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Everything posted by dragonrider7

  1. Just came up with a drawing to start campaign..to Terrorize the Bunnies [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/img266.jpg[/img] -rider
  2. Many many happy returns of the day... -rider
  3. [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1298426574' post='79366'] [attachment=2600:WarWary.gif] My best work so far! The only thing i wish i could've drawn better is the face Evaluate!? Critique? [/quote] Nice shading....improved a lot...go go go... -rider
  4. A different wolf here [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Wolfy.gif[/img] -rider
  5. When there is good..there is evil also....the joker suddenly felt...why should he make everyone laugh?? he then decided to make everyone cry....he then changed his appearance to this [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/ScaryJoker.gif[/img] -rider
  6. I was sitting under a tree in the garden near my home and was drawing my avatars....suddenly..i thought..the tree....does it look similar to Awiya??.....i jumped from there went back a bit and took a frame and draw it in my mob...opps...i left my book there.... [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Tree1.gif[/img] -rider
  7. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen'] DragonRider7 - Older member of this community that started integrating more publicly only relatively recently. Became focused on fighting recently. VS Sasha Lilias - An ever present member of the MD community, she hasn't paid much attention to fighting recently though. She is another example of an experienced player, yet "weak" in combat. [/quote] [b]Dragonrider7 Vs Sasha...... [/b] First DR7 attacks Sasha [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/DM.jpg[/img] Influence [log Influence ] Loading dragonrider7 creatures Loading sasha lilias creatures Applying 100% of dragonrider7's energetic influence Applying 0% of sasha lilias's energetic influence Influences for dragonrider7 ###### Axe Waarior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus Mutendra Black Silve: creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare Mumbassa gets unfrozen Voids Listener gets frozen Influences for sasha lilias ###### Voids Warrior: creatureboost, antifreeze, levelscare Joker gets unfrozen Imperial Aramor Warrior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus Applying dragonrider7's Creature Tokens at 0% Dark Ripper Dupe's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, kellethafire, blooddrop1, emeraldglare, jewelshards, osirisbelt, purpurmoon, goldbelt, sunshine, blackdiamonds] [kellethafire] Dark Ripper Dupe gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [emeraldglare] Dark Ripper Dupe gets 0 regeneration and 1 defence based on enemy creature skills [jewelshards] Dark Ripper Dupe gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [osirisbelt] Dark Ripper Dupe gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 1200 [goldbelt] Dark Ripper Dupe gets 300 defence based on won battles [sunshine] Dark Ripper Dupe gets +20% defence due to missing Light and/or Syntropy Principle Demolition Monkey's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, jewelshards, goldbelt] [jewelshards] Demolition Monkey gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [goldbelt] Demolition Monkey gets 300 defence based on won battles Axe Waarior's creature tokens [stardust, kellethafire, emeraldglare, firedrop, jewelshards, blooddrop2] [kellethafire] Axe Waarior gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [emeraldglare] Axe Waarior gets 0 regeneration and 1 defence based on enemy creature skills [jewelshards] Axe Waarior gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [blooddrop2] gets 2 initiative (10 percent) King Rabid Wolf's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, antifreeze, emeraldglare, jewelshards, firedrop, claw3, goldbelt, onyxfangs, blooddrop1] [emeraldglare] King Rabid Wolf gets 0 regeneration and 8 defence based on enemy creature skills [jewelshards] King Rabid Wolf gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [goldbelt] King Rabid Wolf gets 300 defence based on won battles [onyxfangs] King Rabid Wolf gets 6 attack (2 percent) Mutendra Black Silve's creature tokens [firedrop, jewelshards, stardust, darkshield, onyxfangs, blackdiamonds, enlightning] [jewelshards] Mutendra Black Silve gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [darkshield] Mutendra Black Silve gets 253 defence [onyxfangs] Mutendra Black Silve gets 7 attack (2 percent) Mumbassa's creature tokens [enlightning, goldbelt, darkshield, onyxfangs, claw1, emeraldglare, kellethafire] [goldbelt] Mumbassa gets 296 defence based on won battles [darkshield] Mumbassa gets 253 defence [onyxfangs] Mumbassa gets 3 attack (2 percent) [emeraldglare] Mumbassa gets 0 regeneration and 1 defence based on enemy creature skills [kellethafire] Mumbassa gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle Applying sasha lilias's Creature Tokens at 100% Happy's creature tokens [claw2, darkshield, onyxfangs, sunshine, goldbelt, blooddrop2, blooddrop1, stardust, antifreeze, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [claw2] Happy gets 1333 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles [onyxfangs] Happy gets 31 attack (2 percent) [sunshine] Happy gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [goldbelt] Happy gets 234 defence based on won battles [blooddrop2] gets 0 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop1] Happy gets 282 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Happy gets 1 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination Voids Warrior's creature tokens [emeraldglare, purpurmoon, osirisbelt, darkshield, claw3, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, stardust, antifreeze, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [emeraldglare] Voids Warrior gets 2 regeneration and 73 defence based on enemy creature skills [osirisbelt] Voids Warrior gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 960 [claw3] Voids Warrior gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [blooddrop1] Voids Warrior gets 40 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Voids Warrior gets 41 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop2] gets 25 initiative (10 percent) Voids Whisperer's creature tokens [emeraldglare, kellethafire, jewelshards, firedrop, osirisbelt, onyxfangs, goldbelt, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, antifreeze, stardust, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [emeraldglare] Voids Whisperer gets 2 regeneration and 118 defence based on enemy creature skills [kellethafire] Voids Whisperer gets +10% vitality and 1375 defence due to Light and Element Principle [jewelshards] Voids Whisperer gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [firedrop] Voids