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Malaikat Maut

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Everything posted by Malaikat Maut

  1. seems to have gotten a bit of frost on his signature.

  2. Put the lotion in the basket!

  3. Thank you Indny and all others involved in this quest. Perhaps you should post the names of the tomes, as I know that I verily enjoyed researching each. Well done.
  4. I'm always in the middle of way too many books. The Science of God - Gerald Schroeder The Limitations of Scientific Truth - Nigel Brush House of Leaves - Mark Z. Danielewski The Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas The Magician's Nephew - C.S. Lewis The Best Poems of the English Language - Harold Bloom
  5. [quote name='Observer' date='18 November 2009 - 11:52 AM' timestamp='1258563130' post='47796'] EDIT: It seems Malaikat Maut removed his post (or the censorship has started o.O) either way it was him stating that this new system might make bias easier. [/quote] Well, I edited that out of my post seconds after submitting it, but now it appears the entire thing was removed and I have a -1 in my profile. I'm not going to cry about it, although I thought it was made in good taste and also applied to the topic. In addition, I was attempting to strengthen Akasha's point... There are many forums that have a "No Spam" policy, and I understand the need for them and support them here fully. However, perhaps it would be beneficial to post clear and concise rules to possibly deter or guide well-meaning posters such as myself?
  6. I'm actually a fan of essay quests. In my short time here, I've hosted one and participated in three others, two of which I have won. However, I agree that there is a need for diversity and I will strive to include some unique elements in my next quest.
  7. heh, the problem with this is that Romania is about the size of Utah... You'd need to have 75 different parties (likely to consist of 1 or 2 people each) in order for this to become viable in the States.
  8. [quote name='cryxus' date='10 November 2009 - 12:57 PM' timestamp='1257875837' post='47151'] what was the answer you were looking for? [/quote] Tarquinus spoke well on my behalf as there were no inherently right or wrong answers. I was and remain much more interested in how or why you (or your character) would hold your individual pursuits in such high esteem. As stated in my first forum post, and alluded to in the quest details on my hate page, such beliefs are relative and subjective. For instance, my (Malaikat's) answer is simply that some mortals may consider the Angel of Death to be like God, but I myself once answered to an even higher power. In addition, I envy and therefore worship the fact that the future is obscured from mortals. The unknown grants peace and purpose, while, as Death, my eternal condemnation has been prophesied. As my status currently claims, there is beauty in mortality. Thus, my background offers me a unique and varied perspective on the question, and I was hoping that some of you may do some similar soul searching in order to truly define for yourselves, "who is like god".
  9. My apologies for the one day delay, but, after much deliberation, here are my quest results: First place and winner of the Wishpoint reward is Lucius Tarquinus Superbus. Please find Peace in game for your reward. The winners of my two angiens are Yoshi and Rhah de la Rey. Congratulations!
  10. This quest is officially closed. All submissions will be reviewed and winners selected/announced on or before Monday the 9th. Once again, thank you and good luck to all who participated, and please look forward to more quests from me in the future.
  11. Malaikat Maut briskly maneuvers through the Marble Dale Park, and, uninteresting in sparring, he makes his way toward the land's southern gate. However, seeing the black clad stranger off to the side and appearing out of place, Malaikat stops short and stands to observe him a moment. He is not so unlike the many newcomers to the realm who each seem similarly unadjusted to their new surroundings, but there is something particularly curious about him. Perhaps it is his dress or the blend of confusion and disgust that marks his visage. Malaikat casually approaches the man and offers a cordial greeting before remarking, "[color="#0000FF"]you seem to be a little...lost. Is there perhaps something I can aid you with?[/color]"
  12. Just gained the imagination principle.
  13. This message is to serve as a reminder that the deadline for this quest nears. I wish to receive all submissions before the end of November 6th, server time. Thank you and good luck to all current and future participants.
  14. [quote name='Dmik King' date='04 November 2009 - 12:45 PM' timestamp='1257356735' post='46615'] This new way of decreasing principles of weaker players and getting more principles by people that are stronger is not very good by my opinion. Rich (strong) people will become even more powerful and weak players will get weaker until they reach 0. It will unbalance the world of magic duel even more then before! And make it unfair for new players. [/quote] It actually doesn't work that way at all. Whoever has the lowest principle will GAIN even if being hit. Before every creatures turn the system checks to find out who has the higher principle value and, if yours is higher, even if your creature is hitting, the opponent will gain. The result should eventually be perfect balance. Don't know if any of this is considered a spoiler. My apologies if it is.
  15. Double post... The ratio is definitely not 1:1 and there is actually a "leak". I've recorded our total principle values below. The result of the first attack was near balance, although he lost 8 and I gained ~13. Since then some value has merely vanished. Don't know if it's supposed to operate that way or not...we've gone from ~95.39 total to 92.39. Start Aster - 58.xx Mala - 37.39 Mala attack 1 Aster - 50.86 Mala - 50.73 Aster Attack 1 Aster - 50.86 Mala - 47.24 Mala Attack 2 Aster - 46.25 Mala - 46.14 Edit: Another round... Aster Attack 2 Aster - 43.55 Mala - 43.61 We lost a combined total of ~6 principle points.
  16. [quote name='Burns' date='04 November 2009 - 12:23 PM' timestamp='1257355416' post='46605'] why? testing is a whole lot of fun =)) and, to the people complaining about permanent damage: we are not cutting off your limbs, we just drain your principles, nothing you couldn't recover from [/quote] I'm currently doing some testing with the ability, but my first thought was: Why can't the principle damage be temporary and last only for THAT single battle? Also, I don't know if the drain is supposed to be a direct 1:1 ratio, but after a few rounds of testing I suspect that it isn't. Asterdai lost 8 while I gained 13.
  17. Thank you. I'll find you as soon as possible.

