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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. By obvious case and point I agree with the terms of judgment and in fact have said we can only counsel. We can suggest what they may want to bring up and maybe even demonstrate a way to talk such as replacing words with code words as people like to call them such as progress for development and modernization for inevitable. We can say what they need in order to prove a case though we cant necessarily say it is impossible as we have to leave the option open.

    Earthier way though we have been given the go ahead so lets work out a name. We will take suggestions tally some votes and come to a firm name.

  2. I believe he was referring to the problem considering private counsel which I do understand. that is why in law we would be councilperson prior to people standing trial. We would act as a reference in order to find past trails that find relevance in relation to theirs. Possible bargaining chips they could use to get a lighter sentance. I could make some comments considering this granos vs. Jacoand trial but I refuse to untill the trial is over because if eathier one of them seeks representation I have to keep what they tell me under raps and being a lawyer I would represent either as I should have no final ideal matter set in my head.

    For those who want a trial they could come to me and I could say you don't or do have the evidence to win this. Not only would this yield possible unexpected results in trials it could also thin out some of the small disputes in the legal system before submitted as they could be solved outside of court and some may not have the evidence required.

    Since I can not comment at the case at hand I can not give examples so I understand at the current time my argument is weak however after the case I can use examples from what could have happened to change the final outcome or what I did do depending on development.

    Do I expect this to take off. Well as cases come up it seems more and more lawyers are needed so my legal experience says yes.

  3. So technically we lost all the history of md since the December month. Im wondering if anybody who has written for it since then or has an entry in there cache from after December second that was added would be able to send it to a central source like a fourm base. I don't have any cache I always delete on exit so the first person who has a topic that meets the criteria make a topic for that.

  4. When ever there is a court a jury and other important facts there is the defendant the prosecution and of course the lawyer. Though in this case the party of both has to be the same so if we included a person who bought a lawyer in MD for say 1 silver for that case the person would not be able to appear in court if the other person choose to represent them selves. Though I still see a way to implicate this.

    The second job of a lawyer is rather simple and that is legal and mental coaching prior and after a trial. That's where I want to come in. I have a high school level of information on criminal and civil law suites and there execution. With this current case and a few future ones I will be offering this service for free just to test it out and see how much I can actually do and swede opinions and maybe even suggest a plea bargain.

    Remember for now this is free so seeking counsel prior to your type of legal case you choose to pursue may be a good choice in order to help your trial. I obviously will only be counseling one side if any side. I can be contacted via PM or forum post though I prefer to talk in game as it is closer to a chat line than anything else. I am usually available 12 hours a day excluding weekends so I am flexible.

    If anybody is interested in earthier starting a case or in danger of being prosecuted make sure to contact me.

    P.S. Hay maybe it is successful I can get cutler to set up a makeshift office and a firm in the Astral Plane ROFL.

    Currently I see other attorneys showing up. I invite anybody to create there own firm to compete. I welcome it in fact. Because some people are worried about us creating a spoiled verdict by working together to get a guilty verdict for our most liked character. I do not deny the possibility of this happening although I do try to curb this completely though some will always slip past my eyes without my knowing. I will bring to your attention below the current other choices if you feel threatened by the possibilities may happen. I also will always post who is representing who just for your convince.

    Kamisha - N/A
    Phantasm - N/A
    Apophys - N/A
    Orlando Gardiner(Temp. Inactive) - N/A

    Other options other than my own associates (responsible for there own postings)

    Grido - defense (independent)
    ©Anderson & Anderson® (smartalekrj) - Multipurpose (Firm)

    Disclaimer: I am not associated with any of the members of the following firms or independents listed as other options. I am not responsible for there actions thoughts or opinions. I also am not completely sure of there orientation thus it is simply better if you go to them for all complainants comments and questions I am not at liberty to make any comments to represent them. Any information incorrect on the third party is not my responsibility.

    On the lawyers in my firm some information will be delayed as I may not heat about representation until later in time. Please ask my lawyers about who they are representing if anybody prior to telling them anything about your case.

