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  1. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from dst in 4 Wp Creature   
    [quote name='dst' date='02 December 2009 - 01:49 PM' timestamp='1259779775' post='48940']
    @Malaikat Maut: and I have 24 with almost 600 active days. So my ratio is better.

    And there is the other issue:if the stakes are high enough WPs might be trade/sold/etc. I don't want to see that.

    And I have 4 WP's in 86 days which beats dst's ratio [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]

    I actually like the idea of this creature. It's not like its 4 wp's per creature, it would be 1 per unique creature and 3 to unlock upgrading tiers (One time use). It would motivate more people to completing if not starting more quests and becoming perhaps more active (Only downside is I have to beat more people for my WP's). Wishpoints cannot be sold/traded anyways so you are not going to see that occur and if you do, the parties involved will not get away with it without a punishment. I voted yes.
  2. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Amoran Kalamanira Kol in Calling All Archivists!   
    What I'm curious about is why the concept of 'giving someone a chance' doesn't apply here. Gargant you have done quite a lot for the community I think, and I do not believe you deserve this kind of treatment simply for making a helpful suggestion.
  3. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Peace in Calling All Archivists!   
    Thank you very much for answering, and I am sorry if that was offtopic.
  4. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Akasha in Md Awards 2009   
    Yes, again, why DEDICATE an award to someone that did something that did not lasted at least 1 year ? something that vanished with the player identity ? And vanished at the beginning of this year, not the ending ..at least so you can say 'this year'

    Outstanding work is osmething that lasts for more then 1 year, and in it's original form...but i might be wrong at this..as my standards are very exigent
  5. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Brainstorming And Listing Possible Game Concept   
    I just have to point out that your asking people to give YOU ideas for YOUR game, on a forum dedicated to a DIFFERENT game... something's not right about that.
  6. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Best Captchas   
    I was doing the free credits and Fenrir states he's taking a bath and BAM! I get this... I laughed... alot.


    So post your funny captcha pics and share the laughs.

    Rules are:
    1. Post original (in other words your own) captchas.
    2. One post per person. If you have two posts, we will take your least funny one.
    3. They better be funny for the whole family (no crude humour).
    4. If you want to waste 20 minutes refreshing the page for a laughable one to pop up, you can.

    Contest ends on Christmas. Judging will take place immediately after. Hopefully will have results by the new year.

    Me and 2 others will be the judge of the funniest 3 captchas. Judges cannot participate.

    Judges are:
    Yoshi (me)
    Prince Marvolo
    Lord Pip

    Good luck to everyone participating, but most importantly, have fun!
  7. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to asryn in Gates Closed   
    So I doubt this is really why most people don't stay, but I do think it's relevant to this thread, so I will say it anyway.

    One of the things I have been hearing since I got here is how unique MD is (which it is), and how it encourages a different type of player than many other games. And so when someone shows up who has no patience, and no willingness to work things out on their own, and no interest in talking to other people - most of the time those people leave on their own, which is probably better for everyone. The people who choose to stay take pride in the game that they are helping to develop - and they should, because it's a pretty amazing place.

    At the same time, you can't have it both ways. The longer the list of qualities someone needs to have to be welcome in MD, the fewer the number of people who are going to have all of them. And while the pride that people take in MD is part of what I find so attractive about it, I think it sometimes comes across in ways that are not particularly welcoming to newbies.

    When a new player expresses frustration with some aspect of the game, or suggests an improvement, or does something that they didn't realize is discouraged, they are often shut down pretty hard, even if their intentions were good. And if they try to ask why, or to start a discussion about it, they are criticized for not having enough patience, or whatever relevant desired quality a good MD player is supposed to have, often in a very dismissive fashion. I've seen this happen multiple times, both in game and on the forum, and I really think it's discouraging. The message seems to be that if you don't have every quality on the list all the time, then you aren't good enough to be part of MD.

    I'll use Wolfmist's RP thread as an example, just because it's recent. I actually agree that the forum isn't the place for that, but certainly a reasonable person might have assumed otherwise. And he was trying to develop a character, something many newbies are criticized for not doing fast enough. Couldn't someone have acknowledged that he was trying to make a positive contribution, explained politely why we don't use the forum for roleplaying, and suggested better alternatives? I know that happened eventually, but why couldn't that have been the initial reaction? Again this isn't so much a comment on that specific issue, but I've seen that sort of thing happen many times in different situations.

    I'm not saying we need to go out of our way for every newbie standing at the gazebo whining at the top of their lungs, but if someone is displaying at least some positive qualities then maybe we could be a bit more patient and encouraging as they find their way. It's the nature of a game that is different and expects different things from its players that not everyone is going to be a perfect fit right away, but many people could be with a little time. And really, don't we want the type of players who want to understand the game and who get excited about discussing new ideas? I know it creates work for people to explain things, especially when some of the same suggestions get made over and over, but I think it is still worthwhile. Maybe Grido's FAQ will help with this, or maybe people can start saving some of their responses to cut and paste. And who knows, if enough people are bothered by the same issue then maybe it's one that deserves a closer look rather than being dismissed out of hand as 'not how we do things here'.

