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  1. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Manda in Poll Vote for your favorite Holiday Scene/makeover contest   
    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]ignnus[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Chengmingz[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]DST[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]SkyArmy[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Tipu[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Phantom Orchid[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Esmaralda[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Shadowseeker[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif](Zl-eye-f)-nea[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]samon[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Guillak[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Eon[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Rhaegar Targaryen[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Manda[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]SoothingSands[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]lone wolf pup[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Andrew16[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Jolla[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Duke of Malfi[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]dragonrider7[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Ze Riel Diel[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Trola[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]Brulant[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]DarkRaptor[/font][/color]

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]BFH[/font][/color]
    [url="http://magicduel.com/userfiles/181413/SANTA.gif"]http://magicduel.com...81413/SANTA.gif[/url][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color]
  2. Downvote
    ZenTao reacted to dst in Rewards   
    No fenrir. I want an answer from YOU. And I am questioning the way you fulfill your duty and your role. So far all I could see is you messing with lots of stuff and failing to provide proper answers. If you have something with MY role please bring proofs! If you don't have them SHUT the **** UP!
  3. Downvote
    ZenTao reacted to dst in Rewards   
    It's not about greed. I can live perfectly fine without that prize. It's about the attitude the TKs and specially Seigheart has. Which is a shi**y attitude.
  4. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Manda in Holiday scene/ makeover contest voting   





    Phantom Orchid







    Rhaegar Targaryen



    lone wolf pup



    Duke of Malfi


    Ze Riel Diel




  5. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in Holiday scene/ makeover contest voting   





    Phantom Orchid







    Rhaegar Targaryen



    lone wolf pup



    Duke of Malfi


    Ze Riel Diel




  6. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Brulant in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    The priests from the Way of Cleansing finally left Necrovion to celebrate Christmas at Wind's Game! Sadly, they had only just set up the party, even going through the trouble of dragging a table from Golemus all the way there, when a blizzard started up.

    Poor priests, no party for them.

    [Note: This is what Christmas looks like where I live. All of the snow was created in Photoshop, the tree is our very own special MD Christmas tree, and the rest comes from teh internetz. I also extended the scene to give myself more room to work with.]

    (Click the image!)
  7. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Trola in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    I tried to transform Fenth Press into Christmas Presents Factory...
    Hope you'd like it Merry Christmas
  8. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    I am not entering the comp just having fun

  9. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon.[/quote]

    You must mean friendly and more non grumpy like yourself right?
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward.
    I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10769-halloween-competition/"]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards.[/quote]

    Like you older players don't have a ton of stuff to part with?! Also you should reconsider the term Newbie/ Newb as it is considered by gamers to be an insult.

    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/page__view__findpost__p__97422"]here[/url]?

    Just wondering how a new player creates a quests? It's possible there may be a few very personable and social new people coming here to MD, but I know none who just flat out try making quests without knowing the people or the realm of MD at least a little well.. I would think they wouldn't even know they were allowed to make quests and if they did its gotta be someones alt.
  10. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The term is a slang, it has a wide array of definitions none of which are same. It would clear things up just to use proper English and say New at quest making or inexperienced. Yes I needed a 3 post definition on the word, thank you ever so kindly nooblets.

