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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. [spoiler][quote name='smartalekrj' timestamp='1290722831' post='73252']
    I will agree with Lifeline on this one. Several people got punished that shouldn't have been. I'm glad someone like Lifeline is a king and went through the trouble of pulling up the announcements as well as the one forum post that said anything about the drachorn caves functions. Mur called ignorance upon me for not knowing, but seriously, how am i supposed to know out of a forum post? If it's not ingame then it holds no bearing to me.

    Everyone knows I was inactive for a long time. I did read the announcements, and I didn't think I saw anything new about me or about my access. I did send a pm to Mur asking about me still having access to the cave, but never got a response. It becomes a crime for me to play the game normally and the way I was taught by the great Mur himself. I am sure as most ex-RPC's know what I did is what I was taught to do ingame to have fun and collaberate with groups of people. To raise attention and have fun.

    Each RPC was given it's own power and the goal wasn't for each RPC to keep their power to itself, but to collaberate with other RPC's and make unique quests between the powers they had. What I did was no different. I took a power that I had and collaberated with someone about it to make a unique situation. Was it harmful to anybody? no. Was it harmful to the game? no. So i'm being charged cause Mur ignored my pm and left me access to the cave and i used it? There is nothing to gain out of people being in there, so it's not abuse. The only way it can be abused is if someone hacks, which can happen anyways outside of the cave as I have heard.

    So the cave itself serves no special function other than nobody can enter the cave but me. But nowhere in the announcements does it say that nobody is allowed. I would move to stricken the forum post as a fact cause it should have been an announcement. Thats like saying "Accursed Growth is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not." If you say that in the forum how many people that dont regularly read the forum are going to be accused of a crime that they didn't know existed? It's not an area that most can enter, but some can. Furthermore, there are people that got punished for no reason whatsoever.

    MasterB is indeed one of them. I want to know what "investigation" led to that conclusion. He had nothing to with it, and left right after being transported in. What was his crime? What did he do himself to be a criminal? Manda's only crime was posting in the mood panel but she suffered a worse fate than the people that planned it. I can bring evidence as well to support against the people wrongly accused, seeing how I am the one that orchestrated the whole thing. But I wasn't even questioned about it really. Charging people falsely seems to be a trend in the realm.

    Just cause people dont like something doesn't make it a forbidden. If 99 people agree on a rule being set and one person doesn't like that rule then that rule is not made. If one person makes a rule and everyone else disagrees with it it's still a rule. That sounds like nonsense but it is indeed true.

    I think the main problem is not exactly you letting somebody in to the cave but the transpiring events and the person you let in.
    For starters the drake cave is and should remain exclusive property of GG and not lightly given privilege to other lands or neutrals (I was not there don't investigate what I say and think of it as an admission of guilt) such as myself. The second problem though I believe you have no connection too is lifelines decision to allow people to enter.

    Personally I have no problem with what you did RJ. The events that transpired however are a different monster all together. I wonder how the council is going to deliberate this (personally I think there might be a partial but not complete pardon granting lifeline a little bit of something back but not everything). Anyways that's my take on all this so far.

    Wait for my inevitable change in my opinion if somebody else makes an arguable point. :P

  2. The problem is showing the percentage could eaither discourage or facilitate a rebellion. For example if only 10% where rebelling few people would join over 50% would make it increase. There are also in actives which would make a lower percentage.

  3. The spoiler contains tipu's post I just want to keep it in there because I just have a small comment and I don't want to waste a whole hell of a lot of space.
    [quote name='Tipu' timestamp='1290597966' post='73012']
    I understood u want to take on ur own shoulders and iam on my mission lord.
    The supreme duty of every Citizen is to defend his King and iam only doing my duties so no need any thanks lord. Well iam posting few more points hope this helps u in ur trial.