    I think this post is coming across as more critical than I intended it to, but I felt like it needed to be said. MD also has several really fabulous and creative ways of supporting newbies, including the LHOs and and the adept system, and I have seen just as many examples of people going out of their way to be helpful and to answer questions. If MD wasn't an amazing place filled with amazing people, I wouldn't still be here. But I do think that there is a lack of patience with unintentional screw-ups and a level of defensiveness about any implied criticism of the game that seems totally unnecessary to me. The game is still in development, which means that how things work isn't set in stone and isn't always clear, and I'm sure I'm not the only newbie who didn't really appreciate what that meant at the beginning in terms of things not being in their final forms yet. But MD has come a long way, and it is built on a strong enough foundation to withstand some criticism and even a bit of shaking from new players who bounce around a bit as they try to settle in. And I would like to think that it's possible to take pride in what has been accomplished without sending the message that so many people just aren't worthy of being a part of it.
  8. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to Handy Pockets in Gates Closed   
    Mur,I tried to express my feelings for this world, but my words were dull. Then I remembered a poem I wrote
    for the Willow. The poem speaks of the seeds, the friends and how we come together every night in some form to
    celebrate. For this world, I thank you.

    We tend the seeds here everynight.
    Sun shines to us in every light.
    No matter the prevailing winds.
    Our seeds know how to wrap and twined.
    Our emotions glowing ever bright.

    Friends we see here every fortnight.
    They see what eyes see; true delight.
    Against the ones who might be blind.
    We tend the seeds here everynight.

    Then standing together in their sight.
    Inviting gold and shining armor of knights.
    And when our friendships glue and bind.
    We know the stories and poems did wind.
    Together we stand here to share our delight.
    We tend the seeds here everynight.
  9. Upvote
    Yoshi reacted to asryn in So You Think You Know Windy   
    Who's peeking out from under Wind's Sanctuary,
    Calling a name that's lighter than air?
    Who's bending down to give me a rainbow,
    Everyone knows it's Windy.

    Who's tripping down the streets of Marind Bell,
    Smiling at everybody she sees?
    Who's reaching out to capture a moment,
    Everyone knows it's Windy.

    And Windy has stormy eyes
    That flash at the sound of lies,
    And Windy has wings to fly
    Above the clouds, above the clouds...


    (Ok, I know that's not what you had in mind, but I couldn't resist. Apologies to The Association...)
  10. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Asterdai in Song Contest   
    Elvis' In The Ghetto-------> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_n3ebuL1cPA

    turned into:

    In Necrovion

    As the wind blows
    On a hot and clear MD mornin
    A poor little baby shade is born
    In Necrovion

    And his mama cries
    cause if theres one thing that she dont need
    Its another hungry shade to feed
    In Necrovion

    Players, dont you understand
    The shade needs a helping hand
    Or he'll grow to be an evil sentinel some day

    Take a look at you and me
    Are we too blind to see
    Do we simply turn our heads
    And click the other arrow

    Well the realm turns
    And a hungry little shade with a wilted rose
    Plays on the ground as the dry desert blows
    In Necrovion

    And his hunger burns
    So he starts to roam the desert at night
    And he learns how to steal
    And he learns how to fight
    In Necrovion

    Then one night in desperation
    The young shade breaks away
    He opens the gate, starts a war
    Tries to run, but he dont get far
    And his mama cries

    As a crowd gathers round an angry young shade
    Face down on the ground as it starts to fade,
    In Necrovion

    And as her young shade fades,
    On a hot and clear MD mornin,
    Another little baby shade is born
    In Necrovion
    And his mama cries

    So...yeah [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]
  11. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Phantom Orchid in The House of Liquid Dust   
    Hmmm sorry if I shouldn't revive this but in the Lore about Jack Willow it says:

    "In the battles with the Tainted Sages of Necrovion, he became known as “Fortune’s Son” for he was the only Berserker ever to venture head first into battle and never receive a scratch. Actually, except his childhood scars which also healed in time, Willow never had a mark on his body. Many portraits of him during that time and in his later years show Jack Willow as a beautiful man with a clean skin and gentle eyes..."

    Now I hardly think that the skull/face on the spike is Jack Willow's. Also, He never received a scratch even though he was always going head first into battles Time mastery? therefore able to dodge attacks knowing when to dodge(knowing what rit to use to go around defensive rits set XD )

    Another reference to Willow and his inability to be harmed(Also a Time Principle reference?):

    Page 156 [2008-08-07 03:14:05 - The Shade Ballance - Kh.]
    Khalazdad, having concluded that Willow’s incapacity to be harmed was his downfall in the House of Liquid Dust, makes his way to the entrance. He is confident that his vulnerability will allow him to be transformed. Khalazdad’s lungs begin to burn as his feet move the dust. The darkness is heavy, energized by an intangible force. He can feel the memory of another man, in the same spot, long…or soon, in here it is all the same. Breathing deeply, his lungs are ablaze, he feels weak and yet strong; a hollow voice booms out “At last you have come, I have waited so long…..”

    According to someone earlier stating about how the cube feels familiar to the gates somehow and knowing that Jack Willow made the Gates through his Transposition principle, no doubt Jack Willow was the one that created the cube. Whether he was the one that gave you the cube or not who knows.

    If you still want a way to get into the house of liquid dust, I suggest either doing it during a storm with heavy rains, or causing your own flood. reason for this is from the Adventure logs.(I knew reading them all would be profitable)

    Page 94 [2008-05-26 03:56:20 - Golemus Wizard quest - sim.]
    It seems the water he jumped in is much more than a water, or at least for him it is. It is said that shades can not get into water because it will drain their powers and return them to earth.

    I might have a couple more things to state/comment about but I'm too tired to compose another more thoughts right now.
  12. Upvote
    Yoshi got a reaction from Fenrir Greycloth in Canadian Clan   
    This is relevant to my interests. Can a lowly MP3 join? [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]
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