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Everything posted by Curiose

  1. Why is who asking about what?
  2. I had assumed that since it wasn't labeled as 'Secondary Role' or anything of that sort, it was still under the section of being primary. I also thought that most alliances have their own role, and therefore, do not need anything more as a service of that particular... thing.
  3. Thank you. They are for idiots. Who wants a ruined game play just because someone decided to give out all the secrets because they think that it should be done? It shouldn't be done. They were talking in the chat about it when I showed up. If they kept it via PM, then I'd not have known/nor would I have bothered with it because there would have been nothing backing up what I was saying. Since they obviously brought it into chat, and Letholdus obviously stated he was going to continue spoiling, I think that it was necessary to bring it to the attention of the other players.
  4. You know... it doesn't hurt me; the way you give me that stare. Inconceivable, impossible... but yet.. you do not care.

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  5. I don't know. I am just frustrated. Threats of banning, as posted on "Things that will get you banned" in the restrictions tab, don't even seem to be enough of a threat. I think the players just take spoilers very lightly and don't understand the seriousness of the nature. Mur created this game to be intellectually challenging, not something that people should run around telling all the secrets of. The person became insulting after I told him that I posted this on the forum. I wasn't going to be sneaky and post it behind his back, when he'd probably find it on his own. That's just... playing the benefits for yourself, really. But I suppose it'd take a veteran or someone of higher stature to knock some sense into that player.
  6. This may be just a rant, but I do believe that I have some valid points to this. I am -tired- of newbies giving away information to other newbies. Yes, I am not so much a veteren myself, but either way, I like to preserve the traditions of the game, meaning: NO SPOILERS. I hate when people blindly say to do things, especially after the fact of being told that spoilers are not allowed. I don't know that this itself has any validity behind it, but this character was told the day before that spoilers are not allowed. There are witnesses to attest to this, but I will not name names. :/ Letholdus: Muun! MuunLeit: yes Letholdus: u get it? MuunLeit: not the second one MuunLeit: (pm) Letholdus: i did already Letholdus: muun i practicall gave u the answer lol Curiose: :/ Telling people the answer to things will get them, and yourself nowhere. Letholdus: i said practically doesnt mean it eas cur Curiose: Doesn't matter. Curiose: Practically, is pretty much giving the answer. Letholdus: no. its not Curiose: As I see it, practically giving the answer is giving enough of an answer that you've given it away. MuunLeit: Curiose, I had got what he said before he said, but I'm stuck after that :-( Letholdus: well have you tried his quest yet i pmed him not the answer and the biggest part is riddling this step out. which is not done yet so don't worry k? do u want me sticking my nose in your business? Curiose: My business is everyone's business once it is posted into the chat. Curiose: Hello, Apophys. Curiose: I have a strict No spoiler rule, and that is something that all players should have. :/ Letholdus: like your answer tho ill give you that Letholdus: Not me! Curiose: You do know you can get in trouble for spoilers, yes? Letholdus: well u can have that rule but dont put it on those who dont want it. yes but on public chat lol. Letholdus: i didnt put on pub chat Curiose: It's not just a personal rule. It's an actual rule of the game. Letholdus: like your answer tho ill give you that Letholdus: Not me! Curiose: You do know you can get in trouble for spoilers, yes? Letholdus: well u can have that rule but dont put it on those who dont want it. yes but on public chat lol. Letholdus: i didnt put on pub chat Curiose: It's not just a personal rule. It's an actual rule of the game. Letholdus: yes well. Abide by it than Curiose: I do. And you should as well. apophys: Hello, Curiose. Sorry for lateness... Curiose: It's alright. Curiose: Apophys, please help to try and explain why spoilers are not allowed. :/ apophys: I was fiddling with the gazebo and made a portal. Letholdus: ok i dont have time for this if i want to spoil ill do it through email. apophys: spoilers, well, spoil. Letholdus: got it Curiose: Awww. I was able to do that as well. : D apophys: spoiling is bad. Letholdus: ya lol theyre bad alright *giggles* It's players like this who just don't GET IT. It is one of the very few things that boils my blood and I want something done this. Not just about the player, but in general. It's ridiculous, and it ruins the game play for so many players. If I had the chance, I would do something myself about it, but I don't have the ability to. :/ Edit: I accidentally posted a bit of the logs twice. Took it out so as to make it easier to understand.
  7. Ah, I see, then. :3 Thank you.
  8. Ah... Alright, then. Thank you for clearing that up.
  9. According to Kyphis, and what he put on my Alliance page. We -do- help people with their papers and what they want with them because that is what we do. I will specifically post what is on my papers here for you. Primary Role The Legend Speakers are the Storytellers and Keepers of Traditions in the realm. We work with words and art, as well as movement, to entice crowds, teach morals, and aid the youngsters. Some of the services we offer include Story, Poetry, and Music writing, [b]help with editing your papers[/b], crafting character roles, and providing encouragement. We can also be contacted to work with Quest Creators in terms of NPC roles, on top of any normal lyrical works. Legend Speakers can offer information in regards to basic game mechanics such as becoming adepts, creating rituals, and earning free credits, but are your best source for unbiased historical and cultural information about the players, alliances, and lands. Players with * at the beginning and end of their name are Live Help Operators (LHO) and should be your primary source for detailed information on game mechanics. Spoilers will not be given. The Legend Speakers are entitled to ask for payment for their services, although this is negotiable, and should be agreed upon in advance. If the work provided is not satisfactory, you are welcome to take the matter up with the head of the guild, however their decision will be final on the matter. Not to seem snotty, but I'd rather not feel as though I am treated like I don't know what I am talking about. :/
  10. Alrighty, I've been wondering about this, myself. There are areas forbidden to normal players who are not admins? And if so, how come? As for people reporting the bugs, Mur, I think they may be doing it also for a reward, as you have stated earlier, that Manda may have recieved a drach if reporting what had happened when he found out.
  11. So, this white service is like the opposite of a Red Service? Also, I would love to be there... however, any time past seven [especially on sunday, which is rare], I will not be able to attend... Makes me sad. :c Anywho.. is it simply a ceremony, or will there be other things involved?
  12. I have to say that this is stepping on the Legend Seeker's toes a little bit. But then again, who is to designate who does what, and when?
  13. There are alternate rules as to why people to not move up the MP levles. Myself for example. I have a distaste in fighting, and would rather simply explore what I can, learn what I can, and do whatever needs to be done. As by Quoting Mur's fight page, [I'm not entirely sure what it's called at this moment.] which I did find to be quite interesting to say the least: "There is more to MD than just Fighting." It may be a vague quote, but the meaning is still the same. The only reason I've stepped up these past few days was so that I could become an MP4, and advance, and not be ignorant of anything. But even so, I think it is even more so a courtesy to people who ask if they can win or lose, etc. They may not get that courtesy as an MP5, but that's when you have to take the waterwings off and start growing up in the fighting system.
  14. And I...? I am but who I say I am.

