well this has been a while
hm , lets see.
the thing is , i dont realy care much who gets to be the leader
its a sorta big thing to be a good leader to any alliance
let alone a great one
my opinion'
would probably be that the care takers might be a more perhaps neutral alliance
just slightly nudging themselfes torwards the evil or darker side if you will
with more of the knowledge and the power to be able to harness the darker side of magic
less then the typical sword wielding type
that the might use a more twistedversion of a healer then the normal cute innocent type
that this healer might take a bit of someones life strings
in order to heal the one he/she is aiming to heal
different types of characters
the might also clean unwanted problems and issues and make the dissapear into the thin air
these are just examples anyway
and it be more fun to come up with more unusal rank names
then the typical and boring 'captain' sergeant and well you get the picture
the seal of six
also my in my opinion
would be awesome to see as a bunch of holy men / women as well ^^'
uhm Monk´s if you may
that be a sight to see , and pretty inresting
that ollow there beliefs with passion as well show respect for other paths that might lead
to inlightment, that they dont shun people for there beliefs
but they show no pity for cruelty and beings who our out to harm others.
also yet again , its mur´s decision and hopefully
he will pick someone who is right for the role
not just a random fluke..
and someone who makes it mysterious and intriguing ( eh not the best at spelling words but you might get what i ment )
and that the person who obtain one or the other of these alliances
wont also be so cheap to not let others into the alliance
i mean gosh i ve seen a few alliances being sniffy and so on letting people in when there about only 3 people in the whole alliance XD
anyways i hope i gave someone ideas and didnt make peoples heads go aowiee