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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. Am looking for beard related items. Already have comb and tie. Also looking for a length of leather strap. PM item and price
  2. do you have a beard comb, i am in need
  3. mosiac skull and beard tie pls
  4. Whatever happened to this event? I never heard anything more about the rewards that were going to be presented by the "powers that be" or the achievement for the quest?
  5. I would just like to state and ask, that buying a creature with an alt, to benefit a main is highly illegal as far as I know. Is it a bannable offense?
  6. auction closed, winners please contact me for trading arrangements, I will try and keep a look out for ya in game.
  7. one hour to go
  8. Sales will end at 22:00 day 332 server time (17 hours from this post)
  9. im sorry, to clarify i mean 3 silver min bid for any creature.
  10. "Sure, why not rename this game to RPDuel ? At least then I could quit ." Funny enough I agree with No One on that particular point. It does feel like the game is losing its magic, and gaining its duel. Alliances have been a shaky subject for the past 2 years, mainly because most all of them are fairly inactive in quests/events. The same can be said for the game as a whole though as far as inactivity goes, so we should not point solely at the alliance or the leader. Being an alliance leader for several years, trying to keep jack sticks from taking them over is no easy task. You know how that is fixed? By only having alliance members who truly care about the alliance and its leader. After Assira was expelled for her role as betrayer in the CTs we have never since then had one incident. That is because the members of CT are devoted to it, and me. I could not be happier with the members I have had in the past, and is one reason I am so picky about new members. I believe alliances are for life. They are a SERIOUS decision that requires alot of time (a reason I don't allow MP3 and young MP4 into alliance), and dedication to prove you belong. Once you are in it should be a constant dedication to show you care about the alliance and the land it is in. Does this mind set cause alot of people to not be able to get into alliances? Yes. In my opinion people that don't have that mind set, don't belong in an alliance. Of course this is harder to do the bigger the alliance is. Mine is a small max compared to some, but does that mean the criteria should be any different? I think a lot of people just want to have a badge, or just want to see how many alliances they can say they have been a "part" of. Being in an alliance is a privilege, not a right. I sure know the hell I had to go through when I wanted to be a Sentinel. As a result I learned I was not right for that alliance and found myself in the CTs. The time, and training itself created that epiphany. As to No Ones last post. Currently what do we do about alliance leaders with high loyalty that quits? Besides the fact that it is BAD TASTE for someone to do so, it would then fall to the alliance members to WORK TWARDS A GOAL of getting the loyalty to overcome the leader. It creates a mission for the alliance members to band together to create a new leader. As far as a newcomer gaining loyalty goes, at least in my alliance, you can only gain so much a percentage of the leaders loyalty. Again that shows not only respect for the leader, but it allows for members to work together. If other members want more loyalty, then they need to help the leader gain as they do. HEAT JARS anyone? A great use of the jars, for other members to help gain heat and pass it to their leader. If the new alliance member disregards the rules and continues to gain loyalty without regards to the leaders, then they deserve to be kicked out for not helping the alliance. I could go on but I'll cut it there for now.
  11. Eons bid is invalid, as I will not sell creatures to him
  12. Final round of creature sale. All untokened creatures can be mass bid, but must have a minimum bid of 3 silver to be eligible for sale. Angien (1g 17s MS) *TRANSFERRED* ID: 504761 Age: 1997 Heat: 11,128,615 Tokens: Claw 1 2 &3, Onyx Fang, Stardust, Antifreeze, Blood Drop 1&2, Kelletha Fire, Dark Sky, Sunshine Knator War Master (2g 2sc MS) *TRANSFERRED* ID: 468510 Age: 2048 Heat: 7,185,946 Tokens: Onyx Fang, Dark Sky, Gold Belt, Sunshine, Stardust, Emeral Glare, Blood Drop 1&2, Black Tear Boop (10sc CM) *transferred* Water Being ID: 550390 Age: 1929 Heat: 19,166,939 Tokens: Black Diamonds, Dark Shield, Blood Drop 1&2, Enlightning, Kelletha Fire, Onyx Fang, Stardust, Black Tear Elemental (7sc TRM) *TRANSFERRED* ID: 485650 Age: 2029 Heat: 11,786,203 Tokens: Antifreeze, Stardust, Claw 2, Blood Drop 1 2 &3, Black Diamond, Onyx Fang, Emeral Glare, Gold Belt, Kelletha Fire, Dark Shield Toxicadendrite Seed ID: 734011 Age: 1225 Heat: 433883 Master Loreroot Archer (3sc Ary) *TRANSFERRED* ID:758499 Age: 1064 Heat: 65233 Billy Tree ID: 637233 Age: 1664 Heat: 221606 Thorton Tree ID: 637227 Age: 1664 Heat: 232114 Majestic Winderwild (3sc EE) ID: 657824 Age: 1581 Heat: 287361 Peety (3sc DD) *transferred* Majestic Winderwild ID: 637152 Age: 1664 Heat: 467942
