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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. [quote name='MRWander' date='27 April 2010 - 11:12 PM' timestamp='1272427921' post='58750']
    To me this is very much like full metal jacket since we are being punished repeatedly due to actions of certain people i think we should have a right to excommunicate them do to the simple fact they are ruining the game for us. he has said himself that they are forcing him to reveal a big gear which in long term will be damaging to the game it shall open a pandoras box and it will in essence twist and destroy the game bring up MORE problems due to the simple fact that its the wrong order of revealing things our bet hope is he comes to realize this before he does act. And as for him not be able to ban him for it just because they bug him I am trying to take it out of his hands and let the community help decide if its better to force Murs hand in such decisions or let them unroll naturally by US the community as it is supposed to.

    Regardless how much we dislike them or don't want this group to interfere they are bound by the same rules we are. I am not advocating them or supporting them I am simply speaking the facts.

  2. [quote name='MRWander' date='27 April 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1272423723' post='58746']
    Perhaps it is better to let things slip gracefully in the night instead of destroying it. Every year this same thing occurs and every year we get punished for it. As a community I feel we should have a right to ask you to ban those people rather then keep getting punished on their behalf. But then again what do I know I am a mere grinder. (Should anyone else feel this way perhaps a poll would be more helpful)

    Ban those people that's looking at this not from murs point of view but ours. Murs personal point of view as he had to remind me once or twice in the past is that you can have open expression and open speech. His moral code has the simple result that he can only ban those who cause direct damage to the game community its self. This does not count as direct damage as marinids killer being revealed is collateral damage from those who wish to see this. So on a technicality this does not count but on the other it does not so it causes the conflict that he cant ban them. Now however on the other hand if somebody who did know went around telling everybody he could ban them as it would be considered a spoiler and we can only give hints by game rules.

  3. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='23 April 2010 - 04:04 PM' timestamp='1272056663' post='58477']
    4/10 We agree for me (Fyrd) to pay 2 sc for an aged elemental, but that as part of the deal, coolbee would hold the elemental until I (Fyrd) left story mode, so as to free up slots. It was to be either one of 2 elementals, he was to continue to try to sell one of them, so reserved code.
    4/11 Coolbee receives the 2 sc (I have PM from him saying so).
    4/15 Fyrd leaves story mode, sends request for CTC. Continues to periodically leave messages.
    4/17 Coolbee was on the forum, did not even open mail.
    4/23 Coolbee was on the forum long time, did not open mail sent while he was online, did not response to forum status or MD Mood Panel demands for attention.

    At this point I have to wonder if Coolbee is one of the 3-dozen alt accounts that were banned recently.

    If Coolbee is still in the game, he should be punished for fraud.
    If Coolbee has been banned, I have a claim on his assets - either 2 sc or that elemental.

    It is possible though only mur would know that. His last post was April. 8th on the fourms so the date is possible also his name is red and highlighted in yellow if that means banned then yes he is. Though there is no mention of your creature unless he edited in after April. 8th as
    1* Elemental V with Black Diamonds (age 367) (Sold).

    Though I wouldn't find the forums reliable sine he only posts in the central market. I looked at your trades and this is all I could find
    Fyrd Argentus Redd 472260 Elemental I 1 2 23/04/10 13:05:50

    Fyrd Argentus none 8276 Silver coin 187066 0 23/04/10 13:18:03
    Fyrd Argentus none 8275 Silver coin 187066 0 23/04/10 13:17:44

    Redd Bought in MD Shop on 26/03/10 by Fyrd Argentus (187066) 7946 Silver coin 187066 1 23/04/10 13:10:13

    Redd Fyrd Argentus 17/04/10 18:53 6551 Silver coin 183839 5 23/04/10 13:10:01

    Thats as far back as I can look all this constitutes is a trade of 2 silver for a elemental sold to redd and a use of two credits for 2 silver coins.

  4. I have to agree with pipstick on this. Alot of people dislike the GGG I mean a whole **** load of people hate the GGG my self included. It takes alot of players away from the actual fighting system and although they are not protected under any circumstances a lot of people don't attack them because in order to over through something there need to be three elements. Those elements are:
    1) Organization
    2) Unpredictability
    3) The ability to rally people

    Those elements have not met. The paper cabin on the other hand is an entirely different matter. The cabin is not necessarily anybodies. Though you do have the wright to post in it anybody has the wright to clear the posts by lifting all the posts using the same tech you use. However they are not allowed to use the silence spell on you. If they do you have a case against them.

