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Blackshade Rider

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Everything posted by Blackshade Rider

  1. Yes Assira there will be plenty of wp's available. No one needs to worry if there is not enough wp's. I have the support of Chewett if and when needed. Also any one that play the birthday quest version is allowed to play this one as well.
  2. Thank you WittyLeWat. This quest was made because MUR had encouraged me to do this. He thought it was intresting to see how people looked at md a bit and how every one sees things differently and I have the same intrest in what people see things as................ I hope all enjoy this To everyone else below is my new quest. Enjoy everyone. I hope to see every body try this.
  3. Your fine vladan. I will be sending your wp this evening. Congrats on your first place. And also very nice artwork
  4. Actually ill take all 4 pimps. Ill offer a teleport to paper cabin stone, and 2sc
  5. i need help with wins. can anyone help me out. im getting to far unbalanced

    1. vladan


      I may help you...for what I can :)

    2. Mallos


      I can help sometime

  6. Not sure exactly why its not working or if im doing something wrong but this is what it does when I try to edit comments on self Internet Explorer 10.0 on Windows 8 Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 10.0; Windows NT 6.2; WOW64; Trident/6.0; MAGWJS)
  7. how so. what do you need managed? I can possibly do that for you.
  8. Announcements - View ID 3554 Ann. 3554 Priority: 1 [2015-06-03 00:49:39 - Stage 13] A new set of rules and community guidelines I am looking for someone to rewrite the rules into a more user friendly format and help write some community guidelines. This job will involve talking to the community about how the rules need to change and what should be in the community guidelines. This was previously being worked on however the player has now left so I throw it open to the crowd now. Post on the forum if you want to help. - - - - - - - As the announcement says some rules or all rules need to be spoken with the community of all MD. I ask every one that wishes to help see certain rules made better and other rules that maybe need to be taken out to give an opinion and state what you think needs to change and help better MD for future players. We are a family friendly game . How could we better this? What needs to change for the better? What Is it that MD needs to happen? I ask all MDer's old and new to talk on this matter Thank you -Rider
  9. it will help with what I am looking to know yes What was mp2 like starting off. How was the fighting system heat system ect everything
  10. Yes. I am looking for the players that did it years ago. I want to know what more about the different mp game stages
  11. This is to all the players that had took part in the mp testing when it took place. I am looking to learn more about the mp4's that went to mp2 Also the mp5's the went to mp7. If anyone had took part when this testing went on please post in this forum. Id like to ask some questions Thank you -Rider
  12. sasha had a similar post here (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16203-totem-mutation-ideas/?p=161459)
  13. Me and witty have already been talking about extending the deadline so more people have the time. so im sure you will have the time Aeo
  14. I am looking to buy cups of cold tea to make more tea. please pm me or post in this topic how much cold tea you have and we will talk about a price from there. Thank you ---Rider
  15. Age 973. no tokens id #696556
  16. ill trade my aged SW for all. ( sw I have is worth 3g max id value it at 2gc 10sc)
  17. well im still donating this friday even though md was saved

    1. Ungod


      you can sell credits for gold coins, if you need MD currency. it has been done before

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