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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. When I was dong interviews from people in magic duel (Burns and Awiiya). Though there are few things I cant say I can I hope and able to share this. The idea was interesting and to me and the result was very interesting. It usually evolves in a few stages. The first is the combat system which is often the hook. What gets people involved. Then the community finalizes the complete includement that keeps them there. Ether it is simple talking with people or just a challenging question that somebody has a take on.

    As for the small community several contributing factors i can think of. The first of course is the advancement its sort of slow. There is also people who think the creature fights would be sort of like Pokemon or some other turn based combat instead of solid strategy. The final is slow acceptance into the community. I have to say I struggled in the last aspect. That is why I only have 608 active days since Sept.30th 2007.

  2. The use of espionage I think has been a long used in magic duel. I think removing it would be a tad bit exstream. It should be up to the alliance leaders to find out weather somebody is a hopper or not.
    As for the spy when I was applying for king it was a long time ago I know. I was informed or maybe even misinformed that lore-root and necro had a alliance of sorts.
    Just PM me when this changed or even if it did.

  3. Its interest and I have played allot with the idea in my mind. Problem being is although there is activity fights although animated to use for entertainment actually only take less than a quarter second to be calculated meaning the symbol would have to be prolonged. What your suggesting seems a little too um obstructive. If anything there should only be an icon in the top left of the screen that shows the number of fights say in the last 10 minutes or what ever.
    I am also sort of worried about latency. I personally have few problems with it but I know there are some people that complain about it at particular high activity times.

  4. Personally I can understand where Mur is coming from though. I mean if I put together an event that was meant to bring a community together. If I organized gifts and brought out something for everybody to who came to leave with something and somebody comes out and calls me out saying that they didn't show up but they demand retribution it would be unfair to include that person because then everybody who didn't show up I would have to treat equally.

    I see now that I might have been wrong to start this topic. I may have had good intentions but like most things it eventually turns into a blood feud.

    COULD A MOD PLEASE CLOSE THIS TOPIC before this turns into something that is no longer within control.

  5. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1300296939' post='80752']
    ...The point I personnaly don't understand with the tombola is: why is it splitted by payment method? Usually in similar games going for incentive you get either a tombola for whoever spent cash (whatever the payment method is) or a tombola specifically sponsored by a payment site (aka PBC or paypal or....) for whoever used their site for a shop payment.

    I got the feeling here, that paying players are segregated based on their payment method, and I can't see the benefits for MD owners.

    The split for payment method is supposed to segregate players by the payment method available to them. For example I can pay only by the method of pay by cash and if I go out of my way western union. I am barred from PayPal due to my lack of a checking account or a credit card. Every person here I believe is barred or removed from some of these methods. There for in order to order out fairness each person paying a different way is given equal chances on the same gift. That is why this time an order was not really established because all the main prizes and suggested prizes where open and order should not matter who chooses what.

    I don't totally understand the method my self. It may be because it was just limited to PayPal the first time. So it will even out by giving everybody in there payment plan group a chance them mash it all together. I really don't know so I will leave it at that. If Mur wants to explain it feather or better he can, if not we just have to accept that as well.

  6. The PBC Tombola has passed and you can see the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/9247-tombola-winners/page__pid__80716#entry80716"]results here[/url] but that's not what I am here to talk about. Other than the winners and a lot of fun after words it is safe to say that there is going to be another Tombola and it is also rather likely that its going to be Western Union payment method. It is just a great way to get the community together but then again there is an ugly side to the tombola that showed its self.

    An interesting Phenomenon arose and that was the payment amounts. For example I who payed $100 as one payment there where a large amount of people repeating the minimum payment that in fact likely in some cases surpassed mine. Now I am fine with people spending money on a game. I do it occasionally but in order to just get the extra tickets I find it some what morally wrong. I'm not going to say Mur said anything because it is always dangerous to take somebodies words out of context but I will go as far as to say he did express his disappointment with that behavior. So he wants to implement a new rule to sort of regulate this.