    Anyhow Mur stated that -

    I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

    I was attempting to create a poll about this in the General section, same as here but I think its blocked, Do I need special permissions to post a poll??
  11. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   
    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]The Sun is alive, alive for being lifeless. Once we were stars, celestial dust, life energy residing in carbon turned bright and warm by nuclear energy. A torch in the sky with limited fusion, fission and destined by time and entropy until its life, burning bright, collapses on itself causing one last show of light. Eventually comes the death of the lifeless, a star's death. Creating a cosmic whirlpool, sending out waves of wind. Particles mingle and dance heating warm in an absolute zero, creating a chain reaction, more heat, more wind, the cycle repeats. The birth of new stars, a stellar nursery.Death of the lifeless creates another alive yet lifeless star which gave birth to our realm, a world of endless sunshine.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]Long ago, the Sun and the Moon existed in a day and night cycle. Both were created from the same Mother star and so, were kin in the sky. For a great many years they would pass the time in perfect balance watching steady fast upon the MD realm, silent spectators to events such as wars, celebrations, newly discovered lands, and the interactions between the characters. But they would keep to themselves, only passing a simple hello to one another as the daylight transcended to moonlight and again when sunshine poured into the darkness like a cup.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]During this time there was a powerful magi said to be thousands of years old and so powerful, and wise that any person coming to seek his counsel would not get the chance speak for he knew the questions they were to ask. They say he looked as if he was in his twenty’s a handsome and youthful man in appearance. The Magi did not seem to sleep yet no one saw him during the daytime, which lead to speculations of him feeding like a vampire and of him being wed to the Moon.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]He was not a vampire but he was a hermit and lonely for a female to love. When he thought of what kind of woman he wanted the only thing he could imagine was a woman with white hair and pale skin, eyes big and yellow, with darkness all around her coveting her like a blanket. He pondered on this and came to see that there was no woman such as this in the world. One night as he peered into the night sky the moon seemed to twinkle at him. It was then that he realized the beauty he felt the moon had, this was the beauty he wanted to be with. Quickly he attended to the alchemy of turning the moon into a woman.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]There had to be a sacrifice in order to attain enough power to transform the moon into a woman of flesh and bone. It was the Magi’s sight, for in the last step of the spell he would need to burn his eyes by looking in the Sun, blinding himself of ever seeing her beauty and forever residing in the darkness of his mind. As he stared at the last rays of sunlight he would ever see he captured the moon and kept her an arms length away, his new bride.[/font][/size]

    [font=times new roman][size=5]She was just as beautiful as he had imagined he knew this not by seeing her, but by hearing the whispers of any person enchanted by her passing them by, they were drawn to her light such as months are drawn to fire light. The Magi turned into a monster fueled by jealous rage, for men from all over, no matter his magic and power, kept trying to woe her. He was bitter and frightened that she would leave him, so he locked her and himself away underground, forever hiding the moon from the realm. She is still underground, hidden by a spell that binds her there however you can still see how she pulls on the waters around Golemus[/size][/font].
  12. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Ze Riel Diel in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    well i thought i just try something,
    if you dont shoot you always miss
    hope everyone likes it

    oops it was a little bit too big so i changed the size

    [attachment=3447:md kerst.png]
  13. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dragonrider7 in Yearly Artwork Quest: Cyclicity   
    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]The Sun is alive, alive for being lifeless. Once we were stars, celestial dust, life energy residing in carbon turned bright and warm by nuclear energy. A torch in the sky with limited fusion, fission and destined by time and entropy until its life, burning bright, collapses on itself causing one last show of light. Eventually comes the death of the lifeless, a star's death. Creating a cosmic whirlpool, sending out waves of wind. Particles mingle and dance heating warm in an absolute zero, creating a chain reaction, more heat, more wind, the cycle repeats. The birth of new stars, a stellar nursery.Death of the lifeless creates another alive yet lifeless star which gave birth to our realm, a world of endless sunshine.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]Long ago, the Sun and the Moon existed in a day and night cycle. Both were created from the same Mother star and so, were kin in the sky. For a great many years they would pass the time in perfect balance watching steady fast upon the MD realm, silent spectators to events such as wars, celebrations, newly discovered lands, and the interactions between the characters. But they would keep to themselves, only passing a simple hello to one another as the daylight transcended to moonlight and again when sunshine poured into the darkness like a cup.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]During this time there was a powerful magi said to be thousands of years old and so powerful, and wise that any person coming to seek his counsel would not get the chance speak for he knew the questions they were to ask. They say he looked as if he was in his twenty’s a handsome and youthful man in appearance. The Magi did not seem to sleep yet no one saw him during the daytime, which lead to speculations of him feeding like a vampire and of him being wed to the Moon.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]He was not a vampire but he was a hermit and lonely for a female to love. When he thought of what kind of woman he wanted the only thing he could imagine was a woman with white hair and pale skin, eyes big and yellow, with darkness all around her coveting her like a blanket. He pondered on this and came to see that there was no woman such as this in the world. One night as he peered into the night sky the moon seemed to twinkle at him. It was then that he realized the beauty he felt the moon had, this was the beauty he wanted to be with. Quickly he attended to the alchemy of turning the moon into a woman.[/font][/size]

