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Everything posted by stavaroiu

  1. Sharptear age 90 with [blooddrop2] and [claw1] + another untokened Sharptear age 83 + 3 GC + 15 Sc. In your opinion is this a better bid then the previous?
  2. I bid a Sharptear age 90 with [blooddrop2] and [claw1] + another untokened Sharptear age 83 + 3 GC.
  3. Angien ID: 504823 Age: 214 Tokens: claw1, blooddrop1, antifreeze, stardust I bid 5 sc for this one.
  4. Sry but i don`t consider the untokened, unaged imperial being worth that much. My offer stays as it is.
  5. I offer a tormented soul with age around a month for your imperial.
  6. 3GC + 15SC + Sharptear age 73 with [blooddrop2] and [claw1]
  7. 4. Bloodpact-12 silver
  8. Hmm, a bit confusing but since the current bid is 12.5 for a marksmen, il bid 13 sc for the older marskmen.
  9. 4 silver for the joker
  10. OK, guess that's it. Auction ended. Topic can be closed.
  11. Well as for the BP and the pimped grasan i received an offer i just couldn't refuse and i seriously doubted that a better offer would be made for them. When i started this post i said it would go on for around 2 weeks, and last Sunday i updated it saying it would end after a week so its not like i lied or deceived u guys.
  12. Bump
  13. Im selling some of my crits, mainly angiens i bough some time ago for aging, and an material item. 1-Angien age 162 2-Angien age 161 3-Angien age 159 4-Angien age 156 5-Angien age 155 6-Angien age 154 7-Tormented Soul age 300- 11s by Ivorak [s]8-Pimped Grasan age 346 sold[/s] [s]9-BloodPact Dark Archer age 343,[claw1],[emeraldglare],[purpurmoon] sold[/s] 10-10kg of Stone Powder- 1g 2s by Asterdai 11-Imperial Aramor age 327 PM or post any offers. Ends on Sunday evening, 23:00 server time.
  14. Creatures sold. Topic can be closed.
  15. bump
  16. bump
  17. The ID of the Dream Mutation is ID:632408
  18. Want to sell: [s] 1 - Chaos Archer age 270 with: Claw I and Blood Drop II -->sold[/s] [s]2 - Elemental V age 270 with: Claw II, Emeral Glare, Kelletha Fire and Fire Drop -->sold[/s] [s]3 - Master Lorerootian Archer age 235 with: Emeral Glare, Osiris Belt and Blood Drop II -->sold[/s] [s]4 - Tormented Soul age 108 -->sold[/s] [s]5 - Colored Joker age 174 with: Jewel Shards and Blood Drop I -->sold[/s] [s]6 - Dream Mutation(colorless joker)-->sold[/s] Please post offers here or pm me via forum. Auction has ended. Winners pls contact me at Willow's Shop for the transaction.
  19. Would 23rd,22:00 be Ok?
  20. row 7 column 39
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