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Everything posted by powle

  1. also power and powerbased skills (defend, protect, heal and regenerate) are completly useless against attack and the attackbased skill (weaken defence). p.s. i originally wrote a really long post but somehow i deleted instead of posting and i'm too tired now to write it all again. maybe later
  2. even if you fight for your land you don't really need an alliance as long as there is still citizenship. but my point is that you don't allways need a reason for everything. there is nothing wrong (in my huble opinion) with having things just because you enjoy them. it's like saying we shouldn't have rocking chairs because it's only purpose is to have fun. if you want to sit you can allways use a normal chair. but i believe a world without rocking chairs would be sad. edit: some spelling mistake.
  3. well when i first joined MD there were no alliances or guilds at all and i still enjoyed the game. and at that time i didn't care even a tiny little bit about RP or questing. all i did was explore the land (which didn't take very long because the size of MD at that time was like one third of what we have today (if not less) and there was no viscosity) and fight (i guess you could say i was a grinder then). so following your logic all the alliances that focus on fighting are just as useless as this one as i can enjoy fighting without being in an alliance. or perhaps i should say i did enjoy fighting without being in an alliance (both when i first joined and when i got back and trained on the clash of titans with Bash Chelik).
  4. i'm a bit sceptic about vampires before boosts because when you are facing a much stronger opponent i think the chances are high that he Will also have more (and stronger) boosts. in that case your vampirism would level the field and then the boosts would give the advantige back to the stronger player. it's just a possibility though and i might be wrong.
  5. well Granos maybe you see it as RP for the sake of RP, but i see it as RP for the sake of having fun. and isn't that the whole point? to have fun?
  6. well i studied physics so i'd probably round 7.5 to 10 because 10 is the closest actualy round number but i think we're far too offtopic here.
  7. technically .5 is allways rounded up. anything up to .499999999999... is rounded down and anything from .5 up is rounded up. at least that's how it Works in math.
  8. powle

    powle's pictures

  9. i guess it's you and me now richy :D
  10. i won against tipu quite some time ago, but forgot to post it here because there was so much happening at the time (MD Bday stuff)
  11. really? i thought they only give coins lol. This is awesome news :D
  12. i agree buying WP is wrong but how about a WP code (so i could offer a WP reward for my future quests)? i would like to make a good quest and it's a bit troublesome to me that i can't really offer anything valuable for a reward unless i can manage to get some sponzorship. I believe i would also have many more participants if the rewards included a WP.
  13. Tipu gets 2sc Rophs, Pipstickz and Miq get 1sc quest is now over.
  14. This contest Will end tomorow so if anybody else wants to submit an entry do it now.
  15. "the authority of this title can not surpass the authority of the person granting the title" i think thats the best way to avoid "the one" :D
  16. this sounds like fun so count me in as well. (mp4)
  17. no need to post the proof rophs, but you do need to write if you think it's pure evilness or just pretending to be evil to make things more interesting.
  18. bumpidy bump! come on people i need some participants in order to give away the prizes...
  19. This is NOT an official quest (for now at least) so the prizes will only be silver coins from my personal inventory. All sponsors are very wellcome :D Now let's get to the point :) what i want you to do is write down a name of a player that you believe did (or said or perhaps plans to do) something evil and the reason why you think that it is evil. Lastly (and most importantly) explain how much of it you think is actual evilness and how much is it just roleplaying a "badguy" (a hero can only truly shine when facing a force of great evil so roleplaying a bad guy could be just someone selflessly giving others the chance to prove themselves as mighty heroes). Or perhaps it was meant only as a sick joke? You are to submit your entries as replys to this post so everybody can see it but i will judge it in my own way disregarding any coments about who likes or dislikes which submission (you are still free to post coments like that just remember it won't affect my judgement). Depending on the number of entries i will select one or more winners and the number of coins the winner(s) get will depend on how much i like their submissions.
  20. lol i can find only 2 :D
  21. since shemhazaj left the land sunfire has been doing his job. mya is still the other consul.This Will probably be updated soon after the elections (which are to supposed to be held shorly)
  22. i think it's high time humanity opened it's eyes and realized that we (the people) are all the same faction and stoped treating some killers as heros. We should disband all armies and put all killers behind bars not just those that kill people from "our faction".
  23. Well if you ask me the viscosity is not the problem here - it's the mindset that so many people adopt nowadys that's the real problem. Let me explain what i mean with that :D Viscosity doen's really make travell harder. All you have to do to move from one scene to another is click that little arrow. The only thing viscosity does is take a few additional action points away from you which makes you run out of ap faster. This means you will have to wait a few minutes to regenerate it if you are travelling to a very distant land (which is exactly the same as in RL where you have to rest every now and then if you are walking a long distance). The problem is how people seem to see that as something bad - as if it pained them to rest a bit every now and then. You wake up, you HURRY to work, at work you RUSH to finish before your deadline (maybe that term is the problem - DEADline sounds so... well deadly), you HURRY back home and when you finnaly settle down in front of your computer to relax after a stressfull day you start complaining how you can't run around MD fast enough. Just take your time people :) enjoy the scenery, talk to someone (you can still send a PM if noone is around), write something in the chat (RP a little maybe) for the next unsuspecting wanderer to see, think up an idea for a new quest that involves the scene you're "stuck" on, you can even walk away from your pc (what an outrageous idea that is, right?) and put on some nice music so the time goes by faster,... and most importantly remember that the only time when you really need to be fast in MD is when you enter a race - and what fun would a race be without anything to slow people down? p.s. i know this might sound lika a rant, but my goal is not to offend anyone (and i'm really sorry if anyone feels offended) i just wish to help people change their perspective to a slightly more "easy-going" one.
  24. i'm not much of a writter but i would like to offer my help with this. the only story i wrote in MD so far is for my quest (i will add a link as soon as i figure out how it's done...) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15223-powles-rise-to-power-a-quest-for-those-hungry-for-adventures/
  25. in the log most important thing to check is their abilities (damage, random damage, haotic damage, lifesteal, energy burn, heal, regenerate, defend, martrysm, weaken defence) and targeting (random, weak creatures, strong creatures, dying, multiple, all). Then try to think up a ritual to minimaze the damage you get and maximize the damage you make. Also don't be afraid to test all kinds of diferent ritual without hoping to win but instead to help you see what happens in different situations.
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