    Lastly if it is Grido he does technically own the cabin though he does [b]not[/b] have the right to silence you. Though I do suggest you listen to him. The GGG is causing some people to leave and it is better if our MP3 minds are not corrupted by the GGG too soon. If you start there at MP3 you can latch on and call it a necessity. Even though people stay there and stat grind there is no reason in staying there if you don't use it outside of there and that's what most people are doing who start there early.

    My final advice to you is this yes you can advertise it where ever you want but be warned you may not like the result.

    Edit: Papercabin and GGG I accidentally use interchangeably at times.

  5. [quote name='bfh lighthing' date='21 April 2010 - 07:50 PM' timestamp='1271897404' post='58381']


    I think I can help you with the transparency.

    I use a program called Print artist

    Um did you notice the big server not found icon in the triggers box that might be important.

  6. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='21 April 2010 - 07:00 PM' timestamp='1271894452' post='58377']
    I should mention that such anonymous demi-god accounts are free from any responsibility, anything they might do is considered as done by me, so there is no pressure on them if they do a bad decision, or if they punish friends or reward enemies. It seems anonimity is the only way someone can be absolutely fair, and full power without responsibility makes you stress free :P.

    Too bad i can't tell you about the current things that will replace Tengri, as usual, there must be things that you don't know and keep things interesting and efficient :)

    I will miss T, i might log him in from time to time to play with it, but other things will take his place, improved things....

    By that logic it also considers that there ability to be demoted from god status very quickly with abuse of there powers.
    ...Wait a second. This makes complete sense. Murs quest concerning his alts viewing everything and the picture on the wall there. This makes things easy... the GGG picture he said could not be explained. He could not explain it not because he couldn't understand it, but because he could not reveal this "Feature"...maybe.

  7. Interesting I never would have guessed. However somebody always has to be the eyes and ears of somebody. A person known to be a god will be blind to the true face of people. Only a person other than god will see the truth.

    So in a way is god the people who are not a god?

  8. However it is important to understand that the game is only slow during story mode. It speeds up when you exit story mode. It then goes into free roam mode which allows you to play at a pace that you choose. This is not a waiting game it becomes active. I made the [b]mistake[/b] of quitting because that was all i [b]thought[/b] it was pick and choose and wait which there are already a lot of but when you get into game play I can explaine it as a brand new exsperance if you have the patience to make it there. I can guide you a bit once you get to that point but there are many people that will help you if you ask a bit in the paper cabin.

  9. I wish I could help more but I cant relate I have never had an excess of wish points since I just started questing lately because I have extra time during the summers. All I know is that the code script I think has been edited 3 times to allow people (RPC's in the past) to create more complex quests. Every time though it obviously causes some difficulties with quest coding and I'm guessing mur is using a similar code it can some times interfere with the game its self.

    This is just one of those times where things got out of hand.

    [2009-10-27 17:34:12 - Alpha 9]
    Players that unlocked LR back entrance from wish shop might have an issue with accessing it. If you are in this situation please gather all together and once i have a list of affected players i will go on and fix each one. Sry for the trouble but this is because i had to change some things to prepare for the new mdscript.

    Since the time to contact him is over its going to take a while to get him to help you. Though from what I have seen from mur he eventually gets to everybody in due time some times though it takes a while when he is working on some other major project at the moment.

    [u][i][b]Um could a mod or admin move this to a more suitable location I think bug report will have this topic more noticed and dealt with quicker.[/b][/i][/u]

  10. This is what I could bring up from the issue in the logs. Hope it helps some what.

    [2009-10-30 01:03:11 - Alpha 9]
    Players that had the LR back exit blocked after the key change, got it fixed today. In this process i had to summon them to that location, sorry if i pulled you from important business.

    [2009-10-27 17:34:12 - Alpha 9]
    Players that unlocked LR back entrance from wish shop might have an issue with accessing it. If you are in this situation please gather all together and once i have a list of affected players i will go on and fix each one. Sry for the trouble but this is because i had to change some things to prepare for the new mdscript.[b][/b]

  11. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' date='12 April 2010 - 05:10 PM' timestamp='1271110243' post='58000']
    I will write you a story.

    Update: I have written the story. Now I have to figure out how to get it to you. Part of the challenge I guess. I'll be out of story mode soon, so should make the deadline okay.

    Updating the update -- umm, if I'm reading this right, you want me to just paste it in a block here on the forum? Is that right?

    Yes that's wright you can paste it here.

