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Everything posted by Bloodpuppy

  1. Geuss then waiting is the only option... So till some time in the future.. Topic closed..
  2. Yes I see the point that it would take allot of work and that its probably not time and cost effective. It would be great if mobile phones get proper flash support, As far as i understand Adobe is launching a flash version for java handsets soon.. (for the last 6 months they been saying that) and if i understand correctly, it will only work java 2, and handsets with enough 'ram'.. and for the cost... Im using about 80mb a day (1600mb a month) on MD, that cost me about R350 ($40 or so) and if i buy a mobile bundle for R400 ($50), its not that much more , and there is speak that the mobile cost are coming down, due to competition.. o well IT would be nice being able to play it mobile..
  3. Would it not be great to have MD on the go. It surely must be possible. A java version, yes java! Reach the masses!
  4. Well at the Cannon there is a room with a table and chairs, that could be cannons way of activating. Maybe the activation chamber. in Wasp's totem should have Certain people inside (Maybe It was used like a shelter for the people of loreroot).. I think we should have all the aliance members go there to see what happens
  5. Myself and some others are traped in Golemus.. we trying to figure out the Pillars.. Save us please, we dont wana die (o and my vp show just a 0...)
  6. [color="#9932CC"]If u activated Furious Nature [title,spell,skills], this gives you minus - heat even if u select briskness *3 illusion. i dont like that[/color] [color="#0000FF"]Hey! Don't expect to always win something with those illusions. Sometimes you have to lose some. And if you chose Furious nature and briskness it gives you the difference (i chose 1 brisk and the nature - i got 70 brisk) dst[/color]
  7. [quote name='Bloodpuppy' post='20523' date='Nov 21 2008, 01:20 PM']ive noticed another thing.. it might not be an error.. When you look at someone's cr.vit. it shows the illusion creatures vitality and your own creatures vitality, although you cant use ur own creatures.. (and why have a value point illusion increase if u cant use it ) [color="#0000FF"]Hmmm...let's see[spoiler] buy armor?[/spoiler] dst[/color][/quote] [spoiler] where there is no place i can see that does sell it (ive been everywhere)[/spoiler]
  8. ive noticed another thing.. it might not be an error.. When you look at someone's cr.vit. it shows the illusion creatures vitality and your own creatures vitality, although you cant use ur own creatures.. (and why have a value point illusion increase if u cant use it ) [color="#0000FF"]Hmmm...let's see[spoiler] buy armor?[/spoiler] dst[/color]
  9. I have noticed that the illusions for more vital energy does not work and the regen spell neither. Are we going to keep the experience accumelated in the test? I've heard some people have beaten Mur, I wonder if he would punish them... [color="#0000FF"]You can defeat Mur with no problems. He will not punish you. As for the experience...no idea. There are things that sustain the idea of keeping the xp and there also things against it. dst[/color]
  10. It all seems so firmiluar.. Its like i was there...
  11. BloodPuppy ID:87075
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