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Everything posted by Tzaroth747

  1. MD was a wonderful adventure with wonderful people. Thanks to everyone whom I enjoyed time with -- you know who you are; I won't forget the good times. Thanks to the people who invested time in it, made it what it is, keep it running... Thanks Mur! Keep up the good work. But my time here is done. Take good care, everyone.
  2. From the shadows we rise...

  3. Welcome to MagicDuel, Wolfmist.... enjoy your stay; don't forget to take your time...
  4. Happy birthday. May this year bring you good fortune and happiness.
  5. No sir, cannot say that I have. Rather, I am silently gathering my strength.... beware the awakening!

  6. Happy Birthday Z May this year be better than the last..
  7. I like this idea and would support it as the creator saw fit.
  8. Happy birthday, Liberty.
  9. Oh hell no. At the rate I'm going, I can give you wins in the year 2011.

  10. I would like to request that Sandal's words are recorded so others, like myself, who cannot make the event won't miss out on what he has to share. Thank you!
  11. Seeing as Magic Duel is an online roleplaying game, I think it's important that people roleplay. An online game without roleplaying is simply mechanics without flavour. It would be battles only, there would be no adventure log, no quests, and every room would be filled with chat about the weather, work, common gossip, and the like. Does this sound extremely boring to anyone else? After I explored the mechanics of the game and the fighting for my first five months or so on the game, I gave away and sacrificed all of my creatures. I took a big step towards embracing the game on another level, to interact with people as my character, to be only as my role allowed. And you know something, it is much more fun for me to do that than to run around attacking people, trying different strategies and combat rituals. Every mechanic that is set in stone has a formula for success -- experience and thinking will eventually yield the result that would make you invincible. That, and a lot of time to grind. Or money to buy the tokens. Again, boring. Roleplaying is the underlying fabric of the game, the interactions between the people is what becomes engrossing, makes me want to come back for more. To make friends and enemies, to share in the things we create for our characters. We each have a role to play, we each have stories to co-create with the other players. Like Shadow said, it's about us all contributing to the living book that is MD. And I don't blame Z for simply ignoring the preposterous godmodding that he undoubtedly has to suffer through on a weekly basis. Bob has become a living, real part of the game, first through Z's singular dedication, and then through the other players buying into the idea and carrying it on. There are other things like this out there now -- newly seeded trees, for one example -- that add to the nature of the game and invite all participants to experience it. Our words and actions create a new dimension to the game, one that is overlayed the base mechanics. And it is good roleplaying that creates it, makes it interesting, sustainable, and ultimately enjoyable for all. That's my 0.02.
  12. For those of us who can't make the 2100 time, (damn you work, damn you to hell) will there be a log for this?
  13. 23 - a good number. I hope it's a good year for you.

