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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. I would suggest against making suggestions. The ideas have been almost all used and stating pros and cons can often be counter productive. If mur plans to re instate the free credits he has a plan already if he doesn't well than mur help us all. If he doesn't see any viable idea we will see the free credits page leave our top bar. At the current moment sending angry letters and disjointed complaints are not going to resolve the issue. I think we all have to accept it is no longer in our hands.

  2. I do understand the reason for using the AL and I will use it after the first creation. The AL does not completely define the world. We need start at the core basics to start with. Thats geology, the sure history that is given too us which is not that much and something that grabs attention. The storyboard im thinking of makes use of this by the angien opening the box. Flash of light fade in and fly over of the net of the box. Include no mans land, loreroot, marnidbell eastern lands necrocron and GG in that order being very basic similar to the what is shown on the front page with a little more detail. This all being in charcoal animation. View point has 90 degree swivel points to top right corner of no mans land zoom in to ground level. Shades and drake horn battle large unnecessary creature battle scene. Shades engulf drake horn zoom out slow northward moment showing the entire map, fade out. Fade in gold letters reading Magic Duel: The Realm with clikable link NO referral as it wouldn't be fair to new players to jump in as a referred addition unwittingly. Gold glints role credits replay button and link to MD.

    More to be added as I look through my ideas and see what to put in take out and order. As I said rough idea yet to be refined. The main thing I want to show is the charcoal look to MD. You get rid of the charcoal and start using cool or warm colors the sort of magical feel dies and suddenly it feels commercial and synthesized. Not real and feels like a synthetic copy. I tried color by printing off a page and filling it in with color. I had to throw it away it was just to hard to look at.

    To avoid rambling any further. This is what I see in my mind. The first is introductory the others if wanted will follow AL if people see it as a fit.

  3. I'd like to look at the possibility of creating a small series based on magic duel. I have a few ideas and just have to get them down on paper. It might boost the games popularity something that we really need to work on as both new and vet players know all too well. What I see here is locating this collaborative effort on [url="http://www.newgrounds.com"]Newgrounds[/url] obviously if you have an account or do any work on it your name will be tagged to it. Now here's where the team work comes in. I can wright it find the music (top floor of the paper cabin) and plan it out but I cant animate it. I don't have flash and because of university when I did have it I didn't had enough time in order to get any good at it.
    So if you have skills in animating as uncle Sam of the united states military says "WE NEED YOU".

    Wrighter / story boarder: Kamisha
    Producer: (ummm we will take any support we can get)
    Editor: (open)
    Animator: (open)
    Secondary Animator: (open)
    Tweener: (open)

    Ok this is how it works I have to story board if we have a producer they advertise it upcoming and if any rights to anything we use still exist they talk to the people with the rights and see if we can borrow it. I can do that if nobody volunteers.

    Editor: The editor acts sort of as my adviser seeing how we can improve something in the base story.

    Animator: The main animator makes the bulk of the product and has to be experienced.

    Secondary Animator: Looks over the animators work at the end and trys to fix any errors or some mistakes that just are not aesthetically pleasing.

    Tweener: I know flash has a tweening program but sometimes it just isn't good enough. The tweeners job is to add a few more frames to make the tween a bit more smooth and realistic looking.

    If anybody want to volunteer post here. I'll get to work on the story board as soon as we have enough positions filled to complete a early draft. I would make it a contest but alas I have nothing to give and it will likely last a year at least for the first one. The first one is just an introduction to the realm sort of a little battling using creatures and a overhead view of the lands. Simple enough but still it has to be done properly. The animator positions and the tweener are asked to show some of there work before admitted. I'm looking for a particular style of editing so I want to see what you can do. If you don't have anything to show then make two of your favorite creatures fight each other. I want to see the viewpoint actually move and swivel because it makes it look like more action is going on.
    I will likely give preference to animator teams that may work well together because if there work fits the style they are the best candidates. I also don't want to see sticks I have seen way to many.

