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    Kamate @ MRI

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. since this is just my suggestion and not totally a new idea, i dont know if it belong to the Idea board, so i put it here instead. these are only examples, just assume all names here are nonallied: MRI: win 1500 / lose 1500 AmberRune: win 2500 / lose 2500 now the situations (based on nondamage battle. honor value are not accurate, just want to point out the positive and negative state of value): MRI vs AmberRune: MRI win : MRI get 0 honor while AmberRune get -1 honor MRI lose:MRI get 0 honor while AmberRune get 0 honor AmberRune vs MRI: AmberRune win: AmberRune get 0 honor while MRI get 0 honor AmberRune lose: AmberRune get -1 honor while MRI get 0 honor then Pothos who move to mp5 with 2600 wins / 2000 loses, will absolutely become huge target since MRI and AmberRune will get nice honor out of the fight against Pothos. those 600 losses that Pothos need just to get balanced so he/she can stop getting negative honor when attacking MRI and AmberRune will surely drain his/her current honor, probably deep into negative side. not only that, defending against other mp5 with lower win counts will give Pothos negative honor as well. bottom line is, at the moment, someone are at disadvantage if they got huge number of win counts when they're defending whether they're balanced or not. so, what i want to suggest is, when the win/lose ratio is the same for both attacker and defender: 1) ones shouldnt get negative honor when defending against others that have lower win counts 2) ones shouldnt get negative honor when they attack and lose against others that have lower win counts
  2. I bought both feature and it's working fine. Just that when i do a shop reset, they appear again in the shop which is kind of weird since i dont think we need it again because both of that features only does 1 thing each without level of effect.(unless there is which i dont know because i havent buy them for 2nd time). the reason i'm making this post is because of the features is there and it blocks me from buying the additional logs features. it will be a waste if i have to buy those 2 feature that actually doesnt do anything when bought for 2nd time just to clear the path to get to logs feature. perhaps they should not appear again after we bought it the first time?
  3. Skill Vampire 255 days bid..[b] [u][i]4 sc[/i][/u][/b]
  4. you the man!

    high five!

  5. Good Day everyone!..hmm i wish he read my last reply soon :)

  6. how about a mdshop item where we can buy win/lose count reset for a $1? i know many people don't want a global reset, so perhaps it can be an individual shop item that we can buy? perhaps this can give some of us a quick alternative measure for the honor part..?
  7. @*Burns*: your points are good for a MP6->MP6 situation, that's why i suggest MP6 can channel their heat to higher being?(in this case, Mur. and who knows, it might be you later on when you're raised to MP7 for being among the most outstanding vet/player? ) @Shadowseeker: MP6 arent gods, so i dont have any counter-argument for your statement I dont know about mythology, but there should be someone higher than zeus and odin, right? if that so, they both also need to obey that someone, right? (but if there arent anything greater than zeus and odin, once again, i raise the white flag ) @Rhaegar: hehe, guess there's no way we can farm loyalty while being a protector
  8. as for "It would also make leaders more paranoid about who they invited into alliances, in case the player had previously been an MP6 and gained a ridiculous amount of loyalty." part, even if i have 20K loyalty and someone invite me into an alliance with the leader's point at 10K, my loyalty will automatically cut down to less than 10K.(still the possibility to "accidentally" take over the alliance still high, just stating that unless it's really a plan to take over the ally in the first place, it doesnt matter if you're mp6 or not, we all saw how "someone" took over an ally, twice while she's a mp5). i dont know about other mp6, but if you ask me, i dont have any agenda of taking any alliance or something like it, it's purely about turning my excess heat into something profitable for myself, and hopefully for other mp6 as well though, your opinion is highly appreciated kyphis
  9. yeah, nice point awiiya.since i get 500+ heat each step i take, i overlooked about the fact where worshipper sending heat can actually boost the heat gathering process(though, isnt that what worshippers do?since they're clicked the button "Accept and Obey"? ). And while the exchange rate for mp5+ is 500 sent=250 received, still you're right about the bouncing heat transfer between mp6s, that's why i add the suggestion that mp6 automatically worship Mur instead, since he's mp7(or perhaps other mp7??). and the part you said about mp6 will gain too much loyalty far too quickly, errr, that's why i made this topic anyway, so i can do that (since i dont think having high loyalty will hurt someone else)
  10. Would it be bad if Heat Transfer get enabled on mp6 as well? It's just that all spells available at mp6 only have 20 casts per day, so most of the time, i got my erolin device shining with 4400 heat in it(while all 6 little ones already filled ) So, while serving my fellow worshipers and adepts when they need it, i think the extra heat should be able to be turn into something useful like Loyalty points(since it's needed when we want to buy stuff in mdshop).or perhaps, make it that all mp6 automatically worship Mur and can send him all the extra heat??
  11. kamate