    11) Spoiler is again an offense in MD right? But how come u can have Alts then, Ok let me explain this
    Lets take two scenario:
    a)Lets say player 'A' Join MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Player 'B' joins in
    c)Player 'A' gives all the spoilers of MD to player 'B'
    Player 'A' gets punished cos he has given all info which he knows to player 'B' and thats spoiler.ok
    a)Player 'A' joins MD and plays for 200 active days
    b)Then player 'A' creates his Alt player 'A1'. Now player 'A1' knows everything what player 'A' knows(how to solve bresker puzzle, How to beat LR guards, knows which ritual to be used to increase certain stats and many more it goes on)
    My point what difference it make btw player 'B' and 'A1'. Cos now player 'A1' becomes legal. Even thought all the spoilers or fact are shared btw player A and A1 but thats legal????
    Now if i had the RED button i would have used it and removed all the alts from the system just one account per IP address. :)) . Now how fare is my decision for those who have really worked hard to bring there alts up.
    My point is different people interpolate rules and systems in different way i just took one example about 'spoiler'. So player will have different option about rules closed or restricted means.

    12) About alche statue " the reason why that statue is build because he discovered MDA lands long before it was official opened. Any one who sees that statue will be under the impression that going to the places that can't be access is a great Achievement to do. The place that is not official opened is an restricted area or a closed area. if so why the statue then. If that is called adventure where is Manda's statue near the cave in fact it should be two :)):))

    13) If training with the Libs is against the rule then how about players using the armors in GG during HC contest. I mean every one knows that they r steeling head from the armor (why steeling - most of them don't have creatures left for fighting, so basically u click them u get their heads). No action is taken to prevent that and non punished. I know why.. it is just cos' VETS can't participate in HC. Imagine DST is allowed in participating in HC and u try to steel heads from the armor u will no doubt will end up counting the bar behind prison hehe :)) ( Sorry DST to put ur name there).

    14) Who has more authority ...
    A MD char or a King . I belive A MD char since he have done good or bad thing for the entire MD realm and not just a part of land. On that text what Lord Lifeline did is correct to my view.

    15) When MB and GG was still in taking period about the whole incident, why did the announcement pointed about the gravity about a King not concern about the other land territory. King of GG already punished lifeline in that regard "MB citizens will be attacked in GG territory". And it should be decided between the two king. The punishment should only be given for entering the cave and not for trespassing the territory that remains with GG king.

    16) Some say that Lord life line was trying to take over GG. ho yes he is trying to take over GG with some fresh mp5 players who r struggling to find a Win. And remember even GG citizens where included in that group. So this can considered as a joke .

    lord I have few more points but no time today. thanks

    Ok your player is A1 so its about telling another player not another character. Though the two terms get used almost interchangeably don't make the mistake that they are the same. I don't play alts but I dont think we should ban them. Some people like to see the game in a different way I just don't.

    Your 16th point is also a problem. Trying to take over the GG with mp 5 players is not the problem. The problem was the location they entered once they entered the GG.

    You have a lot of other ideas but I am not going to correct them for the reason they are not relevant during the current event. If you want to make a suggestion in a new thread I welcome you too but here is not the place.

  4. I have to say this actually quite an interesting case if you want to call it that. Despite not being a trial (which I stated earlier in the post that it wouldn't pass as such) it is actually being answered in a judicial manner. Vote left to people is a jury and mur is taking a defense stance.

    Though technically at least in real court it is not a court battle. First off a jury only takes part in criminal cases. However this is a civil case which would require a judge which will not be provided as the judge is the defendant.

    Though since I have seen more of the dispute I have switched sides once again as Yrthilian has showed his expression to the current ideals. Quite frankly im surprised you haven't started a war yet. Setting foot in enemy territory is an offense. Also if I was king I would exile RJ (im assuming he is GG) as he is a traitor for letting them in.

    As for lifeline threatening to make this trial his execution I see it actually highly probable it might be as well as some of the people who have decided to put there neck out for him. We have had sacrifices in necrocron I dont see why not executions in marnidbell.

    Edit: (Ok got power again) As for passing on the kingship that is not possible. It was posted right inside the announcements that it is necrocrons government which allows that it is not a given right as king it is a reserved right for necro. Though I do not dought it will be a council member just not the one you decide.