    To avoid droning on too much the title of the first video is "MD: The Realm" to act as a teaser. The others will follow the first but not the same sort of style as the others will actually have story line. Thus if this goes far we may need voice actors.

    That is basically it.

  4. Mur talked about this but on a different subject. One reason for the astral plane being shut down in the past was due to the chat logs integrated into it (along with other things). I'm sure most people understand the merit to this but the fact is it would just be breaking both a rule and lastly as chewett said its being lazy. If you want to send the same message to each one just highlight ctrl+c ctrl+v though I give them if they where still active more selective advice.

  5. Amber ruin your problem is the battle took place before the update since the new system records more data you encounter a error on line 11 because of the code change does not include that.I

    However what I am encounter is not as urgent as this vitality bug but it does not show the damage distribution in the quick glance log. Other than that I like the new system because I can easily find flaws in the opponents ritual.

    (like most people im still struggling with fully tokened drakhorns :D )

    Edit: Ok received the same problem as everybody else now.
    here is the battle data. Sry as always its long.

    [log='Battle Log']Loading Kamisha creatures
    Loading Rendril Revant creatures
    Rendril Revant is preparing new random strategy
    Loading Rendril Revant creatures
    COMBO: Adding 161 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
    Applying 50% of Kamisha's energetic influence
    Applying 45% of Rendril Revant's energetic influence
    Influences for Kamisha ######
    Alex: morale, attackbonus, attackbonus
    Skill Vampire: skillvampire
    skillvampire boosts allied creatures by 196526.1 attack;269141.1 defence;14601.3 initiative;12986.4 regeneration;13503.9 luck;13650 energeticimmun;13632 tradesense;13626 briskness;13984.5 power;
    Marksmen: creatureboost
    Influences for Rendril Revant ######
    Volos: antifreeze
    Unholy Pope: vampiricaura
    vampiricaura drains 716 vitality from Kamisha's Alex and gives it to Rendril Revant's Unholy Pope119 vitality from Kamisha's Malter and gives it to Rendril Revant's Tormented Soul
    Tormented Soul: skillvampire
    skillvampire boosts allied creatures by -82532.25 attack;-114591.5 defence;-6135 initiative;-5426 regeneration;-5655 luck;-5715.5 energeticimmun;-5708.25 tradesense;-5705.75 briskness;-5943 power;
    Walking Tree: regenaura
    Applying Kamisha's Creature Tokens at 50%
    Alex's creature tokens [claw1, emeraldglare, purpurfog, antifreeze, goldbelt]
    [claw1] Alex gets 66 power based on Principles
    [emeraldglare] Alex gets 2275 regeneration and 42050 defence based on enemy creature skills
    [purpurfog] Alex gets 4438 vitality. All other friendly creatures lose that much vitality cumulated
    [goldbelt] Alex gets 300 defence based on won battles
    Malter's creature tokens [claw1, purpurmoon, osirisbelt, stardust, sunshine]
    [claw1] Malter gets 66 power based on Principles
    [purpurmoon] Malter gets 9 attack (6 percent)
    [osirisbelt] Malter gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 690
    [sunshine] Malter gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle
    Skill Vampire's creature tokens [goldbelt]
    [goldbelt] Skill Vampire gets 90 defence based on won battles
    Day Dreamer's creature tokens [claw2, purpurfog, stardust, sunshine, goldbelt, darksky, blooddrop2]
    [claw2] Day Dreamer gets 426 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [sunshine] Day Dreamer gets +10% vitality and +80% attack due to Light and/or Syntropy Principle