    No Flags

    I've done some testing and almost sure that flag assigning to each char is kinda messed up for now since the upgrade. until it's fixed, mostly all will get the last flag we had before the upgrade, no matter if you move to other country or just by using proxy.<br><br><br>so, i think it also effected the newly created characters as they're not being assigned with a flag.<br>
  12. yes golem, with that amount of heads, you can be attacked almost everywhere you can go and someone else able to follow. atrumis, since i dont know if you're mp3 or mp4, keep in mind that at mp3, each win will count as victory, while in mp4, you'll have to meet the requirement to get victory instead of normal win, only victory will get you the opponent's head ball(well, normal win still give you at least 1 head as reward)
  13. [quote name='No one' date='17 March 2010 - 10:41 PM' timestamp='1268836866' post='56541'] I never thought that there is a better way to commit suicide before today: (I removed the name of the "friend") [spoiler]----- is preparing new random strategy Load No one creatures Load ----- creatures ... Influences for No one: creatureboost, creatureboost, creatureboost, creatureboost, creatureboost, creatureboost ###### Influences for -----: skillvampire, poweraura, regenaura, attackbonus, freeze, creatureboost ###### Applying 50% of No one's energetic influence Applying 51% of -----'s energetic influence No one's Angien Sentinel III does energyburn to random creature(s) of ----- and: - Revolted Skill Vampire receives 96819 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 24277 Ve) creature DIES! No one's Angien Sentinel III does energyburn to random creature(s) of ----- and: - Majestic Winderwild receives 96969 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 24277 Ve) creature DIES! No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn No one's Angien Sentinel III does energyburn to random creature(s) of ----- and: - Dark Archer receives 96999 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 24277 Ve) creature DIES! No one's Angien Sentinel III does energyburn to random creature(s) of ----- and: - BloodPact Dark Archer receives 96987 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 24277 Ve) creature DIES! No one's Angien Sentinel III does energyburn to random creature(s) of ----- and: - Elite Knator receives 96959 energy burn (attacking creature consumes 24277 Ve) creature DIES! -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 1 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 2 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 3 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 4 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 5 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 6 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 7 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 8 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn -----'s Elemental IV cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn ###### START ROUND 9 ###### No one's Angien Sentinel III remains frozen, skipping turn ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses. ... ----- WINS! 100.1824% vs 82.629376% Creature Experience reward for No one - Losing player Angien Sentinel III gaines 8686 Xp Creature Experience reward for ----- - Winning player Elemental IV gaines 100970 Xp and a won battle Winner does not get a won fight point. Looser does not get a lost fight point. Wed Mar 17 2010 16:33:50 GMT+0200 (GTB Standard Time)[/spoiler] Edit: Here is the proof that ANGIENS NEVER DIE: Actually it seems that they JUST APPEAR not to be dead. [attachment=1519:before fight.PNG] [attachment=1518:after fight.PNG] [/quote] you delete his name in the battle log, but we can still see his name on the battle screenshot
  14. row 3 column 7
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