  5. If you don't mind I have a few things to say. First thing is this is NOT going to trail. There is no such thing as a trial against mur. He told me him self in a previous case.

    This does not necessary Veto your argument though. Mur still may look at it in fact I am almost sure he will because it has your name and his name tagged to it. So no it wont go to court but it may be considered. You have just posted it in the wrong place.

    Personal thoughts:
    Ok on a personal level I like your arguments you make a strong point and most importantly you have won me to your side. You present previous events and how this relates to the past. You also explain the mistake. You finally state proof which is very important.

    As for totally removing the sentences I think that is out of the question. The proof that you have likely does not prove total innocence. Yes you will have the king point removed as you did enter the cave. Although these other peoples sentences will likely be reduced.

    Lifeline I like what your fighting for but you are not going to get it all. I would like you too meet a compromise though. Something that both you and mur find fair or at least more fair.

  6. OK I had an opportunity I couldn't pass up. If using the same computer one would go idle. Below is some proof just so we can clear this out of the chat.


    I have a few other images showing that neither are idle at once. Up to now we have been working on hunches and coincidences this follows as true proof that Gray cloth and Siegheart are two individuals.

    We can now get back on track with the trial debate I hope.

  7. From what we have learn't so far from the announcements seigheart can still press charges if he wishes. However I am disturbed by his pardon it is not my place to pass any sort of judgment on that as mur obviously knows more about the situation then I do. So this is what we can deduce:
    -Sigheart had some reason for a pardon from being in the drakhorn cave
    -We can also deduce that the drakhorn cave is strictly off limits.
    -Finally we can deduce that if sigheart refuses to post again he has dropped charges. We will find out soon enough.

  8. We should find out Monday. There is some action being taken against him. He may be banned or jailed. I asked mur to keep me posted. If I get anything ill post it here unless he announces it himself or doesn't want me to advertise it.

  9. that might actually be what mur was talking about in his message but once again im not sure. Though I think mur is rather reasonable and since it didnt result in major problems I think he will get punished but a permanent ban would be a bit sever. Though if what mur is talking about are different issues then they might add up to a point that mur just says its easier to get rid of him.

  10. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1290189826' post='72592']
    If I happen to remember correctly, Seigheart stated over by the Howling Gate some time [maybe a week or a few days, I do not remember] ago, that he had already proven to Mur that he was not Fenrir.

    In this case, by the quote of Mur, it seems that he -has not- proven such, if the council has to get involved and Mur has not stated otherwise.

    There were plenty of awake witnesses to quote him on that as well, if I may add.

    Well likely the council is involved because of a previous post by mur concerning he was having some problems in his real life. Thats why I was hesitant to post the quote because it might cause him to somewhat need to intervene which I don't think he wants to do too much right now and just let his RL get sorted out. Not only for his sake but for ours as well. I mean he is the driver.

  11. I talked to mur. I'm not going to try interpret what he said as it might come off the wrong way so ill just quote his response. I would like to ask you not to try add anything to this message or send mur any more messages regarding this as I am sure his mind is made up.

    Sent Today, 07:08 AM
    the matter is discussed in the council, a conclusion will be announced probably monday.
    seigheart is also involved in something that might not allow him to do a trial ..afterall you cant do that if baned or jailed...
    but more soon

    P.S. I also ask you not to make assumptions me doing that yesterday was a mistake.