    [goldbelt] Day Dreamer gets 300 defence based on won battles
    [darksky] Day Dreamer gets 189.59175 attack and defence due to Darkness Principle
    [blooddrop2] gets 1 initiative (10 percent)
    Estille's creature tokens [jewelshards, osirisbelt, antifreeze, stardust, goldbelt, darkshield]
    [jewelshards] Estille gets Max Vitality capacity doubled
    [osirisbelt] Estille gets Max Vitality capacity increased by 900
    [goldbelt] Estille gets 89 defence based on won battles
    Marksmen's creature tokens []
    Applying Rendril Revant's Creature Tokens at 55%
    Volos's creature tokens [claw1, claw2, stardust, antifreeze, emeraldglare, kellethafire, enlightning, blooddrop1, blooddrop2, blooddrop3, darksky, blacktear, goldbelt, darkshield, claw3, sunshine, onyxfangs]
    [claw1] Volos gets 1000 power based on Principles
    [claw2] Volos gets 1333 attack and 0 regeneration based on Principles
    [stardust] Volos gets 100 regeneration and power, 25 luck
    [emeraldglare] Volos gets 2 regeneration and 12 defence based on enemy creature skills
    [kellethafire] Volos gets +50% vitality due to missing Light and/or Element Principle
    [blooddrop1] Volos gets 15365 attack (10 percent) due to principles combination
    [blooddrop1] Volos gets 21026 defence (10 percent) due to principles combination
    [blooddrop2] gets 1126 initiative (10 percent)
    [blooddrop3] Volos gets 32421 attack (20 percent) and 2476 initiative (20 percent)
    [darksky] Volos gets 705.70944 attack and defence due to Darkness Principle
    [blacktear] Volos gets 11513 power, 210263 defence. All other friendly creatures lose that much stats cumulated
    [goldbelt] Volos gets 300 defence based on won battles
    [claw3] Volos gets 200 attack, power and initiative based on Principles
    [sunshine] Volos gets +20% defence due to missing Light and/or Syntropy Principle
    [onyxfangs] Volos gets 3907 attack (2 percent)
    Unholy Pope's creature tokens []
    Tormented Soul's creature tokens []
    Walking Tree's creature tokens []
    Rendril Revant's Volos does damage to all creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Alex receives 84260 damage
    creature DIES!
    - Malter receives 93848 damage
    creature DIES!
    - Skill Vampire receives 172912 damage
    creature DIES!
    - Day Dreamer receives 279344 damage (luck: double effect)
    creature DIES!
    - Estille receives 172663 damage
    creature DIES!
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4761 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Tormented Soul does damage to random creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4760 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Walking Tree does protect to multirandom creature(s) of Rendril Revant and:
    - Protection effect: 1786
    - Volos will be protected by Walking Tree with 1786 defence for next 2 rounds, but caster looses 1786 vitality
    and remains with 12238 vitality
    - Protection effect: -1
    - Walking Tree will be protected by Walking Tree with -1 defence for next 2 rounds, but caster looses 0 vitality
    and remains with 6697 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Unholy Pope cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Kamisha's Marksmen does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of Rendril Revant and:
    Applying temporary effects for Rendril Revant, slot 2 : , protect (round:0 protect: = )
    Walking Tree receives AIMED HIT with 94812 damage
    (94690 piercing + 1.82% (tried 11295%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%,
    enemy defence resistance: 2.287, enemy level resistance: 6 )