  12. Who are you? Do you feel restricted and just find it hard to be yourself fully in your real life? I think its time to get in touch with your self. You know that side of yourself that feels that it can do anything try anything. It time for you to become him or her again if just for a minute an hour rediscover your self. You only have so many chances to be the person you want to be don't pass this one up. The only time I feel I can be myself is when I either have an energy drink or I am presenting in one of my classes. Sometimes at a party. I love my second side and I only get to see him every so often. How often do you see your unrestricted side. In magic duel you get in touch not only with other people but your true self no matter how you express it. Everybody can find something that they connect with.

    Find the secrets explores the lore find the world of magic duel then instead of simply exploring it build it. Make our world your world by being a tyrant,hero or writer. This is not one persons imagination the world of magic duel is actually created by you.

    Edit: whoops browsing wrong topic :blush: I guess this is already over. sorry about opening an old topic :).

  13. [quote name='cutler121' date='07 April 2010 - 10:00 PM' timestamp='1270695608' post='57812']
    I am not sure what sniping is, but clearly there was a problem with my suggestion.

    The timestamp on the forum posts is what I was thinking since it is the same for everyone and shows right on the post.

    So how about we try this again.

    The last post today (forum time) will be the winner.



    PS If you two prefer to use the no post for 24 hours ending I would be fine by that as well.

    Sniping is a method in where a person posts in the last few seconds or at some time which makes it impossible or nearly impossible for a new offer to be presented in the time from the inclusion of there price. So eBay has a snipe shield as it where. What it does is just before the auction ends and somebody chooses to snipe like in the last minute or so by simply raising an offer by 1 cent. It extends the time by something like 5 minutes. In this a good time would be an hour. It makes the auction end but still allows you to get the top price offered as people have a chance to try bid and cheat you out of a few dollars by everybody putting in a offer better by just a few cents in the last seconds.

  14. [quote name='Grido' date='07 April 2010 - 05:27 PM' timestamp='1270679239' post='57794']
    Shem, midnight was an hour before you posted

    Personally I think sniping should be out of the question same method as E-bay extended by predetermined time if a new post is made in the last another predetermined time.

  15. I like idea number 1 it seems practical and overdue. Personally I think that is a great idea though the problem being that most people don't like to wait to long in a scene if everybody has been attacked. I'll vote for it becouse some people will likely find use for it but its not part of my field guide.

    Idea number 2 as Chewett has pointed out would only be really useful to LHO's. It might be useful instead to have a spell that causes there text to show up in a bright color for people can define the current LHO but using predetermined text is not a great idea as this is more of a methodical game. You are not running around slaying dragons (well wild dragons anyway). So quick text although useful in some games as I have been witness of is not necessary. Also spamming as mentioned would be a problem if this was not administered to the correct people. I thus vote no on idea 2.

  16. Your missing the point here. Item costs are not determined by a calculating system. An item exspence is set by the owner of that item. What I am attempting to get across here is that a lot of these items are earthier going to be sold at outrageous prices because it is there only item or even more if that item has meaning to there role. For example you would never see sage women sell here ROTM guest book. I am simply saying a lot of these items are going to be extremely highly priced or completely off the table.

    None of us are saying its unfair we are simply saying the possibility of this happening at all is very slim and the possibility of it happening in a time frame of 7 days is nothing short of a merical.

  17. I cant really give out rewards when there are only two stories because both people will win something and somebody has to lose to have a winner. So if you have a story send the submission remember this ends at 00:00 may first server time.

    Since I don't have control over the wish point it is Tarquinus's choice as to bestow it or not. In the case that I am unable to reward the winners due to lack of entries or lack of quality I will give the winner a minor advantage in the following quest. If worse comes to worse though which I hope will not happen.
    The advantage will however be minor as to not turn people away.

    Important: This does NOT mean I am withdrawing rewards this is a back up in case of unforeseeable incidents take place. STILL ENTER THIS CONTEST.

  18. The new front page is a different approach. We have maybe around 10-20 people that sign up a day then of those 10-20 maybe one or two actually stick around. I mean im 38** series. If I stuck around I would have much more than 347 active days. Of the six adepts I have only one that remains active.
    I can simply say that the reason I left for such a long time was that I didn't know how to play. I thought it was one fight a day at 100% vitality hope for a win and repeat. It was after when I came back when I was 18 when I critically had the patience to find out the workings by my own accord. Then actually look at other rituals critically and pick up on random strategy people where attempting to run past other people. As mur said it is to experience nobody has truly mastered MD and likely nobody will.

    The truth of the front page is to target the group of people who will actually play and learn the game instead of making it a craps shoot.

