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Everything posted by stavaroiu

  1. The minimum i would take for the stones wold be 3sc each, otherwise it would feel like they wouldn't be worth even the stones they where made of. 1sc per tea cup is fine.
  2. [b]Selling:[/b] [s][b]20[/b]*[b]Cup of Aromatic Tea - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]40 Aromatic herbs - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]32 Tea leaves - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]39 Toxic plants - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]48 Unidentified plants - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]20 Sand - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]303 Fenths - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]2*Mirrorritual stone - Sold[/b][/s] [s][b]2[/b]*[b]Otherarmy stone - Sold[/b][/s] [b]PM or Post here offers.[/b] [b]The amount of fenths might slightly change while i try selling.[/b] [b]Also the stones and tea cups can be sold individually so offers don't have to be for the total amount.[/b]
  3. Actually the ideal values where they regenerate in full are:29/44, 23/35, 11/17.
  4. Seems like my simple question really did bring this off topic. OK so i wont use my MP5 alt at all, not even his spells. So back to the topic. Player name - stavaroiu; Spells - 3 cast each of mirror and otherarmy; creatures - lvl 2 Soulweaver and Revolted Skill Vampire.
  5. Wondering if alts can be used in this case. I got 4 cast each of Movelock and Attacklock on my alt + 3 cast each of mirror and otherarmy on my main and i sure want to participate.
  6. Regarding the 3 problems pointed out. True Maze, GG, Tribunal all need high ap to enter but the difference between these location and my suggestion is that players can actual be prepared and do something about the intruder. Also leaving costs always less ap then entering so you cant trap him for long inside those location. Besides using the needle and trapping him inside, you can also use the land cleanser mentioned by Lone wolf that i forgot about and simply push him away from the location if you don't want him there, after witch he would need to start over again preparing the necessarily ap. A grinder can also not go to all locations at the same time, it would be most likely that he can only disturb the training in 1 location of 1 land in 1 day, the other locations will have peace. The current fighting population is mostly because of the over grinding of players. Best example would be the good old GGG. If i remember correctly, while it did cause some disputes, at least there were daily around 6,7 people of the same MP level there training without even counting those belonging to an alliance. If given a place of peace and respect, people will gather. The last issue regarding the alliance badge has a simple solution, take it off for the duration of training. While i don't know about other alliances, but i do remember frequently hearing messages like "X temporarily left the alliance in order to lose experience". Leaving the alliance to train has been done before and with no complications whatsoever, X would always come back to the alliance after a day or two and leave again when he needed to. I actually remember doing the same thing some time ago. Edited. Needle and Land cleanser work very well against any other grinder that might come disturb the training, except Eon. For Eon there still is the trapping method i initially suggested.
  7. I would have 2 questions regarding this topic. My first question would be how and if fenths work as a substitute when using the sand melting tool. A while ago i tested the essence extractor only to see if it works and although it didn't work it also didn't consume any water and sand i had available, instead it consumed 5 units of fenths out of a larger quantity i had in my inventory. I thought that maybe the sand melter would work in a similar way. My second question is if it is somehow possible to "save" the sand when you already gathered a bigger quantity. I currently have 20 units of sand so if i wanted some glass would i really need to sacrifice all 20 units to get the same amount of glass as 1 unit?
  8. stavaroiu