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    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Curiose
    3. death ray

      death ray

      if you are you..then who am i?

    4. Curiose


      I am me, and you are what you say you are. ; D

  15. Thank you. Hopefully others read this and understand that nothing has changed.
  16. This is probably a redundant question, but I personally [I'm not sure about any others] am confused about the situation regarding the Sparring Grounds designated at MBP. Vegemite [Rhaegar] has posted a thread about changing the SG rules on the sign post, which, I do believe has happened for a small moment of time, for I have seen them change. HOWEVER. Upon reading further into the thread that he has posted, it seems as though the project itself has been halted. That, is not the problem. My question to you is this: Is, or is not, Vegemite's project still continuing on? I have been told by numerous people after the fact that the rules have changed, but by viewing the signpost, it is back to its normal information. I think that this would clear up any confusion that I have, and possibly any others who are in query about this.
  17. Mm... Sadly, I'm wilted.

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  18. I just figured that since I am part of the Alliance.. and also new to the game, my talents aren't that well known. One thing you should learn: 1. If you don't enjoy profanity, I apologize. Some works as you may stumble upon the line [I don't think I have anything on there with any as of now...]may have cursing, or harsh language. 2. I have -no- filter when I create my characters. Meaning, I go on wild rants of things that I personally believe, and if you don't believe some of these ideas [i.e. my slight distaste for religion and religious aspsects...] are something of your taste, then once more, that is fine. I am not posting this to make a fan club, I am posting this for the entertainment of the people while on this forum. 3. I am more than OPEN to criticism and different viewpoints. If you wish to argue a point in my writings, then by all means, do so. But I demand of only one thing, and that is to speak to me privately about the issue. 4. Lastly, I do not take without giving. If you have pieces you would like to share, then by all means, show me your work. I will edit this from time to time, namely the link that I will post which has a majority of my works. Many are incomplete, but will be finished as time does come. I will post when the page itself has been edited, and when a specific work has been added on, or changed. Enjoy. http://decrepitschaine.livejournal.com/
  19. Considering that you're dealing with a Fae: I would suggest that you either A. Find the faerie, and interrogate it in any means that you can so as to find a way to reverse what happened. B. Kill the faerie if that tactic doesn't work / or threaten it in such a case C. Torture it by tossing it in GG, and see if that would work. You can't trust faeries, really, and seeing as how it tried to manipulate Darigan in the first place, I wouldn't suggest trying to cooperate with that thing. It's not known if what it did was intentional, or if it was accidental. When speaking with the Fae, I would also suggest to be careful, for they lie under their tongue better than any fox.
  20. I am witness to this. I can confirm that yes, Hitoshi did drop the code when trying to paste something else. I apologize, for I do not have logs, but, my word is truthful. And yes, everything that Apophys has stated is correct.
  21. *Waves back.* Oh, I know. :3 I'm her Adept.

    Hello, Hello, Darigan.

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  22. Well... From my experience, there seem to be some question about the HC anyway. But then again, from you said, the only struggle seems to be coming from the MP3 and Mp4 category. But then again, that all depends on the numbers, and how many participants there are within that specific group. But what I can see, there doesn't seem to be much flare for the contest. I did expect more from the readings I've seen, but, it just seems to be a contest that is going on. There's really no real 'urge' to get those heads.
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