  5. [quote name='I am Bored' date='21 February 2010 - 10:06 AM' timestamp='1266768413' post='54906']
    what you don't like my 14 pages of notebook paper worth of writing on my first day of md? ^_^

    I liked it but the fact of the matter is it could be considered a spoiler thus it has been hidden in order to stop new players who don't want to read ahead accidentally do so.

    Edit: Ok im starting to get worried could those that plan to participate please post here for I know who is going to participate. I dont want to end up with just a few stories.

  6. To all moderators I under stand this might be a _______ but its an entry so I would like it to remain visible. If you see fit you can put it as one of those drop down boxes but it must remain in this forum topic. Thanks for understanding.

    P.S. I'm guessing you can figer out what the blank is I just want to spare the new players what this could be.

  7. [quote name='I am Bored' date='18 February 2010 - 04:40 PM' timestamp='1266532857' post='54708']
    Well now i have a use for that 3,000 word story on my first day of MD :D:P
    Well remember you have until the end of April in order to submit it so feel free to refine it in any way you may see fit.

  8. [quote name='Jester' date='17 February 2010 - 05:18 PM' timestamp='1266448726' post='54652']
    A player trying to revive MD is like trying to revive a person who is drowning by throwing a bucket of water at their face.

    EDIT: To expand on that, I didn't mean players shouldn't try to make the game more fun. I simply meant that MD wouldn't be MD without Mur, and only Mur could "revive" the game.

    Technically you arnt supposed to critisize but screw it might as well be open. Yes I agree with this though with the removal of RPC's its time to make as many people as possible take action make an event. I simply want to be part of building things. This is a new era if you want to put it that way. Mur has opened a gate and shown how a community makes a game what it is. Though small and shrinking its time for those that have the ability to change things change it and those who dont (myself) make a move to make things change. Jester I am not vetoing your thoughts I am agreeing with you I just say that if MD is to be saved it needs not only mur and I think mur would agree with what I say here though I will not speak for him thats his choice to make.

  9. OK this is the thing I was reading the posts when I came upon a very interesting post where Mur himself explained what was going on with MD and the major problems with where we where going and how he really needs to recharge and how the story became so erratic that he eventually had to shut it down.

    This is where I want to pick up the shambles...
    By pick up the shambles I mean you pick up the shambles. I want to see MD revived and im rather sure you want to too. So this is the deal. This has two rewards:
    1) A Wish Point for the winner
    2) 10 silver for the runner up

    The rules:
    Ok quick rundown.
    This will run until April 30th 00:00 server time so I want to see quality work no spelling or grammar errors or some shabby 30 word start of a story.

    *The story must be at least 1000 words long
    *The story must not show an end and must make you want to know what will happen next without giving it away.
    *The story must revolve around MD
    *The story must under all circumstances follow a mechanic of game play I don't want to see any spells being cast that make the world go back to the way things used to be. A problem arises must be solved but in a way MD can solve it not some half assed made up spell. You can use only spells in the wish shop and controlled by special characters and usable items that have been made.
    *The story must finally be based upon something that has happened in the MD world meaning that it must include only real character from MD and must have happened or is happening in the MD world. It cant be something pulled out of a hat it has to have arisen from a real event.


    So that's the run down of it all. The stories will be posted in the forum at the end the best of the stories will be selected by myself and some peers that feel compelled to help. Please send me a PM if you are interested in reviewing in the form or if you really want to catch me in game. Keep in mind though if you are going to be judging you cant wright as you may vote or trade votes with other players to get a reward.

    Have fun and may the best writer win.

    Kamisha (Lead Judge)
    Master (Neutral)
    Phantom Orchid (Loreroot Representative)

    Edit: Opened up fourm to all comments as there seems to be alot of heated discussion about this idea. Removed adventure log target. Changed all the characters having to be real. Changed rewards to Tarquinus specifications added a judge panel list.