  18. [quote name='Totenkopf' date='03 November 2009 - 02:10 PM' timestamp='1257275419' post='46532'] would we get bonus points for answering in Latin? [/quote] I'd like to be able to say yes, however, answers in Latin will be awarded no points...because I will not be able to read them
  19. [quote name='Herly' date='03 November 2009 - 01:14 PM' timestamp='1257272058' post='46525'] I apologise but where can I found you in MD? [/quote] What, I'm not in your friends list? Minor oversight on my part...if you can not find me in game, I will accept a forum PM.
  20. Congratulations indeed.
  21. I've had a quest running in my Hate List for nearly a week now. Despite the reasonable amount or participants, I've decided to post an official announcement here. As the answer is rather subjective, I'd like to gather as many responses as possible before deciding the winners. Furthermore, I hadn't previously set a deadline, and would like to do so now. Quest rules: I ask you to simply answer the question: Quis ut Deus? All responses must be submitted to me via in game PM by November 6th. Winners will be announced and rewards distributed Monday November 9th. The answer that Peace and I judge to be the most deserving will be rewarded 1 Wishpoint. The two runners up will receive one slightly aged Angien, each with a Claw 1 token. Please see my Hate List for other details, and keep in mind that I'm looking for well written and thoughtfully considered answers. These will preferably be RP based and delivered in character, but responses from you (the player) are also valid. Answer wisely.
  22. What do you mean it equals "6 and rest 933"?
  23. [img]http://data.tumblr.com/13741903_500.jpg[/img]
  24. If it would please the Queen, I will lead this alliance, though I am certain she could find one more experienced and worthy than myself. In either case, here are my humble opinions on the matter: Everyone knows that Necrovion is no stranger to war. Its election was preceded by it, and was also marred by political dissent as Jester and others broke from the land. During this time, Jester and Pample had also vowed vengeance upon the throne, and thus the reign of Peace was threatened before it even began. In addition, I have reason to believe that Peace would see the Sentinels resume responsibilities that would have them less involved during times of conflict. For these and other reasons, I posit that the Tainted Warriors should operate as their name implies. They should be a dedicated and elite core of militaristic combatants who unerringly serve and protect the Shades, Peace, and all the lands of Necrovion. I have several thoughts as to how they have become “tainted”. Some deal with the various essence of Shades (Liquid Dust, Black Water, etc.) I’m less interested with the means and more so with the end goal, which I feel should be a single minded dedication to the defense of Necrovion and the inhabitants therein. I had considered that, regardless of the decided process, initiates should be tied to or invested in Necrovion through role play and/or a series of tests and rituals. To this end, one thought is to have the TW actually become undead. This would obviously achieve the single-mindedness I mention above (in addition to being completely badass). It could theoretically be achieved one of several ways including having initiates drink a poison that has been infused with Black Water/Liquid Dust/Deathmarrow or a portion of flesh from the corpse of Peace. It would require a role play commitment from all involved which may be seen as a deterrent. Barring this, or perhaps in addition to it, I would like to see the members be lead through a series of trainings and rituals in order to promote an investment to and knowledge of Necrovion. It could be composed of both tactical or military trainings as well as a sort of citizenship test which would be followed by a ritualistic rite of passage. Ranking could be as follows: General - 1 Leader Officer – 2 or 3 Veteran Elite Ideally I would have one officer for each pertinent MP level (5 and 4 at the least). These individuals would be responsible for training and organizing members within their MP range in order to form a tight chain of command and foster an efficient training atmosphere. Officers would relay status to the general who would make promotions or inductions as necessary. A 5th rank of initiate/recruit/trainee could be assumed as potential members go through the series of tests and rituals covered previously. Questions, comments, concerns?
  25. This might also defeat the purpose of the thing, but what if the character could delete or remove posts from his/her own PL?
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