  19. Items:
    A very good drill
    Fire making kit
    Giant bolder

    OK lets take everything we know about the shadow for starters it seems to have the ability to possess at least to our knowledge anybody it chooses. Second of all it has freedom to move through MD at will. It is there for important to realize that the archives state that MD is always in day time except for just a few times of the year. So there for the shadow is not weakened by light it is actually strengthened by it. No light no shadow concept applies. Second of all all three people where actually positive people before the shadow. Even Tara though she occasionally liked to burn things for her personal enjoyment she was a very positive person as any plains of hell member can quote.

    We can also agree that the shadow displayed a black eye when in possession of a body. That is an important note as now we know since the characters would have and also be absent of the black eye they where attempting to fend it off. Thus we can assume that the shadow was most often forcefully evicted from the body it possessed. Also the shadow has never attempted to possess the same person if for some physical reason or part of its mentality we are unsure.

    So first off we need a positive person for it to bond with. The problem is drawing the spirit out of the person or possibly bonding it to phantasm in the first place. Second of all it has to be trapped with phantasm. Lastly we have to keep it there.

    So lets put the plan together. We will use the eastern lands cave as it is dark there. First the bait must be outside of the cave and phantasm inside. The cave will have a hole drilled in the top to create a spot of light in order to cause a barrier of darkness second a fire in order to create the two most powerful types of shadow another important fact is to make sure that the fire only faces phantasm so we will put a light blocking shield beside it. First the shadow will infect the first person. Since the person will lose control of them selves they will be pulled in by a magic spell or simple rope when phantasms shadow has infected them. Then a rock or some sort of barrier will plunge the cave into perfect darkness accept for the hole in the roof giving a pillar of light as soon as the shadow is trapped it will if its not so smart evacuate the body and run to the light. Though it will likely not but will still revert to its instincts and move to the light. Next problem is the difficult part. we now have to keep the body away from the shadow so the shadow will have to be stuck in the shadow in order to weaken it. The person then may be able to fight it out of them selves. As it was evicted in complete strength by others in days. In complete shadow it could be evicted in hours or maybe even minutes. Now phantasm has to be generally happy I guess we can do that by putting phantasms arch nemesis Assira the Black in misery. When evicted it will run to the light to strengthen its self in order to take possession. It cant posses people that are not in the light as it will not have enough strength. It is there for trapped with phantasm and to keep its ability to be in the shadow as well as the light it will take his body. I think we can agree that phantasm will not fight it. The door or block of rock will be removed returning the light to the room and allowing both people to leave the cave with his shadow. Just keep Assira the Black in misery and things will be fine. So now a lighter misery will do so just stopping her from being the alliance leader eating away at her will work.

    Its complex but follows murs rules as well as some things we can deduct from its behavior.

    It will not be able to leave through the whole as it only can project on a 2d surface it cant fly so its bound to the ground. Though I am worried about the fire we will try without it and only light it if we need to as the shadow could become two as two light sources are going to make two shadows since they are from different angles. You can notice this by using a dark room and shining a flashlight on an object from two different angles. Though when bound to phantasm it should not be a problem as when you have two shadows it is not a problem. Phantasms shadow is not a entity unlike our own shadows. It is an entity like ours which has found a way to separate so once attached it will be like our own shadows. We will also have to convince the bait not to totally know the plan is. The problem being that those who have been infected the shadow has been seen to be aware of the possessed and the possessed is aware of the shadow meaning that the thoughts of the possessed could be transferred to the shadow also how else would they fight it off.

    Things that could go wrong:
    -Light the fire and cause two shadows. (possible though unknown)
    -Shadow fails to bind with phantasm
    -light from above falls on person possessed
    -Shadow can not be fought off by bait (bring canned goods?)
    -Bait does not suffice as the correct person (very critical)
    -Shadow decides to change its mentality and rebind to the bait
    -Shadow does not instinctively act and flee to the light
    -Shadow possess phantasm but phantasm losses control (Since this thing may get stronger it is a possibility)

    - ANYTHING THAT CAN GO WRONG WILL GO WRONG (It just might be good to anticipate what may go wrong not that there is much we can do to help)

  20. Ever read "The Bartimaeus Trilogy" by: Jonathan Stroud
    "The Amulet of Samarkand"
    "The Golem's Eye"
    "Ptolemy's Gate"

    A large quantity of it derives from lore mixed with filler in information supplied by Jonathan Stroud. There is also a large quantity of comedy if you bother to read the subtext when its coming from Bartimeuses view.
    Its been a while since I read it which (I did in high school). However for anybody that likes darker fantasy books its a must read.

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