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Everything posted by Lazarus

  1. This is how much he miss dst
  2. Then this should be settled. Been a while since I got imprisoned anyway. Should be fun to re-explore. Topic can be closed now.
  3. Though I understand the anger and subsequent punishment, a simple warning might have been enough. I'm not bullshitting you or take you as an idiot when I say I never knew automating this part of game mechanic is illegal in MD terms since there was not one instance of it happening or documented anywhere in the announcements, at least not that I'm aware of, I thought it was merely "frowned upon" so apologies for my denseness when I didn't pick up on Chew's subtext since it was not qualified for my consideration as something "odd" in my account. This communicated to me that there was something happening in my account in terms of security or force login etc. Jailed on first offense and without warning. Interesting times.
  4. The only odd thing happening in my account is that I can no longer attack anyone and this seem to have just happened today, other than that I subscribed for a month, did a shop reset, got a few things in the shop, casting spells, being casted spells on, attacking, being attacked, being ported somewhere etc are all in-game activities which I don't think qualifies as "odd" unless there's some account level anomaly, which to be honest, I won't have a clue about if someone is doing something that will raise a flag.
  5. We have a system that takes away the ability to attack if X event occurs? Can't think of anything other than the porting test you were doing yesterday, because this happened after that.
  6. When I click on a player's shadow, it shows the attack button, but doesn't when in the same scene. This seems to just have happened today and I don't see any issues raised regarding this, so opening a thread now. See attached. Other players are able to attack me and (I assume) each other:
  7. This has ended. Aksel gets to own Granos' Left Ball Ledah gets the rest Thanks for participating, I'll be at the Howling Gates for the exchange.
  8. The MD community seems to value Granos' appendages this much, what can I say.
  9. Posting on behalf of Aksel since they mentioned that they have no forum account:
  10. I forgot to add the price initially so apparently this became an auction. Will end it in 24 hrs and will go to the highest offers. Added images for more stat info.
  11. Cleaning up my clit inventory. These are the oldest creatures I have. Accepting Gold or Credits: BP Archer (Max level): ID 281496 Angien (Lvl 2): 651571 Black and White Joker (Max level): ID 583719
  12. I spend 99% of my time in the Stone of Twisted Souls idling, so I nominate myself to get gold fossil medal, and for gold art medal as well.
  13. This has appeared at least 10+ times so far and I'm tired of disliking Ledah every time it pops up to the point that I'm actually starting to feel bad for him. Is this supposed to function like this? Just putting it out here in case this is a bug.
  14. You guys rekindled the creative fire within me, please welcome my Morph origami ⛄
  15. Nobody heats you in this community. You're a nice birdie.
  16. I really don't like this Warventure thing you're trying to push, but if you add some dank memes as resource, I would definitely love it and play it with my friends who also like the dankest memes.
  17. I never liked the idea of A25 especially with the amount of people who have the tools, you don't need that much people developing the game so I'm glad it decreased, but if I am to name one good potential candidate to have as a member, it will have to be Mallos.

    Give the guy a chance and he'll do wonders.


  18. Wow this is super intellectual stuff
  19. Fresh grass for Taurion will do. Thanks Chew and Aia for fixing the area, Taurion is happy, he feels seen and herd.
  20. A long time ago, a short-tempered creature - a Bull - woke up in the docks of the Gateway Island, met its inhabitants and worked his way out of there by meeting all the necessary challenges. He arrived at No Man's Land after some time and had been wanting to go back to the Island which he identified as home. There was no way back, he was not amoosed. He wandered around the strange new world in search of home. Loreroot, he thought, as it has delicious green grass. He spent days eating in the Lorerootian paradise and fertilizing its soils in the process, until he ventured further to the North, and he found the Labyrinth. He instantly made a spiritual connection to the maze and forges himself a square amulet which is also a perfect topographical map of the Labyrinth, signifying that his heart is close to this part of the realm. The Bull would later proclaim himself as its new Guardian. One day he returned home via the Split Pass Halt. The entrance is no more. His heart - crushed, his spirits dissipated. The steaks are high for the animal, the Bull finds his situation udderly problematic, and other people can smell the big fat Bull coming in the horizons. The Labyrinth is no longer accessible from the MDA lands and I'd like to ask why - no announcements, no heads up, no warnings, no asking people's opinions. This was confirmed by other players as well. It affects people's gameplay and in some cases "work" that's being carried out. I'm aware that there is/are ways to enter the Labyrinth but that is not my focus about this issue at the mooment.
  21. This auction has ended. @Else won Imp 1 & Imp 2 for 10 credits in total.
  22. I'm "very" happy for you, and I "agree", but using "Desktop" mode doesn't get rid "of" the issue altogether, it just "makes" it not noticeable.
  23. Current Bid: Imp 1 - 5 credits by Else Imp 2 - 5 credits by Else Imp 3 - None Auction will end in 24 hrs.
  24. Not sure if I'm the only one having this issue. When clicking the side bar on the right panel where it displays the VE and Wn, windows pop-up, covering the entire side bar. Closing this window also closes the sidebar back, making it impossible to check current VE and Wn. Current AP and max heat not on display/cut out from the pull up tab interface on the bottom of the page.
  25. When the hooded figures at the Passage of War decides to ignore you for being a creep, they'll reportedly let you pass and some type of graphic appears that implies the tunnel is ready to be traversed. I don't know if this grapic is implemented or not but there's definitely a missing or broken file in this scene.
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