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Everything posted by stavaroiu

  1. The timing is bit bad and dunno if it will work out but i`ll still try. I have 90 silver coins i would like to exchange intro gold coins(not necessarily all at once). If there is anyone interested Pm, post or you can find me in game at fenths press. 30 sc exchanged, 60 sc left.
  2. Again, i am sorry to drag this off topic but this is one great opportunity that i don`t plan on wasting. Some time ago there was talk of Eon using alts to benefit his main by gathering information but because of lack of proof there was nothing that could be done. [b]Any [/b]way alts could be used to help out their main is considered punishable and here we have a public evidence that Eon is using alts to store coins. Edit: I agree that these post are off topic and hinder bidding, but i just want to point out that since this is a very special season where special things are been sold, tracking of the money flow should be more strict then usual.
  3. Isn't that basically using alts to buy something for your main?
  4. This is a little off topic but there is this thing that's been bugging me. From the topics i have seen so far Eon placed 2 offers of 30gc, meaning 60gc total. Thing is, i only see in his inventory a 20gc note and some silver. How can he offer amounts of gold that he dose not actually have?
  5. Btw what exactly are the consequences for depletion? What will you really do when one individual purposely depletes one or several locations? Can you actually do something to punish or at least prevent that individual from gathering? I am asking mainly because recently MD`s most well known depleter joined a certain alliance with whose help he will soon easily reach the locations with herbs listed above.
  6. 11gc rusty
  7. Topic can be closed now. Thank you.
  8. 8gc rusty
  9. #4. Rusty 7gc
  10. Auction over. Winners can find me at fenths press.
  11. Since i didn't get any reply i sold him off to end the problem.
  12. Offers Updated.
  13. Since from the beginning i didn't set a minimum bid, every bid is acceptable.
  14. If there are no other bids, auction will end today.
  15. Bump. 2 more days and auction is over.
  16. Its normal that you don`t get extra sawdust if you already have some. The same kind of message appeared when i gathered herbs with flowers. I`m guessing it would have been to complicated to leave a separate message for when you already have the byproduct in your inventory so they just left it as it is.
  17. I will buy/trade/exchange your gc for 15sc. You can find me usually at fenths press when you want to trade.
  18. Check the Central Market for current and past deals and you will learn for yourself the worth of things.
  19. Cleaning up my creature inventory of what i don't use along with some resources, nothing special. [s]#1:Imperial Aramor Assassin(gift from Santa btw)[/s] - sold age: 224 stored heat: 300k tokens:none ID:696452 [s]#2:Toxicodendrite - sold[/s] age: 86 stored heat:200k tokens:stardust ID: 746027 [s]#3:Tormented Soul - sold[/s] age:60 stored heat:180k tokens:firedrop, stardust ID:750089 [s]#4:Defective Pimp(for some reason he rebels against me and keeps on producing grasan ferment) 2sc buyout for this rebel[/s] age:19 stored heat:100k ID:751413 tokens:none [s]#5:Unholy Priest - sold[/s] age:60 stored heat:1 mil ID:750088 tokens:none [s]#6: 51 memory stones - sold[/s] [s]#7: 86 tea leaves - sold[/s] [s]#8: 81 toxic plants - sold[/s] [s]#9: 89 Unidentified plants - sold[/s] [s]#10: 89 Aromatic herbs - sold[/s] [s]#11: 38 Rainbow candy - sold[/s] [s]#12: 269 Fenths (might slightly change while i try selling) - sold[/s] [s]#13: 30 Cup of Aromatic Tea - sold[/s] Auction will go on for one week or 24 hours after the last bidder. Please bid carefully because you wont be able to take back your offer. PM or post your offer. Note: I really wanted to sell the creatures fast so when i got a good enough offer for them, together with the candy, i accepted it. The other items will still be out for bidding for 1 week.