  13. transactions complete, topic can be closed. Stay tuned for round 3 of sales
  14. Auction is over, winner's please contact me, thank you!
  15. Topic can be closed, trades are complete
  16. Auction will close 08:00 on day 323
  17. Mildly Active. I log on most days, check pms and such. I try and make sure alliance members don't need anything, and ask about quests involving CTs. I spend little time on a computer like the 'old' days, but if I'm on a comp, you can be sure im on MD. Role: Role has faded with peoples lack of interest in the East. The East needs little tending to when there is nobody around to disrupt it. We try and help with death when possible, of course the Mur death was beyond our perspective. Other then that I would like to think we have been in the loop on other deaths. I would always like to see more activity in the East and in our CTs. I try and create several alliance run quests a year, and always promote other CTs to run quests.
  18. Nad, Syn, and Ailith only ones left, will be at the plains. Or shoot pm ty.
  19. attempt? Eon was killed once, he was just resurrected in like 3 minutes.
  20. I have spent many years collecting these creatures and the tokens on them. I have spent a large amount of r/l money on the game and the creatures. As far as I see it, I am allowed to sell, or not sell them to any I so choose. If you do not like it, simply do not bid. The last auction was announced the end time 8 hours before it ended, and Val literally posted the same time I did, if it had been another minute or two it would not have been valid.
  21. as before Eon, DST, and NoOnes bids are invalid, as I will not sell creatures to them.
  22. I'm sorry you feel that way Grido. I never made any statement that there would be a 2 day cooldown, only that it is what I generally try and stick to. All bidding creatures except for Timmy and Elrond had stopped, so I posted last night (to me last night EST) that gave 8 hours notice for final bidding. I would be glad to speak with you in game if you still feel I have wronged you.
  23. If you missed out on getting one of my old creatures, FEAR NOT!! Round 2 of creature sales will begin today. I have decided to sell off some of my old creatures. ID numbers added. Bid will be posted here. As you can see most creatures are originals of mine. Most are 5+ years. If want anon, just mail me and I will post for you. List is as follows: This is my oldest creature left alive. It has survived since 2008. Imperial Aramor (1g Neno) *TRANSFERRED* ID 432750 Age: 2077 Heat: 864815 Tokens: Claw III, Stardust, Kelletha Fire, Dark Sky, Onyx Fangs, Black Tear, Blood Drop 1 2, Dark Shield, Sunshine St. Peter Agien (2g 6sc roph) *TRANSFERRED* ID:506965 Age: 1890 Heat: 7,442,715 Tokens: Antifreeze, Enlightening, Onyx Fangs, ClawIII, Stardust, Kelletha Fire, Emeral Glare, Dark Sky, Gold Belt, Blood Drop 1,2,3 John the Second (4sc TRM) *TRANSFERRED* Unholy Priest ID: 470918 Age: 1820 Heat: 1114776 Tokens: Black Diamond, Gold Tear, Sunshine, Gold Belt, Emeral Glare, Onyx Fang, Black Tear, Bloop Drop 1, 2 Majestic Winderwild (6sc GLJ) *TRANSFERRED* ID: 511678 Age: 1984 Heat: 1580427 Tokens: Stardust, Gold Belt, Onyx Fangs, Dark Shield, Antifreeze, Emeral Glare, Claw III, Bloop Drop 1,2,3 Taken Thine Sins (4sc TRM) *TRANSFERRED* Unholy Priest ID: 738342 Age: 1139 Heat: 1500638 Tokens: Claw 1 & 2, Emeral Glare, Blood Drop2, Onyx Fang, Sunshine, Stardust, Gold Tear, Black Diamond
  24. Indeed Grido as bidding was over at 13:00. Sorry that you did not get a chance to bid again before it was over. Ledah now has it, perhaps you can talk him into selling it to you?
  25. valoryns bid will be considered valid, as we posted at the same time. *edit* I will be by Tree most the day, please feel free to come around to get your creature code. Thank you for your purchase.
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