I were to say my character is a human, does that define him? If I were to compare character design to sculpting, determining the race is like choosing your block of marble from a quarry. It is an important step, since if you choose a small stone you'll never end up with a big statue, but if you never take up the hammer you'll end up with a block of raw marble...

    I think people should be free to choose their race, even if it doesn't occur naturally in MD. When you first start to play this game, you know next to nothing of the realm and it is difficult, almost impossible, to design a character that grew up in this world. The AL does not cover the last century, and one would think that events of less than 100 years ago would still be taught to children growing up inside the realm. This makes it very tempting to have a character that comes from another realm and is (forced to) exploring MD.

    The question is "why do people play raw blocks of black demon marble?" I fear the answer is "because demons are powerful." Because if they play a demon they can get away with having powers... Similarly I have noticed some people think that being a higher mp level gives them the right to role play silly powers.

    What do I feel about RP at the moment?
    1. godmodders are annoying.
    2. people should learn the difference between IN and OUT OF CHARACTER.
    3. there's way to much OOC. OOC is infectious: you tell something OOC and someone else has a comment on that and then you need to reply again and before you know it the entire chat is filled with OOC. We have all at some point been guilty of this crime sadly.
  5. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Tzaroth747 in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Seeing as Magic Duel is an online roleplaying game, I think it's important that people roleplay. An online game without roleplaying is simply mechanics without flavour. It would be battles only, there would be no adventure log, no quests, and every room would be filled with chat about the weather, work, common gossip, and the like.

    Does this sound extremely boring to anyone else?

    After I explored the mechanics of the game and the fighting for my first five months or so on the game, I gave away and sacrificed all of my creatures. I took a big step towards embracing the game on another level, to interact with people as my character, to be only as my role allowed. And you know something, it is much more fun for me to do that than to run around attacking people, trying different strategies and combat rituals. Every mechanic that is set in stone has a formula for success -- experience and thinking will eventually yield the result that would make you invincible. That, and a lot of time to grind. Or money to buy the tokens. Again, boring.

    Roleplaying is the underlying fabric of the game, the interactions between the people is what becomes engrossing, makes me want to come back for more. To make friends and enemies, to share in the things we create for our characters. We each have a role to play, we each have stories to co-create with the other players.

    Like Shadow said, it's about us all contributing to the living book that is MD. And I don't blame Z for simply ignoring the preposterous godmodding that he undoubtedly has to suffer through on a weekly basis. Bob has become a living, real part of the game, first through Z's singular dedication, and then through the other players buying into the idea and carrying it on. There are other things like this out there now -- newly seeded trees, for one example -- that add to the nature of the game and invite all participants to experience it.

    Our words and actions create a new dimension to the game, one that is overlayed the base mechanics. And it is good roleplaying that creates it, makes it interesting, sustainable, and ultimately enjoyable for all.

    That's my 0.02.
  6. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Blackwoodforest in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    Well i cant tell if I am a good or bad roleplayer, but for me it seems also, that most people dont play their roles quite good. But a few people do it very good and i am glad they are. To say, some names i really like roles of CrazyMike or DST and Zleiphneir. But I do read more and more "gods" or "demons" with unbeliveable powers.
    If I would be a older player I would say "back to the roots"

    just my two cents!

  7. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Metal Bunny in Roleplay: Ifs, Ands, And Buts...   
    [quote name='Liberty4life' date='16 August 2009 - 12:45 AM' timestamp='1250376354' post='39474']
    umm that 50 lvl peasant vs lvl 1 demon... thats quoted from shadow

    Not taking credit here, because I am certain that in the wide world of roleplay, someone, somewhere, may have said this before I did. I am certain of it; this world is full of godmodding children and adult hobby roleplayers.


    Which is basically my opinion this matter. Some of it may not apply, a lot of it will.

    How about I add something new.
    I wrote this in someone's log, to give you an idea how I handle these people.

    [i]"To every action there is an equal and opposed reaction. This game is awesome and great and so it is only natural that annoying people show up."[/i]

    You have some choices when dealing with these godmodders or immature roleplayers, or whatever you want to call them.
    I use a... in my opinion, a more mature and relaxed perspective on these matters. I ignore them or simply roleplay an action that makes them look immature or foolish.

    For instance if someone roleplays eating me, I respond by either ignoring them or by roleplaying that s/he should let me go, if s/he favors his/her teeth.
    If someone roleplays like in the first example; a giant blob eating bob and spitting it out. I would respond by either ignoring it or more likely: roleplaying that I see a quite delusional person humping bob the tree and licking it awkwardly. I then roleplay wondering where one could find a narcotic that would make one so delusional.

    Continuous complaining about people who cannot roleplay properly to the already set consensus of the older players, well, that is just basically useless. If these people are indeed so immature or not used to the level of roleplay, then they will probably not read the forum.
    In the offchance they do adjust, then it was a great thing indeed.

