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  1. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    Outstanding Service to MD

    Helper of the year
    Mya Celestia

    Pre-eminent Role Player

    Elite Evil Villain of the Yea

    Champion Fighter

    Best Spell Caster
  2. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1323586732' post='97683']
    The vast majority of spells was REMOVED when it comes to abusable ones. Even some that were not abused, like mine.

    And the same could be said about chase- the whole history of it was that it kept getting abused. Summon is similiar, and how can we guarantee you wouldn't silently use it for your own purposes, not TK ones, when it doesn't even appear monitorable because it doesn't show on triggers?[/quote]

    I never said anything about wanting a spell or a headquarters, what I fail to understand is what's with this attitude? I am perfectly fine with having no spells no headquarters, what i don't find to attractive is the way the mere question has brought out distrust in the TK. I believe I awarded you once, what did I do so terribly wrong to you for you to feel so mistrusting? Also By that means, do you abuse spells? How would I know if you abuse spells if they don't show up in the trigger box?

    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1323586732' post='97683']
    The worst issue I have with this is, you do not NEED the spell. All you have to do is simply walk around or for heavens sake PM the code- please tell me about a reward that is usually dispatched and needs presence. If you cannot even handle that, give me a list and let me do it, I'll even do it for free- the only delay will be when the reward goes someone who goes inactive.[/quote]

    What are you talking about here? Did I ever say I needed this to get the job done, every thing I have ever had to dispatch I did in fast and timely manner and how could you imply I do this for some sort of pay? I have gotten nothing and expect nothing from giving out awards. Makes no dang sense to me at all!
  3. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Muratus del Mur in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  4. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Chewett in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1323586732' post='97683']
    The vast majority of spells was REMOVED when it comes to abusable ones. Even some that were not abused, like mine.

    And the same could be said about chase- the whole history of it was that it kept getting abused. Summon is similiar, and how can we guarantee you wouldn't silently use it for your own purposes, not TK ones, when it doesn't even appear monitorable because it doesn't show on triggers?[/quote]

    I never said anything about wanting a spell or a headquarters, what I fail to understand is what's with this attitude? I am perfectly fine with having no spells no headquarters, what i don't find to attractive is the way the mere question has brought out distrust in the TK. I believe I awarded you once, what did I do so terribly wrong to you for you to feel so mistrusting? Also By that means, do you abuse spells? How would I know if you abuse spells if they don't show up in the trigger box?

    [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1323586732' post='97683']
    The worst issue I have with this is, you do not NEED the spell. All you have to do is simply walk around or for heavens sake PM the code- please tell me about a reward that is usually dispatched and needs presence. If you cannot even handle that, give me a list and let me do it, I'll even do it for free- the only delay will be when the reward goes someone who goes inactive.[/quote]

    What are you talking about here? Did I ever say I needed this to get the job done, every thing I have ever had to dispatch I did in fast and timely manner and how could you imply I do this for some sort of pay? I have gotten nothing and expect nothing from giving out awards. Makes no dang sense to me at all!
  5. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in Dream Quest - Act II   
    Lands of the East

    Land Loyalty Score =[b] 32[/b]

  6. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Shadowseeker in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    TK are to be guilty for the things others have done? Abuse, it's funny to me that it's no problem for the majority that have spoken against this idea have a vast amount of spells that would easily be abuse able yet no one has distrust in them, Why Us? I for one know I would not abuse, what do we need to do to prove to all of the" ye of little faith"? We must prove that we will do no harm because people in the past have promised and abused that makes us automatically guilty? Real fair people Thanks.
  7. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  8. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    TK are to be guilty for the things others have done? Abuse, it's funny to me that it's no problem for the majority that have spoken against this idea have a vast amount of spells that would easily be abuse able yet no one has distrust in them, Why Us? I for one know I would not abuse, what do we need to do to prove to all of the" ye of little faith"? We must prove that we will do no harm because people in the past have promised and abused that makes us automatically guilty? Real fair people Thanks.
  9. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from No one in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  10. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The term is a slang, it has a wide array of definitions none of which are same. It would clear things up just to use proper English and say New at quest making or inexperienced. Yes I needed a 3 post definition on the word, thank you ever so kindly nooblets.

    Anyhow Mur stated that -

    I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

    I was attempting to create a poll about this in the General section, same as here but I think its blocked, Do I need special permissions to post a poll??
  11. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from awiiya in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    Outstanding Service to MD

    Helper of the year
    Mya Celestia

    Pre-eminent Role Player

    Elite Evil Villain of the Yea

    Champion Fighter

    Best Spell Caster
  12. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Pipstickz in MD Awards 2011 - Nominations   
    Outstanding Service to MD

    Helper of the year
    Mya Celestia

    Pre-eminent Role Player

    Elite Evil Villain of the Yea

    Champion Fighter

    Best Spell Caster
  13. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Shadowseeker in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  14. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The term is a slang, it has a wide array of definitions none of which are same. It would clear things up just to use proper English and say New at quest making or inexperienced. Yes I needed a 3 post definition on the word, thank you ever so kindly nooblets.

