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Blackshade Rider

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Everything posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. This quest has made its top five winners. These Winners did very well. Here are the top five winners. 1st. Sasha Lilias 2nd. dst 3rd. Clock Master 4th. Lintara 5th. Asthir These top five winners have been rewarded and a few other participants. If you partook in this and I did not reward you for participating please let me know. Although the top five have finished I still encourage anyone that hasn't finished to still finish. I thank you for every one that has played or is still playing. Happy MD Birthday everybody -Rider
  2. No I don't think I joined the wrong land. but yes mutation is something I want to learn how to do and get done to the knator to create my hell hound
  3. I am looking for creatures with tokens or shop creatures. I am looking for Knators w/tokens fresh pimps fresh bp all kinds of other ones just let me know what you have to sell.
  4. that sounds like a good idea. how would you suggest it work
  5. well you have witnesses. witnesses that are active a lot and then this contract gets legalized and the buyer gives his autograph to the seller
  6. So this is a new idea I think would be a good addition to MD. Here is what I was thinking. I want to take a personal Autograph and make them into an item used as a contract. {example: player A and player B make a deal with one another to buy a creature or to do a favor. But player B doesn't have the time to do the favor or the money/items to trade for the value or just a simple promise of something. So player B gives Player A his autograph in a contract as a promise for payment or promise for favor.} Here is how I think this could work. Lets say a land leader makes a promise to another player for any reason. But the land leader does not have the time. So they come to an agreement And then the land leader gives that player his Autograph as a promise it will be done at some point. Basically use as a sub payment or a contract made and signed. This is a new idea I just thought of today so please every one let me know what you think. Im not fully sure how to make it go but im sure everyone has possibly had a similar idea with this item -Rider
  7. if you are to use marker please have the pencil drawing first. so just add more than 3 photos. the first 3 need to be in pencil. so just add another with the marker. ill update this on the post
  8. so much stuff going on

  9. Details: This quest is a remake of it original quest and is different in every way. nothing is the same and nor are the pass words the same. This quest will be like a scavenger hunt. If you have read my short story (how the hounds came about((http://magicduel.inv...ounds/?p=160922)) then you know of its journal pages. To start this quest off I will be scattering 5 of the missing pages from the journal around the lands of the east and MD archives land, and necrovion loreroot , golemus, ect.. You will need an open mind along with patience for this quest. There are basically 5 stages to this quest. With each page you look for you will need a secret word that you will use at a specific location to view the page hidden at that location. I will message you the words. Then you will need to unjumbled the word, {exmpl}(apple.....plpae). Each word will be different. Once you get to the 5th page however it will be different. for the 5th page it will be a riddle and you must solve the riddle. To view the page.. The answer to the riddle is the password for the 6th page.((( Sharing info about what the secret words are or what the answer to the riddle is or the locations to the pages is and will be cheating and therefor will have you banned from this quest and your prize stripped.))) How to start: You will need to post Post ITT your player ID to start/ also player name.. then i will send you the first password you must unscramble and then your scavenger hunt will begin. after you found the first page message me and ill will send the second and so on Duration: this quest begins on the 16th of April and will go on till the last md bday the 23rd ​Requirements: *only one account per player, All mindpower levels are welcome.. Rewards: € 1st.. Wp\morph ( their choice) { 1st place also gets a 10th anniversary Aramor} 2nd. wp\morph (whichever is left) 3rd.1g 4th 10sc 5th. 5sc. All participants get rewarded Was going to be 6 pages but don't have the time so went back to 5 so it can all be done in time. nothing else has changed Thank you - Rider
  10. If you are going to use ink then that's ok yes but please show the drawing without ink first. so yes before ink and after ink ill allow.
  11. This is a drawing contest to test your artists skills. This is a very simple quest. If you have been in MD recently then you may know of or heard of my hell hounds. I want you to draw what they may look like to you. I dont not want to be asked what I think they look like. I will not answer. This is for M.D.'s birthday. Draw him\her wearing a party hat or eating cake it doesnt matter. Just be sure to try and have it M.D. birthday related and also M.D. appropriate. Task: you are to draw a hell hound the way you feel it looks. you have to take 3 pictures and upload them via forum. one picture must have your hand in it. Judging: will be done buy me and another party. Requirements : any mind power welcome. No alts. must be drawn in pencil. ((( some have asked about markers and ink pens. ill allow markers and ink pens but you still need to have 3 photos that are just pencil. please upload a 4th photo that has ink or marker. I ask the other 3 be done in pencil. Thank you)))) Duration: This will be going on till the last day of MDs birthday. The 23rd. Also On this day rewards will be Given out to the winners Rewards : 1st: morph/wp (thier choice) { also get an 10th anniversary Aramor} 2nd: morph/wp (which ever is left) 3rd: 1g Every participant will be rewarded, also I myself will be providing an additional reward for a drawing if I ever decide to use it
  12. wtf is going on with my internet. it wont stop glitching. it causeing me a problem. uhhg this makes me mad. stupid computer

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Assira the Black

      Assira the Black

      How is it that I start watching one thing and get off on a tangent... Youtube is dangerous.

    3. Blackshade Rider
    4. Rophs


      it's like tvtropes

  13. Well an LHO to me is a some what older player (cause most ive seen are older players) i was thinking we have an LHO for each land and possibly they are just an LHO for just that land (emp... Eagle eye is an LHO but he hails from lore so he would be the LHO that will help with questions about lore) I do not think an LHO needs to know every thing but they do need to have a good well known knowledge of most if not all the lands. I also think an LHO should have the Knowledge of how to collect resources and the tools cool downs when used. i also think they should have well known knowledge of the fighting system and how honor and loyalty works. Ect Let me know if im on the right path here chew
  14. Well an LHO to me is a some what older player (cause most ive seen are older players) i was thinking we have an LHO for each land and possibly they are just an LHO for just that land (emp... Eagle eye is an LHO but he hails from lore so he would be the LHO that will help with questions about lore) I do not think an LHO needs to know every thing but they do need to have a good well known knowledge of most if not all the lands. I also think an LHO should have the Knowledge of how to collect resources and the tools cool downs when used. i also think they should have well known knowledge of the fighting system and how honor and loyalty works. Ect Let me know if im on the right path here chew
  15. that sounds more feasible. how many people are there going to be in this matter
  16. If there is more than one person i feel it should become almost like a council and no one person has more power than the other the people selected vote on it and then you have another person appointed the leader and he or she has final say.
  17. Dst makes a good point. sometimes people do go inactive and just log in for the active days and then loggs out. some people also sit at idle most of the day
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