  14. Happy happy happy birfdays
  15. Sir Ribbitalot?
  16. [quote name='Metal Bunny' date='27 July 2009 - 03:39 PM' timestamp='1248723580' post='38056'] I object to this monstrosity out of a big fat reason. How do you come close to roleplaying a villain otherwise? Sure there are other ways, but if it fits the role and it makes you hated, then by all means. Let it be. Ban and especially permanent bans should only be for things that threaten everything or seriously cross the rules of the realm. Such as theft of any kind, spamming, continues advertising, exploiting bugs, hacking, etc etc. So, hell no. [/quote] [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='27 July 2009 - 08:16 PM' timestamp='1248740210' post='38079'] Totally agree. [/quote] What they said.
  17. Happy Birthday, Akasha =)
  18. My theory on Peace's Transformation: The Traveler was in the graveyard with the Shade Sentinel. The Shade Sentinel did not see the Traveler, but the Traveler saw the Shade Sentinel. They merged forms, and became an orb. A byproduct of this was the Shade Sentinel dropped, or left behind, a white cube. The orb became white and drifted towards Deathmarrow, and has been there for over five weeks. Its low vibration had been more or less been ignored for some time. Peace sacrificed herself, as noted above. She drank the vial of poison, which was filtered through the blood of Khalazdad the Black. Now we have Peace's lifeforce stripped from her body, and a corpse left behind, guarded at the Howling Gates. But the orb at Deathmarrow, somewhat forgotten, has suddenly become alive with more activity than ever. And the reason for this? Food. The orb has absorbed Peace's life-force, and is beginning to complete its cycle. In what manner can most eggs be physically described? As a white orb. And what happens when an egg completes its cycle? It hatches. So with these thoughts pieced together and laid out, it's my theory that Peace will be reborn as the child of the Traveler and Shade Sentinel. Discuss. Alternate ideas encouraged!
  19. With the Sentinels standing their vigilant guard over their Leader, a change began to be a apparent in Peace. Her corpse was undergoing a strange metamorphosis. It was changing, ever so slowly before their eyes. Those paying their respects looked on in complete awe at the sight of the transformation. Whispers began to drift in the air, thoughts of what her fate was to become. Was Peace becoming a half-shade like her Father, or something else?
  20. [quote name='Talos Salvitore' post='34159' date='Jun 20 2009, 11:59 PM']I agree with Grido whole-heartedly, however my question lies in the reasoning at the core rather than the surface.[/quote] From personal experience in digging deep to find answers about myself, I have discovered that 'reasoning at the core' is an oxymoron. All reasons are surface-level. They have to be, in my opinion. I will state why I say this in personal tense: I'm a human and my body encases my mind. As such, my mind is always influenced by my body. My moods are created by the state of my body. I cannot escape the effects of the chemicals and compounds that are naturally produced, and artificially ingested, into my body. I have learned that all of my 'reasoning' is a reflection of the state of my body, and by extension, my mood. I have done enough explorations with consciousness to know that the fixed reality that I had known growing up is illusory; the senses that my body allows my consciousness to explore the world in are malleable, and with these changes so too does the world change. But this too is only a half-truth. The crux of it, I believe, is that the world is infinite in its possibility, existing simultaneously around me at all times, and the reality in which I experience is wholly dependant upon my perception. At the core, my body dictates what reasoning I will be following to build my world-view. Reasoning comes and goes, is built up and burned away, by the shifting of the states with my body and the concurrent shifts in my mood, perception & consciousness. I understand this post is a tangent but it is also a direct response to a point Talos raised in question form. There are many ways to view the same thing. The need to procreate as a primary motivating force for humanity? The reason for this, I believe, is deeper than that of the pleasure of intercourse. Without contact with others of our kind, our minds hollow out and become empty, as we slowly devour our own thoughts in the hope of creating new things. But new things are not made from old things, they are merely broken apart and change form. This becomes dissatisfactory very quickly. So we seek others, seek love, seek connections, seek something that is completely outside ourself, so we may absorb it into ourselves. To learn, and grow, and create.
  21. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='31620' date='May 19 2009, 11:40 PM']You know, now that I'm not playing MD, I'm actually reading the lfg comic (it was pointed out to me over a month ago, but I never read more than the first one)... it's really, really funny. "That was unquestionably evil, right?" "Also amusing."[/quote] Offtopic LFG Comic is how I found MD. Yay. Ontopic By thinking about what I'll do next in game. Living it in my head before doing it in the realm.
  22. I encountered the very same problem when I first graduated to MP4. It was extremely frustrating and I felt like I would never get ahead with all of the pounding my creatures took. But eventually I found a way to start getting the wins I desperately needed. Assuming you have no credits, I will give advice based off the allowable maximums. You have 16 creatures -- you only need 6 in a good ritual to get wins. So choose your best 6 that you want to get wins with. Some may be maxed out, and I think in the beginning they should be. What you want to do is make a 'killer' ritual, one that does a lot of damage. Don't worry about lifesteal for now, that is a more subtle tactic that you can employ once you become stronger. So select 6 creatures you think have a chance at beating the MP4's you'll be choosing to fight, and set the rest up in defence. You say you get killed the moment you walk out. Fine. But 6 creatures in your killer ritual leaves 10 on defence. Now, there's no way you can't scope out a room for easy targets and get attacked 11 times. So this is what you do: Walk in, click on all the MP4s, look at their vitality and creature vitality. Leave the people who have high vitality in either crit or player fields, and attack the people with low (0 is preferred) player vit and low creature vitality. This means your killer (2x max grasan on def, 2+ archers, whatever else) ritual will easily pick them off. After your combat is done, RUN out of the room. Go to a safe spot (not necessarily a sanctuary, just a room with little traffic) and check your creatures. Check your combat log. See if you're good to do it again. This is the ninja hit and run tactic. And it's about the only thing that will let you grow in strength while you're making the very tough transition from MP3 to MP4. Hope this helps... and good luck!
  23. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='30819' date='May 11 2009, 12:45 PM']I do feel ashamed that I did lie, but it was with good intentions.[/quote] The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
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