Whisperer gets 3305.4682 vitality based on principles [osirisbelt] Voids Whisperer gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 1050 [onyxfangs] Voids Whisperer gets 2 attack (2 percent) [goldbelt] Voids Whisperer gets 300 defence based on won battles [blooddrop1] Voids Whisperer gets 12 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Voids Whisperer gets 0 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop2] gets 0 initiative (10 percent) [stardust] Voids Whisperer gets 52 regeneration and power, 13 luck Voids Listener 's creature tokens [claw1, enlightning, purpurfog, jewelshards, onyxfangs, darkshield, claw3, sunshine, blooddrop2, blooddrop1, blooddrop3, stardust, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [purpurfog] Voids Listener gets 3514 vitality. All other friendly creatures lose that much vitality cumulated [jewelshards] Voids Listener gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [onyxfangs] Voids Listener gets 2 attack (2 percent) [claw3] Voids Listener gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [sunshine] Voids Listener gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [blooddrop2] gets 20 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop1] Voids Listener gets 58 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Voids Listener gets 44 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop3] Voids Listener gets 127 attack (20 percent) and 53 initiative (20 percent) Joker's creature tokens [kellethafire, emeraldglare, firedrop, jewelshards, purpurmoon, darksky, darkshield, onyxfangs, claw3, goldbelt, blooddrop2, blooddrop1, stardust, blackdiamonds, antifreeze, goldtear] [kellethafire] Joker gets +10% vitality and 1375 defence due to Light and Element Principle [emeraldglare] Joker gets 2 regeneration and 68 defence based on enemy creature skills [firedrop] Joker gets 3305.4682 vitality based on principles [jewelshards] Joker gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [darksky] Joker gets 81.3256 attack and defence due to Darkness Principle [onyxfangs] Joker gets 6 attack (2 percent) [claw3] Joker gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [goldbelt] Joker gets 264 defence based on won battles [blooddrop2] gets 20 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop1] Joker gets 49 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Joker gets 45 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination Imperial Aramor Warrior's creature tokens [emeraldglare, firedrop, purpurmoon, jewelshards, darkshield, blacktear, sunshine, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, stardust, blackdiamonds] [emeraldglare] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets 2 regeneration and 74 defence based on enemy creature skills [firedrop] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets 3305.4682 vitality based on principles [jewelshards] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [sunshine] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [blooddrop1] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets 13 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Imperial Aramor Warrior gets 1 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop2] gets 0 initiative (10 percent) [/log] [log Battle] sasha lilias's Voids Listener remains frozen, skipping turn sasha lilias's Voids Warrior does damage to multirandom creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Demolition Monkey receives 68 damage and remains with 2424 vitality - Axe Waarior receives 390 damage and remains with 3348 vitality sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Axe Waarior receives 82 random damage and remains with 3266 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 879 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 243 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 3085 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 6647 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 253 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 7462 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 5064 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 550 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 4846 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 5063 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 1196 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 5451 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 1343 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 6119 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 911 vitality from Joker and gives it to Mumbassa and remains with 4152 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 215 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 2870 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 259 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 5860 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 517 vitality from Voids Warrior and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 2353 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 1055 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 4805 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 878 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 345 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 2008 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 5450 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 295 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 4510 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 4151 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 280 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 4566 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mutendra Black Silve receives 474 random damage and remains with 9563 vitality sasha lilias's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Demolition Monkey receives 1 damage and remains with 3619 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 5339 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 3618 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 91 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 3175 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 2379 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 9562 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4273 vitality ###### START ROUND "1" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener remains frozen, skipping turn sasha lilias's Voids Warrior does damage to multirandom creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Axe Waarior receives 390 damage and remains with 2785 vitality - Mutendra Black Silve receives 100 damage and remains with 9462 vitality - Mumbassa receives 1 damage and remains with 4272 vitality sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Axe Waarior receives 61 random damage and remains with 2724 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 877 