  12. [quote name='Pipstickz' timestamp='1290123461' post='72524']
    More than a couple items:
    Caru Fenrir Greycloth 469644 Madhorn 1 4 29/06/10 06:36:02
    Seigheart Caru 617846 Rustgold Drachorn Hatchling 1 4 29/06/10 06:35:23

    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:23 8141 Wooden Staff 77557 2 29/06/10 14:12:33
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 06/10/09 04:05 3358 Elemental Amulet 157393 2 29/06/10 14:12:23

    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:22 6689 Gold coin 77557 2 29/06/10 05:50:51
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:23 7128 Silver coin 148016 4 29/06/10 05:50:48
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:22 7127 Silver coin 148016 4 29/06/10 05:50:43
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:22 5830 Gold coin 95950 4 29/06/10 05:50:41
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:22 7126 Silver coin 148016 4 29/06/10 05:50:38
    Seigheart Bought in MD Shop on 15/12/09 by Fenrir Greycloth (86191) in Features 5733 Gold coin 86191 1 29/06/10 05:50:35
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:22 5698 Silver coin 104972 3 29/06/10 05:50:33
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3357 Gold coin 92917 8 29/06/10 05:50:31
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 5009 Silver coin 103068 5 29/06/10 05:50:29
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 2895 Gold coin 137291 3 29/06/10 05:50:26
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 5008 Silver coin 103068 5 29/06/10 05:50:23
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 5007 Silver coin 103063 5 29/06/10 05:50:21
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 5006 Silver coin 103063 5 29/06/10 05:50:19
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4820 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:15
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4819 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:13
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4818 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:10
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4816 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:07
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4815 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:05
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4814 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:03
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4609 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:50:01
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4608 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:49:58
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4607 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:49:55
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 04:56 4606 Silver coin 92070 6 29/06/10 05:49:53
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3743 Silver coin 136488 3 29/06/10 05:49:50
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3475 Silver coin 154117 4 29/06/10 05:49:48
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3465 Silver coin 80963 4 29/06/10 05:49:46
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3415 Silver coin 136253 3 29/06/10 05:49:44
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3359 Silver coin 92917 3 29/06/10 05:49:42
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3286 Silver coin 137291 3 29/06/10 05:49:39
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3285 Silver coin 137291 3 29/06/10 05:49:15
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3208 Silver coin 159703 4 29/06/10 05:49:12
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3207 Silver coin 159703 4 29/06/10 05:49:08
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3206 Silver coin 159703 4 29/06/10 05:49:06
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3136 Silver coin 86324 4 29/06/10 05:49:02
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3103 Silver coin 92917 3 29/06/10 05:48:59
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 3102 Silver coin 92917 3 29/06/10 05:48:57
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 2864 Silver coin 151251 5 29/06/10 05:48:54
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 2863 Silver coin 151251 5 29/06/10 05:48:52
    Seigheart Fenrir Greycloth 29/06/10 05:21 2782 Silver coin 66971 5 29/06/10 05:48:42
    Seigheart Bought in MD Shop on 09/03/10 by Fenrir Greycloth (86191) 7806 Silver coin 86191 1 29/06/10 04:54:41
    Edit: To prevent confusion; The logs in the spoiler were pulled either the day of the transfers or the day after.

    As well, I'd like to point out this small segment:
    [17/11/10 20:17] Seigheart:I dunno what you mean, what's a dst?
    [17/11/10 20:17] :Manda Pm Muahahha
    [17/11/10 20:18] Seigheart:Wow. LOL
    [17/11/10 20:18] Seigheart:Call her std. *grins*
    Seigheart asks what a dst is, Manda sends a PM, Seigheart laughs and calls her std. Immediately, this looks to me like Manda was the one that said it first, not Seigheart.

    As well again, though I have no proof, I remember seeing a PL post that showed Seigheart saying something along the lines of "Women are weaker than men". Does anybody happen to remember Fenrir's similar statements?

    Ok the evidence is piling against him. I am inclined to say that he is Fenrir. Though before I say that 100% and might regret it. Lets see if we can get murs alt checker in here.

  13. Ok I agree with DST on this one and alot of people with side with her here. The main problem with the GGG is protection. The bad rep that it gives you should not appear. You training somewhere with a friend you are doing this at your own risk. What people don't seem to understand is that is that you are in a hostile world. You can create all the god damn rules you want. If you are going to **** and complain about it well that's just ****ing fine with me. I said I was fine with it earlier but now I withdraw that claim. If you are complaining about a few attacks inside your safe zone then you start to look like the GGG that I resented.

