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Everything posted by phantasm

  1. Decorated skull Handful of Dirt Bottled ship Pocket watch WIll pay 3 silver each for.
  2. i started as an mp2, does that count?
  3. Due to only two submissions, instead of judges, I think Assira has won this contest. My favor for things of death and pain defiantly leans on the fact its permanently attached. EE's was a great crutch with GREAT schematics. Assira will win first place, and EE will be given 2nd and 3rd place prizes. Thank you for helping to find a crutch for Phantasm. Now all that is left is for it to be built and put into use. Give me a pm sometime Assira. Come get your prizes, should be easy to find me.
  4. today is the last day for submissions. Get them in before its too late!
  5. Having just recently experienced "death" as we call it, I feel this "taint" in a very strong way. Rituals work fine and dandy, most times when using trying to help other people. Often I find to heal ones self, you must examine ones self. "Meditation" is often the best way to self-cleanse. I choose Tree, because even though it looks dead, at times shows the life it really has. Much is the same way with a "tainted soul". While you may look at them from the outside and see death, the potential for life is exponential. Negativity and violence create a void in yourself. A hole that most times is best mended on your own. Others that help, do help, but only so that you can find the truth yourself. Meditation can come in many ways. Some find a game of chess meditation. Others may find quiet self reflection meditation. Some may find war their form of meditation. Your soul is drawn to a certain type, and it is the task to find that type. Once you have reached a level of meditation where nothing else matters, but the matter a hand, you will find yourself free from taint. You will only experience the here and now, which is the only thing that really matters. The past can not be changed, and the future can not be told. Therefore to be free of taint, we must live now. So here I sit, with Tree and Z, meditating until I find myself whole again. Perhaps the taint can not even be fully cleansed, only controlled over. Can we truly move on and forgive our past? All we can do is try. So steps: 1. Realize you are not yourself 2. Find your own form of meditation 3. Find the right place to meditate (Tree is best for me) 4. Realize you must forgive yourself 5. Realize that it is in the here and now. 6. Confirm in yourself your solution and stick to it, no matter what (even if you are wrong in others eyes, you are still true to yourself)
  6. BUILDING A CRUTCH After the mass death, Phantasm has come back without the use of his left leg. Until there can be a way found to fix it, we must come up with a contraption for his to walk with. For this quest you must draw a crutch that can strapped to his body AND arm so that it allows him to walk. Phantasm can be found at Path of Loneliness until the time a crutch can be created for him, since its a bit hard to walk with one leg. Rules: It must use resources of MD only, no common items or anything else. It must be hand drawn on a piece of paper with the signatory MD on it like always. (can be pencil,ink,crayon, etc) It must be strapped to his leg, his torso, and his arm in a fashion so that he can move his leg without chance of falling It must contain a detailed description of how the device works and how to fasten it to Phantasm's body It must contain a list of the resources used and in what quantities. Contest with be judged by 3 judges (looking for 2 other judges, please pm if you wish to be one) The quest will begin today and run for 2 weeks. (5-5-15 to 5-20-15) Rewards: 1st place: 2 gold coins , 10 birthday cake 2nd place: 1 gold coin, 5 birthday cake 3rd place: 5 silver coin, 2 birthday cake The winner of the drawing will then have a chance for an additional reward if it is role played being created in MD (reward to be announced after winner, but i assure you its good). Maybe if its done well enough the gods will shine down and such an item can be created. This is a voluntary extra to the quest, not mandatory. I sure do love a good role play of creation of items. Makes it seem like older days, and I tend to reward well for those feelings.
  7. Kyphis has been declared the winner. His Dirge was not only lamentful, but very personal. Had good line structure, and ya can drink to it. Congrats on the anni! Aeos was 2nd. For not knowing those gone past, Aeos did very well. Personal as well thrown in about not knowing, very good structure. Congrats on a bloodpact archer Everyone else will receive 2 silver for their excellent submissions. With timed quests like that, its difficult to come up with good material, which is what makes it so special. Impromptu tends to tell the real feelings of those who put forth their effort. Good job everyone, and thank you!
  8. by Misshadowst Jester's fun-eral dirge "Let us raise our voices and sing Of this greatly fallen king. NAAAAAAH Pass me another Fat-Tire The poor sap is still on fire! Much well loved, though a liar Let us drink and piss on his pyre!" Posted by Aeos Lament to Cutler Another has gone and left, a face that none shall ever forget. I have heard great words about his work. Though a chance to meet him, I shall not get. Saddened is the realm at his departure, but in our hearts he shall always be. The words I speak cannot bring him back, but it can help us all to see... Stories will be told of Cutler, stories that many will wish to hear. For he was a friend to many a person, and those memories...they will be held dear.
