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de la Rey

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Posts posted by de la Rey

  1. I believe this to be more important than just a "Adam goes to jail then dies" thread. This is about rights, law and monarchy.

    Many things have been said on the matter regarding the imprisonment and death of Adam Riddle. I want to say only a couple of things ( I woke up too late - for solid reasons, I believe), since the situation is almost history... but other problems might appear in the future.

    I saw various pro and contra opinions spreaded all over this three pages thread. Some said a mental illness shouldn`t be treated with the pills of a dungeon and gave as alternative guidance and help. I want to see one character that wishes to play the part of a nurse for ill-minded characters. There`s none, I am sure of that.

    Others say that a crazy guy is no threat. Au contraire, my friends, they are the first in the frontline, the first to be feared, the first who can drive masses insane. One rotten apple is enough to make a foul cart.

    But this is enough, others are experts in piloctomy (splitting hairs, that is), not I. Me says only this: noone drew a code of conduct for the Kings and Queens of MD and noone knows their exact prerogatives. It is my opinion the monarchs are [b]free to ask and to enforce[/b] whatever punishment they wish over specific characters. That is the appanage of a monarch. To do whatever he or she pleases inside his/her own land. They were chosen, they were bestowed with the responsabilities of a monarch, they should have comparative rights. Awiyya`s excerpt is purely theorethical, and there are few monarchs in the known history to have ruled through that specific idea, of being humbler than their subjects.

    Now, since Adam`s action (be it imaginatory or real, RP or not, doesn`t really matter when it comes to the will of a monarch) took place over the Gates of Necrovion, I say Queen Peace [b]was in her own right[/b] and jurisdiction to ask for whatever punishment she felt like. One would say that happened in the No Man`s Land. The name itself points out that none and all have jurisdiction there.

    Adam wasn`t a citizen of no land. Now, that`s exactly why citizenship exists, in my opinion. So that one character can appeal to the monarch of that land and ask for help or clemency. Only then should a debate take place, negotiations between factions, threats, actions, whatever. I believe at some point Mur should force everyone inside MD (one simple option at login) to choose their land, be it even No Man`s Land. Everyone should belong to a place.

    It is wrong to make such problem like the one at hand in this thread (a precedent, nonetheless, that`s why it should be dealt with utmost care and not let fall out of memory) an issue of moral, humanitarian, social, personal or partisan debate, when it is all about law, here. [b]And monarchs make their own laws[/b], until someone else says what is and what is not in the power of a monarch. You hate the laws, bring down the monarch. But bear this in mind: rebellion against the laws is not the same thing as rebellion against the monarch. And when you have no law, anything else is better.

  2. [b]Name[/b] – Maximiljen de la Rey - ''Rhah''
    [b]Player ID[/b] – (to be added)
    [b]Title/Tag[/b] – Feydakeen al-Haqma (unofficial)

    [b]Role[/b] – A not so long time ago, Rhah gave up his [url="http://maxdelarey.blogspot.com/2009/10/my-story.html"]life[/url] as a warrior as he learned that battles are first won through strenght of mind and only after through strenght of hand. He saw a thousand deaths, he delivered a thousand kills, only to find out that the Way is in strategy and tactics. Burdened by his past, he now seeks his own forgiveness in scholastics. He has not forsaken war as a protective means of evolution and development, but he searches for the possibilities and knowledge that lie outside (but are intertwined with) the circle of blood (conflict/peace/conflict) -> diplomacy, manipulation, subterfuge, deception.

    [b]Interests[/b] – Psychology, mass psychology, cultural and political anthropology, semiotics, heraldry.

    [b]Petition[/b] – ''I am a man of the desert. I was born in the desert, it is my wish to go full circle and die in the desert. Aside such macabre yet sentimental plans, I see my place in Necrovion for a couple of other, more earthly reasons. It is here where I can pursue my goals, it is here where I have the time and the peace of mind to continue my researches, it is here where my dreams and nightmares come to life, it is here where my fears emerge, it is here where I tame them. And myself on the way. My soul made a choice long time ago, I shant go against it.''

  3. [quote name='Liberty4life' date='02 December 2009 - 11:34 PM' timestamp='1259789670' post='48973']
    best drunkard? eh? since when alcoholics are to be praised? doesnt it gives.. a bad image of society?

    Best drunkard, as in tar 'n feather him and show him to the world, with a big ''WRONG'' sign tied on his back.
    Now, seriously, I proposed the drunkard section without knowing anyone would take it seriously.
    Since it was taken, I'll stick with it. Much of the community action happens in pubs, and such character would shouw a society as it is, not a cosmeticized face of a world that cannot or would not accept consequences for what those living in it do.

    It is wrong to praise alcoholism, yet it would be wronger to close eyes and pretend that doesn`t happen.

  4. [quote name='Gargant' date='02 December 2009 - 05:35 PM' timestamp='1259768133' post='48907']
    What do I plan to do?
    - Revive..
    - Get the adventure..
    - Renew interest..
    - Reinstate..
    - Make sure..
    - Get people..