    [size=5][font=times new roman,times,serif]There had to be a sacrifice in order to attain enough power to transform the moon into a woman of flesh and bone. It was the Magi’s sight, for in the last step of the spell he would need to burn his eyes by looking in the Sun, blinding himself of ever seeing her beauty and forever residing in the darkness of his mind. As he stared at the last rays of sunlight he would ever see he captured the moon and kept her an arms length away, his new bride.[/font][/size]

    [font=times new roman][size=5]She was just as beautiful as he had imagined he knew this not by seeing her, but by hearing the whispers of any person enchanted by her passing them by, they were drawn to her light such as months are drawn to fire light. The Magi turned into a monster fueled by jealous rage, for men from all over, no matter his magic and power, kept trying to woe her. He was bitter and frightened that she would leave him, so he locked her and himself away underground, forever hiding the moon from the realm. She is still underground, hidden by a spell that binds her there however you can still see how she pulls on the waters around Golemus[/size][/font].
  14. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to dragonrider7 in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    Tried to decorate Winds Sanctuary... made quickly...hope it didnt break the rules

  15. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    [indent=1][size=3][color=#000080][font=georgia, serif]ʘ[/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#FFFF00][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#00FF00][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#008080][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#DAA520][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][/size][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif][size=5][size=3] ~~[/size][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]Holiday Scene and Creature Makeover Contest[/b][/size][/color][size=3][b]~~[/b][/size][/size][/font][/font][size=3][color=#00ffff][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]ʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#008080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#800080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#000080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#ffff00][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][/size][/indent]

    [size=4][font=georgia,serif]You may have noticed there are many artistic contests going on right now. Well, here's another and its aimed at the graphic artists out there. Knowledge of Photoshop or other equivalent programs/software is always good but not necessary. You can simply use Windows Paint or download Gimp which is free, and wonderful![/font][/size]

    [b]Either dress up a MD scene with Xmas decor, such as [font=georgia, serif]Xmas[/font][font=georgia, serif][size=4] trees, ornaments, gifts, tinsel anything Xmas related or have MD creatures dressed up as Xmas type characters OR even put them in the scenes, its up to you! Just make sure to add the "MD" in there and don't use anything but your own creations in the scenes and on the creatures- Graphics only no drawings UNLESS you use a program such as paint to do so.[/size][/font] [font=georgia,serif]You may use colors not normally found in MD or stick to the traditional look.Post them here when done![/font][/b]


    [b][color=#ff0000]Okay, rule updates in order-- Allowing Xmas decor from stock images with no copyright! So if its tinsel, a tree, gifts, Santa hat ornaments, stalkings then you may use it but only the decor! If you want to put people in the scenes, I hope you took the pictures of the people/ babies yourself you MAY update your picture to meet the rules! Thanks [/color][/b][/indent]

    [indent=1]I made this with the idea that those of us who are not the best drawers could show another way of being creative, so again,
    [b][font=georgia, serif][size=4] Graphics only no drawings UNLESS you use a program such as paint to do so...[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left]I will allow as many submissions as you awesome artists wish to come up with, I enjoy seeing your creations and it is neat to see how other people manipulate the scenes/creatures to their liking.[color=#008000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][b][color=#008000]BUT, If you choose to do more then one submission you must tell me by December 24th( BY midnight) and no later which one submission you want to represent you at the polls.[/color] [color=#FF0000]If you fail to let me know which submission you want to represent you by the time I have stated, I will have no choice but to choose it for you and you may not like it the best. [/color][/b][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]That being said, I hope you have a great time doing this, So far the pictures are awesome![/font][/color]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    Contest will run starting today and end on Christmas.

