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  1. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Watcher in Goodbye For Ever   
    tara... we will miss you well i will the most of course just because
  2. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Goodbye For Ever   
    tara... we will miss you well i will the most of course just because
  3. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Chewett in Goodbye For Ever   
    tara... we will miss you well i will the most of course just because
  4. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to ladytwin in Dst   
    i hate to say it but it seems like dst is al the time braging and harsing others i hate to point fingers but she has a hard spine dont know if it get a cross here it is a dutch thing i gues but it means i dont know how to translate it
    but she kicks some legs and i feel it hurting the game in forum and in game when she is around everybody shouts up and dont talk because dst is here is that what she want she got it but is it fun no
  5. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Dst   
    For as long as I can remember, dst has been just as much a nuisance to the general MD public as certain other individuals. The names Death Ray, and redneck come to mind. She may not be a nuisance in the same way, but she is still a nuisance none the less. I use the word nuisance as a kind substitute for other words which could be applied.

    I would like to bring to light her constant hunting of "prey". Those she considers weak, stupid, or different. For no other apparent reason other than for her own self satisfaction that she is better than others. Whether or not she is, is up for debate. Not only does she hunt these "prey" she chomps down on their hind quarters until they can do nothing but limp on for months. If they are so lucky as to be able to walk after the initial attacks, she then sinks her teeth into their throats. For instance, her attacks on Shoeps. I do not care what he did, or why she attacks him constantly, but it is not acceptable to see these instances brought up every few weeks when she can't find another prey to attack.

    She made it her life's ambition to see his game life ruined, and unfortunately, it appears as if she succeeded. That may or may not be the case, but the fact remains that her goal was to make Shoeps hated by the general population by making a personal conflict public because she could not win otherwise. Again, unacceptable. He is not the only one she constantly harasses. I have a list of people she makes regular attacks against, and it isn't right.

    Her attitude towards anyone that does anything but tread lightly around her is deplorable. If you so much as argue with her, she will call you a coward. If you so much as win, watch out, for you will be put on her "black list".

    I had recently posted something about her comments of calling an individual a coward on the forum. What happened? She deleted and removed the post because she found it "insulting". As well as threatened to have my warn level increased to the point that I will have a Moderator review everything I post.

    I was also demoted from my job of being a Section Moderator for the CTC Section. The reason being? I closed topics that were inactive, and merging posts without notifying the poster when they were spamming their topic with bumps. Why is this a reason for demotion when I had been faithfully maintaining the most active section in the forum for nearly 8 months?

    I believe dst is once again at hand. The night prior, I was having a heated debate with Dmik King(If forget exactly what the initial topic was about but towards the end Dmik King was claiming I was claiming the Holocaust did not happen... when I wasn't talking about it. Tried clarifying it but he would not listen because he was so angry.) and a few others.

    Dst intervened and started her usual act of trying to prove herself superior to others. I, in no way, claim that I am better, nor worse. When her arguments were being questioned, she resorted to her childish behavior of name calling and dismissing my questions about her arguement as being "stupid".

    And as an attempt to attack me once again, she decided that I was no longer fit to moderate the CTC Section. (I really don't care if I am the CTC Mod or not. It does not bother me.) So, dst and Chewett, notified me several days ago that I was demoted for reasons still unclear.

    I am here to call dst out. Make a valid arguement. Do not spew insults and insinuations. Make valid arguements as to why you seem fit to do this.

    Anyone else is welcome to comment on it, after dst has responded.

    [Mods: Please notice that there isnt a single insulting word, swear word, and this is not a heated response to something she did recently. I let a few days pass before I decided to write this so I could write it without being rash.]
  6. Upvote
    adiomino reacted to Pipstickz in Md Is Boring   
    People will always want things easier. I highly doubt just by creating a topic that you can really change anything, just like with your topic about dst.

    So, rather than talking about it, why don't you actually do something? Mur isn't going to help you with this, if he's going to keep with his "community organizations will be run by the community" stuff. So do something.
  7. Downvote
    adiomino reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Md Is Boring   
    This is a continuation of the MD is dead topic so that it can remain on topic.

    MD is Boring.

    Others think it, I said it. Now lets look at the biggest problem with why MD is now Boring.

    First: GGG

    The GGG is ruining MD. People sit there all day long and farm 0 damage wins. Wins are supposed won. Not given. Stats are not to be given so freely either.

    After dst's post stating what is really wrong with MD, it opened my eyes. I have come to realise that the GGG is bad for our community.

    So I ask, is it a good idea to get rid of the GGG in order to bring back the original style of training by attacking others with real rituals?

    If you disagree, or agree, please post why.
  8. Downvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Guardians Recruitment   
    Lol yeah. I didn't get it either

    And I respect that right sage.
  9. Upvote
    adiomino got a reaction from Sparrhawk in Md Smiling Effect *smiles*   
    Notice when people smile in MD others start copying and start smiling too?

    Hm... Like when people greet each other and one person smiles the other person smiles?

    See!? It only takes one person to make a difference in the world.

    Eh. Thats all I have to say XD

    (to mods-Just be happy this is offtopic XD)

    *nods to luna* You were one of the people I was thinking of when I made this topic I smile when other people smile
    I know that grido
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