    It is a lovely plan, my friend, but people are
    more interested on HOW are you going to do all that,
    instead of WHAT are you planning to do.
    That is, to avoid the feeling that all that are just campaign promises :P

  5. [quote name='Kafuuka' date='24 November 2009 - 04:26 PM' timestamp='1259072814' post='48359']
    Do we have cavalry in MD or is that part of the philosophical aspect? I think there are people interested in both the non MD and the MD aspects of conflict and the link between them is also interesting.[/quote]

    Kafuuka, think of ''cavalry'' or ''infantry'' as concepts and principles, not regular units as we see in movies, men on horses and guys with shields and spears. When I speak of cavalry, I`m referring at the concept of cavalry: speed, mobility, force. You ask about cavalry in MD. Nope, we don`t have it, but the ideas that form up the concept of ''cavalry'' can be used within MD without problem. And there aren`t two different aspects of conflict: in my Way, there`s only one. And that can be applied everywhere, be it a real conflict or a football match. The principles are always the same.

    [quote name='Kafuuka' date='24 November 2009 - 04:26 PM' timestamp='1259072814' post='48359']
    I propose an additional topic:
    - The origin of conflict

    I agree with you, but this won`t be an additional topic, it`s going to be inserted in the introduction. Being a vast subject, if I have with whom to debate (;)), then we can surely break the debate into pieces, episodes.

  6. [quote name='Shadowseeker' date='23 November 2009 - 10:35 PM' timestamp='1259008545' post='48264']Still, you seem to be mistaken in one thing...basically everything a person can do can also be mimicked. [/quote]

    Perhaps I should explain to you what I meant by ''debate'', with a practical example. Let`s take, for example, set three of the rundown, propaganda.

    Some guy steps in front of the others and explains to them what propaganda is. He gives examples, he talks of a couple of ways to ensure the success of propaganda, eventually tells about the ways propaganda can be used within MD, and after that, the others ask questions or argue on the veridicity or utility of the information provided by the speaker. It`s as simple as that.

    There`s no mimicking, just sharing information.
    Those who are willing.

  7. [quote]I can help you by writing something but I don't know if I will be able to attend the meeting. I have no clue what my scheduled is for this week or the next one and I don't want to say I will be there and not come. [/quote]

    dst, in this case it will be my pleasure to receive your written ideas on the matter, and I`ll be honoured to read them (or a shorter version) at the debate.

    [quote]Just a question: Why would those actually versed in these want to share it, potentially raising more enemies?[/quote]

    My dear Shadowseeker, if one is afraid his enemies might discover his secrets, then that one isn`t quite ''versed'', is he? True leaders are able to conceal their most precious secrets. And this debate is mostly philosophical, therefore theoretical. That means participants can share ideas, yet those ideas might or might not represent their true beliefs.

  8. In the light of the recent turmoil regarding the Caretakers Alliance, having read here and there about what happened (to my dismay, the whole story ended before I had the chance to jump in with a personal opinion), and about what people believe it happened, seeing the suggestions others made and the outcome of the event, I felt compelled to propose a debate.

    I thought of this before, but only now did I find the perfect opportunity to bring such matter in the public eye.

    As the title goes, the subject of the debate regards strategy, subterfuge and propaganda, all pictured in a (not so) philosophical manner. My final and at the moment so faraway goal is to form up a handbook with different opinions that circulate in the MD universe. And why not - if I`ll be capable of pulling this through - establishing a set of guidelines (not rules) to be used whenever conflicts burst out in the otherwise peaceful lands of Magic Duel.

    Why?.. I`ve seen a lot of characters with military background and I know some of them are keen on sharing their military expertise. Even though in some isolated cases the ''military page'' speaks only one thing: ''go out there and kill the enemy''. Well, that`s one way to have things done, but not the only way.

    I want you to take the stand and share your vision and theories on warfare - tactics, the employment, deployment and use of cavalry, infantry, logistics and auxiliaries (scouts, spies, diplomats)
    I want you to take the stand and share your experiences (not tales) with war: lost battles, won battles, the cause and effect.
    I want this debate to take place at the Clash of Ages, sometime at the end of this week.

    For now, a rough and simple rundown of the debate would look like this:

    - Opening - Introduction to warfare
    - Set one - Head on - conventional warfare; how are we doing it - theory
    - Set two - In the shadows - the use of ''agents'' or <How can one man win the war>; deceit and treason.
    - Set three - A mouthful of words - they can`t fight as good as we can speak.
    - Set four - All still standing go to a pub and drink their minds out while sharing experiences, like the true warriors they are.

    This might sound awfully complicated, but if you people are interested in it, then we can continue the debate at some later time. If not, then there`s no need to worry.

    So, what do you think about this?

  9. Hmm, if I remember it correctly, in Piranha I once ate that delicious romanian dish called ''mici'' (phonetic translation: ''meech'', english translation: ''littles''). Hope they still serve them there, they work like a charm with beer! [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//cool.gif[/img]

    And please, do not let yourselves be fooled by their appearance. Really, come on, people...


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