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Posts posted by Kamisha

  1. Well that's an important feature. Its a probability puzzle. By seeing your card your job is to guess what the opponent might have. If it was two cards for an extreme. You could have an elemental and a Drakhorn card. You choose health when the Drakhorn shows up and power when the elemental is your card you could set up to grantee wins. There is actually strategy when deck building. You should look at what the highest stat is and how it compares to others in order to increase your probability of winning.

  2. With obvious reason I am not going to defend my self or sage as that will be a bad mark for both of us.

    Though this is what I am going to say. The reason of wish points is to allow people to give a reward to a person they admire due to something they have done or a picture they have drawn a story they have told or a result of circumstance which brings somebody to a point in a road where they have to say that this person deserves something for this. The idea of a WP for a quest is a construction of this idea in a more material form.

    Though I have seen things much worse then what DST presents to us. Who has actually payed somebody in wish points I have seen it many times. In fact marnidbell payed wish points in order to get the items created for them which was blatantly shown that they may not receive them.

    Apparently kings are allowed to give out points as the wish without a valid explanation and give particular people perks just for being part of there land.

    My point is this. If you are going to nominate particular people I believe it is only fitting that the entire list is shown. I don't want to see the points list in a window. You can choose to manipulate what we choose by showing us only a small view. Thats all I am going to say on the matter as I already risk incriminating my self.

  3. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='26 March 2010 - 11:02 AM' timestamp='1269619338' post='56926']
    not sure does it have 1000 words (how can I check without counting myself?), and it is ongoing due to there are more quests that are coming. (for instance, when "forest maze" quest gets finished, it will be added to "few stories" topic)


    You can simply take the story and paste it into a Google doc then click word count it will tell you how many words as well as difficulty to read on several different scales i would not recommend it over word but it is a usefull tool for those who need it.

    Shy by 69 words but ill let it slide otherwise the end would seem forced or be senseless gibberish.

  4. [quote name='Malaikat Maut' date='24 March 2010 - 04:17 PM' timestamp='1269465460' post='56864']
    Just to be pedantic...It's cathode ray tube. And those electrons are fired by an electron gun which "activate" phosphors and not pixels. It's impossible for a CRT to have "dead pixels" in the same convention that the language is used to define nonfunctional liquid crystals on an LCD.

    I guess cathode was correct I knew there was something weird about using that. However with the pixel thing I have to say that you are incorrect. It activates phosphors however in order to create different colors there are several different versions of Phosphorous which emit different colors when contacted by the electron. Following the rule of the three primary colors and changing the intensity of each by determining the rate at which they are hit in order to flash at a different frequency is the determinare of color. So yes there are pixels as there must be in order to create the different colors. You can see them by bring a magnifine glass to the screen of a CRT you can try it out if you have one.

    However on earthier account there is nothing you can do except replace that screen as there is no fixing a CRT.

  5. important is that the address is xllm113@hotmail.com. It would be sent from an administrator also hotmail has the right to freeze an account so they obviously have the right to look at your password.

  6. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='24 March 2010 - 02:58 PM' timestamp='1269460707' post='56854']
    The saddest thing is that in a week or so some of you will pm me about "a bug that 90 ap is not enough to enter or upgrade some things". It usually happens with old players not with those new.

    The suggestions the kings made are by far better than what i had in mind. I would suggest 70ap for normal players and slower timers. Of course you would say its insane, but only if you compare with whats now. Seeing it "from scratch" is harder than it seems. A new player should discover the game with lower settings and later get it "faster". What you do its like arguing that a new player cant recruit a Grasan on its first day and see that as an issue.

    Makes me laugh when you say i am driving people away with such changes...you should see whats coming.

    With all due respect I do agree with a lot of your ideas they are necessary to evolve the game to its full potential. Though every once and a while you do come to the crossroad where you have to decide that this isn't the right move. I did think about the upgrade thing though I don't think as many people would actually look at it seriously.

    When you say what changes are coming I can see a lot of positive things though I look at somethings and just have to question them. I have only been getting feedback from alliance members so obviously my topic is biased to the positive side of it but I see long term negatives.

    I mean I looked at the active days wishpoint negatively because a lot of players would be using to many spells that would alter play to the point that finding people to attack would be impossible. Though it is hard to hide who you are as a ghost you cant attack one. You cant successfully fight a mirror ect. I just think somethings should be implicated and limiting some things is fine but actually yanking out and deconstructing profiles for those that would perfere or in some cases have to remain neutral causes some real problems.

  7. Well actually CRT (crystal ray tube) monitors still do have pixels the pixels are activated by the electrons emitted by a cathode hitting the screen on different pixels on the screen which are activated by the kinetic energy of the electron. There are three things that could have happened all fatally ending your monitor.
    1) A power serge burned out the cathode its happened before
    2) All the pixels have ended there life simultaneously. (all pixels have a limited life span they are always getting bombarded even when the screen is black you will always notice a glowing blue because it makes simulated black.)
    3) The CRT has sprung a leak and was filled with air. (most likely and a CRT is basically a huge light bulb)

    Usually when a CRT breaks is gone for good best thing you could do is replace it. Though get an LCD screen they are the only thing you can get now anyway and they last longer. Thats all I can say on the matter physics comes in hands some times.

