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The Guy Casey

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About The Guy Casey

  • Birthday June 28

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    Is everything.
  • Interests
    Gaming, and the occasional writing session... And amusing Pample. Yep. <--- Outdated. Apparently, Pample is no longer with us.
  • Playername
    Csyth Krytill

The Guy Casey's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Risen from his slumber like the sun's early to rise.

  2. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1333634184' post='108315'] A "nicer" mechanic is that you are automatically released and such. But thats much more mechnical, prearranged and much less "human/personal" MD is just a bit different, Mur much prefers personal contact over nameless mechanics and machines that automatically do things. Its much more human having someone who deals with jailing and such. [/quote] Point taken. That does make sense, a much more organic experience. I believe this mattered is settled, then. Thank you for the input, everyone.
  3. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1333633567' post='108313'] MD is different, this is one of the ways, You "could" have been banned, properly and not be able to get back at all. But instead you were jailed. All Jail Setences are a minimum time, and you are expected to contact someone to get released [/quote] Obviously, because I just had to contact someone to be released. All I'm saying is that it would make more sense to me, just me, maybe not the rest of you, if it was handled a different way, but it's not my game to make those decisions.
  4. Lol. Dst, I won't even start with you, but I will say that you are very anal about the subject and went into logs that weren't see-able by the general public as they had already passed. That doesn't excuse me from breaking the rules, but it does say something about how you handled the matter. I'm not here to stir up the hive, so to speak, though, thus, I'll abide by the rules from hence on. Point being, that's not why I'm here. My sentence is up, but I'm still jailed when it would make more sense, TO ME, for the ban to have been enacted in a manner that I was automatically released after the duration, not in a way that I had to personally contact someone. Regardless, I have messaged Grido, so this post is irrelevant. As for the announcement, I was inactive at the time and I play this game casually to the point that I don't follow the announcements even if I hadn't been inactive. Bfh, thank you for the contact suggestion and posting the comment about the ordeal. It is highly appreciated. Burns, I appreciate your input, but that doesn't mean I agree with the methods Mur has implemented. But, again, that's irrelevant and I'm not here to argue about it. And about the negative reputation I've received because of this post, that's laughable. Hehe. Edit: Oops, sorry, Bfh. I spelled your name wrong the first time. xD Very tired over here.
  5. EDIT: Post wiped.
  6. For it is he who passes through time so solemnly. Drifting through my weary slumber, I awake to cell most somber. All around me is bitter cold, As the close confines of chilly stone do take a hold. Yet here I sit in silent solemnity, As in creeps my mind's insanity. Care, you should? No, you must have me misunderstood. No friends or acquaintances to hold me close, Yes, I understand the thought seems quite morose. Yet I am but a simple hermit, And it is loneliness in which I... Ferment? All I ask is tell me, "Why? Oh, why is it I who is stuck in this sty? Where is my stairwell, so warm and dry?" The archive's stairwell is where I should lie. Jailed Hermits and Their Insanity Induced Poetry by Csyth Krytill On an out of character note, I would like to have my jail sentence appealed as the only reasoning I received was that it involved a "cyber incident" for which I was neither warned nor briefed on. The only reasoning I can find behind the imprisonment was that I had an extensive OOC discussion with a close friend of mine that should be well known among the higher ups named "Innocence". It was of a personal nature, but it was all in the grayed out OOC text and parentheses. If it was for other reasons, I would like to be informed of them, but still make a strong stance against my jail sentence as I have been nothing but courteous and polite when dealing with the other players of this game and have not had a history of breaking rules within the game's restrictions. In fact, this is my first offense which I am still uncertain of what the offense actually was. I also am unaware of who carried out the sentence, although it seems like knowing who carried out my punishment would be standard operating procedure for these sorts things. Tsk-tsk, MagicDuel staff, and bad form. As for posting this here, I know not where else to post it, so I will post it here and we can move the discussion somewhere else if necessary. - Sincerely, Casey a.k.a. Csyth Krytill On an in character note: *Rubs his eyes and yawns.* Not the locale I was expecting, but I'd be lyin' if I said I hadn't waken up to stranger scenes, if you catch my meaning. Heh. At any rate, this isn't exactly the coziest I've been here in my adventures. Much, much prefer the stairwell at the archives, I do. Ahem, *clears his throat.* now this'll be the part where I ask kindly to be released from this imprisonment on the grounds that I've no idea what I've done.
  7. Personally, the option to remove offensive logs should fall to the receiver of said logs. I'd insert an [x] somewhere in the vicinity of the logs, so that players are allowed the freedom to delete those that they find bothersome. If you'd like to deter over abuse of log deletion, you could add penalties for removing them just as there are ones for removing friends.
  8. Excellent! It amuses me to hear of it.

  9. Cheers to Pample! And may war run rampant!

  10. My deepest apologies in that I've not the time to amuse you recently. I'll be sure to make a note somewhere on my profile of the importance of amusing Pample. So that you're aware, my presence will become much more frequent as of ten seconds ago.

  11. What's it to me? You amuse me and I have missed your presence.

  12. Annddddddd, you win, sir.

  13. I've been around. :x What's it to you?

  14. Where have you beeeeeen?!

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