    P.S. Please forgive my language as it just gets me angry once something like this pops up after its already been beaten down time in again. just im so ****ing angry at having to keep on standing up for something I believe is breaking MD. If anybody needs help breaking down these things im always available for hire. Hire isn't the right word because ill do it for free. Ok service.

  14. [quote]
    2 dst Vs Fenrir Greycloth Day 135 Y 5 Day 257 Y 5 Forum, First jury
    D accuses F of slander, harassment, constant verbal abuse and mocking, threats and lying. D asks to have F on forum mod preview for eternity and 2 months in jail. In turn, F claims to be not guilty and accuses D of harassement too and of provoking him to herass her. F also points out that this is not an isolated case but a general thing D does.

    This is the second case and I guess it fits into the same lines. Though once again both people showed evidence publicly. Mur will only glace at this shortly if you don't show any proof. You have to give us one card at least to get it started. In RL court you have to present everything to the defendants eyes. You dont have to do this here but you do have to have to give a bit think of it as a warrant. You have to give the judge reasonable proof to look through someones personal belongings its an invasion of privacy.

    P.S. Using acoustic remains is NOT an invasion of privacy. Note that anything that you say in the chat is made public. Thus anything that you choose to put there is legally public property. It may look like im taking a side here but im not. I am simply stating the law. I have been not approached by either people for legal representation thus I am still on a neutral stance.

    Edit: Also can we keep the voting down to a minimum I am trying to balance out all the vote downs. The voting up and voting down feature is for pointless posts not for your alignment in this case. There is just too much temper flare ups in these kind of things for me to think the rating system is fair in this topic.

  15. This is interesting I have to agree. It seems as though neither player as definitive proof of much. We are missing chat logs and only one witness has stepped forward. Though a witness is worth nothing as any case requires physical evidence to be considered. That shouldn't be hard considering the chat in MD. DST has however unwittingly presented evidence. When she looked back in the chat she found the chat log shown below (I saved it ^_^ ):

    [17/11/10 20:12] Manda:waiting
    [17/11/10 20:13] Seigheart:I am as well. *grins*
    [17/11/10 20:13] Seigheart:This place is inaccesible by any means.
    [17/11/10 20:13] Seigheart:But the GoE
    [17/11/10 20:14] Manda:well if someone have the admin key can enter too :P
    [17/11/10 20:14] Seigheart:Ahh, well that is true.
    [17/11/10 20:14] Seigheart:So what happened in the Basement?
    [17/11/10 20:14] Seigheart:How did dst find us?
    [17/11/10 20:14] Seigheart:Someone must have told her.
    [17/11/10 20:14] Manda:and see marrind sit in the chair with the empty book
    [17/11/10 20:15] Manda:no the Dst have some spells maybe
    [17/11/10 20:15] Manda:or someone tell but dont know
    [17/11/10 20:15] Seigheart:Well, we shall see if she follows us here.
    [17/11/10 20:15] Manda:i like her but dont talk in a long long time
    [17/11/10 20:15] Seigheart:I despise her.
    [17/11/10 20:16] Manda:maybe we need to logo out for 20 min and wait untill our foot prints vanish
    [17/11/10 20:16] Seigheart:Not here.
    [17/11/10 20:16] Seigheart:Footprints dont matter here.
    [17/11/10 20:16] Manda:in games yes but = DST i want to have one in my home jjeje
    [17/11/10 20:17] Manda:mmmm maybe
    [17/11/10 20:17] Seigheart:I dunno what you mean, what's a dst?
    [17/11/10 20:17] :Manda Pm Muahahha
    [17/11/10 20:18] Seigheart:Wow. LOL
    [17/11/10 20:18] Seigheart:Call her std. *grins*
    [17/11/10 20:20] Manda:mmm std jeje
    [17/11/10 20:21] Manda:hit me ^_^
    [17/11/10 20:21] Seigheart:Im set btw. :P
    [17/11/10 20:35] Seigheart:Message me when more people get here. I'm going to go hunting. :D
    [17/11/10 21:01] Ravenstrider: (Rit set)
    [17/11/10 21:24] Princ Rhaegar:it's my first time here actually
    [17/11/10 21:24] Princ Rhaegar:setting rit in a sec
    [17/11/10 21:24] Princ Rhaegar:and going idle
    [17/11/10 21:29] moephus:set
    [17/11/10 21:56] Seigheart:Set
    [17/11/10 21:56] Seigheart:Moephus, your tree is hurt.
    [17/11/10 21:57] Seigheart:Hello everyone.
    [17/11/10 21:57] everyone:Hello
    [17/11/10 21:58] Seigheart:This is a GGG Training Site, please do not attack without using the proper ggg attacks
    [17/11/10 22:03] everyone:Set.
    [17/11/10 22:45] :Esmaralda greets everyone
    [17/11/10 22:45] Esmaralda:set
    [17/11/10 22:45] :Ravenstrider nods.
    [17/11/10 23:15] *dst*:chat
    [17/11/10 23:15] :[Spell] Vorbeste