  8. Have you thought of the implementations. If I was ever going to become a Loreroot member I have tossed that thought out the window. I mean think about this. Lets just lay this out.
    Loreroot: Remains
    Marnidbell: Angiens
    Goloumus: Drakhorns
    Novocron: Shades

    These are the 4 lands signature creatures. Soon to be 5 if the eastern lands is completed. Look at this logically. What is your least favorite of these or the least useful the one that has a close substitute. Thats the remains. The Grasan is the closest imitation to the Drakhorn Angiens I am unsure and same with shades. The only difference between remains and a barren soul is that the remains have the ability to boost regen. Then how do you get to it. Well simple no huge Ap to enter and a normal recruit cost. Any sensible person who has there personal best interest in mind would join a different land in order to get a truly unique creature.
    This will simply unbalance the torch competition even more. Create a very simple 1 type of creature environment and unbalance the fight system as well as the trade system as people choose to trade for those three inaccessible creatures instead of just the two.
    I believe in just about 3 weeks we will see a result of people using this to there advantage. In the first three weeks the trading is going to shift just too the three lands. Then by the ends of the third month the creature rituals will simplify as people realize they can take as many of these creatures as they want and not be rivaled by anything of greater ability. I mean whats going to stop this we already have rituals of just drakhorns with huge amounts of tokens.

    I'm not saying things are going to get harder I am simply saying the diversity of the game is going to become restricted due to this change.

  9. Ok I have already found a problem with non-land players having only 90 action points. Simply the ability to get into locations with 100AP requires you to have a land. For example I would have to be part of Marnidbell. I understand the incentive is to increase the incentive to join a land more so then before but complete restriction of certain areas which where not restricted before is not an effective method. If things stay like this I can expect a large amount of people to disappear by the end of next month without fail.
    You cant simply change one thing and expect to get away with it. When you change something everything else has to change with it.

  10. This is an understandable problem you can trade them so you have broken a very important rule. Second of all you have to understand that you can only give 2 wish points to one person after you have given 25 to other people the reason for this is in order to reduce trading this could undermine the system.
    Finally and very important point people already use this system there are people who track a certain amount of points built up from different quests. People use things like Karma points and other mythical units of measurement in order to break up a wish point into smaller pieces.
    I just see lots of problems with this and also no point to it as well.

  11. [quote name='Yrthilian' date='16 March 2010 - 10:35 AM' timestamp='1268753747' post='56500']
    The issue with citizenship is another issue all together.
    But in regards to applying for citizenship. don't use the system!
    as it is not working and the kings don't get to see it at all
    as it is not complete. This i believe was already announced in
    the updates.

    Now with regards to the WP codes and giving WP's I do agree this needs to be separated.
    The WP codes are ownership of the kings and it is there choice and rule that governs those codes.

    As regards who those WP go to after the code is given. Well that is another matter.
    I for one don't limit the quest creators to land only or 1 forced to a land only player.
    but that is a personal thing.

    I cannot speak for the other kings as that is there choice on what they do with there codes.
    Paying for things useing WP's I will 100% admit i have done this and i have no qualms about doing it.
    I do it for very good reasons and i don't have to justify them here. Only Mur can ask that of me
    if he feels i have abused the WP codes.

    Now i agree on one matter of the WP's but then this comes down to each quest creator and how the wish to award
    the WP/code. I have given the codes to each persion i have sponcered and let them use it there way. This i believe
    is fair. But why should they just use the code its self and award the WP. Why not just reward the code after wards.
    It is just a suggestion of how to look at rewards. Making quests to gain codes is just another option in its self.

    Since this matter has been brought up about non land people not getting codes. I have been working on an idea as mentioned
    above. I will explain it when i have cleard up a few things first and then will anounce it. You may not like it then again
    you might but we will see.

    But i think for now we are happy to say this WP codes are the kings to do as they wish. assign as they please.
    It is what is done with the wish point after wards that is now the main issue. Am i correct in this? I want to be sure
    we are all on the same page so to speak :rolleyes:

    Agreed minus the payment part.

  12. [quote name='Pipstickz' date='15 March 2010 - 10:07 PM' timestamp='1268708826' post='56481']
    So you think free wish points aren't a problem, but as rewards for something are a problem?

    OK you completely misinterpreted what I was trying to say or maybe I wasn't clear.
    Posting a bounty is fine though a bounty for something requires work in order to get there for wish point is fine.
    However posting a bounty for an item that is randomly distributed and thus no work was required to get it rewarding a wish point is not a reward but a payment.

    I understand what im saying is a bit hard to comprehend because both are bounties. Though for items given for free without work to obtain them should be paid for in order to get them but wish points arnt supposed to be payment they are supposed to be rewarded for completing some feat or doing something nobody else would do in other words being unique.

  13. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='15 March 2010 - 04:15 PM' timestamp='1268687737' post='56470']
    Sidenote: He likely does make some profit but not huge a lot of it goes into advertising.