  20. My offer Imp age 222, heat 300k + Toxicodendrite age 98, heat 200k, tokens:stardust + tormented soul age 58, tokens:firedrop & stardust + pimp age 17, heat 100k + unholy priest age 58, heat 1 mil. Was planning to make some new year clean up.
  21. Bump. Third day in a row that my farting pimp keeps on producing grasan ferment. Can i get at least a reply that this issue is been looked into or should i just sac/sell him to end this.
  22. Another day, another grasan ferment produced instead of what he should be producing. For those who don't believe me. [img]http://i41.tinypic.com/30ixpbk.png[/img]
  23. This is not really my main point but it has to do with it. I don't have a morph, a windy or anything else of these rare crits that were given out this Christmas. Only this year i was able to purchase a rein and a Santa from the md shop and it felt really good. It was the same feeling i had when i purchased my first rusty with coins and my second one from the md shop. It was an achievement that i was proud of,that made me feel like i advanced a little in the game, that i grew from the little mp4 who fought with grasans and heretic archers. Basically it was something i earned with my own strength and the time i spend in MD. A while ago a windy was auctioned and i didn't hesitate to bid everything i had, was still overbid though but that was still ok. It made me realize that i am not there yet and that only a little longer and i could get one more thing that i wanted with my own strength. Long story short, if i would have gotten one of these rare crits from the Santa i wont say that i probably wouldn't be happy, but without a doubt that would have been only temporarily. It cant possibly compare to the felling of achievement felt when you get it yourself. The reason why i feel that Murmas was one whole disappointment is because it was like all the hard work i spent was been made fun of while others probably don't even realize exactly how much valuable crit it is that they got as a present.
  24. Actually even i would prefer having just a tree and nothing else, it would make Christmas so much more enjoyable then what was till now. The ideas i mentioned above are just suggestions to make a nice, calm and organized Christmas. [b]This[/b] is what i really want above anything else. And what is exactly wrong with having expectation? Did you even check what Christmas is like in other games? There is organization, most of the online games reward the same gift to everyone regardless of time played or other factors.
  25. Here are a few ideas of mine in the hope of a better Christmas next year. First and foremost the exact criteria or formula by what creatures are been gifted during Christmas to be made public and updated before the next Christmas. Second, remove the creature present from the tree along with the activity days requirement. Only Confused Santa`s helper will give creatures to the people, the tree will still give the other stuff. Third, Confused Santa will have a list and give away presents by a category calculated for each person by the requirements that were made public beforehand. Example of Category/present relationship(really just an example) Chance to get present..............40%................................30%..................................20%...........................10% Category I.................................Morph............................tainted angien...................wind dragon...............darkling Category II................................rusty..............................Nutcracker.........................reindrach...................Morph Category III...............................Sharpshooter.................soulweaver........................santa.........................rusty Category IV..............................imperial aramor..............tormented soul..................bloodpact...................Sharpshooter Category V..............................Toxicodendrite................heretic archer....................knator........................Imperial aramor Forth, Confused Sana will select a random volunteer from the public that will help him giving out presents and in exchange the volunteer will receive a category 1 gift if he did a good job, or a category V gift if that was not the case(Of course he will receive sever punishment if he intends to abuse his authority). Confused Santa really needs help, he is to confused to give out the presents himself so he chooses someone else to do it in his stead. Examle: Person A was a bit bad this year so he only qualifies for a category IV gift, meaning he can expect to get a imperial aramor, a tormented soul or a slim chance for a bloodpact or Sharpshooter. Everyone will be able to calculate for themselves what reward category they qualify for this year ahead of time and will be able to "better themselves" in order to be eligible for that certain gift category. There will be no disappointed faces since everyone knows what to expect from Santa, but there is still hope for the 10% chance of getting the best gift in that category. Even if you were "bad" you can still have hope to be picked by Confused Santa to be his helper and get a fantastic reward. Fell free to comment but i think this would be a lot better Murmas then what we had till now.
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