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Orlando Gardiner

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Everything posted by Orlando Gardiner

  1. if you start reading all the lore there is just one thing i can say, don't take it to easily as the truth, seek further for their meaning and their concept. that way you will find your way to any of the other writer's guild.
  2. hello People, perhaps a view have noticed that I haven't really been around for a long time now, and want to make it a bit more official now. Not sure when i'm going to return, it's just that I have so less time, and so much to do. I hope to return here with the full community and growing, but I fear otherwise. To you all, you made me experience something unbelieveable. and allas, let us not yet part with this feeling:)
  3. Perhaps a seperated list for the gold and silver? that way you can keep track of both, but mur woulden't have to change the whole concept of the coins.
  4. More time, and we will even have less fighting to do in MD, not a good oppertunity. Now only alliance members have that, so there is a small percentage of players which you can't attack so often, that's acceptable.
  5. I join the queue:)
  6. [quote name='Udgard' date='13 March 2010 - 03:22 AM' timestamp='1268450533' post='56310'] Okay, let's look at this again. Talking about discrimination? Let's use a simple real world example. Suppose you want to get a job, of course there will be discrimination based on your [u]skills[/u]; those who have the skills more suitable for the job will undeniably get an advantage and be more likely to get hired. That's no discrimination: that's the law of nature, [u]survival of the fittest[/u] (in that field). But when you are excluding people for their ethnicity, for example, that is [u]discrimination[/u]. And an unjust one I must add. [/quote] Not that I disagree with your point, but something decided on someones skill is not discrimination. Some people so seek the fittest, as you say, it wouuld be discrimination if you exclude someone for something that has nothing to do with it.(for example being from another land in MD)
  7. Some of these are indeed strange, you can recieve wp's for mentoring?
  8. I think tokens should become more rare. Completly tokened creatures (exspecially drachorn's) have became face roll creatures, no matter what you do, you win anyway. I feel like making the tokens more rare, let's say that all sort of creatures have a certain amount of tokens they can have, like 2 or 3, which should not be acuired easily. It now costs only md credits, let it cost huge amount of vitality, honour, silver or age. let's say that you can buy a token only one every 20 days, this reduces the amount of tokens hugely, and if tokens also grow stronger over time, so let's say a good token gains his full potential only afther 100 days. this way someone with tokens is stronger, but takes longer and will be less tokenend. ps: therefor I still think the power of tokens should be reduced, but that's an almost impossible unfair proces for everyone who bought tokens so far.. oowh: en there should be abilities that neglect tokens, creature or tokens, so that it does not always mean that the tokened side wins
  9. whauw, happy birthday! Shoulden't be suprised, even mur's gain age so now an then:P
  10. I pop 1,1 please:)
  11. There should be a solution to the 'no winner part, about this game. Everyone enters the game by sending you a silver, and sending you a message, the first one to send you a message recieved the number 1, the second number 2, and so on. when using the random number generator you only enter the numbers for how many people attend. This way there will always be a winner, more chance of winning and more people attending..
  12. none has won the discussion. Discussion is not about 'winning, but about sharing toughts and learn what other people think about it, or to get a compromise between two parties.
  13. Should be no mans land if I may be so free, the market belongs to no one, not to us(marind bell) nor anyone else. And for it's location, can't there be a new building added, a new place to go to, which really looks like an auction house?
  14. A gold coin for anyone who can find me within an hour ^^ *leave msg in chatbox there;)*
  15. All this topic can do is making sure mur knows there is a problem he has to fix.., and frankly enough I think he already knows.. Give him time, this is a hard problem, just as a few others, give him time to fix it and quit bugging him .. [color="#4169E1"]And your post is just spam. Yes, Mur knows about the issue since few of us pointed it out long time ago. I personally bug him a lot about it. The point of this topic is also to brainstorm and find ideas about stuff not merely point out a problem. Or at least this is how I see it. So, please stay on topic. dst[/color]
  16. I really don't get why so many people react to this(myself included) Stop whining and start over if it is that all important for you, play the game like you wish. it was not ment to be like this, but since you CAN you may. And if other people don't help you with it than they don't have to, they can even go ruine your so called 'uber, mp3 if they want to, if that's how they wish to play the game... Just start over if you feel like missing something..
