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Death Bell

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Death Bell last won the day on August 3 2009

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About Death Bell

  • Birthday 01/01/1991

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    Sri lanka
  • Interests
    Playing games and watching animes and reading manga
  • Playername
    Death Ring

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  1. dst/chettwet approve my post.. and fenrir is a scammer don't trade with him

  2. small note. He promised to give the $$ and reindrachorn by tuesday and he still didn't give. When i asked for the REINDRACHORN he said here is the ctc take it and deal is over. I take the ctc to see its my OWN gg drachorn i gave him before. Now he is telling me i took the drachorn (which i thought was the reindrachorn since thats what i asked for) so the deal is off. All i want to say is please don't trade with him he is a lier. And the best part of it all is that in dst topic he created more than 2 places he keeps repeating he only speaks the truth omg lol... Don't be cheated by him and don't even trade if he is giving the goods first for that is like he has won scamming others.
  3. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='14 January 2010 - 01:49 AM' timestamp='1263413993' post='52683'] Would you like the email from Paypal saying they could not accept the transfer? Death, you are speaking with emotions, not common sense. I was not lying, I was trying to get you the money, but you would not wait. So you made this topic. [/quote] ohh really, then why were you just now before i was making this topic i warned you, and you were trying your best to change the subject by asking how i got the drachorn and all. and you just before said SERVERAL tokens but there is only ONE. and this is from you in pms [quote]So, I found out what the issue was. My bank didn't process the paypal withdrawal because of "unusual activity." (I had recently become a gold subscriber, and a couple hours later I made another payment(for you) and the bank canceled it. I have already sent the 45$ to your account again. You should get it by Monday/Tuesday. If you don't get it by then, you can have my Reindrach and the money. [/quote] i asked you for the reindrachorn like how many times.. 3 or 4.. still you didn't give it to me.. now when we look at above quote doesn't it show you were lieing the whole time ?
  4. lol so according to fenrir if he apologies everything is ok... i can't believe he was given mod access, good thing he was demoted. If he genuinely wasn't able to do the trade then ok i understand, but what pisses me off is that he tried lieing and lieing and lieing some more to me to cover everything up... guys don't trade with him... hope i can be a listen to all. EDIT: all my posts need to be approved first so don't worry if i dont reply fast, and its 1:30am now going to sleep.
  5. what about the 3 promises you made me saying you will give your reindrachorn to cover my losses.. want me to post the pm here? and guys this is the tokens he has put on my drachorn [claw1] Claw I and he says he has put SEVERAL tokens EDIT: i am petty sure this is my same gg drachorn, for the one i gave him also had a claw I.
  6. I made a deal with Fenrir to trade my double aged gg drachorn for $40 credits in my account. I told him to give me the $$ first but he said no he has invested $75 in the game now and it will be stupid of him to scam me. So i trusted him and he said I give the drachorn and he will give me the credits. But AFTER giving him the gg drachorn only he states that he needs mur to transfer his credits to me... which he ACCIDENTALLY forgot to tell me before hand. but i trusted him and wait and waited and waited... christmas time passed and i wasn't able to buy the redrachorn also, since he didn't pay in time. So he promised me saying he will get me the credits now and he checked with paypal the $$ from his bank has gone and he will give his reindrachorn to me since i missed mine for he didn't pay in time. Its been 3 weeks and still no ctc or $$ on my account. Now he is telling me to take the gg drachorn back and he doesn't need it (it was double aged). So please don't give him the mod position back and please from now on don't trade with him even, if he gives the goods first. For if you trade with him that means he has won scamming me. PS: now he saying he has financial problems and can't keep up the deal.. (before he said that paypal said they sent the $$) this shows he has been lieing from the start. He is also slowly trying to change the subject of escaping without giving his reindrachorn. So please don't ever trade with him. EDIT: he gave me a ctc now saying after this trade over.. so i thought thats the reindrachorn and took it to see its my gg drachorn with most of its age gone.. wait a loser this fenrir is. Please don't trade with him.
  7. yeah, thats the reason why mur got really mad for more than 1000 accounts got the christmas gifts O.o And i think this is what led to thenew rule of can't trade between players from same ip address.
  8. hey can any1 confirm that it can boost normal gg drachorns? i need to be sure since i need to make my ritual now.. if mur himself can say it that it will be reassuring. what do others think ?
  9. OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dude... dam mam, hope what ever decision you take its for the best and good luck with all your dreams bro. You have helped me and given me more than any body else.. I am seriously sad to see you go,
  10. welcome back. A prefect day to return. don't forget to take ur presents from the tree. (this is to every1)
  11. how about a creature that stops the boosting of max two creatures in a ritual ? in the first few lvls it can stop the boosting of only 1 creature but at max it can stop the boosting or 2 creatures in the ritual.
  12. alll your under the mod aprovweing thing to huh> i am too

  13. i choose 25 this was done at dec/19/2009. 13:28pm and peace sum1 else already took 13. so choose sumthign else
  14. i didn't want to read the whole thing.. but wasn't the torch contest organized for the vet players??? so they can participate and play as many times they want? well all you need to do is tell mur to do somethign about taking only 2 steps every 15 minutes which is a pain in the ***
  15. i voted on forum mods since there will be more than one person for it so we don't have to depend on one guy to see if he is online or not. if its just one guy taking care of this then what he decides is offensive and is not is the final decision, but if the forum mods are in charge then we can ask all forum mods to see if they think its offensive and get a better decision.
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