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 500 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 1508 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 5449 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 365 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 4145 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 4150 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 245 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 4321 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 4149 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 158 vitality from Happy and gives it to Mumbassa and remains with 719 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 746 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 3399 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 747 vitality from Joker and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 3402 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 778 vitality from Imperial Aramor Warrior and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 3543 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 96 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 1412 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 406 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 2993 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3401 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 232 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 3311 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 254 vitality from Voids Warrior and gives it to Axe Waarior and remains with 1158 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 539 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 2454 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 718 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 267 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 891 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 5448 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 187 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 2267 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3400 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 358 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 2953 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Dark Ripper Dupe receives 1 random damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 6655 vitality sasha lilias's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 damage and remains with 4429 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6654 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 4364 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 82 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 2896 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 3124 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 9461 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4428 vitality ###### START ROUND "2" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener remains frozen, skipping turn sasha lilias's Voids Warrior does damage to multirandom creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Dark Ripper Dupe receives 1 damage and remains with 6653 vitality - Demolition Monkey receives 68 damage and remains with 4296 vitality - Axe Waarior receives 390 damage and remains with 2506 vitality - King Rabid Wolf receives 73 damage and remains with 3051 vitality sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 random damage and remains with 4427 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 717 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 399 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 492 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 5447 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 375 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 1892 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3399 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 416 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 2537 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 3398 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 129 vitality from Happy and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 588 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 89 vitality from Voids Warrior and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 403 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 587 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 83 damage to Voids Warrior and remains with 320 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 349 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 1543 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3397 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 64 vitality from Voids Warrior and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve(luck: double effect) and remains with 256 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 980 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4467 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 160 damage to Happy and remains with 427 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 300 damage to Voids Warrior creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 4466 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 404 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 1139 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3396 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 184 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 2353 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - King Rabid Wolf receives 1 random damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 4030 vitality sasha lilias's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 damage and remains with 4426 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6870 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 4295 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 118 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 2388 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4029 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 9524 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4425 vitality ###### START ROUND "3" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener remains frozen, skipping turn sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mutendra Black Silve receives 1 random damage and remains with 9523 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 426 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 4465 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 411 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 728 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3395 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 335 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 2018 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 3394 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 