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Everything posted by Espartano

  1. hey man I wish I can send you a forum PM :P

  2. Rules and restrictions - updated as the game grows - *Any repeated complain from multiple unique users will get some kind of unwanted action on you, try not to offend people, or to cause a mess in general *Repeated harrassment without reason of other players will not be tolerated. If you have a reason for that, that reason should be discussed with a moderator and if that moderator is unable to solve the issue then put up for voting on the forum. By harrasment we understand constant verbal abuse and moking. Repeated attacks or other ways are not considered punishable harrasment but can be brought up for judging if you think they should. so I whant know who else whant to complain about [b]Eon[/b], that keep hunting us down in the most remotes places of game, not let any people do even regeneration rituals, and worse, keep using Angiens to give people 1mil personal xp, when they are using Regeneration. @Curiose: Im curious to know how you get SD? I like to fight, not be locked in a sanctuary 12hs all days, just because cant use Regeneration to lose xp and be able to play again in open @Tarquinus: Im sorry, fight with 1mil vitality Angiens and full tokened Drachs, is like to fight with 2 mil persians there is no way I know to win.
  3. edit
  4. [quote name='Mr Mystery' timestamp='1294349317' post='76989'] 1)Age 231 -5GC No tokens [/quote] so I can start my bid like 6GC (about the Marksmen we can talk/negociate in this amount)
  5. any of them have tokens: [s]1#Marksmen_Bid=2GC 2sc darrydabby[/s][color="#FF0000"]sold[/color] [s]2#Marksmen (age 7)[/s][color="#FF0000"]traded[/color] [s]Imperial (the only with significant: age92)_Bid=2sc Junior[/s][color="#FF0000"]sold[/color] [s]BloodPact (age 19)[/s][color="#FF0000"]combo[/color] trade [s]1#[i][b]colorless joker[/b][/i] (age:6)[/s][color="#FF0000"]combo[/color] trade [s]Joker (age 19)[/s][color="#FF0000"]sold[/color] 1#Pimped Grasan (age 15) 2#Pimped Grasan (age 13) any 2sc is a automatic sell for those crits.
  6. [quote name='Rendril' timestamp='1293829244' post='76550'] Number of "votes" didn't seem to change ranking, since some games with a lower votes were ranked higher. My guess is it only actually counts unique voters when ranking. [/quote] yes I noticied that some time ago in daily votes, it work only once if you have registered at that site
  7. (l__/)

    ( *-*)

    ('') ('')

  8. nice job, nad will do it for sure
  9. well once I get jumped into a wrong place, if the alliance chat last at least for 24h the leader can warning the members to not do it
  10. I think MDP can be imune to that day of tranquility, think in new players that are out to free roam in those days? Also you can fight and talk at same time, you dont need to stay there just to fight and dont reply to a simple hello... (normally I lose 2 days of play because day of tranquility)just because my country time and the time I have to play, is just in same of that.
  11. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1291238881' post='74050'] Found it! Gonna get it in a sec. Sent you a PM... [/quote] +1 good job
  12. Crap man ...you already asked to Asterdai, the avy-hunter?
  13. >.

    1. Pipstickz


      There are two "avatars", one is the profile picture, one is shown when you post (i think Dx)

    2. Espartano


      was laggin with firefox, that dont show the changed picture :)

      now I see the new one ;)

    3. Asterdai


      i changed my pic's recently, one took a while to change,but theother did straight away maybe they are vetted? im not sure..