    However it is likely that there will be a couple thing overlooked and we don't want to ruin the spirit of the tombola. Likely the next one wont take place until sometime after the April MD party so there is plenty of time the theorize as to what to do.

    Now there are a couple things to keep in mind. One of the main parts of the tombola is anybody can participate with any amount of payment. Meaning a person who can only afford to give up 10 dollars has a chance as well as the person willing to part with 100 dollars. There has to be an incentive to pay maybe a little more as that's one of the key roles of the tombola. Pay server costs and advertising bills. There also has to be a reason for people who are not top payees to show up. I think that's all of them.

    The reason that I post this instead of leaving it just up to mur is because of two reasons the first being that mur cant account for every little tiny possible loop hole. Nobody really can or has the time. The second one being is mur is also trying to insure fairness during the tombola that's why he brakes up the payment by methods and once again he cant account for every little detail and no one person can.

    So that's it. I have some ideas though I come across barriers so i will keep them to my self until I figure them out. Anyways lets see what you got and what problems you might find.
    Now its 2AM and I have to get up at 10. So I will leave you to it. I may add a poll later in order to host some of the more popular ideas.

  7. Sry to double post but I need this bumped for people so see it.

    Ok here is the run down. I've gotten the go ahead from the committee on the ninth. Everybody should have the document in one of there various emails if you failed to contact me directly with where you wanted it sent. For everybody who sent me where they wanted it I thank you and will be contacting you shortly to schedule an appointment.

    For those of you who are under the age of 18 it is a little late. When interviewing minors I need to be really careful about what I say and it scares the university when ever people aren't responsible for there own decisions and have the mighty wrath of public lawyers to contend with. So i would have had to get the signatures before I sent in my proposal which by the way got an A grade. I'm going to try finish all of these by the 25th but since that is likely not my destiny I will make acceptations. Chewy, shadow seeker or any other mod that I am sure I am missing feel free to merge my double posts.

  8. funny but I think they would have returned to being frozen. I am just waiting for somebody to actually use freeze of there creatures to there advantage. [spoiler]For example the nutcracker and its ability to heal an opponent giving them a win. It may be used as a way to achieve losses more effectively. I already see it being used as a way to give opponents victories.[/spoiler]

  9. "I go to the gazebo and what do I see but the tree sitting there instantly!"

    O.K. so I am going to try to explain this without spoilers. But those who where around last Christmas are aware of the tree and the gift function. Now when I went there I saw a split second glance of it until it dissipated and replaced its self with the gazebo. Now I have been there many times and my cashed data is deleted daily which means the data must be fresh from the game.

    My personal theory since the MD birthday party is that Mur has lately been testing said system and may be using to re-use that system during the birthday party. That being said and if people don't think I have gone crazy from my last encounter from Mur that plunged me into the asylum that I tried to get Mur to be admitted too (really old RP i don't expect anybody to remember it was just really fun for me :rolleyes: ). I want to hear anybody else s theory's or thoughts. I obviously have a few other ones but I want to leave it open to discussion as it will often reveal something I didn't think of.

  10. Well actually the best way to find if a computer is the same is finding a mac address. A few games I have played can do this. Though it only works with a downloaded component known as a client. Since downloading a client allows them to reveal all where mac addresses are protected from internet programs.

    I have to say I like the idea of a council though in order to choose who is an alt of who. However this council would have to not be advertised as to who they where. So I would be against making them a guild as that would be public. Making them a secret but contactable group would make it harder for friends of those people to manipulate them. Since they would not know anything about who they are talking too making it hard to know what to say other than presentation of proof. Also some people would be against certain people. For example sig would not want DST to be a alt checker. Due to what he calls the abuse of acoustic remains.

  11. people have been override in the past but there is also an announcement that i can quote here.