77 vitality from Happy and gives it to Axe Waarior and remains with 349 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 131 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 597 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 76 damage to Happy and remains with 273 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 347 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 250 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 3393 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 445 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 1573 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 804 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 3661 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 45 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Axe Waarior and remains with 205 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 611 vitality from Joker and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 2782 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 272 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 3660 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 391 damage to Voids Listener creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 2781 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 170 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 1403 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mutendra Black Silve receives 473 random damage and remains with 9181 vitality sasha lilias's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - King Rabid Wolf receives 1 damage (luck: cancel effect) and remains with 4832 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6869 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 4905 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 141 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 2369 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4831 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 9180 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4424 vitality ###### START ROUND "4" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Dark Ripper Dupe receives 1 random damage and remains with 6868 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 271 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 3659 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 2780 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 517 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 886 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 2779 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 49 vitality from Happy and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 222 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 659 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 3000 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 221 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 2778 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 249 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 637 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 40 vitality from Happy and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 181 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 540 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 2460 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 180 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 2459 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 2777 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 82 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 555 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 155 random damage and remains with 4269 vitality sasha lilias's Imperial Aramor Warrior does damage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 damage and remains with 4268 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6916 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 5563 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 49 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 2320 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4830 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 9759 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4267 vitality ###### START ROUND "5" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Axe Waarior receives 86 random damage and remains with 2234 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 179 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 2458 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 2776 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 429 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior and remains with 126 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 2775 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 32 vitality from Happy and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 147 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 500 vitality from Joker and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 2275 vitality - Steallife power: 20% - steals 25 vitality from Imperial Aramor Warrior and gives it to Axe Waarior(luck: double effect) and remains with 101 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 2457 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 440 damage to Imperial Aramor Warrior creature DIES! dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 26 vitality from Happy and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 121 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 442 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 2015 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 410 vitality from Joker and gives it to Axe Waarior and remains with 1865 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 120 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 2014 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1864 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Axe Waarior receives 828 random damage and remains with 1841 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6915 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 6036 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 53 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 1788 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4829 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 10284 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4266 vitality ###### START ROUND "6" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - King Rabid Wolf receives 1 random damage and remains with 4828 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 119 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 2013 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1863 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 1862 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 21 vitality from Happy and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 98 