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Everything posted by ERO

  1. Happy bithday, Fyrd!
  2. what would be, in your opinion, the fair price for that SW?
  3. 3GC for the SW
  4. ERO

    Buying SW

    please close topic...thanks
  5. 1GC for the SW the Rusty need MP6 to max up?
  6. i want to buy an SW...offering coins. ...if you have one for sell, please post age, tokens and price you want for it...
  7. What is good? A relative term, good for me may not be good for others... What is your best physical attribute? eyes What is your best non-physical attribute? Perseverance. What do you value most? Trust and honesty What is 2 + 2? it could be 4, if you put ¨=¨ otherwise it could ment anything What do you know? Everything is relatively.
  8. 3sc for the elemental
  9. Air Scout : 16 SC Both Aramors : 3 GC
  10. Happy birthday!
  11. BP sold ...please close topic
  12. Happy birthday, Indy!
  13. [quote name='Juni0r' timestamp='1302117884' post='82042'] 1 gold [/quote] it´s a fair offer...we should meet and talk...
  14. Selling an Fresh Blood Pact Archer...post your bids...no tokens... ...the bid is on until i said stop... ...best offer, until now: Junior-1GC
  15. April fools...hmmm....i thout i´ve done something wrong.....but what??.... ...got me there....
  16. my Eset Smart Security give me the same message....virus warning...
  17. 1. I don't think that lowering creature level for all players is an solution....(there are players who worked hard to upgrade an Angien for example )... 2. Making MP 6 level more accesible is an solution...
  18. ERO

    Grand Sale

    For the Bloodpact archer, number 4 : 1 gc and 7 sc
  19. ERO

    Grand Sale

    1 gc and 4 sc for the bloodpact...number 4
  20. ERO

    Grand Sale

    [quote name='DarkPriestess' timestamp='1292331151' post='75431'] Which one? [/quote] number 16...it is any difference between 16 and 17?
  21. ERO

    Grand Sale

    3sc for WB age 355
  22. 3 GC
  23. 2 GC and 16 SC
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