    [2010-08-01 21:24:09 - Stage 10]
    To avoid confusion, unwanted penalties and such, avoid giving wp to work colegues, people playing md from same computer or network, brothers, sisters, etc. If my alt checker sais you are alts, you are alts. period. I don't care if you are not but you look like you are. If the alt checker sais you are it means you can abuse same things alts can. So that you know, i can determine with a shocking precision if you are just using the same computer or if you are indeed two different people using same computer. There is however, like in everything, a chance it is wrong. .. to be clear .. that chance does not count in your favor. Avoid geting penalised and you will be fine. If you get in jail for something you didnt do but you cant prove you didnt, its your bad luck.[/quote]

    So that's it your stuck. If you end up in jail sure you could fight getting out of jail (ONLY) but that didn't happen and since you didn't abuse it likely wont end up there.

    Also you cant complain that you haven't seen it. Mur has had it painfully clear that you watch all announcements and read the restrictions. By failing to comply to that and by signing up you are accepting all rules regulations and ect. Anything that happens after signing up is your own fault and although it may seem unfair it is the only way to obtain and maintain a stable world.

  12. I like the idea. It isn't obstructive and doesn't interfere with the story line which it would defenently do if implemented in that way.

    There where some people before that said it was a spoiler. I have to disagree with those people immediately. A spoiler is a in game implemented secret such as the answer to the BP and that of the BPG and the large amount of symbolism that was implemented by the artist(s).

  13. Well actually when signing up now you do have an option bar but the option bar only says we don't care. MD though we choose a gender for our selves in the game we are not actually linked to a gender such as in other games. I forget but it was either peace or DST that portrayed her or himself as a male in the beginning and changed orientation to female. I wouldn't worry about it to much. Nobody sees you from your battle avatar. who you are is defined by your game avatar and your actions in game.

    I mean when I first came people thought I was female for 2 months because one person decided to choose a gender before me before I tagged myself as male.

  14. If it is going to be implemented I do think it should be left dysfunctional.

    For a creature upgrade I think it sort of defeat the reason we have creature upgrades.Creature upgrades I see as more of a reward system. Losing does have its reward but only if you win equal to that for the 100 percent bonus experience that you get. There is then why would I want to kill my creature many times in order to upgrade it. It just seems way to much like a waste.

    Then creature value I just think is a bad idea. That means a creature could have value before its traded. Trade value is about the trade not before the trade. There is a reason why trade value is 0 before anything is traded. Also I think we have a pretty good system for trade value. If I am correct which I might be wrong I think it is the lost amount of days after the trade takes place of course cumulative.

    I just think doing something wrong shouldn't be a reward of some kind. Its sort of like the thanks for trying prize that everybody gets at the end of the day no matter how badly they failed. I just don't like to operation of any system that does that.

  15. well actually science only shows you the most probable answer it does not prove anything. it just proves that the most probable answer is _______. That's why tectonic plate movement is stated as a theory and we use laws. We never say this is whats happening. We say this is what a theorize is happening.

    In fact a hardcore scientist would dispute gravity.

  16. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1294890670' post='77342']
    warning long post ahead.

    alright, its more clear for me now that i have a very unusual concept of how md should be .. because most of the things described as issues are planned to be so.

    I know how a game should be, the cursive flow of solvable quests that keep you active, spiced with optional increased difficulty stages. The character classes with selectable sets of abilities ordered nicely in branches and such. etc etc ...etc

    I am trying for 5 years to fight all that. MD is supposed to reach you indirectly and bring certain things in some to life, not to drag you step by step through a series of setups. Otherwise if i would have made md like that, and use the 'techniques' used in md, i would be a rich fat guy and MD would have zillions of users :)

    I am not trying to make it more commercial. I am trying however not to scare away those that until now were attracted by md and used to stay.

    I could explain each situation you describe as hindering to noobs, they are mainly the filters those that are around long enough heard of. I am not very sure i want to do that however. Its true they are not staded as such and they appear as a indirect result of how md is 'badly made' or 'unfinished'. Other things are really unfinished and will be eventually, like the full use of principles. Yet their MAIN use is the one to put players mind in motion and make him intrigued about them, wanting to digg more, and if he diggs he will find about them more than just a game means. In that aspect they act as great character attractors quite well. Obviously i cant say that in the help files.