    But far better it is to adapt. Because these people will never stop coming and if you allow them to ruin the game for you, you let them win.

    Instead, keep roleplaying accordingly and set the good example or standard. Passive action, such as NOT RECOMMENDING THEM FOR PWR OR RPC, would be far more efficient in my opinion. These people will always come and play in such a manner, but if you can hold a more prestigious place over them and set a better example, then I believe that in the end, when the grows and grows, the majority of the players will have followed the example and the new players who godmod, will find themselves to be regarded as delusional and in the minority.

    Sounds a bit rough what I am implying, peer pressuring them into /more liked behaviour/, but that is the world we live in. But remember, I am an emperor, I am not a goodly and kind man who wants to be liked by all.

    Complaining does not help a lot I believe, but should it help, by all means, go ahead. Better you than me. I just think it is better to just ignore them or to ridicule them. Oh and to not recommend them for, well, basically anything.

    To stay on topic here, I believe that the current RP is actually quite good. I had expected a lot more Ledah's and the like. You see glass half empty, I see half a glass of vodka in my belly and half more to go before I drunkenly make a pass at some random female relative of yours and make merry while embarassing not only me, but her in front of your entire family as well, with the added result that you can no longer look at her with straight eyes and thoughts. Ever.
  8. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Blood Prince in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

  9. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Numerius Felix in Removal Of The Acceptance Of Alts   
    Reading through this topic, I now have a strong urge to crreate an alt and experience all these great new things.
    how foolish of me to deprive myseelf of this experience! Ah well, "One must understand the purpose of a rule before one maay break it."

    Just sayin'


    An important point is that people actually have alters in Real Life too.

    Let me explain. We all know that in different scenarios, the same person can act differently. It's a fact of life- We carry different "moods," different "states o f mind" waiting to be activated by different, possibly similar situations.

    What some don't realize is that the mind is actually built BASED ON this phenomenon. Get a person drunk and teach them something; they're quite likely to remember it whilst drunk,, and even when drunk in the future! However, sober them up and I can mostly guarantee they'll forget almost everything. (This has been tested rigorously.)
    Basically, each of us has a whole set of identities with different "triggers". while some information overlaps between them, which makes us us, much varies.

    Magic Duel is meant to reflect life to a certain extent, and thus absolutely MUST allow for alters.
  10. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Liberty4life in Chewy Chewy In Da Slippers   

    petition to get this song in winds sanct is now open sign up please
  11. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Raven in In Reply To Amoran's/kalamanira 9 Month Of ..efforts   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='09 August 2009 - 10:06 PM' timestamp='1249852016' post='39081']
    Burns I don't think it should be closed but a maturity check is needed.

    Grow up!

    P.S.: Sorry if I'm getting on your level.. I hope you don't beat me with experience.
  12. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in In Reply To Amoran's/kalamanira 9 Month Of ..efforts   
    Burns I don't think it should be closed but a maturity check is needed. I shall wait till someone else can talk some sense into her. If at all possible.
  13. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Raven in In Reply To Amoran's/kalamanira 9 Month Of ..efforts   
    [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='09 August 2009 - 09:39 PM' timestamp='1249850343' post='39077']
    Ummm actually I am quite the opposite. I don't do what everyone else does

    You got that right.

    Your a very special and different boy.
  14. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in In Reply To Amoran's/kalamanira 9 Month Of ..efforts   
    First of all I was not aware of the being paid for the artworks, I did not quit either when I found our but this has nothing to do with that. Try dealing with this instead acting like the child you claim not to be. I was not actively seeking to destroy Mur and md'. I was not trying to get players to rebel against him.

    Honestly what you were doing is far worse. Grow up, take your medicine and go to bed and rest.
  15. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Burns in Removal Of The Acceptance Of Alts   
    see, i agree with you on the fact that alts with the single purpose of storing creatures there are not 'right', but most alts do a lot more than that...

    most of them have a role of some kind, else people wouldn't bother to play them, and filtering the few which don't have any purpose is just too much work for the little damage they can actually do

    if you personally don't want to use alts for tokens, VE and so on, fine, don't do it and have the feeling that you are morally superior to others, but if others want to do it, let them and think of them what you like...
  16. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Lifeline in Removal Of The Acceptance Of Alts   
    i see this thread with high chances to win the worst thread of year 09 category

    people use alts to get age on their crits and then trade them to their main. so what!? everybody can do that so there is nothing unfair at all. if ur moral standards tell u that is cheating, well then that is ur problem but certainly not a "mistake" of the game that needs to be changed.

    look perm stats and principles are the fruits from training that crit after it was transferred and then sacing it. the only thing that is abuseable are the VP and Vit boost. so the only half decent way would be to only remove the vit and vp boost from transferred crits. but what about real crit trades between 2 different players? it would cost all players trading normally vit and vp boost ... how fair is that?

    and what about people playing 2 completely different roles? like one honorable knight that protects bob for example but at other times they prefer to play a character that is dunno an evil necromancer or something like that. there are a lot of players that invest a lot of time in multiple characters and dont use alts to only transfer crits.
  17. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Removal Of The Acceptance Of Alts   
    I have been long against the use of alts, in every game I have evr played. For me the use of an alt to advance your rp is like outsourcing jobs to another country.