    Actually from what I know Mur is paying for it, not receiving..That's why he needs credits.

    And yeah Kamisha, this is what I refer to. It's due to the fact that the quests get uneven, so I at times feel like lands basically promise:

    Hey, as long as you join us, within XX days you shall get a WP. Now if you stay with us more, and talk with me enough, I might even toss in a 2nd, or 3rd: I just need to open a new land specific quest, and it's only like 4 people competing with 3 winning!

    Quality of entrants partially is poor...but has anyone even wondered why at times?

    No, it does not have to do with the fact that you just pick a handful of players who can even start at all. Not at all, it isn't it. (heavy sarcasm for anyone who fails to notice)

    Though it isnt that serious I do believe that being part of a land does give you a couple shots at a few free wishpoints. The most atrocious thing that ive seen is that marnid bell was offering WP in order to get there items back. Wishpoints are not not to be used as cash. People may count it as a bounty. Though a bounty requires work in order to get the cost. This would just be luck of the draw.

  14. [quote name='Udgard' date='15 March 2010 - 12:19 PM' timestamp='1268673554' post='56461']
    Well, that's exactly my point =)

    Skill difference is not discrimination. Deciding based on ethnicity (or, in MD word, land affiliation), is.

    I just think this land affiliation thing has taken things way out of proportion i'm not for or against land affiliation. I just think alot of the quests of independents get ignored and left by those that can sponsor them. Cause currently there are only 4 kinds of people that can sponsor them.
    1) Mur
    2) People that used to be an RPC and haven't used up there free codes.
    3) Those that have to coins to buy codes
    4) Kings.

    I just think the whole thing is unbalanced. I have a sponsor im cool with that but the thing is every time I move on I have to post a quest and hope somebody will jump in and through them selves in with me.

    Kings arnt going to do it because im not part of a land. Those who bought them think again why do you think they bought them to give them away? People who are RPC's would rather use them them selves because its what there good at.
    Then mur is just plain hard to find and I mean when you talk to him he doesn't want to hear about whats good and bad about the game until experimental stage. During the time that he isn't working he likes to consider him self just a normal player like the rest of us. I mean he created MD for other people and even more so him self. He likely does make some profit but not huge a lot of it goes into advertising.

    I'm sry I got side tracked. I'm just saying wishpoint codes are going to turn into horded products until the codes expire. There just going to get tied up and quests are going to get butchered till they can factor in at least a point to the sponsoring land by what ever clause they can factor in.

    I'll give you an example for Firsanthalas I wanted to create a quest in order to get wish points to give away. I had to give him an idea (now before you attack this I didn't submit it because it was firstly too late and secondly the clause that one point had to go to loreroot restricted what I wanted to do). My idea was to take a personality test of people and by there most prominent trait of the 5 I would create a sort of race for [b]each land[/b](first broken rule has to stay in the same land) gathering points for choosing the wrong answer for your personality or correct one depending on which way you look at it. Then I have to factor in the independents which I [b]would randomly select a land to make it even chances for each person to win[/b](theirs the second rule broken).

    Just about any quest should give each person a [i]even[/i] chance to win. Now im stuck looking for a sponcer who can pay the correct amount of wish point codes to sponsor it.

    I'm just saying putting restrictions due to land causes major problems on both the quest creator and the participants reward strategy.

  15. [quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='07 February 2010 - 04:38 PM' timestamp='1265578731' post='54012']
    As long as you only have pure iron for a Katana you shouldn´t even think about it, because the sword would be to stiff and break easily. A good blacksmith would need carbon as well to make an alloy and only then the sword would be a success. So you should give it to me, I will seek carbon and a good blacksmith and let you forge the sword. You might reward me maybe then if you achive a real nice Katana, with the pure power of Blackwood within :)

    So you would one of two things then a piece of coal which only saint nick can give you considering he is the only one with a deed to a coal mine, a very profitable one at that :)) . Or you would need to build a bon fire with a peace of wood and reduce it to charcoal to extract the carbon.

    Apophys beat me to forging. Though apophys there is a forge to the right of golumus.

  16. With all due respect I understand but this is the exact post that is being attacked awiiya. It talks about the returning of balance. If it was made in response to balance yes it is second.

    Though jester is attacking the aspect of this truly balancing. If necro was not made for the purpose to balance then the time of creation could be different. Necro may have always been there.

    Not out of character and not talking within the binding of the game but real life. Even if necro was released after GG by mur that does not by any means mean that it wasn't there before at the same time. That would just be editing and the aspect of focus.

    Though mur does seem to like to divert from focus every once and a while.

  17. [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_g7Xuw3qTOnw/RedVsdFUdtI/AAAAAAAAAIc/12f3vLBpM1Y/s320/bowed-head-prayer.jpg[/img]
    Sry to see another legend leave.

    Calling all plains of hell members to a meeting in the last week of April Friday at marnids fountain to discuss the possibility of a temporary leader or possible disbandment of the faction depending on circumstances. Please bring your best ideas and suggestions. I'm giving you a lot of time to think it over.

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