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Everything posted by powle
you don't die for people you love, you survive for them.
yea i was thinking about the problem with laser not reaching long distances through water, but if you just used a rope that doesnt float instead of it than the fact that is sinks proves nothing so it hadf me thinking for Quite a while until i finnaly found a better solution (still more theoretical than practical but i've always been a man of theory). you use a "rope" that has the exact same density as sea water :D that way it neither floats nor sinks, it just kinda hangs around in the middle of the water. of course as you go deeper water gets a bit more dense so the rope would eventually bend over a deeper layer of water but that doesn't really matter. as long as one rope stays on the surface and the other starts to slowly "cut" into the water, sinking deeper and deeper you have proven that the surface is curved (though not necessarly spherical it could be an oblate (or whatever Junior called it)).
the sun moves the same for all people - it's all about perspective. if you are on the equator (on one of the equinoxes) the sun goes directly over your head at noon. if you go north you see that at highest point the sun points south (that's something you should be well aware of - it's basic orientation) so during the day you see the sun going from east (which is on your left if you're facing south) upwards and to the right until at noon it points to south (in front of you) and then it goes back down while still moving right until it sets in the west (on your right). if you're on the south hemisphere the sun still rises in the east and sets on the west but at noon it points to north instead of south. so if you were on south hemisphere facing south (the same direction as before) the sun would still move from left to right - but it would go "behind your back". if you want to see it at noon you have to turn north and this turn (change of perspective) makes you see the sun moving in the "wrong" direction. you could make a model (a globe and a disc) and a lightbulb on a Wheel around it. then stick needles in it track their shadows (if shadow moves from right to left it means that a man standing in that spot would see the sun going from left to right). try out both models then move to diferent locations around earth to check if sun and shadows movement matches what your models suggests. to make it cheaper you could have people you trust report those findings so you don't have to visit too many locations yourself. the model that fits reallyty better wins :D you can also try out many other different models just for fun. as for the other idea it is something i came up with on the spot while reading about spherical triangles (learned a few thing about those in college which helped spark the idea). p.s. sorry for the wall of text, i got i little carried away when i noticed there was a wp involved :P
how about you have two large boats connected with a rope that floats on the surface of the water so it bends (if the earth really is curved) and at the same time "connect" the boats with a laserbeam that goes straight from one boat to the other. if the surface of the sea is curved then the laser Will go underwater (kinda like a tunnel). you can then use smaller boats and submarines to check the distance between the rope and the laserbeam on different points and see exactly what kind of a curve it is. unless of course you're sugesting that laserbeams aren't straight lines but are instead curved themselves. in that case all you need to do is measure how long the rope is and how long the laserbeam is and the one that is longer has to be the curved one. or at least that one is curved more than the other one. might be a bit costly to try it though :D also on a flat earth with the center in north pole - how would you explain the fact that when you pass a certain point (around equator) the sun sudenly moves from right to left instead of from left to right? that was something early explorers noticed when they were sailing south along the african shore and for a long time noone believed them.
http://www.windows2universe.org/citizen_science/myw/w2u_eratosthenes_calc_earth_size.html not only did the greeks prove that earth was spherical, they even calculated how big it is :)
RW 1gc 1sc (and 10sc on marksmen)
root warrior 6sc marksmen 10sc
what if it needs exploring points only the first time you upgrade a certain creature type to certain level (kinda like with scenes). would seem pretty reasonable to me
as a note 1/5 (or 2/5 or 3/5 or 4/5) fits just as nicely into x gold as 1/3 (or 2/3).
1. name: powle 2. ID: 41864 3. duration: 3 months 4. reasons for me being a good slave: i'm loyal. and i can edit clickies :D 5. limitations: some of my creatures and most of my items stay with me. 6. percentage you want to donate to TK: 40% (you can call me weird but 2/5 just feels like a much nicer number than 1/3) 7. minimum bid: the standard 5sc is fine
I'm going to London tomorrow for a short vacation so you won't be seeing me ingame for about a week, though i'll try to still visit the forums regurarly so if anyone needs anything from me send a forum pm. p.s. if anyone that lives in London (or somewhere near) and wants to meet in RL send a forum pm :D
i could do Facebook, but i don't have a twitter account so another person would have to do that.
Wtb anni aramor 6/7/8 and barrensoul with an id 470000 or lower
powle replied to MRWander's topic in Central Market
well since they are little less ancient than grido's i'd say somewhere between 1gc and 2gc for each would be a reasonable price. maybe something like 1gc 5sc, how does that sound to you? -
Wtb anni aramor 6/7/8 and barrensoul with an id 470000 or lower
powle replied to MRWander's topic in Central Market
i have barren soul 221313 and 221466 if you are interested. -
https://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3583 sadly you can only wait and hope
Selling aged sharpies and a BP for 'good enough' offers.
powle replied to Change's topic in Central Market
7sc on ID: 757283 -
Selling aged sharpies and a BP for 'good enough' offers.
powle replied to Change's topic in Central Market
i offer 6sc for untokened sharptear and bloodpact (3 sc each) -
as far as i can remember my tests on weaken defence it lasts for 2 rounds (plus the round it was cast in since effect is indeed immediate) if it isn't re-apllied (try it with single target weaken on random target to see if it's true). if it is re-apllied (even if it is from a different creature) then the effect stacks and as long as you are maintaing the weaken status it doesnt matter that some of the stacks should be over and it just keeps getting new stacks without cancelling any old ones. i got some insane weakening with max grassan on weaken and 2 birds (grassans "weaken all" made sure all the enemys creatures were under efeect of weaken all the time and so enemy never regained any defence since the weaken effect never really ended). p.s.: it also helps with testing if you're not in an alliance so combat last for more rounds making resoults even more obvious.
