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Kay Ingild

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Posts posted by Kay Ingild

  1. Thank you for the response :)

    It does seem obvious, but I just wanted to rule out an alternative possibility: that only the *concepts* of shapes are being evoked, so the shape couldn't be carved or drawn because it never actually resolves as an object, just a series of shape-related concepts. As in, instead of "looking" at a sculpture of, say, a person, I thought you might be experiencing the concept of person-ness [edit: I mean "person-shaped-ness"]. But that does not seem to be the case :)

  2. "It took two dozen people several hours to heal a tree."

    Could I ask how much effort it took to get the tree hurt in the first place? Would it be true to say that the fact of dozens of people working to heal the tree was enabled by those same dozens of people agreeing to act as though the tree had been hurt?

  3. Oh, wow, and I haven't even started fixing the lopsidedness yet! I'm happy that you liked it. I should have some time on the weekend to tweak the image and see if I can get it into the proper format. Once that's done, I guess we can figure out how to proceed from there.

    Edit to add a [i]slightly[/i] revised image:

    Edit to add avatar versions of both original and revised images:
    [attachment=2648:book-tree-tiny.gif] [attachment=2649:book-tree-revised-tiny.gif]

    Er, did I do it right? Is the "MD" visible enough...?

  4. Sorry for the huge delay; I've been swamped at work recently and don't have many brain cells left over for other things :(

    First, I've got to say that I was impressed at the amount of thought that you must have put into your choice of principles. I still only have a vague idea how mine might work together. Your essay inspired me to think about this at greater length.

    Mostly, though, I wanted to ask about the examples you outlined.

    I conceived (rightly or wrongly?) of your examples as simple circles: after being perturbed, the systems would self-correct and end up in the *same* equilibrium state as before.

    However, in all cases, it seemed to me at least *theoretically* possible to forestall or mitigate the disastrous self-correction events (turning the circle into a spiral).
    -Noticing that fires get harder and harder to contain over time, realizing the accumulation of undergrowth is the problem, instituting controlled burns (once again, controlled injections of chaos to maintain the system in a desired state...) or mechanical clearing of undergrowth.
    -Maintaining and monitoring the levees and environs, predicting river response to a range of conditions including disaster conditions and making sure the levees are built to withstand the worst, maybe even suffering through one disastrous flood and rebuilding the levees as necessary to avoid a future disaster of similar scale.
    -Noticing that resources are running low before a crisis starts, securing new sources via trade, strengthening economic ties so that other kingdoms are less likely to attack when their own resources fall low (either because it would hurt their own economic situation or because it would call down the wrath of multiple economically interdependent kingdoms on their head).

    *If* it were possible to make these or similar solutions work, could these then be considered new equilibrium states? I think so, as long as they can be sustained, which would depend on seeking feedback and adjusting constantly.

    But would you instead consider these to be *unstable* systems, *not* representing a true state of equilibrium, *because* they depend on adjustment/feedback?

  5. "Ever wondered why there is a sun?"

    My first response was, That's simple. There's a sun because, first, the laws of physics; second, because there are beings dependent on it who are intelligent enough to ascribe meanings to it beyond those of other stars and thus call it a "sun"; third, because of random chance that the laws of physics ended up the way they did, that a particular star arose in a particular location and acquired a particular kind of planet at a particular distance from the star, that life arose, and furthermore that intelligent life arose. So I wanted to say that it all comes down to random chance, contingency.

    Then I thought a bit more. Maybe the important part of the question was "ever wondered why" there is a sun. So my second response was, Not until now. I may have when I was very young, but I don't remember doing so. If I did, I would probably have been placated with a vaguely sciencey answer. I guess it takes a different kind of mind to wonder such things, one that doesn't just accept the word of those in authority, provisionally or not. I wondered about the kinds of people who WOULD think in this way; wondered about origin myths and the kinds of people who might have come up with them; wondered about the gap between a child's mind and an adult's mind; wondered whether I could train my mind to think in this fashion.

    Then I thought, my second response can't possibly be the kind of answer you're looking for. That would be treating the question like a trick question. So I turned back to what seemed like the most natural starting point to me, and wondered whether there might be regularities in the structure of space-time that would make stars likely to happen. I mean, there sure seem to be plenty of stars. But not knowing much of anything about astrophysics, I gave up with that line of enquiry.

    I tried out another idea: what if there is a sun because the creator of the universe decided it should exist? Presumably then there would be a sun, providing heat/light/energy, because we, either as life in general or as humans in particular, being a significant element in creation for whatever reason, need it. But then why do we need heat/light/energy, and also why was this energy provided in the form of a distant gigantic ball of matter undergoing fusion? This scenario would open many other possibilities for answers, too, metaphoric and symbolic reasons, possibly important to the creator, as to why the sun exists, why it is the way it is. Answers I'm not really qualified to go looking for, as I'm not used to thinking in terms of metaphors and symbols. Perhaps the warmth of the sun would represent the tangible presence of the creator, like the body heat of another person standing next to us; perhaps the reason for the light of the sun is that it allows us to see and know and thus marvel at creation… ugh. I'm not very good at this. Apparently according to a quick Google search the sun also represents an eye, possibly the eye of the creator. I'm... really not good at this stuff.

    Back to physics, then. Why are there stars? Because there's matter, there's gravity that pulled matter together… Why is there matter? Why is there something instead of nothing?

    I don't know where to go from here. I'd have to say my final answer is that I have no answer. All I have are questions.

  6. The idea of adding chaos to stabilize a system made me think of vibrating shoe insoles that can help seniors keep their balance when standing (I had a vague memory of reading about this and found more information at http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/sci_update.php?DocID=195).