  10. [quote name='dst' date='12 February 2010 - 09:23 PM' timestamp='1266031431' post='54393']
    Peace is right: 1 visible adept counts as yourself.
    As for the number of the adepts on the right panel, well...that number is counted every day at a specific hour. So if your adept becomes active at let's say 12:00 am you'll still have the number from the last count(which was something early in the morning server time but I am not 100% sure at what time exactly). It should increment at the next count. So, the next day you should have the right number of adepts. That's why I asked for how long you had the adepts showing like this.
    In the past there were some issues with adepts' count but Mur solved them a long time ago. So I suspect that was your problem. Let me know how's the situation for you now since it should have changed...(if I am correct about the time of the count).

    So wait your confusing me so I count my self as an adept so if I have two then it should mean that it should be displayed as three.

    OK ill just give you the numbers and let you sort it out. 2 active adepts excluding my self. 2 active shown on my right panel.

    Heres the jpg 2 days after the count.

    Aww you look at it and looks like im going to be down to 1 again or 2 maybe because I don't understand that's depressing.

  11. Though I am not ready to become a true citizen of loreroot I like to consider my self one. I have to completely agree with Firsanthalas at any rate this is discrimination. Although I do believe it is cheating and I think it has been referred to once or twice in a few posts.

    However by any means I have found there is only one way to compete with people that use a flawed system to there advantage. To put things into perspective in the past and I mean like distant past such a biblical times (if you believe in that) there has been record of in wars that a rule was implied that you cant kill after dark. Continuing you cant even today attack a vehicle carrying injured soldiers that bare the red cross symbol.

    Obviously people go against this and do it anyway. That's why these rules are lifted from the battle fields of countries that are not represented in the embessy. I don't want to employ that the torch competition is anything like this but put into perspective this is a war between the nations.

    We are simply fighting back the way you fought us. Now here we are taking the blame because you guys didn't do your part this time. I mean really its about time somebody took the podium in the same style any of you did. Its simply our turn.

    I would like to put an end to this right now but untill rules of the contest are changed that is not a fact that any of us can make a reality. Not by any means do I see this as an honest victory because quite frankly it isn't. Though if by any thoughts this is only a fair return of your favor.

    That's all I have to say on this matter.

  12. [quote name='dst' date='12 February 2010 - 05:45 PM' timestamp='1266018349' post='54377']
    Did you have the 2 adepts showing for more then 1 day and the counter did not increase (aka show the correct number)?

    no -_- but I have had 1 adept displayed with no adepts active for over a year now :P .

  13. My proposal is simple instead of removing the item owners list it would be better to replace it by simply replacing it with a refined system. This system would have the ability to search items by typing in a name of a item. The items would then pop up based on that key word search. The other option would be a drop down box that would show the items. When either of these options are used the owners of the considered item would be displayed below. This would limit the hording as being on the list would only occur when somebody is looking for a item that you possess as well as trading I suspect will actually improve as not only the high item holders are contacted but the people with the correct items are contacted.

    Seeing what is already in use on MD this doesn't seem particularly different to program.

    I would like anybody who does not find this as an except able approach to challenge it within reason and modify it in order to remove any problems.

  14. OK I just recently decided to get adepts. This has actually taken place over a year ago but didnt decide to report it as it always displayed 1 adept and since all where inactive it was a plus.

    This is when it becomes a problem. When you have two active adepts and you only have one. I will post a screen shot of what I am experiencing. Please fix this as soon as possible.

  15. The willows show isn't all that far fetched of an idea because as most players know that where around during the first festival of MD's anniversary the willows shop was the area to train. Thats where all the players got collectively together and fought it out.
    You can in fact see evidence of that in the first release of the newspaper when you look at big C's return article. It was after that that the GOE was the fighting area as everybody migrated and didn't move back. Then that was followed by the skill damage and the tokens which resulted in safe fighting zones with rules which we know as the DOJO and the GGG. If you want to revive willows shop you are actually going to have to set a date for everybody who wants to revive it to show up at once and then if everybody does it should be self sustaining because that will be the only place to fight where there are a large amount of profiles. You would have to do the reverse of what happened when it died.