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 362 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 1651 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 335 vitality from Joker and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 1527 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 66 damage to Happy and remains with 32 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1650 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1526 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 31 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1649 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1525 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mutendra Black Silve receives 48 random damage and remains with 10598 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7249 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 6056 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 125 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 1663 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4827 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 10597 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4265 vitality ###### START ROUND "7" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Dark Ripper Dupe receives 1 random damage and remains with 7248 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 30 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1648 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1524 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 1523 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 297 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 1351 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 274 vitality from Joker and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 1249 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Happy and remains with 29 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1350 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1248 vitality sasha lilias's Happy does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Dark Ripper Dupe receives 72 random damage and remains with 7747 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7746 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 6055 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 92 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 1571 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 4826 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 10596 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4264 vitality ###### START ROUND "8" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 random damage and remains with 4263 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 116 damage to Happy creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1349 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1247 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Joker receives 1 damage and remains with 1246 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 243 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 1106 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 224 vitality from Joker and gives it to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 1022 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 1105 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 1021 vitality dragonrider7's Demolition Monkey does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 18% - steals 199 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 906 vitality - Steallife power: 18% - steals 184 vitality from Joker and gives it to Demolition Monkey and remains with 837 vitality dragonrider7's Mumbassa does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 905 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Joker and remains with 836 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7745 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Demolition Monkey and remains with 6680 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 89 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 1482 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 5049 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 10595 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Mumbassa and remains with 4262 vitality ###### START ROUND "9" ###### sasha lilias's Joker does randomdamage to random creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - Mumbassa receives 1 random damage and remains with 4261 vitality ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... dragonrider7 WINS! -76.518139% vs 89.883788% [/log] [b]DR7 wins[/b] [b]Sasha attacks DR7[/b] [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/SashaAttacksDR.jpg[/img] [log Influence] Loading sasha lilias creatures Loading dragonrider7 creatures Applying 78% of sasha lilias's energetic influence Applying 100% of dragonrider7's energetic influence Influences for sasha lilias ###### Influences for dragonrider7 ###### Axe Waarior: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus Mutendra Black Silve: creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare Axe Waarior gets unfrozen Freeze has no effect Flying Shadow: poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze Voids Whisperer gets frozen Applying sasha lilias's Creature Tokens at 22% Voids Whisperer's creature tokens [emeraldglare, kellethafire, jewelshards, firedrop, osirisbelt, onyxfangs, goldbelt, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, antifreeze, stardust, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [emeraldglare] Voids Whisperer gets 2 regeneration and 10 defence based on enemy creature skills [kellethafire] Voids Whisperer gets +10% vitality and 595 defence due to Light and Element Principle [jewelshards] Voids Whisperer gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [firedrop] Voids Whisperer gets 727.203 vitality based on principles [osirisbelt] Voids Whisperer gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 1050 [onyxfangs] Voids Whisperer gets 11 attack (2 percent) [goldbelt] Voids Whisperer gets 300 defence based on won battles [blooddrop1] Voids Whisperer gets 57 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Voids Whisperer gets 7 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop2] gets 4 initiative (10 percent) [stardust] Voids Whisperer gets 52 regeneration and power, 13 luck Voids Listener 's creature tokens [claw1, enlightning, purpurfog, jewelshards, onyxfangs, darkshield, claw3, sunshine, blooddrop2, blooddrop1, blooddrop3, stardust, blackdiamonds, goldtear] [purpurfog] Voids Listener gets 3333 vitality. All other friendly creatures lose that much vitality cumulated [jewelshards] Voids Listener gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [onyxfangs] Voids Listener gets 11 attack (2 percent) [claw3] Voids Listener gets 44 attack, power and initiative based on Principles [sunshine] Voids Listener gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle [blooddrop2] gets 8 initiative (10 percent) [blooddrop1] Voids Listener gets 111 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop1] Voids Listener gets 18 initiative (20 percent) due to principles combination [blooddrop3] Voids Listener gets 243 attack (20 percent) and 21 initiative (20 percent) Applying dragonrider7's Creature Tokens at 0% Dark Ripper Dupe's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, kellethafire, blooddrop1, emeraldglare, jewelshards, osirisbelt, purpurmoon, goldbelt, sunshine, blackdiamonds] [kellethafire] Dark Ripper Dupe gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [emeraldglare] Dark Ripper Dupe gets 8 regeneration and 72 defence based on enemy creature skills [jewelshards] Dark Ripper Dupe gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [osirisbelt] Dark Ripper Dupe gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 1200 [goldbelt] Dark Ripper Dupe gets 300 defence based on won battles [sunshine] Dark Ripper Dupe gets +20% defence due to missing Light and/or Syntropy Principle Axe Waarior's creature tokens [stardust, kellethafire, emeraldglare, firedrop, jewelshards, blooddrop2] [kellethafire] Axe Waarior gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle [jewelshards] Axe Waarior gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [blooddrop2] gets 2 initiative (10 percent) Nemisis archer's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, blooddrop1, antifreeze, stardust, darkshield, onyxfangs, blooddrop2] [darkshield] Nemisis archer gets 847 defence [onyxfangs] Nemisis archer gets 3 attack (2 percent) [blooddrop2] gets 2 initiative (10 percent) King Rabid Wolf's creature tokens [claw2, claw1, antifreeze, emeraldglare, jewelshards, firedrop, claw3, goldbelt, onyxfangs, blooddrop1] [jewelshards] King Rabid Wolf gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [goldbelt] King Rabid Wolf gets 300 defence based on won battles [onyxfangs] King Rabid Wolf gets 6 attack (2 percent) Mutendra Black Silve's creature tokens [firedrop, jewelshards, stardust, darkshield, onyxfangs, blackdiamonds, enlightning] [jewelshards] Mutendra Black Silve gets Max Vitality capacity doubled [onyxfangs] Mutendra Black Silve gets 7 attack (2 percent) Flying Shadow's creature tokens [osirisbelt, onyxfangs, darksky, blackdiamonds, blooddrop1] [osirisbelt] Flying Shadow gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 60 [onyxfangs] Flying Shadow gets 2 attack (2 percent) [darksky] Flying Shadow gets 0 attack and loses 0 defence due to missing Darkness Principle [/log] [log Battle] sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 755 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7883 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 880 damage to Axe Waarior and remains with 2181 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 109 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 2750 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 805 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 2954 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1634 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 8925 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 2113 damage to Flying Shadow creature DIES! sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 343 damage (146 piercing + 1.48% (tried 48%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 12988 vitality dragonrider7's Axe Waarior does damage to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives 1 damage and remains with 12987 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 12986 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 213 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 18614 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "1" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 981 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6902 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 2510 damage to Axe Waarior creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 41 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 2709 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 870 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 2084 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1988 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 6937 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 338 damage (146 piercing + 1.48% (tried 48%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 12648 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 12647 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 89 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 18525 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "2" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1534 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 5368 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 733 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 1976 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1452 damage to King Rabid Wolf and remains with 632 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1959 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 4978 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 333 damage (146 piercing + 1.48% (tried 41.28%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 86%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 12314 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 12313 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 17 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 18508 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 2463 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Nemisis archer and remains with 9850 vitality - Steallife power: 20% - steals 3702 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 14806 vitality dragonrider7's King Rabid Wolf does haoticdamage to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 9849 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 14805 vitality ###### START ROUND "3" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 895 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 8175 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1143 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 3296 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 847 damage to King Rabid Wolf creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 2467 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 2511 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 292 damage (146 piercing + 1.48% (tried 48%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 9557 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 9556 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 14804 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "4" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1920 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 