    creature DIES!
    ###### START ROUND "1" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Rendril Revant, slot 1 : , protect (round:1 protect: = )
    Rendril Revant's Volos does damage to all creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4759 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Tormented Soul does damage to random creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4758 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Unholy Pope cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    Kamisha's Marksmen does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of Rendril Revant and:
    Unholy Pope receives AIMED HIT with 94969 damage
    (94690 piercing + 5.33% (tried 11295%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%,
    enemy defence resistance: 2.345, enemy level resistance: 2 )

    creature DIES!
    ###### START ROUND "2" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Rendril Revant, slot 1 : , protect (round:2 protect: persisting)
    Rendril Revant's Volos does damage to all creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4757 vitality
    Rendril Revant's Tormented Soul does damage to random creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4756 vitality
    Kamisha's Marksmen does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of Rendril Revant and:
    Tormented Soul receives AIMED HIT with 94931 damage
    (94690 piercing + 5.39% (tried 11295%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%,
    enemy defence resistance: 2.32, enemy level resistance: 2 )

    creature DIES!
    ###### START ROUND "3" ######
    Applying temporary effects for Rendril Revant, slot 1 : , protect (round:3 protect: persisting) effect ended)
    Rendril Revant's Volos does damage to all creature(s) of Kamisha and:
    - Marksmen receives 1 damage
    and remains with 4755 vitality
    Kamisha's Marksmen does aimedhit to weak creature(s) of Rendril Revant and:
    Applying temporary effects for Rendril Revant, slot 1 :
    Volos receives AIMED HIT with 94778 damage
    (94690 piercing + 0.72% (tried 11295%) of enemy vitality. Attack force 100%,
    enemy defence resistance: 5.787, enemy level resistance: 6 )

    creature DIES!
    ###### START ROUND "4" ######
    Kamisha's Marksmen cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
    ... Kamisha WINS!
    Creature Experience reward for Kamisha - Winning player
    Marksmen gains 0 Xp and a won battle
    Creature Experience reward for Rendril Revant - Losing player
    No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward
    Winner does not get a won fight point
    Loser does not get a lost fight point he fight for this player, no xp reward[/log]
    Winner does not get a won fight point
    Loser does not get a lost fight point

  6. This basically just freeze with the addition of a element which shouldn't be added. There is already luck involved with some creatures we don't need to add more. This is supposed to be a game consisting of smart thinking. Allowing a creature to suddenly just put something out of action without a decent strategy is not something wanted or needed.

  7. From whats here it is evident that Juni0r is Innocent. He would only be found guilty on completely different terms which would be redneck Vs. Juni0r which we may see in the future if redneck is found guilty which seems like a reality once again based on the described evidence. It was a verbal agreement and runs the correct lines of a contract.
    1. If the contract is completed both people benefit.
    2. Not a contract describing illegal method.
    3. Both people understood the terms of the contract.

    Redneck will have to return the drakhorn and pay some sort of compensation for the loses. Its not anymore simple then that and likely mur would come to the same resolution (im not saying mur says so im just giving opinion). Then redneck may run a runup trial against Juni0r to pay the equal sum of losses to redneck minus the drakhorn because it was part of an unfulfilled agreement. Though I cant comment on that anymore as it has not been initiated and no evidence has been submitted to support or refute that claim.

  8. We arnt saying it isnt a big change we just see it relevent as a necessity. RL has society I dont see why MD has to be all that different. Also working hard for votes. Alot of people campained and had page long essay format papers exsplaining there values. They also where alliance leaders (I think all of them where) so they actually worked for years ensuring and impoving there ability. Yes it may be a popularity contest but they are popular for a reason. I have come to terms with my leaving the race in the last days which is essentially losing why cant you come to terms with yours.

  9. I have to agree with fryd on this the dwindling players has always been a worry of mine. The people that join daily maybe only 1 to 3 actually succeed getting to MP5. I was probably one of the few people that voted... unless the links where broken which happened once or twice. The only reason I used those links instead of paying is because of the lack of method. I don't have a checking account or a credit card so my only option is email transfer which I would be fine with if it existed here. The main reason this likely stopped is actually because of the advertising guild being disbanded so there is nobody to contact.

  10. OK I think I have watched this post enough in order to input my opinion. Your worried about the macro level meaning wars on and about land. However in order for there to be a macro there has to be organization and this is where the kings come in to sort of lead in the right direction. As for the kings being passive its true there is always some tension between GG and Necro. There is also a pact between Necro and Loreroot. MB and Loreroot have a uneasy pact. Though I think GG and Loreroot are at an uneasy peace though i am unsure 100% about Loreroot and MB affairs there a bit more complex. Either way tension is building and it will just take a few attacks on the wrong people in the wrong places to set all these old rivalries and tensions ablaze. Just somebody has to dig up the hatchet first then everything crumbles.