i found the announcement for the role items: Ann. 3316 - [2015-01-26 04:31:56 - Stage 12] - Permalink - Posted By Muratus del Mur Role items in shop! (Limited edition version) but this topic was made about a month earlyer so probably it was something else
just an example of a battle log saying weird things (it says no creatures survived for the winning player): ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses ... Change WINS! 42.8243537086% vs -245.971563981% Creature Experience reward for powle - Losing player Pimped Grasan Huvourer recovers 87.5 Vitality Pimped Grasan Huvourer gains -86 Xp Chaos Archer recovers 1050 Vitality Chaos Archer gains -86 Xp Knator War Master recovers 80 Vitality Knator War Master gains -86 Xp Unholy Priest II recovers 66 Vitality Unholy Priest II gains -86 Xp Winderwild recovers 6 Vitality Winderwild gains -86 Xp Tormented Soul recovers 7.2 Vitality Tormented Soul gains -86 Xp Creature Experience reward for Change - Winning player Unholy Pope recovers 8.7 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 926.64 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 118.8 Vitality Unholy Priest II recovers 52.8 Vitality No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner gets won fights counter incremented! Loser gets humiliated, loss fights counter incremented!
you completly missunderstood my entire post No one. 1. it doesn't start with a contradiction. I was trying to say that: -DD is allways rude to everbody around him. is not the same as: -DD sometimes says some rude things to some people -DD once/a few times/very often/... said something rude to me/my friend/someone i barely know/... That sentance was like a complaint about the lack of precission in the writing which bothers me greatly because it implies many things that are often not true or not entirely true. Next I used myself as an exaple of a person that DD has never EVER been rude to in an attempt to show you why the sentance "DD is rude to people" is not true (as long as there is one person DD was never rude to that sentance cannot be true) and that a different sentance should be used (for exaple: "DD is sometimes rude to some people" which is true EVEN IF there exists a person/more persons that DD has not been rude to) After that i talk about possible reasons that he was rude to people. I explained 2 possibilities - first is that he is rude to people that were rude to him first and the vast majority of people complaining about his rudeness are AT LEAST as rude to him as he is to them (not all i admit but a lot of them) and i admit i have no way of knowing who started being rude but as long as both sides are being rude to one another NEITHER has any right to demand change from the other one. Either they both stop being rude or they both continue being rude - myself i would love for ALL rudeness to be gone from the game and the forums but i doubt i'll ever live to see that. In the meantime it is rude (yes rude) to accuse someone of something repeatedly and demand from him that he changes his behaviour while still doing the exact same thing yourself (if that is DD's reason to be rude than he was never rude to me because i was never rude to him). The second possibility i thought of is that he says rude things only when he is extremly upset/sad/angry/nervous. (in that case i guess i was lucky to never talk with him when he was in that state - perhaps it is because i try not to push people in such states of mind) I say it is natural that one can't make completly rational decisions about what he is going to say when he is in such a state. Even a person that you love and know loves you back Will sometimes say bad things to you when they had a bad day at work or something. I have yet to meet a person that hasn't said things they regret while they were emotionaly and physicaly on the edge. I'm not saying you have to accept it, but you should be able to at least understand why someone is reacting the way they are. 2. myth got the point of this part pretty well and it seams you now understand the basics of what i was trying to say but still the first sentance bothers you. I did not use generalization in my sentance i was only negating the generalization used before (by sasha and by a few others as well). I wasn't tying to say noone in the comunity hates DD (i know some might) i was stating that it is wrong to say that the society as a whole hates him because it doesn't. SOME members of the society hate him but the society as a whole doesn't. Of course it is equally wrong to say that the society likes him or anything else you can think of. Hardly ever can you say anything about society or a community without it being a form of generalization and thus at least partly a lie.
1. DD is NOT rude to people. He is rude to SOME poeple SOMEtimes. This a huge difference. I treated him nicely and with respect and he allways responded to me in the same manner. If he said something rude to you then you have to think about why he has done so. If you were treating him badly he has every right to respond in kind. And even if he was rude to you but you weren't rude to him there are other things to consider before judging him (things like how angry/sad/nervous he was at that moment). If you have been arguing with someone the whole days it is completly natural that you need some time to calm down and before you do you are very likely to say inappropriate things - even to people that have nothing to do with the argument you just had. That is not DD's problem that is completly normal and natural human behaviour and if you have a problem with that then it is your problem not DD's and you're the one that has to learn how to deal with it. (this is directed to all the people complaining about DD being rude not any specific person) 2. The comunity/society/people of MD doesn't hate DD and "we" don't have a problem with his attitude. Saying things like that is generalization at it's worst and is (imo) far more unacceptable than any rudeness i've ever heard (read) from DD. If YOU feel some way about someone (or some thing) than either have the guts to say it like that (and don't hide yourself in the crowd saying it's the comunity's oppinion) or don't say anthing at all if you don't want to put yourself in the spotlight. I have had more than enough of people expressing MY oppinion. I'm as much a part of this comunity as anyone else and saying: "the comunity thinks this" is saying that 'I' think so aswell. I will not tolerate this any longer. If 'I' have an oppinion on something I will express it myself when I want it to (if i decide to express it at all). If you want to show you have the support of other people than feel free to name anyone that supports you (and gives you permission to express his/her oppinion) but leave me (and anyone else that feels this way) OUT of it. Any future post trying to express MY oppinion will be reported (and if i don't calm down soon many of the past ones aswell).
i think advertising has been put on hold and is to be re-opened when a25 is released.
Happy birthday Bash Chelik!
powle replied to Jubaris's topic in Say hello, Goodbye, or something else
happy birthday Bash, i hope to see you in MD again soon (and not "soon") -
I believe it's time to announce the winner Rophs :D