6255 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1426 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 1870 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1531 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 980 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 287 damage (146 piercing + 1.48% (tried 39.36%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 82%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 9269 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 9268 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 14803 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 1854 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7414 vitality - Steallife power: 20% - steals 2961 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 11842 vitality ###### START ROUND "5" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1015 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7094 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1363 damage to Nemisis archer and remains with 507 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 2427 damage to Mutendra Black Silve and remains with 1514 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Nemisis archer does aimedhit to strong creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Voids Whisperer receives AIMED HIT with 194 damage (146 piercing + 0.65% (tried 11.04%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 23%, enemy defence resistance: 9.664, enemy level resistance: 1.75 ) and remains with 7220 vitality dragonrider7's Mutendra Black Silve does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - hits haoticaly and does 1 damage to Voids Whisperer and remains with 7219 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 171 damage to Voids Listener and remains with 11671 vitality dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "6" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1523 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 5571 vitality - hits haoticaly and does 1221 damage to Nemisis archer creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 2717 damage to Mutendra Black Silve creature DIES! sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 1444 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 5775 vitality - Steallife power: 20% - steals 2334 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 9337 vitality ###### START ROUND "7" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1171 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 8178 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "8" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 749 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7429 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "9" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1609 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 5820 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "10" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1723 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 4097 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "11" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1300 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 2797 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND "12" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 1410 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 1387 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn dragonrider7's Dark Ripper Dupe does steallife to multirandom creature(s) of sasha lilias and: - Steallife power: 20% - steals 1155 vitality from Voids Whisperer and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 4620 vitality - Steallife power: 20% - steals 1867 vitality from Voids Listener and gives it to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 7470 vitality ###### START ROUND "13" ###### sasha lilias's Voids Listener does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of dragonrider7 and: - hits haoticaly and does 2089 damage to Dark Ripper Dupe and remains with 2320 vitality sasha lilias's Voids Whisperer remains frozen, skipping turn ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... sasha lilias WINS! 57.235329% vs 90.945281% [/log] [b]Sasha wins[/b] [b] So the battle ends in a tie.[/b] -rider
  8. I am in!! -rider
  9. [quote name='Udgard' timestamp='1298259466' post='79157'] Of course I'd like to see team bunny vs team drach, a competition to end all the unfinished rivalry! Too bad RJ's seems not to be around anymore.. =( [/quote] Some one said drach?...........DR is in with his dragon -rider
  10. [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1297730621' post='78867'] [attachment=2564:Untitled.jpg] [attachment=2563:fai.jpg] [attachment=2562:wiz.jpg] [attachment=2560:flower.jpg] [attachment=2561:scary.jpg] Forgot to say... Muahahaha.. my scanner is working I'll add more later. And any info on changing the background to transparent? I already know i need to put MD on the flower and i need to darken all my avatars Critiques? Comments? Ratings from 1-5? Please post opinions (What's the size they have to be? [/quote] He adio, try seeing [url="http://www.posemaniacs.com/"]Poses[/url] to get the proportions and also try drawing reading some highly inspiring comics by Marvel or some and as i told get a book by Christopher Hart. And now coming to making of avatar, i do this 1. Scan your pic. 2. Open photoshop, adjust the contrast and levels to darken the pic. 3. Crop the image to its boundaries and resize it to 100x160 using photo shop, save as jpg. 4. Open the image in Adobe fireworks. 5. Go to Commands->Creative->Convert To GrayScale 6. Then Filters->Others->Convert To Alpha. 7. Use the eraser and remove if any bad smudges are there in your image. 8. Then File->Image Preview->Select Alpha transparency and export. 9. Avatar is ready [b]I actually followed the description provided by Yoshi here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6903-how-to-export-transparent-gif-avy/"]Avymake[/url] [/b] -rider
  11. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1298197465' post='79102'] Thank you for the comments... I'm trying to draw new poses, but it isn't working out for now. :/ I'm suffering from insomnia and this is the result: [attachment=2581:cursedwarriorsoulsteal.jpg] [/quote] Its not that bad he he........ -rider
  12. I was watching the crude face at the Gates of Necrovion....muttering " why dont you open for me??"........suddenly he jumped from nowwhere a living corp...skeleton warrior...he took a fighting stance at me but...he turned around and ran as if he was chasing something....who is he...does anybody know?? [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Skelton.gif[/img] -rider