  14. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1290482277' post='72840'] *sighs* I need some art-education... [/quote] You can see that all children enjoy drawing, they draw all very similar, when they start aging some stop drawing, and others keep sketching, when time passes some develop good skills ... I think that drawing is like a workout, you should train your hands and your mind ... A teacher can teach techniques, but can not teach him to have talent that is developed with time and training.
  15. 1-First of all get married with a woman who loves to criticize you. 2-Imagine what kind of character will represents. 3-Sketch drawing.(check the attached image) 4-Note the ratio 100x160 to make the most use of space. 5-use the techniques described in http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/forum/54-md-artworks-former-artisans-guild/ so it has alpha transparency. 6-When everything was ready, show the avy to your wife and hear such a response: "What the f**k is this? What design horrible!" 7-Be angry (not with wife) but with himself for having made a mess and seek inspiration. 8-Make several new designs to improve the physical appearance of each character, bring, equipment and face. If overcome, do not rush and whimsy in the details. 9-Remake the avy and again show to his wife (the best work of his life) and get an answer like this: "...... It was ... good! "
  16. [quote name='Novato' timestamp='1289917128' post='72248'] Most funny Character (not that I liked, but, let's be realistic, the majorit of all role player are funny stuff, not nobel mimic stuff) Best artist (don't ask me how to know their work, just a suggestion) Best avatar [/quote] I like this
  17. I get those msg at http://www.toprankin...evote.php?id=29 at 1st day I quit the page, but it come everyday, so I checked the page and see where are the *trouble*(malware) resume: vote to MD is ok, just dont click in others links...
  18. Ops! Google Chrome cant find www.topgamelisting.com (when I try vote)
  19. [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1288986582' post='71540'] so my response is simply that said text should be removed as its wrong , Will that make you a little happier? [/quote] [quote name='dst' timestamp='1289062152' post='71569'] I propose that the message is changed and the bonus about the 4% removed. [/quote] well if really MP5 story mode was suposed to not give any 4% bonus based in actual stats, so the only solution is to change/remove that message...
  20. [quote name='Yoshi' timestamp='1288996409' post='71553'] Ok, my thoughts on this: Since the MP4-MP5 storymode is not even fully completed yet, just have to wait. Once it is completed, either the 4% stat bonus will come, or that text will be edited out. Either way, it's up to Mur. I wouldn't bother waiting until storymode is finished either. If your ready to move up, do it. [/quote] mp3/4 storymode give the bonus right, why mp5 story cant have the bonus fixed? and Im already jumped to mp5, why you guys think I discover that the msg say one thing and after I already almost finished chapter 2 see nothing about the promissed 4% bonus, that msg was the only thing that make me jump to mp5 thinking that at least some better bonus on vitality I will receive.
  21. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1288986508' post='71539'] It's 4% of your max stats for those stats that you would receive on that page of the story. It doesn't apply to VE/VP, those are arbitrary I think... Also, bonuses such as ally bonus, armor bonus do not count... It's your base stats... Also the principle choice/choice in the story partly gives a +- value of stats I think. Edit: Wasn't there another topic like this one just days ago? [/quote] why people write on a post if dont read all things about it, or the picture atached: [color="#8B0000"][size="2"][i][b]....It is a very good idea to increase your stats...before advancing...the higher principles,stats and skills you have before advancing, the higher reward you will receive. This can make you have insanely high stats...combined with the wait time bonus.[/b][/i][/size][/color] and Chew, Im not here to encourage MP3/4 stay longer than they think is good, this character have a little more than 4 months, everyone know many mp3/4 that stay a year because they whant or role play... I think if that msg is there is because was suposed to story mode really give those bonus, this way will be allways new mp5 crying because they come to mp5 unprepared (and because of not much story bonus at all) too weak, in my case I still have too few stats, but if the vitality bonus was like 4% in every page, at least I will have some decent vitality to work on.
  22. I started a post in questions and answears, asking if was something wrong about mp5 story, Chewet closed for lack of proofs: copy of his words: "This is closed until there is some kind of proof. I dont want people moaning about something that is not a bug, or has not been proven as a bug yet." another MP4 that has get MP4 max xp cap send me the proof, so there it is: [color="#8B0000"][size="2"][i][b]IMPORTANT: you will receive 4% bonus based on your current stats for each page of the story in the next MP level....[/b][/i][/size][/color] http://storenow.net/my/?f=2392 so what now, how any player never noticied it before? as I say that before, ALL MP4 hopes is in train as he can to go MP5, because get some 4% bonus based in his stats, not those +1 principles/skills and +90/190 vit/vp that I already get till now in chapter 2
  23. [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1288913700' post='71487'] 'Top Game Listing' is coming up as an invalid link (I think that's the one I just clicked on - if not it will be 'AFREE Gaming') [/quote] this one have the option to vote YES, but the option to rate can be done once in some days [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1288913700' post='71487'] 'Game Sites Top 100' - can't find the place to vote [/quote] maybe this one is browser trouble, try google chrome or Mozila firefox, some dont appear in all browsers [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1288913700' post='71487'] ‘Top Game Sites’ - in the list twice, the 2nd one clicked doesn’t produce a link to do the review (in my case this one was the one that mentioned the word count) [/quote] the other must be ‘Top Game[i][b]s[/b][/i] Sites’ and also must be a browser trouble, try use another [quote name='Dormouse' timestamp='1288913700' post='71487'] ‘Gamez100’ – nothing on the list to say you need to cast a vote here [/quote] this one you must Enter and look for MD on list to rate, and make your vote valid. @Shadowseeker, I try search, but Im not a forum expert, sry
  24. ah! I know there is some post to tell this but I cant find... http://top50.onrpg.com from [i][b]MMOG Top 50 Games[/b][/i] link, dont have Magic duel on the list to make the proper vote
  25. I can ask for some MP4 when reach the xp cap to take a picture from that msg before move to mp5, if I really see something wrong, because someone think I talked a lie here, or maybe some persons dont like when you see something wrong and talk about it
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