    Anyhow Mur stated that -

    I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

    I was attempting to create a poll about this in the General section, same as here but I think its blocked, Do I need special permissions to post a poll??
  15. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  16. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  17. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Pipstickz in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  18. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Junior in Should The Treasure Keepers be allowed to...?   
    This poll is conducted based off of what Mur has said in the thread here

    - avoid asking people to find seigh, or any of the tk members. I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

  19. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Holiday Scene/Creature Makeover Contest   
    [indent=1][size=3][color=#000080][font=georgia, serif]ʘ[/font][/color][color=#FF0000][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#FFFF00][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#00FF00][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#008080][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][color=#DAA520][font=georgia, serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/color][/size][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif][size=5][size=3] ~~[/size][color=#ff0000][size=4][b]Holiday Scene and Creature Makeover Contest[/b][/size][/color][size=3][b]~~[/b][/size][/size][/font][/font][size=3][color=#00ffff][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]ʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#008080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#800080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#000080][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#ff0000][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][color=#ffff00][font=comic sans ms,cursive][font=georgia,serif]Ⱦʘ[/font][/font][/color][/size][/indent]

    [size=4][font=georgia,serif]You may have noticed there are many artistic contests going on right now. Well, here's another and its aimed at the graphic artists out there. Knowledge of Photoshop or other equivalent programs/software is always good but not necessary. You can simply use Windows Paint or download Gimp which is free, and wonderful![/font][/size]

    [b]Either dress up a MD scene with Xmas decor, such as [font=georgia, serif]Xmas[/font][font=georgia, serif][size=4] trees, ornaments, gifts, tinsel anything Xmas related or have MD creatures dressed up as Xmas type characters OR even put them in the scenes, its up to you! Just make sure to add the "MD" in there and don't use anything but your own creations in the scenes and on the creatures- Graphics only no drawings UNLESS you use a program such as paint to do so.[/size][/font] [font=georgia,serif]You may use colors not normally found in MD or stick to the traditional look.Post them here when done![/font][/b]


    [b][color=#ff0000]Okay, rule updates in order-- Allowing Xmas decor from stock images with no copyright! So if its tinsel, a tree, gifts, Santa hat ornaments, stalkings then you may use it but only the decor! If you want to put people in the scenes, I hope you took the pictures of the people/ babies yourself you MAY update your picture to meet the rules! Thanks [/color][/b][/indent]

    [indent=1]I made this with the idea that those of us who are not the best drawers could show another way of being creative, so again,
    [b][font=georgia, serif][size=4] Graphics only no drawings UNLESS you use a program such as paint to do so...[/size][/font][/b][/indent]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    [left][left]I will allow as many submissions as you awesome artists wish to come up with, I enjoy seeing your creations and it is neat to see how other people manipulate the scenes/creatures to their liking.[color=#008000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif] [/font][/color][b][color=#008000]BUT, If you choose to do more then one submission you must tell me by December 24th( BY midnight) and no later which one submission you want to represent you at the polls.[/color] [color=#FF0000]If you fail to let me know which submission you want to represent you by the time I have stated, I will have no choice but to choose it for you and you may not like it the best. [/color][/b][color=#FF0000][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]That being said, I hope you have a great time doing this, So far the pictures are awesome![/font][/color]

    [left][left] [/left][/left]
    Contest will run starting today and end on Christmas.

    [b][color=#0000ff] Prizes will be given Jan 1st after a 5 day poll has been conducted and winners voted on.[/color][/b]

    [indent=1][font=georgia,serif][b]{ [/b][color=#B22222][b]1st through 7th place awards are as follows}[/b][/color][/font][/indent]

    [indent=1][font=georgia,serif][size=3][color=#ff0000][b] 1st- 1 gold + shop Joker 1 wishpoint and Morph[/b][/color][/size][/font][/indent]

    [indent=1][size=3][color=#ff0000][b] [font=georgia, serif]2nd[/font][font=georgia,serif]-5 silver + Shop Armour 2008 edition, and a Morph[/font]

    3rd- 3 silver shop Shop Armour 2008 edition/ or if you wish 2 candy and the Armour and a Morph[/b][/color][/size]

    [size=3][b][font=georgia,serif] 4th- 1 silver and a morph

    5th- 1 silver and a morph[/font][/b][/size]

    [size=3][b][font=georgia,serif] 6th- 1 silver and a morph

    7th- 1 silver and a Morph[/font][/b][/size][/indent]

    [indent=1]Sponsored by[/indent]