    [b][color=#0000ff] Prizes will be given Jan 1st after a 5 day poll has been conducted and winners voted on.[/color][/b]

    [indent=1][font=georgia,serif][b]{ [/b][color=#B22222][b]1st through 7th place awards are as follows}[/b][/color][/font][/indent]

    [indent=1][font=georgia,serif][size=3][color=#ff0000][b] 1st- 1 gold + shop Joker 1 wishpoint and Morph[/b][/color][/size][/font][/indent]

    [indent=1][size=3][color=#ff0000][b] [font=georgia, serif]2nd[/font][font=georgia,serif]-5 silver + Shop Armour 2008 edition, and a Morph[/font]

    3rd- 3 silver shop Shop Armour 2008 edition/ or if you wish 2 candy and the Armour and a Morph[/b][/color][/size]

    [size=3][b][font=georgia,serif] 4th- 1 silver and a morph

    5th- 1 silver and a morph[/font][/b][/size]

    [size=3][b][font=georgia,serif] 6th- 1 silver and a morph

    7th- 1 silver and a Morph[/font][/b][/size][/indent]

    [indent=1]Sponsored by[/indent]

    [indent=1][b][font=georgia, serif]Mur has offered one Morph to the top 7 artists![/font][/b]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]Treasure Keepers is donating 1 wishpoint[/font][/b][/indent]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]ZenTao will provide the rest[/font][/b][/indent]
    [indent=1][b][font=georgia, serif][IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/219o3le.jpg[/IMG][/font][/b]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]Merry Christmas Magic Duel[/font][/b][/indent]
  16. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    Outstanding Service to MD

    Helper of the year
    Mya Celestia

    Pre-eminent Role Player

    Elite Evil Villain of the Yea

    Champion Fighter

    Best Spell Caster
  17. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Jolla in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    [font="'Times New Roman"]I love you Zen!![/font] [font="'Times New Roman"] [/font]

    [font="'Times New Roman"]Jolla[/font]
  18. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Andrew16 in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    Here's my entry made using Paint. The Grasan is ready for Christmas. I warn you though, I'm not the best artist.

    Here he is.
  19. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to lone wolf pup in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    >.> Even the Knator Commander is a good boy during Christmas.. Santa is magical, if there is not chimney.. he will create a chimney from your door.


    During Christmas.
  20. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Soothing Sands in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    Keeping it simple


    (Notice the Christmas tree in the background)

  21. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to dragonrider7 in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    [quote name='Manda' timestamp='1323480272' post='97577']
    I Hope all like it its a bit small

    I use power point Gimp and only the slid arent from MD o yes the snow too


    Merry christmas
    Yo man thats cool!!
  22. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Manda in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    I Hope all like it its a bit small

    I use power point Gimp and only the slid arent from MD o yes the snow too

    Paper Cabin has all that we want!!


    hey Paér cabin draw reprecent me!!

    Reins of the sled with the power of the alliances


    Garland some alliances and creatures can make a really good Xmass Decoration


    Santa Sled He is powerfull controls drach nutcareker SW Elu!!!


    Merry christmas
  23. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Chewett in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    This was something i did one (maybe two?) years ago for a christmas "Dress bob up" Competition, since its relatively old, many people wont have seen it.

    Created using elements entirely in MD.

    [attachment=3415:Bob At Christmas.jpg]

    [Note: im not submitting it as a contest attempt as i dont think its fair as i have used this for another quest, im just posting it for people to have a look at ]
  24. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Jubaris in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    Samon and Guillak - I am in love with your works!

    Here's mine simple version: [img]http://www.dodaj.rs/f/2m/q9/4JmPQ9v3/winds-sanctuary-challeng.png[/img]
  25. Upvote
    ZenTao reacted to Eon in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    [attachment=3437:Sage's Keep 4.png]

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