  13. [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1297387939' post='78740'] Hey Dragonrider, anytime you come across a sweet little Dormouse, curled up in a ball and fast asleep by the lake or on a tree branch in Loreroot - you just let me know hey! DM [/quote] Couldnt find a sleeping rat...but found an eating little rat. [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/rat.jpg[/img] -rider
  14. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1297781555' post='78893'] He's looking down. Edit: another one... [attachment=2567:cultist.jpg] [/quote] Cool!! Gimme some shading tips man... -rider
  15. The flying fireball ....is in!! -rider
  16. I continued my walk towards Loreroot.....and when I reached Raven's peace...I saw a big creature moving between the trees...I went near to it...hmm it was big and as big as a max grassan...boom!! he jumped towards me...but stopped in sudden seeing my dragon.. I didnt try to attack him, instead I made him believe that I am a friend...he told me that he came after getting an invitation from his brother Mr. Grassan...hmm so this guy is a brother of grassan??...hmm anyways..he is good looking than grassan .... [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/img251.jpg[/img] -rider PS:If anybody needs any of my above pics as avy..please let me know, and also let me know..how do you want it to look like in the final form
  17. I was walking near the willow's shop...suddenly heard..some sounds, like someone working with metals, forging or something.. I waited there for sometime and I saw the door getting opened and a warrior fully in metal walking out......his entire body was shining bright in the sun. He stared at me for sometime and started walking away, I called him and asked about him....he says he is the distant cousin of "Imperial Aramor" and he calls himself as "Imperial Ninja Warrior", he doesnt use axe, instead he uses his highly sharp sword...now he is looking for team ....if anybody wants to recruit him to your legion please let me know...and here he is [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/img249.jpg[/img] -rider
  18. [quote name='apophys' timestamp='1297221442' post='78672'] A dark is just a glorified elemental... [/quote] Wow!! I love elems a lot....... I would love to know what power difference it has than the normal one? -rider
  19. 5GC for the Rusty -rider
  20. Ha what a nice weather, I was walking through the Whisper Alley...suddenly i heard some sound..near the trees..sound of a lady...I walked towards its source and found a lady practicing kungfu or some with her stick...who is she?? I wondered, I waited for her to turn so that I can see her face, she turned ...Ah!! what a face..did I meet my mate??.. she stared at me for a moment and continued her practise...I thought of way to talk to her, after a little though I pulled out an old text book method...I asked my dragon to come around and intimidate her...kudos it worked.... she said she came here to join some sisterhood ...I talked to her for a longtime....while leaving her I looked back....is she the princess I was waiting?? Nah!! she is a warroir, cant say when she is gonna kick my butts ....he he and as usually I haven't forgotten to get a drawing of her.... [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/img246.jpg[/img] rider
  21. Hmmm!! It hasn't reached an end...there are more creatures coming out from the lake....we caught a creature...a dragon?...reptile?....lizard??...dont know, he says that he is a kin of crocodile... he seem to have come in search of his King Demon who is with me.....I cant let these creatures wander around and cause damage... I got him also under custody...here he is [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Reptile.jpg[/img] rider
  22. [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1297054992' post='78553'] [u][b](these are all in order of being drawn. slowly but surely i think i've gotten better xD)[/b][/u] look through them in order to see My personal favorites (in order going down) 1: scary faceless man 2: fairy girl 3: faceless woman standing up Quality is pretty horrible because i used my webcam (bleh) to get the pictures here. But they are not finished products yet (i think) so once i finish them I'll get to working on hooking up the scanner. Please i want some tips on how to improve these drawings overall to get them approved as avatars. (note: the harp is a drawing for my harp item) (EDIT: oh goodness.. they look absolutely horrifying in this quality! i swear they look better in RL when you see them) 1[attachment=2554:ha.jpg] 2[attachment=2556:ho.jpg] 3[attachment=2551:bl.jpg] 4[attachment=2553:fa.jpg] 5[attachment=2552:bl2.jpg] 6[attachment=2555:sc.jpg] (these are all in order of being drawn. slowly but surely i think i've gotten better xD) [/quote] Did you scan those pics?? or took photos??....seem to have lot of shadows.......and about the pics..I likes the first one very much.... and about the human characters..you may want to put just a little more effort to the proportions on some of them, other than that its pretty nice.....go go player ;-)..... and I learned the basics from Christopher Hart's book...he is a super champ IMO [url="http://www.flipkart.com/drawing-cutting-edge-anatomy-christopher-book-0823023982"]Cutting Edge Anatomy[/url] and also see [url="http://www.posemaniacs.com/"]posemaniac[/url] site -rider
  23. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1297057329' post='78554'] Looks a little similar to an avatar I found in the shop about a month ago. Image in second post on page three of Asterdai's avatar shop in the central market. http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8308-avatar-shop/page__st__40 [/quote] Havent noticed that....this why I put a suggestion here [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/7629-suggestion-for-avatar-gallery/"]Avatar Gallery[/url] so that people can see..what avys exits...but my guy here is little evolved and he can be called as a King Demon -rider
  24. Hmm!! Today morning ...me and my dragon was taking a flight above Willow's walk...and we saw something moving in the lake....uh!! was that a Water Demon??...no its not...then wat's it......on a closer look...i found it is something new...did it came to cause nemesis to MD land??.....not sure ....we caught is after a small fight and kept it in custody..with the Rabid wolf...I took out a notice paper and drew it, this is how he looks....does someone knows or want this guy??.....hmm in coming days there can be more creatures in MD lands.....we will be looking for it... [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/WdAr.jpg[/img] -rider
  25. [quote name='bfh lighthing' timestamp='1296951856' post='78521'] I must say it looks pretty well. Also with a bit rotation and resizing it will fit the avatar standards. [/quote] Thanks...BFH, this is what I could bring ..... reducing the size takes away a lot of detailing [img]http://i148.photobucket.com/albums/s28/anoop4real/Wolf.png[/img] rider
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