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    Vornicel, VorniC

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I apreciate BFH's work, and i hope the page will be up soon.
  2. I am really sorry if I did not quite understand.
  3. I have an opinion and usually i dont say it in public, i let other peaple to tell their opinion, but in this case i want to say it: i tink if the voting is without reword for "most of us" do u tink peaple will still vote? i dont tink so.... i hope u will get the best decision for us and for the game. If u tink my post is too revolting, u can deleate it.
  4. Soo i have a little question.... When will end the 24 hours when bids ends?
  5. 4gc for rustie
  6. can u tell me please when the licitation will end????
  7. Vornicel


    creture sold to rumi, plese close the topic
  8. Vornicel


    first who bid, is first who take it...
  9. Vornicel


    I want to sell a colorless joker age 227 with 700k stored heat the min bid is 1 g
  10. b/w joker sold to Aelis. can u close the topic please.
  11. the bid will end in 24 hours.
  12. 16 SC
  13. Fresh colorless joker for sale
  14. Vornicel


    i want to buy birds, archers and grasans with claw2 and claw3
  15. it seems nobody want to sell 1 rein... admin u can colse the topic. thx
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