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Everything posted by dragonrider7

  1. Grassan 3GC, hope its not already transferred.
  2. Happy Bday Alyon ...njoy
  3. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1303239995' post='83074'] ChildOfTheSoul Anything that fits my name would be awesome. I might have better luck just asking Blackthorn maybe, and having him draw one from scratch. Besides that, I really can't tell you what I like unless you show me an avatar you want to get rid of [/quote] I would also try my luck :-) -rider
  4. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1303166365' post='83038'] Update: [b] but instead will give you your medals when he sees you[/b]. But please do not bug him about it. [/quote] Good to hear that...will be waiting :-) -rider
  5. After a long battle...the aramors won and they walked back...but their King was disappointed despite of victory, he knew his defense was poor against the archers.....he decided quickly attack without defense isnt worth..he didnt ask the God of MD (Mur)...he looked for [i]SubZero[/i] but couldnt find him....and finally he got the [i]dragonrider[/i] the one who holds the "[i]Thousands Shield[/i]"...it was so easy for him to build one for the aramor..and also repair the horn on his shoulders.here he is in his next level...[i]hey where does his other axe go?[/i]...its there on his back sheath....he walks back with his head raised....."[i]archers...!![/i]" [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/AramorLv4.jpg[/img] -rider
  6. After hours of work..he made his ultimate armour...walked out to make a new beginning....he saw the aramors lining infront of him in different colors...he felt he is seeing a rainbow....suddenly the sun's rays fell on him...and he outshined all .....he yelled [i]"this is the weapon that i want...I am ARAMOR the first warrior of MD"[/i] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/WarroirMaster.jpg[/img] -rider
  7. Hmm!! sad to hear that adi.....anyways good luck.
  8. I was walking near the Willow's shop and I found this guy...doing some hard work on his axe....he was telling "[i]Uh!! Mur hasn't given me a strong axe, it broke when I try to cut a rock , I took it to the workshop and there was a big queue of aramors waiting to fix the axe and finally I ended up in doing it .[/i]" [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/img283.jpg[/img] -rider
  9. One fine day I was making some drawing of a dragon, the body came fine..grr!! but the face not looking good, i rubbed it off drawn again..rubbed..drawn...rubbed..drawn...ah!! its not becoming good..I got frustrated..i jumped up from my seat and walked at the mirror..I looked at my face in mirror...Ah!! good beard let me try something on it ..here was the out come [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Anoop1.jpg[/img] I did some PS work on it and here is the incredible [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Anoop2.jpg[/img] I didnt stop...since I had a lot of beard..i tried some more on it and here is the result...my barber nearly offered me a job in his shop [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Anoop3.jpg[/img] -rider
  10. [quote name='Pomegranate' timestamp='1301982378' post='81877'] [color="#483D8B"] Thanks! I draw with Pencil or directly in the computer with a graphics tablet.[/color] [/quote] hmm!! I too have a wacom tablet but aint getting much time to spend with it. -rider
  11. [quote name='Pomegranate' timestamp='1301954638' post='81849'] [color="#483D8B"]Hmm... I guess with that one.. I "think" it took me about 5-6 hours straight?? Whenever I draw or w/e, I always get distracted by other things constantly. Makes it hard to finish pieces.. =([/color] [color="#483D8B"] [/color] [color="#483D8B"]It was done with all pencil. The outline is just me drawing another line around the drawing again. I used my light desk to re-draw it.[/color] [/quote] Su- Su -Su Superrrrrrrrb drawings.....feeling jealous of you...... -rider
  12. The path of the dragon rider never end.....I walked a long distance past the land of East....I sat down under a tree....took a small sleep .....a room full of dream rushed into my my mind, I travelled a lot through the time...I opened my eyes..what!! the MD realm has changed...the buildings has evolved..the technologies has evolved....I saw something moving towards me...uh!! its a security robot, pointing his gun at me for sleeping at the public place.....uh!! suddenly I woke up uff!! it was dream !! but i didnt forget to draw him.. here he is [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Robo.png[/img] -rider PS: Some of the old pics in the thread will be going to the shop soon,.. so if anyone love to want it please let me know.
  13. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1301674488' post='81637'] Now that was a good april fools joke lol, Shame for them i read the forum before i saw the message [/quote] I wasn't intelligent...he got me .....and I shouted it in mood panel too -rider
  14. [quote name='TTLexceeded' timestamp='1300022421' post='80587'] You are all so cheap you can appreciate my insanity and take my deal thus making me earn something for proposing a totally insane deal... I shall create the Ultimate Beggar alt and i shall beg for money from all of you muahahahahah [/quote] Finally dont end up in begging for a bail from the jail he he -rider
  15. Eden was my first protector....he was the one who told me about the dachrons here. But havent seen this avvy anywhere other than Eden, will let you know if I find it. -rider
  16. Happy Birthday to you Mur.....throw a big treat to all of us :-) -rider
  17. [quote name='Geigon' timestamp='1299255852' post='80000'] [font="Book Antiqua"] if this some form of .... protest ... count me in as well PS: i agree with a required MP to upgrade your crits, but it should be something that depends entirely on you , not being forced to start ass-kissing other players or paying them to get adepts just to upgrade some crits ... MP5 should be enough to upgrade any creature in game G.[/font] [/quote] Agree with you
  18. I aint going to write big paras on this...but i say it a few words [b]"I HATE THIS ANNOUNCEMENT"[/b]. -rider
  19. hmm!!, After a long time, one of my wish came true, the creatures will now retain their xp on transfer......this is a great move, it will help in trading creatures like Joker ( which needs hell lot of xp to reach max.....i remember when i bought a Master Joker and finally ended up with lvl 1 Joker with zero xp)... i was actually pleading for entire status transfer and that also came true with the MAGIC crts :-). This makes me to think that..atleast at some areas I was making sense he he :-)....Anyways a big thanks to Mur..... [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8080-some-doubts-and-concern-with-crt-transfer/"]Tranfer doubts[/url] -rider
  20. [quote name='santa cloud' timestamp='1299091716' post='79851'] my first steps here [img]http://img101.imageshack.us/img101/5823/passingsteps.jpg[/img] [/quote] Really good footsteps.....but yeah lot of empty spaces.... -rider
  21. I find it easy converting your pencil drawing to avatar....with Adode fire works....following the tutorial by Yoshi here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6903-how-to-export-transparent-gif-avy/"]Export[/url] -rider
  22. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1298650878' post='79606'] DragonRider, I may colour it in for you if you wish? I could probably use watercolours and then scan it back in if you like? Also brilliant picture! ~Sasha Lilias~ [/quote] Yes.....sure please do it..... -rider
  23. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1298644359' post='79596'] I'm of the bunnies. [b]Looking at this your team looks pretty strong[/b]. good luck ^^ regardless, the Birthday bash should be awesome. [/quote] Yeah!! the DRAGONRIDER is here ha ha ha ;-) -rider
  24. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1298538636' post='79474'] Dragonrider...can you color the drawing? If you have the time, of course. Imo it will look good colored. [/quote] I am not that good at coloring ....anyways will try it out.....in between please feel free to color the pic if anyone have time... -rider
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