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Sephirah Caelum

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Everything posted by Sephirah Caelum

  1. [quote name='Burns' timestamp='1294436647' post='77062'] I've found an article I've used for music majors which was dealing with 'visualized music', maybe you'll like it. Speaking for myself, I don't experience to see shapes when i listen to music, regardless of what kind. The best i got was colors [url="http://ezinearticles.com/?Shapes-of-Music---Visual-Art-and-Music&id=4906273"]Visual Art and Music[/url] [/quote] Burns, the writer of this article has a very good art work, have you seen?
  2. Happy New Year all!
  3. Happy B-day Bored!!!!
  4. My conection is with problem! Can't log in Magic Duel....... :((

  5. I danced with a wreath on Santa's Sleigh because I was drinking tequila, again.
  6. Thanks Mur for the gifts and for creating the game. Murry Murmas and Happy New Year.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum and MD.
  8. [attachment=2422:Stage04.1.JPG]
  9. [attachment=2398:Stage03.JPG]
  10. [attachment=2397:Stage02.JPG]
  11. Since I'm a noob, is a bit risky to say what fits or not with MD reality, but this is my opinion on the matter: From what I read in the announcements about the Days of Tranquillity, it seems this day is related with the night. I don't see connection with the cicle of night with a no sanctuary day, the day is already the currently day of MD, with the sanctuaries. From my point of view, the use of an item/spell capable to break sanctuaries, would be much more interesting, and would fit better. But well, well, what know I?
  12. [quote name='Fyrd Argentus' timestamp='1291646677' post='74646'] The adventure log is dead, the newspaper is dead, Magic Duel is in survival mode and hurting.[/quote] Why not use your time and talent to revive the newspape? There is a lot of things happening in the realm now, and many occured before.
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