    One unexpected thing ..better said something with uncalculated effects... are the player quests. A rating could help quite a lot and its a planned feature since i implemented wishpoints. WP rating is related to quest quality, questi winner gets a wp and he can rate back depending on how valuable the quest seemed to him AFTER he solved it (to avoid frustrated people). One day will get done i hope. I can not guarantee over what players create as quests, and a new player might consider them as the game itself. I also don't plan on adding more integrated quests, md is not a series of quests, its not a series of anything..in fact everything should go in parallel not in series if you get my point.

    And about /me vs ** thing.. in my opinion, which sadly is the only opinion that matters when it is about conceptual things in md, /me makes the speaker differentiate too much between in-character and out-of-character. I want a more natural behaviour of players not a theatrical one. when i started md i had no idea what role-play is (yeah)..my concept of role-play was that players will just be themselves but will obviously "fail" or better said "succeed" to be fully themselves , so the played character will be eventually different than they are in reality. By that, certain aspects of their true self will come forth and could be enhanced, trained, or changed, repaired. Interesting how rp looked for me back then when i didn't knew this thing had a name assigned to it.
    So /me won;t be added to the list of rp triggers because is suited in an environement where slash is used for various other commands, not in one where i can use whatever else i consider appropriate. Keeping standards is obviously not my concern. MD defies standards in itself.

    Will it do a major difference if before registration a clear message will be shown to the future player, stating very clear that MD is not a game where you have to do things in order so you get to its end, but a WORLD where you enter by doing those things but in the end you are on your own to experience it as you can.[/b]

    this message could also have a 10sec delay so you cant click next just to skip it, dictatorship style, so they get used to things around here :D

    Most..sorry, all... of the people that managed to understand what md is are those that somehow developed their so called "role" in ways that have nothing to do with a predefined quest/adventure game. Its also them that managed to stick around most because from their point of view the things achieved are out of md's range...and its just so..md is just the ground that facilitates some things, but what things...it just up to you.
    I am talking about people that changed their life with things learned here, changed themselves, and most interesting for me, managed to change others. I consider the active days to be of amazing accuracy of that, since you can't stay in a place that you fail to survive. They even have the needed 'error' in them, its called Venger ..i need one day to meet that guy and figure out how is it possible to play without playing, lol. (inside joke for those that look at active vet list)

    I realised only recently what the effects of a 8-fold balance systems are,..not sure if you will understand this but ... "it reaches outside its reality".

    Back on topic, your comments are VERY useful, those of the noobs that replied to this topic and had under 10 posts at the time they did contact me for a little thank you/welcome gift. (pray you dont have old alts or you will die in pain, lol). i didnt counted how many you are but to make things a bit more chalanging, this is valid only for the first 4 people to contact me.

    spoiler so you see how things work.
    as each character should do in md, i am adding to my requirements the things that i consider valuable in someone. that is very personal and only valid for certain cases, i do realise that, but its a personal role i play here and not how md is entirely.
    The real reward stated above is actually for the noobs that were involved enough to check back if it was a reply to their post and also had the patience to read all this long post i wrote here, which in itself is sort of a personality filter too. Same like the 24h waiting.

    My secret Ary will be following this too i hope or i will lock her in the dungeon with some zombies .. oh, we dont have a dungeon, hmmm...and no zombies...i wonder why..lol

    Sry but I don't care what anybody says here this is something I need for my ethnography report. *runs off in opposing direction scroll in hand*
    I know I am supposed to keep RP out of the forums but there is just no better way to say it. This post explains why things are the way they are.

  17. Ok this is very side tracked and I am quite sure that this is going to turn into a personal attack. The point of this topic isn't necessarily to attack ideas but to offer any ideas that you may have. The topic although supported by curi is not about curi.

    I think I should just make that clear before a counter productive dispute erupts and somebody says something they will really regret.

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