  17. I find MD a bit boring lately, but that is all because of myself. The game is as much fun as you put in yoursel,f if you don't really play, than it is no fun,. you have to put in new energy, new toughts and new things and ways to keep it intresting, Can whait a long time if you wish for someone else to do it for you. And GGG is unlikely to dissapear. trough three main reasons: - it almost the only place (except for sanctuaries) to find people without being ripped, almost the most sociable place in whole md. - people will always want easy wins and being better the easy way, as chewett already said. Close GGG, and people will find eachother elsewhere and restart a new form of easy grinding. - And this perhaps is the most important part, it's because they are letten be. I mean, is there actually a punishment for NOT following the rules in GGG? Everyone agreed, that's right. but if you do not agree, why bother ?f you should just attack everyone a few weeks in a row and make it impossible to actually .., well do the GGG thing and if you keep harassing such places it will vanish.
  18. MD is most certainly alive, rather call it a 'dip, of active players. and I agree with jester, at this state, only mur could bring change to this. But was that not the whole problem? we rely to much on Mur, bringin pressure, We should act on ourself intead of turning all our faces towards Mur and accept the impossible.
  19. There could be an idea implented like 'daily's, or so. A few sort of creatures that are visible somewhere, protecting something 'sacred, or good(a land, a temple, or so which you can attack every day to grand you acces. but it Should learn from your fights, and try to counter meassure, so that you wont always win when you found the right strategy. This way there are more fights to be done without players, a few extra tricky things to get somewhere, and perhaps a add for some quests running. ps: If I remember right, there was a sort of 'ghost spirit, near paper cabin, next to the clash of ages, so once in a while a person appeared which you could attack, and dissapeared when the player was not there..., something like COULD have some nice effects:)
  20. I mainly think that Mur is doing to much on his own, and we ALL see things that should be done. that way we all fix our eyes on things to be changed, or to be perfected and build up stress for mur, exspecially depressing when the poor guy doesen't have any motivation left or whatsoever, making it viscious. I have not been online for certain reasons, a few so called are my girlfriend, other games, and the household(which I never tought would be so much work!) I also have the feeling that everything to be explored left in md has already be done, And it sometimes takes AAAGES for creatures to evolve, I mean, more than a year for an Angien, that measn you're blind staring at the same pictures for decennia without having any changes, or anything to do. This however should not change to rapidly, (would not be fare n'either). Or, as most people will agree, the tokens. They where a great idea, and probably still are but disbalance the game in such a way that it is almost impossible to compete with tokened veterans. I would love to, and would most willing to to help with creating, (due I am not much of a programmer) but there should be smaller projects, like creating a few creatures, creating storylines for lands, start a new sort of game like we now have the landtorch competition. That way mur can still decide what will be in, and what will be out, but other people will be involved deeper, making the game more interesting again. But also taking out a lot of work from murs hand, releasing him from to much pressure, and let us do the creative parts, that way new ideas will flood in and perhaps, with a slight change, mur will even get new ideas for himself.
  21. It should be cancelled and reopened when Mur has some spare time and can do it within one week or so, most of the offers will be retreated in this time and people have not put much tought on this matter anymore. So I say let's start over, or have someone to do the biddings, or have a certain rule-pack. either way, this auction is failing at the moment:P
  22. This I call one of the biggest spoiler tread's in the world, come on, why not let the poor guy find it out on hisself?
  23. most certainly would ruine all the science, I like md style as it is, colour should remain something special^^
  24. Bringing up my post
  25. I think it should not be removed. merely because people love to abuse systems shoulden't mean it has to change all the time. Thereby, this is still a good and easy way to search for items you need.
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