    [indent=1][b][font=georgia, serif]Mur has offered one Morph to the top 7 artists![/font][/b]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]Treasure Keepers is donating 1 wishpoint[/font][/b][/indent]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]ZenTao will provide the rest[/font][/b][/indent]
    [indent=1][b][font=georgia, serif][IMG]http://i44.tinypic.com/219o3le.jpg[/IMG][/font][/b]

    [b][font=georgia, serif]Merry Christmas Magic Duel[/font][/b][/indent]
  20. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dragonrider7 in Santa Drawings (Level 3)   
    Sorry its such a big picture, Geesh! It's a big one! Anyhow I am not the best artist out there by a long shot but here is my comtribution even if Rudolph looks psycho.
  21. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The term is a slang, it has a wide array of definitions none of which are same. It would clear things up just to use proper English and say New at quest making or inexperienced. Yes I needed a 3 post definition on the word, thank you ever so kindly nooblets.

    Anyhow Mur stated that -

    I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

    I was attempting to create a poll about this in the General section, same as here but I think its blocked, Do I need special permissions to post a poll??
  22. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Dragual in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    The term is a slang, it has a wide array of definitions none of which are same. It would clear things up just to use proper English and say New at quest making or inexperienced. Yes I needed a 3 post definition on the word, thank you ever so kindly nooblets.

    Anyhow Mur stated that -

    I hate those mood panel posts "find me" ..To make that possible tk has to have a way to travel to the sponsored people. That implies chase spell, and i don't like it, but i might give tk the summon spell and prepare them an office. i will see how else to do it (you can vote for it if you like)

    I was attempting to create a poll about this in the General section, same as here but I think its blocked, Do I need special permissions to post a poll??
  23. Upvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Watcher in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon.[/quote]

    You must mean friendly and more non grumpy like yourself right?
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward.
    I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10769-halloween-competition/"]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards.[/quote]

    Like you older players don't have a ton of stuff to part with?! Also you should reconsider the term Newbie/ Newb as it is considered by gamers to be an insult.

    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/page__view__findpost__p__97422"]here[/url]?

    Just wondering how a new player creates a quests? It's possible there may be a few very personable and social new people coming here to MD, but I know none who just flat out try making quests without knowing the people or the realm of MD at least a little well.. I would think they wouldn't even know they were allowed to make quests and if they did its gotta be someones alt.
  24. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from dst in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    Hello Ladies, It saddens me that this is the view on things as of late. As far as I know, Seigh has been doing as he was told to do by Mur, this seems to be the case, or at least this is what I have been told. It seems so many of you really have issues with Seigh, but for me he has always been kind and respectful. Lately with these last awards I had been assigned to dispatch, there were many codes that did not work or were deemed "in use" and I hear the reason why that kept happening was because of the abrupt quitting of Curi, in leaving she supposedly left the TK's stuff in shambles? though I really don't know why. I do however see that Curi is not doing anyone any good by coming back with a vengeance, I am an adult I believe you are as well, would it be such a terrible thing to be more diplomatic in voicing your opinions? I have no idea why you are so angry all the time, and I do not doubt you have reason to be, I just feel like fingers against a chalk board reading insult after insult and then pointing the finger at everyone else. What ever the case may be I hope we can work this out.
  25. Downvote
    ZenTao got a reaction from Junior in A Request for Shift of Power or Change   
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Seriously Mur, you should reconsider that approach of the grumpy treasure guarding dragon.[/quote]

    You must mean friendly and more non grumpy like yourself right?
    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    You only have so many oldies who have stuff to pay a big quest, we need new questmakers with new ideas and things to give as reward.
    I can only speak for my own halloween competition ([url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10769-halloween-competition/"]http://magicduel.inv...en-competition/[/url]), which was announced in the time when halloween quest extra sponsoring was announced in game, for which i received sponsorship 4 weeks after announcing, 1 week after finishing the quest. To me, that's no biggie, because i have my own stock to draw rewards from, if that was a quest made from a newbie, the quest would've been aborted because of lacking rewards.[/quote]

    Like you older players don't have a ton of stuff to part with?! Also you should reconsider the term Newbie/ Newb as it is considered by gamers to be an insult.

    [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1323294435' post='97436']
    Specially new quest creators don't have the strength to kick a grumpy dragons rear (edit: Meaning to say, convince Seig to sponsor before announcing), or wait until the dragon is bored enough to move away (edit: Meaning to say, wait two-three weeks after announcing) and let them get some treasures. They also can't just take a nice reward from their own stuff, as they have nothing. How would that look if they announce a big quest, and then there's no reward? Does that get you a reputation as good quest creator, as you implied [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/11111-what-is-going-on/page__view__findpost__p__97422"]here[/url]?

    Just wondering how a new player creates a quests? It's possible there may be a few very personable and social new people coming here to MD, but I know none who just flat out try making quests without knowing the people or the realm of MD at least a little well.. I would think they wouldn't even know they were allowed to make quests and if they did its gotta be someones alt.
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