    New ideas

    AP requirement for entering a location in a land. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10830-ap-requirement-for-entering-a-location-in-a-land/"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10830-ap-requirement-for-entering-a-location-in-a-land/[/url]
  9. This is just an idea i had recently and thought i should post it to see what people think if it. MDP is deserted for MP5, there are barely a hand full of people who train there. Every sort of training season outside MDP is canceled the moment Eon finds the location so no considerable improvement can be done. People spend more time in sanctuary, getting weaker day by day and been forced trying to find something else to do since training is as good as impossible. So this is the my idea related to the current no training situation we face. Every land will have one location that will require a high amount of AP to enter and exit, something like the 400 AP required to enter GG. That location will be obviously be very hard for citizens of other lands to enter, but on the other hand it will be accessible to citizens of their homeland thanks to the land loyalty bonus. That place can become a training ground where citizens of their homeland gather to train themselves. The idea is that new player in early stages like MP4 chose already the Land they want to become a citizen of, so that when they advance to MP5 they will have enough land loyalty to enter a place where they can get stronger and avoid becoming moving targets for stronger MP5 like Eon. Even if they don't have enough AP and land loyalty, they could also want to join an alliance and jump to leader location. These location will be mostly citizens only thanks to the high ap requirement to enter but also for exiting that location. A citizen of a different homeland will have to carefully consider if it is really worth it to enter that location cause even if by some means they manage to increase their AP and enter, they will also have trouble leaving. When a citizen of another land enters the location with the intention of grinding the people there, they could all fight back against the intruder by using the new implemented needle for example, or they could also just for fun log out or leave that place (like in the fairy tales where when someone who was not supposed to enter their realm, the fairies all run away leaving the outsider dumbfounded). This can be very well used against the recent complains on Eon`s statdmg ability. Currently Eon is not part of any alliance, is a citizen of Necrovion with 100 land loyalty and is a heavy grinder. Lets consider the situation where Eon somehow manages to get the AP needed to enter a location, what to do? The people there could try using the needle against Eon but from my point of view that would be not the optimal solution. This is where my second solution comes in play, the run away strategy. In a situation where no matter what you do, the end result is the same, running away and sealing his movements would be the best course of action. Everybody there exits the location or loge`s out(preferably alliance leader so people can jump back) and the ones who left the location could just as well go to MDP that is now Eon free. All while Eon has close to 0 AP so he cant exit cause of the high AP requirement, is not in a alliance so he cant jump to leader location, and if he really insists he would have to sacrifice something(a spell cast, a cup of tea, etc). At any rate it would be his lose no matter how you look at it. After he left, the people can gather there again and continue training while Eon just lost AP, grinding time, and possibly even more with little gain. Well at least this is how i imagine it would work, feel free to criticize.
  10. stavaroiu
  11. I noticed something strange for a while and recently i tested it. When all the action points are spent, meaning there are 0 action points left, i can still move freely in places with low viscosity. I wanted to charge a heat storing jar so i moved up and down in marind bell and even after the counter hit 0 i could still move and gather heat as much as i wanted. From what i know, the minimum cost for moving is 1 action points so shouldn't this be considered a bug?
  12. How about a bird 747141. I also have 717777 and 600400 but both are Rustgold Drachorn.
  13. Topic can be closed now. Thank you.
  14. Sorry, should have said this earlier. Cause of recent events i`m gonna prefer the 3gc over the equivalent value in memory stones and other resources.
  15. Bump. Last day of the auction.
  16. Bump. 3 days remaining and no more extension time.
  17. So, for those who are in the gg alliance, is it possible to gain access to the lab when ever Burns agrees to let us jump there?
  18. Bump. Also as a small side note, currently all the places where herbs can be gathered (at least the places i know of) are completely depleted with values between 0 and 1(including the Lands of the East), so this might be the last larger scale auction of herbs for a long long time. Just wanted to say this.
  19. I guess it depends on who is selling but judging from the various topics on the forum i found, especially [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10416-auctioning-50-memory-stones/page__hl__memory__fromsearch__1"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/10416-auctioning-50-memory-stones/page__hl__memory__fromsearch__1[/url], the going rate is at least 2sc per stone so i don't know about others but i will go by this tariff at my auction. The bid was placed by xrieg.
  20. I would say 2sc per stone so a bid in coins should be higher then 42sc
  21. Selling some uncommon crits and some herbs. None have tokens or considerable heat, just age. Accepting coins, token-ed crits, items, and for the herbs i also accept other resources like water or branches for trade. [s]1 - Tormented Soul age 622 - 5sc by lashtal[/s] [s]2 - Tormented Soul age 622 - 5sc by lashtal[/s] [s]3 - Tormented Soul age 301 - 4sc by VonUngernSternberg[/s] [s]4 - Tormented Soul age 301 - 3sc by Andrew16[/s] [s]5 - Tormented Soul age 297 - 3sc by Maebius[/s] [s]6 - Tormented Soul age 297 - 3sc by Maebius[/s] [s]7 - Tormented Soul age 264 - 3sc by Maebius[/s] [s]8 - Pimped Grasan age 280 - 12sc combo by Darkfire[/s] [s]9 - Pimped Grasan age 158 - 12sc combo by Darkfire[/s] [s]10 - Pimped Grasan age 158 - 3sc by Vicarious[/s] [s]11 - Pimped Grasan age 151 - 3sc by Vicarious[/s] [s]12 - Pimped Grasan age 645 - 12sc combo by Darkfire[/s] 13 - joker age 265 [s]14 - Imperial Aramor age 319 - 1sc by Darkfire[/s] [s]15 - 60 Aromatic herbs[/s] [s]16 - 64 Tea leaves[/s] [s]17 - 57 Toxic plants[/s] [s]18 - 66 Unidentified plants[/s] Current offer for herbs: all herbs for 3GC by Duxie. Cause of the unexpected high demand for pimps i decided to add one more pimp for auction. Auction over,you can find me at fenths press for the transaction or any other place you might prefer. Also for the joker that nobody bid, lets set the equation: this joker from my main + 2 aged Imperial Aramor and 2 aged angiens from my alt(all over 600 days old) = donation. If there is someone who wants them for a future quest reward or such, contact me and i am willing to sponsor them.
  22. I`m sorry but i`m taking back my offer.
  23. Angien ID: 504823 Age: 214 Tokens: claw1, blooddrop1, antifreeze, stardust Update my bid to 7 sc.
  24. Rusty Age 168 I offer 3GC + 15SC + untokened Master Sharptear transfered 3 times with 94 age.
  25. Guess I`ll start the bidding then. 1)Age 231 No tokens - 3 GC + 15 SC + Sharptear age 93 with [blooddrop2] and [claw1].
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