    Which shows negative comments against dst after her arrival. The use of acoustic remains is hear at least justified by the earlier comments. However Feniar being an alt of Seigheart is not because of the simple point by Esmeralda that if you put two and two together it would take half a mind to make the association.

    Unless Seigheart shows some hard evidence of repeated abuse this will not make it to trial. Its good to keep your cards hidden but you have to give a few away in order to make it to the court room.

  16. OK off topic lets bring this back. The accusation is that seigheart is accusing dst for harassment as well as some other claims. There should be no more on this thread unless DST would like to make a counter claim as part of the same case.

    If you choose to file a claim of alt abuse please enter it in a separate thread. If mur chooses to address both or DST plans to take the counter claim in the other thread that's all good and legal.

    I'm not taking sides im simply explaining the process.

  17. Not the right place though being able to post more than originally intended is something that is meant to be there. Though you can get punished for using this trick so its a good thing that you posted it though in order to stop other people from using this please star out the method used and instead pm mur directly.

  18. [quote name='Vicarious' timestamp='1290040456' post='72370']
    The issue here MasterB was that the location was originally the basement of the Archives. And Dst once again followed me, used her acoustic remains, and broke the rituals.

    We purposely chose this next location to keep wanderers from finding us, and then of course, Dst came and did her thing.

    I'm sry but regardless of what was done I feel that things regarding dst personally should be not be done in a thread regarding a GGG for the same merit I also beleve that the assumption including sigheart should be posted in another topic as well. This should be about the GGG replica and nothing else.

  19. Interesting. I have so many arguments pertaining to both sides though I cant make a comment for either since I choose to be a lawyer and if this goes to court if I say anything it can be used against my argument. That being said I am obligated to say that you should settle this outside of court but since I am not aware of either of the methods used(I'm unsure sigheart if you have done anything at all to settle this and I am unsure of how dst responded as well as murs view of accoustic remains)then I have to remain neutral for the time being.

    If both clients could come forward and tell me if they are using me or not. (Since I may be late to respond don't give me any details.) I would like to know as soon as possible as I would like to respond on this topic farther if I am not to be used.

  20. This is a rare instance which I can actually agree with this training ground. The idea is this location which makes it ok in my mind. First off you cant get there without using a portal which is open for a limited time which is an important factor. My personal problem with the GGG is nobody would leave and when they did they ran back right after. This eliminates the ability to get back for a little while causing people to be out of there safety for a while.

    I know the GGG was a bad idea this location actually has some merit. However only here would I allow such. The idea of a moving GGG or a new location to do these rits are people protecting them selves.

  21. [quote name='pipster' timestamp='1289933761' post='72267']
    can i just ask why this was done? it is hard enough to find wins but now about half my creatures do damage to me, hence i cant gain wins for my lower creatures due to they kill me.

    lol not as bad as not being able to lose exp. I cant wins or exp for my creatures because of the other bug. I'm stuck in a state of suspended animation for my creatures. I should stop using my tree in my def rit.

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