    [color="#0000FF"]If a thread is dead for several months is no use reviving it: it means everything which was worth saying has been said.
    Us failing to close it doesn't mean we like zombie topics. Moreover if all you said was not new and has been discussed.
    Topic closed.
    Thank you for the understanding,

  16. [quote name='Phantom Orchid' date='10 February 2010 - 04:57 PM' timestamp='1265842650' post='54248']
    I have a few journal entries in my Book of Dreams that I would like to share:
    Journal entry # 5-9-39a[/b]

    This morning when I awoke I noticed a strange presence in the temple. It feels like prana, but lighter in a way. This is only my second day of being in ritual here, but I am not perturbed considering the other oddities I have observed here. There is a peculiar behavior of light that dances within these venerable walls of breathtaking architecture - crafted by none less than the elite of such profession. I am honored for the clerical inter-alliance cooperation with the Savelites for providing such an opportunity to offer my mind, body, and soul to the Goddess of the Moon here.

    I observed the following:

    [i]: Muratus del Mur leaves his coat on the floor and places a small cube in front of him
    Muratus del Mur: Lets see if i can do this... i can't stand borders :)[/i]

    Though I have remained respite from the sun within these walls, my servant has told me that when he delivers food and water it now takes the effort of two hundred steps just to walk up the handful of them leading up and into the temple. The words of Mur are resonant within me... How I long for to travel to the other side [i]where there are no borders[/i].

    [b]Journal entry # 5-9-39b[/b]

    My servant Dimian tells me of what he has heard from his travel here:

    The following words at wind's game:
    [i]: Muratus del Mur looks behind trying to spot unwanted followers[/i]

    This one at plains of liberty: : [i]Muratus del Mur picks a small rock and places it in his pocket | Muratus del Mur: That should do it ...
    Then, at the foundation: : [i]Muratus del Mur murmurs some words and draws a line on the ground just between the two pillars | Muratus del Mur: No need to get out at this time.. its safer for you ..go back[/i]

    In checkers hall: :[i] Muratus del Mur leaves a rock under the chair | Muratus del Mur: Forget! | Muratus del Mur leaves in a hurry[/i]

    [b]Journal entry # 5-9-40a[/b]

    I came back into this world during my ritual at the GoE. My head hurts and my creatures have been bruised from the journey, but I shall return to conclude my service at the Temple in the East.
    Journal entry # 5-9-41a[/b]

    Again it happened! I returned to the temple, and resumed my ritual. It happened just as the Source was flowing through me... and I came back to what some call 'the present' outside the Lighthouse in Golemus. (And there were not even any falling houses or glittery red shoes to boot!)

    [Edit: Mods, not sure if this thread belongs here or in the Tribunal section of the forum]

    Yes I noted that though when looking through it it seems to have some important facts that support it. If you have noticed that mur usually likes to pick up rocks when he is thinking about things such as the usable items one week before he announced them publicly I saw a few posts of him picking up rocks.

    It's a trend yet I understandably people are going to dismiss this as a trivial thing. I dont really care about my balance anyway.

    The rock under the chair still puzzles me although considering he does have the key to the sun room up the stairs it may have a small significance to that though I don't understand its total story if any. Some of these things maybe actually placed in order to delay people from finding the temple and besides mur enjoys toying with what is going to happen in the MD world next.

    The line in the sand finally I believe is important. I think it may be a domain with earthier shades as a new training system or a new place to get creatures now that I think it out in my head.Of course everything I say is a theory based on observation and on pure guessing in alot of the cases. Thats all I can make out at this point. If any changes are going to take place it will be a while yet considering that there are still some other factors to take place. I mean there was supposed to be a chapter three too the story and we now have a totally new coding going on with usable items. There is just too much going on to make a decisive answer.

  17. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='09 February 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1265740439' post='54164']
    Did he just said : places a small cube in front of him


    Ya the cube has been the source of mystery though I do have a theory and this supports it. At the beginning of the story there is the wooden box. Small as it might be it turns out that you can fit in it. You likely see where I am going with this. I believe that inside this box exists the entire MD universe. If you have ever seen Futurerama the episode considering the machine that can create alternate universes contained inside boxes you know what I am talking about.

