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Posts posted by Asterdai

  1. [quote name='Mya Celestia' date='24 August 2009 - 02:34 AM' timestamp='1251077659' post='40137']
    The choice should be hers.

    If her husband is considered dead, then she should have the choice to stay in servitude or not.

    If the Rajj returns, then it would be between the two of them.

    If there was no decision before the Rajj left concerning her fate, it should be her decision.

    Do you not think she belongs to the daughter of the Rajj, as a commodity of the family?

  2. [quote name='Chewett' date='23 August 2009 - 06:12 PM' timestamp='1251047543' post='40083']
    Or perhaps people want to free her no matter how unhappy she shall be?

    removing the option and starting again is a bit like forcing people to vote for something you want.

    yep your right, i wasnt Really going to do it :P

  3. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='23 August 2009 - 05:11 PM' timestamp='1251043897' post='40068']
    O.o oke where did khal got that much meat.... coz in necro... nothing lives there except death itself

    *grins* im not quite sure..
    However looking at the poll results im really doubting people are actually reading my post before voting. Most dont seem to realise that she will be more unhappy if she is free. i may have to remove that option from the poll, and start this over.

  4. Kittiness and the Rajj-

    the third wife of khalazadad is a slave, bought by him to be his wife. Since the rajj has gone she has been unhappy. Kittiness has been a slave from birth and if she would be released and "freed" this will also make her very unhappy. She desires to serve a master to the fullest extent possible, doing everything a slave, or a slave wife can do for her master. There are a few problems with this and a few things that need to be said.

    1. The rajj is not dead, he dissapeared into the desert into a "place where others cannot go" when he left he said simply to kittiness that he wanted her to "live"
    2. the rajj paid for kittiness the price of 1000 camels, 5000 goats, and 3 kilometers of fine fabric, she is therefore a commodity and a price may or may not still need to be paid for her depending on who "owns" her still
    3. .Peace. believes she belongs to the desert, this may have complications with who becomes her new master, depending on certain things.
    4. She needs to find a Real master, anyone will not do, they need to be commited to MD, and treat her like a slave, like she is used to and likes being treated.

    What WE can do?

    Please vote on the voting system so we can gather a certain public concensus on what you feel "should" be the right answer, please also write back with your opinion, as this is also very important in deciding where kittiness and .peace. and the rajj stand on her ownership/price and her belonging to the desert. This may or may not result in her being able to be sold, and if she is there needs to be a public sale for her, to allow a price to be paid by the highest bidder.

    Please give me your thoughts, including you .peace. and kittiness.

    i may or not be bidding for kittiness but at the end of the day i feel i cannot be her master, i would like her to be owned by someone who will treat her like a slave, properly, and i will pay for her to be under my ownership to keep her until someone else is found if need be. I just want her to be happy, and at the moment it is very clear she is not.
    (poll ajusted slighty from - please look at my post to please write an opinion..as this was confusing people..)

  5. An old wolf came by yesterday and decided to "slide his claws down the tree but doing no damage" after barging past him boldly to have a look sparrhawk and i deduced there was no damage. He was told not to use the tree as a plaything, as it would more than likely upset other people.
    the only thing is, that 4 hours earlier he met z and asked if he was the tree's guardian, z replying who wants to know... it seems the old wolf waited until z was meditating to come and inspect the tree. quite sneaky i reckon...

  6. sounds like a great idea, i would like to turn my hand to this *smiles*

    i will need to know, the name of the spell document, what is does (for personal info, see if i can incorperate it) who started off with the first one maybe( which rpc gives them out) might make the rpc written down, recorded in history, which is nice as they are a really important part of the game.
    Also if you are a rpc, and you would like a poem written, what does the spell mean to you, and why do you posses it/ use it

    Asterdai :good:

    Please message me in game if you would like me to try, it would be an honour

  7. [u]My Summer Days[/u]

    Far below skies white and blue,
    the Sun embraces with its golden hue,
    as i lay here it warms me through,
    i drift away, and dream of you,

    Far below skies blue and white,
    sometimes the Sun goes out of sight,
    and with it takes its shining light,
    but i think of you, and everythings all right.

    The title is not an original title, im not sure it has a title. The poem i wrote when i was out in the garden(noted down on my phone) and i felt overwhelmed by the size of the sky, and the warmth from the sun.
    The sun is important in this poem therefore it is capitalised, It needs to be spoken really, and it would be read very slowly emphasizing every word. if you read it like this you might feel the same way i did when i wrote it down,
    Very short very simple, but makes me feel happy and remember the time when i wrote it.

    I believe this relates to magic duel for a few reasons. As it is about being alone in a wide expanse but with the help of people around it can make life rich and fufilling, about how the security of a stable thing, a friend, can really impact you, about how things that should impact you, in a negitive way, (like the fears first evident when i first entered Necrovian) dont matter as in the end i did not do it alone, i had my friends to be there for me to explain what it is was really going on, and to support me in many things, even without them really knowing.

    My Moon.

    The moon is a face of someone you know, a friend, a lover, a dream.
    Strange, it seems, how it comforts and consoles you with a lonely light.
    A friend to everyone, yet close to none.
    Sometimes it changes, not giving out as much light as before, but then you realise it still is and ever will be a constant, a thing that will always be there, that you can rely to be there when you need it to be. This moon is your judge, an all seeing eye, which pierces the dark of the night and lets you bask in its light, shielding you from the shifting shadows which sometimes whisk around your head. It alone knows all you secrets, your hopes, your fears and your own reality.
    Sometimes you want this moon to go away and sometimes you want it to be just you two together.
    It pains you that you are so close, that there is so much between you, and that yet you are apart, and forever will be. But this is the way it is, and forever will be and you know in your heart of hearts that you wouldn't want it any other way.

    written for Lunar Goddess,

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