  9. Impromptu Dirge Contest? You have 15 minutes from time of this post to create a Dirge for a member of MD who is gone (doesn't have to be permanent, just not active). It must contain at least 6 lines and be in format. Post here in forum or in pm to me. Judges will be Me and Samon Prize?! Anni Armor is the prize. SO hurry and get cracking *edit* by format, i mean it must be a lamenting song meant for a funeral...definition of dirge sorry for confusion*
  10. FAT TUESDAY!!!!!!! A tradition followed by Christians as a day of feasting and merriment before Lent. In America its commonly known as Mardi Gras. In honor of Molquert, his guardians, and the impact they have had on the community, we are holding a procession that will start at the Statue Hall Door. It will begin at 0:01 of the day, with a jump link to the doors. Due to high AP cost to move in the East I ask ANY and ALL East-landers to help with AP reduction. We will spend around 5 minutes at each scene with little games and activities at each, ending up at Molquerts grave-site. There will be a 20 minute break at Jester's Door, complete with a mini-quest right there. Will allow hopefully some regen time on peoples AP,and prizes of course! We will have a memorial service at the grave site for Mol, and then afterwards will be a party at the Drunken Corpse!! There we will be playing the "Name that Drunken Phrase" game. Always sure to be a good time. Also quests, and events for later in the day will be announced there. So get on your dancing shoes, and come join the Caretakers for this grand event.
  11. As far as I can see/tell, there have been very little quest makers interested in days. Time is quickly approaching. Are there no questmakers out there? 10 days needs ALOT of quests and events to fill up such a grand anniversary. I know we all want to see the 10th be its biggest and best yet.
  12. muddy skull 4sc
  13. My question is, has any of this even been discussed by anyone in the East? No CT i know of has had any contact with you either about some "diplomatic leadership". So where did this come from? Or are you simply stating something out of your own mind, hoping that the rest of the East will follow? Seems to me like it would be a good idea to talk to other Easterners before making a post like this for the public.
  14. We Caretakers have been given the privilege to organize day 8 events for the anniversary. 10 years is quite an accomplishment and we are here to celebrate and remember the days gone by. We will be holding a sort of "Fat Tuesday" in which we will celebrate the times of Molquert. We will have a procession through the streets of the East until we end at Molquert's resting place. We are looking for any and all questers who want to make quests surrounding this type of day. The Caretakers will be hosting a 2 hour long procession starting at 0:01 Tuesday server time. Followed by a party at the Drunken Corpse. There will be a jump link, we ask that everyone try to get there a few minutes early so that we have minimal delay to the start. Games, trivia, prized, cake, and of course booze will all be a part as we walk along the streets of the East. Prizes will vary per game/trivia, and each scene we pass will hold something in store. A detailed itinerary will be posted before the 10 days of festivities begins. If you have any questions, or would like to be a part of the day, please contact me via forum pm.
  15. I think its should be possible if the host requests that specific day for no visc, and questers should be notified and can plan as such. I know some of the hosts want lowered viscosity on their days so they can conduct events that would normally be a long journey to get to.
  16. Tuesday April 14, or Tuesday April 21st Playername: Phantasm ID:137291 As stated before the CTs would like to host a Fat Tuesday. Complete with games, a procession for Mol, a party in the East, Rewards, and lots and lots of booze!!
  17. Tuesday the CTs would like to do a Fat Tuesday in honor of Molequert. A day of the dead to party hard, remember stories of old, and make up ones that sound better then the real ones happened. Through the streets of the East (if viscosity could be lifted up to Mols grave site.
  18. Indeed I did rename the pub. Ladytwin and Xcercses spent a large amount of time acting as bartenders there, attracting both outsiders and Easterners to it. X did say in the forum post below that he was going to send you a mail about it. If he did or not I am unsure. It was discussed, dabated, asked around, and then decided. We almost never see you IAB except at Christmas time to get your presents, or the occasional festival, so the term "purchased" simply meant that I used a WP (one of the few I had) to change the scene name. We CTs have used it as bot a meeting place, and a gathering point for events we have held/will hold in the East. Strange after so many years now that you decide to bring this topic up. Are you seeking retribution for the name change? Perhaps compensation? I am unsure how this has affected you or the East in any way besides a positive impact that it held until X left the game and the AP to move to it became astronomical for the normal MDer.
  19. Good point NoOne, perhaps I worded it wrong by saying it was half of MD's existence. Uh DD there is a 1k day WP? Last I knew there was only a 2 year one(which is 730) I just thought since the game has come so many years, those who have stuck with it should be rewarded. I also think there should be a WP every couple years. Agreed not 5.5 or 6, but every 2 or so years. I feel WP usage/gain has diminished greatly as a whole over the past few years, and the WP shop only grows. Look at the WP topper list, most the whole list is very old vets, a part of which no longer even play. I can't possibly see a downside to a WP every couple years. Even if there are those who don't play, but log in just for the WP, what do they have to gain from it? They log in, get the WP, use it, then log back out and don't see agian for another few years. I suppose if anything it would make for a good reunion when the new WP achievement is posted :D
  20. What about a 5 year achievement? With the game being as old as it is now, i think those that have been here for half of its existence should be able to get a 5 year achievement. Thoughts?
  21. Never have I ever......given up on the faith of what MD could be
  22. bump, anyone seen any of this? Willing to pay top coin for it
  23. i would like the leather strips please
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