    As for creativity there is a lot of it everywhere just you don't see it and I don't anymore just because of my changing play habits. If you want to see creativity show up at the root of the matter inn or bob when it is busy. Those are the two hot spots it seems. Likely your in MB park or GOS. I am assuming you are like me and just sort of scanning through the chat then moving on.

    So yes kings are a necessary evil. LHO's are a necessity and they arn't given many influence powers.

    If you still find magic duel boring after that. I suggest that you try get your own message out there. Make your own news paper copy and paste it and send it to people you pass by pample had a rather successful party made up that way. Anyways it my birthday in about 2 hours (October 7th 1:23 AM Central time) and I need to sleep so ill just leave you with that.

  11. Oh sry had a look at the past statment. Ya he did press a wrong button. Then about the server matinence thing I frogot that only paid games do that in order to update there stores for they make millions. I frogot this game is actually hardly supported by the players that pay (sry I mean no offence to anybody when I say this although it sounds really bad I know).
    Though I still beleve mur is at least less active then he was previously.

  12. I'm sry to say redneck this is all on you. In both canadian and amarican law you are found guilty. If you are found guilty of such then you can start a trial against junior requesting payment. Though in eiather case you are lossing the rusty to Dmik King. This is why I never make deals on exspected cash flow. Try settle this outside of court it will likely be better for the both of you. Also is this case dropped the last post was in Aug its nearly been inactive for 2 months.

  13. I agree it might be becouse the server isnt being looked after with mur away. Also we have often had problems with the server company. They actually wipped the MD records accedently once (luckly they were backed up). This isnt the first time we have exsperanced this and I can assure you it isnt the last.

  14. Bind vitality is using a percentage of your vital energy on the ritual by doing so you apply some of your profile stats to your creatures. For example you have maybe 20 attack (ussually alot more) on your profile and you bind 100% vitalty that 20 attack will be evenly distributed to all your creatures in the battle. It willl also over charge your creatures vitality. However the vital energy lost in the fight will be direct damage to you. If you lose the fight you can lose up to the percent you put in.

    As for principle magic they are only used for tokens right now (you can read up alot on them). Though there is likely going to be more uses for them in the future but Mur (creator) is still working out how they will work without unbalancing things.

  15. In my personal opinion I beleve the only way to fix the torch compatition is to limit it to people who have a land. There is really no point in participating without one other than the reason you have fun moving one space per regen and being trapped in enemy territory. The abuse of the torch compatition is an on going problem and likely there is no TRUE fix for it and there never will be. For people that are worried that the score board will read all zeros it does not really matter. Though MP4's and 3's if they choose to pick up a torch should be able to be attacked. Limiting them from picking one up is just not a good idea. It has to be open to them and they will quit after a few tries meeting failier.

    Just restrict it to people that at the moment have a land its the most logical answer. Alliance is also part of a land so they stay too. The main thing to take away from this is. People enter the compitition at there own risk. If they lose or get lucky its how the game is played live with it. It is not unfair becouse you are open to do the same things as your opponent.

  16. Becouse of the huge amount of responces im getting its going to take me a little longer to sort through all this data. 19 May seem like a little but I have to sift through it number by number so that is 19 X 35 = A shit load (More commonly known as 665). Then I have to compare each one individually to each other so that adds up to alot more. I might try use excel. I will get back to you on the results eventually but it will take a bit longer than exspected. I'm still accepting responces though so if you would like to add feel free.

  17. Well done and as for suggestions I have a couple. For starters the use of the PM's sort of defies the ability to walk away from a request as you get trapped in continues back and forth. Though I know this will be a problem for some people as time zones are different then others so fixing this may be difficult. Maybe a command word to say that you are going to ignore farther information from a certain person.

    Second people should be given some info as the game starts similar to the ones given in the example such as the same person who cant____ also can_____. This would allow people to find peaces of data and fill in more links them selves making the illusion of it feeling more like a mystery they have to solve. However if you do incorporate this second idea you would have to add more secrets because using this would be sort of a 2 for 1 deal.

    That is all I can think of for now. I'll tell you if I think of any more.

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