    I just hope that mur takes good care of that box and doesn't feel inclined to shake it... too much :P .

  18. If you have ever been to the temple hall it is time to take a second look and stay tuned. In the eastern lands the is a location as follows.:

    Territory: Lands Of The East
    Coord: 7_templehall_1.

    It used to be a lot easier to get there but things are getting difficult as to enter the temple from the entrance takes a grand total of 200 AP 100AP to walk up what is a seemingly small staircase and another 100AP to open what seems like well oiled though heavy double doors. Obviously something is going to change and the community members that have entered say the same.

    It seems like alot of AP to get into a location with no clickables and nothing to interact with and find a boarder. This is why I am posting this.

    At approximately 00:00 server time mur logged in and posted this as a announcement:

    [2010-02-09 00:09:50 - Alpha 9]
    During Torch Competition you can get very useful additional actionpoints by using the free credits links. Thats very convenient. Even if just clicking the links is enough to get you that actionpoint (and other bonuses), its not always enough for MD. Some of those links require you to enter a confirmation code or to click a voting button. Your votes help MD a lot, and since they are free and its not that hard to actualy vote, please do so and don't just click the links without voting. MD has a much lower rating on topsites that require a verification code and its realy a pitty to send them traffic without actualy getting something in return that will benefit our community. It only shows that other players from other games care more about their game than we do, and they actualy vote not just click links. Comments are also important, good, or bad, just not rubbish. I own some of the places you vote so i get to aprove and see your comments sometimes. Better don't write at all than to copy/paste text you find on the site or just repeat indefenetly same comment. Nobody cares a game is "cool cool cool", show some creativity, it helps a lot.
    Thank you, a lot.

    What most people dont know is there was a large trail showing mur earthier leaving or entering the eastern lands. Usually I like to see developments and some of his new toys (usable items) in action. I was almost there untill I hit the wall or the AP drainer as I will likely call it. So I had to wait but once I entered as the last person there I found it is worth the wait. However there are no changes as of yet I do have evidence of change to come.

    The chat below shows a plan in the future of this location and likely is going to be one of the newer installments. The chat follows:

    [i]Aerrin[/i]: Yup, it says this is my fifth visit here now. It was so much easier to enter this door yesterday, and the day before. I wonder what changed. The view is the same, nothing clickable still.
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Worth it!
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Im heading to the forums for a little till the regen hits. I'll check in from time to time if you want to talk.
    [i]Aerrin[/i]: Haha, I can't imagine why this was worth it to you. Is anything clickable for you? XD
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Worth it for me to say I've been here. That is all.
    [i]Aerrin[/i]: Ah, well, I think I've explored every area I can without breaking through mazes. Chances are, whatever is supposed to be here isn't here yet. Probably should look again later.
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Probably, but I think there was something here at one time.
    [i]Aerrin[/i]: I guess that's possible too. XD Do you see anything different than I do?
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Nope. Nothing clickable for me. Just a bunch of pillars and a blank wall.
    [i]Aerrin[/i]: Well, I might as well leave here then. Very boring place. Not worth the extra 99 ap to enter. >.>
    [i]Aerrin[/i]: Until we meet again.
    [i]Famfrit Flamel[/i]: Meh. Peace man.
    [b]: Muratus del Mur leaves his coat on the floor and places a small cube in front of him
    [i]Muratus del Mur[/i]: Lets see if i can do this... i can't stand borders :D[/b]

    So that's why I'm posting this I want to see what you might think will happen in this area.

  19. I guess ill take a shot at this its a bit hard to find pictures labeled other than white out in winnipeg weather but snow and minus 40 is a good combination as the snow crystallizes to cause a cristalic structure. I will let you be the judge of that anyway. I got 2 photos here. I only stopped because any longer and I would be using Voice recognition tech in order to make this message.

    I used photo bucket cause HD photos are huge in a word.

    Oh ya by the way the second one I would like to think of as bob after im done with him:P .



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