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Everything posted by powle

  1. it looks interesting but i don't understand what you're saying at the end :( a translation would be nice :)
  2. i think moralebonus works on all creatures that are of equal or lower level (i'm not really sure about equal, maybe it haas to be lower) than the imp providing the aura. And that is pretty low considering imp's max level is 3 (the only 2 creatures beside aramors that i can think of with max lv 3 are grassans and jokers and creatures with max levels higher than 3 will probably benefit more from leveling up than by being boosted by imps (not to mention you can still boost them with some other boosters at higher levels)).
  3. something similar happens with wins in some cases. If the defender has a single tree with 0% influence (which was quite popular a while back) and you attack with a single elemental you get victorious outcome instead of just win (meaning it gets counted in your ratio). The description for victorious says you need to lose 10% VE (and the difference in dealt damage has to be more than 30%) but wih elemental you gain VE not lose it.
  4. i wouldn't remove freezes or antifreezes from any creature just make a limit above which aditional freeze/antifreeze auras wouldn't apply. this would allow you to still use any of the creatures with such auras in rituals that are not based solely on freeze/antifreeze, but prevent one from making a max freeze ritual that is purely luck dependant.
  5. what if the amount of freezes and antifreezes would be lowerd? to something like 3 freezes and 4-5 antifreezes (or whatever numbers are found to be appropriate) having 8 freezes (or 15 antifreezes) in a ritual seems kinda absurd to me since you can only have 6 creatures in a ritual. with a limit like that freeze and antifreeze would still be very random, but you eliminate that option to completly freeze an oponent.
  6. well if maebius doesn't want it anymore and if noone else decides to bid on it then i will pay the 7sc (i hope it doen't come to this though).
  7. i cancel my bid on tormented soul because i allready got one from witty. (this means highest bid is now again 5sc - maebius)
  8. what Ary is trying to say is that there shouldn't be a ritual that can only be defeated if you use the exact same ritual, but with more stats. Every ritual is supposed to have some weakness - a way to defeat it by creating a DIFFERENT ritual. Every new player learning about combat mechanics is told that any ritual can be defeated by a counter-ritual not only by higher stats (Loreroot guards are the perfect example). Understanding the mechanics and using your creature's strenghts and the enemy creature's weaknesses is how you win fights - at least that's what every newbie is told. Learning after months (or even years) of studying combat mechanics that it was actually all just a lie and that stats are all that matters because there is an unbeatable ritual that you can only defeat with higher stats is kind of a let-down, don't you think? p.s. as i'm an unallied mp4 i cannot confirm the existance of such a ritual, but if such a ritual really exists then i'm not sure i even want to advance to mp5. Working your brain to figure out a way to defeat an unusuall def ritual is interesting and the feeling you get when you successfully beat it is great. Settting a good defence and then laughing when people have to attack you several times before they can defeat it is also quite nice. seeing the same def ritual on every player you attack and being attacked with the same ritual every time is just boring and uninteresting.
  9. you are wrong about one thing Ary, it was never intended for MD to divide players to weak (lots of losses) and strong (lots of wins) but instead to have them all balanced. And it works in such ways to enforce this. It rewards balanced profiles with bonus heat and stats and punishes those that are unbalanced (too many losses get you to skill damage while too many wins will get you to negative honor and again prevent you from gaining stats).
  10. 4sc
  11. i'll buy it for 2 sc
  12. 7sc for Tormented soul edit: canceled this offer.
  13. 15. Tormented Soul (ID: 538209) - age: 1877 - heat: 39084 i offer 1 sc for this one
  14. i think he means the grimm reaper (or something simmilar, legends vary from culture to culture so it's sometimes hard to find a good translation)
  15. powle

    Teams? Teams!

    green team! :D
  16. i was a bit sceptical about joining this because i don't know very many other players, but then i realized that they also don't know me :D so with the purpose of making this quest harder (at least for the unlucky contestant that gets my name) I'm in!
  17. i would say yes, but i think we don't even have 5 active MP4 players so i'd wait for the autumn 2050 (or whatever it is called) and see how things go.
  18. even if that is the case it would make much more sense to say: "you gained 40 heat"
  19. what do i get if i prove it's impossible?
  20. powle

    The Truth

    count me in aswell.
  21. well the best system is proven to be logaritmic scaling not linear (and certanly not exponential). the gap is actually getting smaller with time but as long as the ones before you stay active they stay ahead of you (even with the gap getting smaller with time). as for paying to win - it is very hard to balance it. you want the payment to offer some advantage or else the paying players Will stop paying or even stop playing but if the reward is too high then the non paying players Will feel like the game is trying to force then to pay which actuallly makes them even less likely to start paying (which should be the main goal - to make as many players into paying players) and more likely to leave the game because it's "unfair". but what is the "just right" amount of advantage that the paying players should get? basically the only thing you can do is "trial and error" you just keep changing things untill you feel it's at least close to being balanced. another thing most of you are forgetting is that nowadays (new) players can get A LOT more stats from fights than when the game started. back in 2008 when i first started to play 10k max VE was considered quite high while now even newbies have more than that. So now if you as a newbie manage to convince just one "old" player to set a ritual with high VE and no dmg you can gain more stats in one fight than people back in the day got in 50 fights.
  22. funny how noone tries to look at it from eon's or darkraptor's point of view. If you had to grind for say 5 years (just an example i got no idea how long these guys actually grinded) to get to where you are now would you really like it if some newbie would catch up with you in just a few months? If it took you 5 years to get there you would of course want the others to need just as much time to get to that level (and yes when they get there you'd again be at a higher level then them). in any game without a hard skill/level cap those that started first (and stayed active for years) will allway have an advantage compared to neew players. and if they don't then why would they keep playing? A newb reaching in a short time the point you spent years getting to devalues your effort greatly. most games without a level cap decide to make reaching the next level increasingly hard as you progress so that it at least seems to the new player that he's catching up (because he got from level 1 to level 100 while you got from level 500 to only 502 in the same time) but if the older player stays active he Will allways stay a step before you.
  23. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=302528609924753&set=vb.216976795146602&type=2&theater
  24. instead of dividing damage to how many targets it actually hits you could divide it by 6 no matter how many creatures it hits. that way it would still be a very powerfull damage dealer when the enemy uses 6 creatures but it would be much weaker against single creature rituals. i think if you look at creature stats it is kinda allready like that. high level single targeting creatures (especially those more "rare") will have higher attack than creatures that target multi or all (at least as far as i have seen). the problem is that those stats get insignificant compared to player stats once you do a bit of grinding. for multi targets i would divide the damage based on how many targets it actually hits (because nerfing only creatures that do damage to all would just make those that do damage to multi overpowered instead). this would make multi targeting creatures deal even higher dmg than target all in some special cases but the drawback of using multi target is in my opinion allready strong enough that it could work that way.
  25. i think the talk about kings and leader deserves to be it's own topic. it's important stuff to talk about and i admit it's quite interesting to read, but it doesn't really have any connection to what this was originally about (the ressurection of CoE).
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