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Posts posted by Kafuuka

  1. This idea is merely a combination of 2 recent announcements:
    1. Credits need to flow more, by using 'funds'.
    2. Those who aren't rpc's should be able to reward people for completing their quests.
    += Quest fund.

    Rewards could easily be varied according to difficulty. If there's a small comity for rating, approving and rewarding the quests, it would also be less random. Equally difficult quests should be equally rewarded after all.

  2. I think something went wrong with the recent additions to the chat. It often gives the following message after sending a message to the live chat:

    Error: SyntaxError
    Err description: undefined
    Err number: undefined
    Err message: invalid flag after regular expression

    Ajax response:

    <br />
    <b>Warning</b>: ereg() [<a href='function.ereg'>function.ereg</a>]: REG_BADRPT in <b>/home/magicdue/public_html/ui/navigation/ajax.chatmsg.php</b> on line <b>39</b><br />


    I didn't test this extensively, but combinations of * and ( seem to increase likelyhood of getting the error message. The game doesn't break or freeze, it just spews out the error message and then goes on fine. I'm not the only one getting the errors and I use swiftweasel (firefox derivative).

  3. [quote name='Necromantia' post='25787' date='Feb 22 2009, 05:43 PM']Hi,

    I am not sure if this is known already. But because of the recent actions taken by Manu to lower the server load, I will just let you know. Delete or move if you know this and the solution to it already.

    Currently the "Live Chat" and the "Players in this location" part poll the server every couple of seconds to get new chat messages and get updates on new players in this location or if some player left the current location. But also very often there is no new message or no player joined or left and the poll causes unnecessary server load.

    A less load intensive approach would be to use some kind of messaging or listener-like methods. With these methods the clients get only updated (and therefore cause server load) when really something happened (new chat message, player joined or left current location).

    For example someone types a new chat message and sends it to the server. The server knows all people in the current location and sends them a message that contains the actual chat message. Some server load is caused for the text message. But when the next 20 minutes no one types a chat message, then also no server load is caused.

    As I don't know the server software/architecture which is in use, I can only explain on this high level. But if you are interested in some assistance you can simply contact me via PM in this forum.



    Technicly you'd still need to send PING request so that the server knows who is still online and whose internet was disconnected.

    Something i did wonder about was if there's any way to permanently store images on harddisk, I get the feeling this doesn't happen (even if they're cached, cache is cleaned rather often) and images are a lot worse for bandwidth than plain text requests. I suspect most browsers will treat this as a security issue though.

  4. flat as in 2 dimensional would be out since there are tunnels etc.
    However a sphere isn't the only 3d object imaginable. It could be a disk ( carried by 4 elephants on a giant turtle if you like) or a giant Moebius strip... or maybe... a cube?

  5. [quote name='Chewett' post='24876' date='Feb 7 2009, 10:44 AM']Gravity is easy to exaplain i believe

    since any body of mass has gravity i believe that under our ground is a type of metal that is dense enough to have a gravititional force that is large enough that it allows us to walk on this place. however this theory means that unless this layer of metal is resting on another world (box theory) then there could be "things" on the other side of our world.[/quote]

    If you want to use gravity as we know it, you'll have to put the center of mass far beneath the surface, to make the gravitational vector as near orthogonal to the surface as possible. And i'd suggest a black hole, that'd be dense enough, and is conform myths in which falling off of a disclike world, you'd fall to your doom.
    Of course you'd need some force that keeps the disc from falling towards the black hole. Maybe add a magnetic monopole? (that ought to annoy theorists enough)

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