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Blind God

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About Blind God

  • Birthday 07/12/1995

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    I like MagicDuel and Life.<br />People call me silly, but they just haven't listened enough.<br />Those who have call me crazy.<br />I may be shy at first, but when I get to know people that ends... Quickly.<br /><br />PERSHNIPPLE
  • Playername
    Blind God

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Blind God Male I guess my time limit would be one day for one coin Not sure how im useful, im just amazing, so i dont help much except to add some awesomeness
  2. WOW Well I guess the topic is over than LoL
  3. Right, that makes sense....
  4. Fine, rule out my outrageous prizes then. I like awiiya's ideas a lot. Also I think it would be easiest to do illusions w/alliance teams and a dream that updates with an overhead view each time your team makes a move.
  5. It's a long, dumb story.
  6. A bit far west but a definate possibility. (saint paul is my town)
  7. I guesses, now that I read it again the rewards are a bit high. It's another decision whether to have set creatures and equal stats or to play like I suggested. Time for another poll.... Also the time thing, I like my idea but I completely see what you are saying, as that would end up taking about 3 days for the game.
  8. SO IT WAS YOU I WAS TALKING ABOUT THIS WITH!!! :lol: :lol: It was a combined idea process, I lead it a lot further than: "We should have a game where you play chess in MD." And I think the point of some of the peices is to be weaker than others, so they can sit there during the game and provide a strategic defence.
  9. [quote]Hmm...you know that this applies only to alliance members, right? Cause only in alliances you can attack players whatever their mp.[/quote] Well maybe we could have alliances set up that the 16 players would be added to during the games. This way they would also not be able to cheat and attack their own team members. [quote]Also few can attack mp6...so maybe we should rule them out (yesss...i really want that villain of the year award so I am acting like one).[/quote] It's a choice to become mp6, and many players have no intention of doing so. In this way there would be plenty (at least 12) players that the royalty could recruit to take out the other royalty.
  10. I was speaking with -MYSTERY PEOPLE HERE- a couple weeks ago and I decided I should post this on the forum. Game Idea: Chess Game Location: Either in the fields of No Man's Land or in a humongous set room of the Marind Bell Wind Sanctuary. Basic Info: You have 32 people play the game on a bit of map that is 64 peices big (65 if you want an entry room) Player Arangement: 16mp4's would play and be pawns; each having the same characteristics of the pawns. 12 mp5's would play and be the knights, rooks, and bishops. Also 4 mp6's would play and be the King and Queens. How to Play Basics: Each day (or each hour change or somthing; or even it may take 100 action points to do) you can make one move and fight the resulting battle (if one occurs). I think there should be some kind of an overhead veiw and a specific chat (like for alliances) that the king and queen can make a strategy for the lesser peices (ummmm... spies, anyone). If you lose the battle your peice is destroyed, if you win you get the spot you attacked. Also your king and queen have the ability to heal you each time you win the fight, if they so choose. Prizes: Yes, of course there should be very nice prizes for ALL the players that are on the winning team, not just the players that are alive at the end. Prizes as follows: VE: +5,000 ; VP: +10,000 ; Trophy ; Attack: +200 ; Def: +100 ; Briskness: +50 ; Luck: +50 ; Regeneration: +50. Qualifications: I think we should have applications and tryouts for king & queen (seperate contests for black and white) and then have the qualifications set by the team captains, no choice for the team members should be interfered by rules. Stuff: I don't think there should be an path leading into the contest, as this may result in other players being mean. Or you would just have to set up a hole complicated thing just for the confusing way the game is played. DISCLAMER: Of course this game will be unfair to the less experienced players, this is why no mp3's would play. The mp4's will die right away, as pawns usually do. And the battle would end up coming out to mp5 skill/mp6 spell ability and, amazingly enough, strategy... So, what do you guys think?
  11. Bored it's too many Qs not to many Qs. Lol, I'm bored so I'm just going to tell you; there is nothing else to do...
  12. Isn't there already an apprentice? Anyways: PICK ME!!! PICK ME!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. I would like very much to help in the dojo. I love to teach and to keep the community moving foward. Also I really like how the dojo helped me as a new player and would really like to help others the same way. (though I do already hang out at the marind dojo a lot..) :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  14. I think there may be a legion of gods. Though they stay hidden for now. Their time is coming.
  15. [quote name='wynken vanaril' post='18444' date='Oct 14 2008, 06:26 PM']Also, another point that's interesting to mention but has nothing to do with the paranormal is that statistically it's impossible that our planet is the only one with life. Our solar system has 1 out of 9 planets (8 now poor pluto) with life, and astronomers have witnessed what they believe to be hundreds of planets throughout the clearly visible solar systems that surround our own. If the 11% within our solar system holds true, then even if only 100 more planets exist at least 11 of them have life on them.[/quote] The 11% rule is silly (i forgot the word). First of all: it is a rarity that a planet hold water in it's liquid form (i.e. not mars, its frozen there) Second: Only a few hundred planets have been seen that even have the possibility of holding life. Third: It took us about 2 billion years and like 20 mass extinctions to have our first developed cell. Let animal and sentient life; which took about 4.6 billion years. SO: I think that maybe 0.5% of planets hold life. Most of which are very ver very very very very very very very very far away; being that we live in the suburbs of the galexy and the nearst might only take light 30,000 years to get to. We would have to create some alternate form of transportation to ever be able to contact them or prove that the planets really have life. ... Kinda Depressing...
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