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Everything posted by mirus

  1. Grats Aelis I'll take the anni creature! Thank you!! repeating this would be awesome, with so much to catch up on, and different ppl being present for different period, its nice to get to read what memorable things has happened
  2. For me the event that i rmb most is the 10th anniversary of MD in april of 2015. It was a wonderful time spanning 10days. The first day, was a day of supreme hyperactivity, where we were throwing items at each other, lots of 10th anniversary cakes and teas (they keep real well, i still have a bunch i saved in my inventory ) There was a heat war, which i participated in. we were split into teams and the goal was to store as much heat into our team's clickable item. my team's one was located in necrovion, and it was my first time exploring the land. There was also a rhyme off, were wits and words won one wishpoint. Day 2 was a Day of Royalty, about queens and combat. it was hosted by nimrodel, who had a "queen of sheba wants" quest and a combat tournament Day 3 was the Day of megaseedwalk by rophs, where we had stories by the oak, it was by rophs if i remember correctly, someone was being a storyteller, we had poetry at the willow, where we shared poems about who we love in MD Day 4 was the Day of finding yourselves. Where the first 2 labyrinth quests were introduced, venturing into the labyrinth, i often had to find myself in many ways! Day 5 was the Day of the past, where we remembered people and events that made an impact on us (quite like what this post is about!) Day 6 was the Day of the Future where we looked to the future (this period in 2015 also coincided with quite a few new things that were being done. The storymode was removed slightly before the anniversary, role play items were also introduced slightly before that, and with it item combining. Also, the givemask spell was released, oh it was fun confusion for awhile!) Days 7-10 did not have titles as far as i could search, but that does not make them any less exciting! Day 7 had treasure hunt in loreroot, design a cake, and "carve a path" as well "sing it" events held at bob Day 8 had a procession for molquert, who had passed due to his role becoming relatively less relevant Day 9 had a derranged play, which i remember fondly, I believe i stayed up till 5am to partake in the play, which might have helped with me being able to play a graveyard well in a derranged play. Day 10 had somemore treasure hunts and concluded the anniversary celebrations. It was 5years ago, and due to timezone differences, i often had to stay up to the wee hours to participate, but it was all worth it and i had unique experiences that I never found ever again anywhere else
  3. my fav food would be something called he ye fan, which is lotus leaf wrapped glutinous rice. Marinated meats such as pork or chicken, together with mushrooms, and some chinese sausages, or liver sausages are encased in glutinous rice which is then wrapped in lotus leaf and steamed. When done well, the rice comes out nice and sticky, though not mushy, and is filled with the fragrance of the lotus leaf and the savoriness of the meat juices it has soaked up while cooking. The fragrance of the lotus leaf is what makes it for me. It adds a whole new dimension of experience when eating it that i rarely find in other dishes. It is foremost savory and slightly sweet from the marinate, but all amidst the backdrop of a very gentle fragrance that is somewhat like tea due to the it coming from a leaf too, yet is oddly paired really well with savory meats. And I get to enjoy both the amazing joy of eating something savory and the nice elegance of a wonderful fragrance in every bite. i love it. This is a picture i found online for i do not have the skills necessary to make this dish. I hope it helps give a better idea what it is like.
  4. olive branch 3sc?
  5. looking to buy the following. 11th anni creature, loreroot archer, resources to make a shmsh, frozen rose thanks!
  6. Happy Birthday Chewett! :)
  7. Mirus 200602
  8. Happy birthday lintara!!
  9. Mirus 200602:) Sounds cool
  10. Happy Birthday Jaden! :D
  11. i've never been in both, so any! or both if possible! :)
  12. yeahh thats cool too! :)
  13. I know there's not many MP4s to train with currently, I've almost made it to MP5, but before I advance, I would like to help and be a training dummy for anyone who wants to train. :) Just drop a post here for any kind of def rit. I have healers, trees, elememtals, aramors, archers and angiens. :) The best would be if everyone needs wins, so i'll just be a non damaging rit perpetually and everyone can train without worry that I have some other rit on. Just a request, try not to give me negative heat :)
  14. 3GC 7SC Mirus
  15. 2GC 12SC Mirus
  16. 2GC 7SC Mirus
  17. 2GC 2SC Mirus
  18. 1GC 9Sc Mirus
  19. 1Gc 2Sc Mirus
  20. I dont know if its valid but if it is, i'll bid 6GC 2Sc
  21. oh sorry! I thought i could still bid if its nots past 24hrs. Did i get it wrong? If i did, then gonzo is the winner then! :)
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