    I firmly believe that if you need another character to play to help further your current characters rp than you're not looking hard enough at other peoples rp. The whole point of a mmorpg is to be able to rp with others in a sumiliar "world". I am sure that certain cases are acceptable but the large majority if alts are being misused whether to get tokens on certain creatures, to spy on another alliance, or to manipulate people to do your bidding, or to complete the same quest twice for the reward.

    This is why I am asking for the removal of the acceptance of alternate characters. To many times have I seen the abuse of alts to win the head contest or to flame another character.

    I am asking for the complete removal of alts, except
    for the use of rpcs. They are the only people out there that have the real need to use alts.

    As for things like the training grounds I know that mrd and other rpcs can take care of those alts.
  18. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Watcher in Faeries   
    [quote name='Lady Renata' date='06 August 2009 - 02:36 PM' timestamp='1249583785' post='38869']
    I'm very confused.Some say faeries are good,some say they are evil. [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif[/img]
    I think they are just...faeries...annyoing,but good little creatures [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img] How is this? xD

    Dependent upon the culture you are from or wish to observe, the behavior of fairies (or faeries) will differ. In most of Europe, where the term originated, the fae could be anywhere from simply curious or mischievous to outright cruel or malignant. Their behavior had much to do with the behaviors and attitudes of those around them.

    There is the tale of the elderly cobbler (one who repairs shoes) who was struggling to finish his work. During the night, elves--one of the many types of fae creatures--would appear during the night and do much of his work for him, allowing him to continue working at much easier pace throughout the rest of his day.
    In this instance, when treated with respect, the fairies were helpful.

    There is also the myth surrounding circles of mushroom growth, also known as "fairy circles," that were thought to be possible portals to the realm of the fae. It was believed that it was best to avoid entering such circles, especially at night, when the fairies were supposed to dance within them. If one was caught within such a circle, they would be forced to dance with the fairies, leading them to utter exhaustion and death or to be trapped there, aging many years within the span of several hours.
    In this instance, when not treated with the respect they deserve, the fairies were far less forgiving or tolerant of humans.

    Several types of fae, such as brownies or sprites, are known to have a more mischievous bent to them, playing tricks on travelers, merchants, mothers, or the like. Some of these pranks would be harmless, such as moving a chair that one was about to sit upon or scaring the cat, causing it to spill a glass of milk or water. However, some of the tricks were not so playful, leading some to injury or for travelers to be lost within enchanted woods forever.
    If such a creature felt slighted or insulted outright, their pranks could take a dangerous turn, leading one to serious injury or death.

    The realm of fae includes a great number of creatures, not all of which are those with wings and sparkles. Some would say goblins, gremlins, and their kin are to be placed within the realm of such fantastic creatures.
    However, this is mostly based on Western European mythology, and more specifically, upon the tales of the Celts and related peoples. It would be interesting to hear more about the fae of other cultures, but I believe that should be the basis of an entirely separate topic.
  19. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Chewett in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

  20. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea reacted to Lady Renata in A list...   
    True Z very true.You can't just make a statement like that : *kills Bob* cuz you just can't.As Z said : it is just ignored.
    You need to cover yourself or get an invisible cloak and pass Z first. Then you can try to kill Bob but who knows what other traps might be hidden there? It's not that simple to have a good RP-ing.
  21. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

  22. Downvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Watcher in A list...   
    Sir Noobalot. Apparently chopped Bob down, just like that, out of nowhere, with a magical axe that apparently came out of thin air....with people standing right in front of him...who obviously wouldnt stop him...obviously. So miraculously Bob was healed...just like that....funny thing that.

  23. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Jester in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

  24. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Prince Marvolo in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

  25. Upvote
    (Zl-eye-f)-nea got a reaction from Last Soldier in Dojo Violator Banning   
    I've said it before, I'll say it again. The Dojo is a choice. This? This isnt a community enforced anything, this is banning someone. Big difference there.

    We all know the Dojo is not some sort of "rule" in the game, so how is banning someone for not going along with it in any way reasonable? For one thing, attacking in the Dojo seems like a reasonable thing to do if you dont agree with it. You guys have lots of other functions you can use to achieve what you want without resorting to what I consider ridiculous levels like this, and which would benefit the game's RP too.

    Incidentally, I never see the Dojo actually being a Dojo. I see no training being done, I see no lessons, but i see lots and lots of people just sitting there knowing that if they get attacked the person will get yelled at. Frankly I think you need people like BloodPrince to remind you that what you have created is a privelidge to be fought for, not a right for which people who disagree get banned. Or are we "fighting for the rights of the dojo" now?

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