    In order to stand upright, we rely on constant feedback. Being unable to sense the feedback (because of decreasing sensitivity with advancing age) makes it harder to compensate for tilting and keep our balance. Injecting "noise" in the form of a vibrating insole helps the feedback pass the sensory threshold so balance can be maintained.

    With this particular example, it seems to me that the *feedback*, that *sensing* the feedback and then using the information gained, is what allows balance to happen. Does this generalize beyond this example? (I'm not at all sure it would... I'm just thinking out loud here.)

    But *if* it does generalize, and if as already stated "nothing" and "everything" counterbalance each other, then where would the necessary feedback come from, and what would it consist of, and how would it be "sensed"? Wouldn't this require some point of contact or method of influence? How could "nothing" influence or contact anything? Would this require something like minds that can conceive of nonexistent things?

    But the "feedback" idea may only apply to some kinds of systems so it may not be at all relevant here.

  7. When I first joined, my personal page/public URL/online profile showed some of my creatures, my papers, I think my stats, etc. But now it's completely blank.

    I'm not sure exactly what I did (it was months ago) but I think I clicked on the "personal page" link to the right, which called up an editing screen, then I hit "cancel" and everything disappeared. I might have done something else (quite possibly I deliberately deleted everything, not realizing I couldn't get it back); there might have been an error message at some point; I'm not sure.

    Is there a way for me to get the original version of the page back? Some "reset" button I haven't noticed yet?

  8. When I first saw that figure, I had an unpleasant reaction to it: "That's not me. That doesn't represent me." Now I'm more used to it and can ignore it (it helps that it's covered in armour), but I still dislike it. One of the items in the shop means you get to see the figure a lot more often, and I resisted buying that item for a long time. I'd turn it off if I could.

    If the fight screen figure were a little more shapeless, or ghostly, or featureless, I think I'd be a bit happier but I'm not sure.

  9. Thank you all!

    Ravenstrider, which parts do you think need most improvement? The base of the trunk being too thick, especially the root in front; the right edge of the trunk wobbling too much; the attachment points of the branches being slightly wonky; the lack of foliage in the upper right, making the tree look lopsided; the too-dark spots in the middle of the leaves... Are those what you meant? Or was there something else? The bark is just scribbles, I know, but if the image ever ends up being used as an avatar I think it would be too small for that to be noticeable, so that's one thing I think I can get away with leaving as is.

    Handy Pockets, don't worry, erasers were invented for a purpose, and criticism leads to improvement :)

    By the way, Ravenstrider, I'm envious of your second picture. I wanted to draw something along those lines but couldn't figure out how to make it work.

  10. I agree completely with Curiose about anatomy. That is one of my weakest points, and I often look for reference pictures to make sure that the pose I am trying to draw will actually work.

    I notice that you have done a little bit of shading, for example where one leg is in front of another in the top two drawings, and I suggest adding a lot more; depending on where you want the light to be coming from, the entire back half of a limb might be in shadow compared to the front half of that limb. I think that more extensive shading (and gradations in shading) might help add depth, solidity, and a feeling of roundness to the figures.

    My favourite of the five is the last one. I think the expression on the mask is nicely detailed, and creepy…

  11. I don't have any experience myself with synaesthesia, but I can't help but be curious…

    If you have sound-shape synaesthesia and are listening to the exact same piece of music, do you experience the exact same shape each time? I am not talking about new performances of the same music, as those can be subtly different, but something like a recording, where the only thing changing over time is the listener. Have you ever experienced this four-dimensional shape as being slightly different - perhaps as you grow more familiar with the composer, or the piece, or the style of music? Or is the shape always identical, but you sometimes notice or focus on different aspects of it? Or is it even possible to remember or "pin down" the shape enough to notice if it is the same or different from before?

    I hope that my questions make any kind of sense!

  12. Maebius, you're certainly not the only one who is concentrating on things other than fighting :) As to your suggestion, I think that "capping" as you describe it was also part of Burns's original suggestion.

    Unfortunately, Rumi, there is a potential confound... all of us mp3/4 players who have posted here might simply have had atypical experiences that made us more likely to stay. I don't think this is the case, but it is at least a possibility.

  13. Oh, I wish I'd added my response yesterday! But it might be useful information anyway, so here it is.

    When I first started playing, the only things that actually scared me were things I'd read about on the forums: stat damage, and the possibility that someone could attack me with a particular ritual that would give me too much experience - which somehow seemed to be a bad thing. These don't seem scary to me anymore.

    A few other things did frustrate me a little. On my very first day, it took me three or four minutes solid to find the "compass" that another player was telling me about, because I kept looking on the wrong side of the page. It also took me a long time to find the "log out" link... I'm completely serious! Finally, for a short while I was frustrated because I found it hard to find players I could defeat who would give me positive honour instead of negative honour. Two or three days later this stopped being a problem for me.

    I'm not sure that a message would make a big difference... a small difference perhaps. As long as MD is categorized as a MMORPG (like it says right on the main page: "Browser MMORPG - Free to Play"), some people will expect it to be like all the others in fundamental ways. I think some people would still ignore a ten-second message or avoid reading it. (I've seen people in other games just click through a tutorial to get the free weapon at the end.)

    I've just realized that since the main page was changed, it no longer says things like "Unique gameplay". Didn't it say something like, MD is more than just a game, too? Or convey the impression that there's more to MD than just fighting, or that figuring out the MD world is part of the game? (Or am I just dreaming?)

  14. I didn't have much trouble at mp3… didn't get crushed except when I took a chance against players I was already sure were more powerful than me; found players I could beat; never minded being attacked or defeated, whether people asked or not. I can't remember anyone telling me to get an angien or mentioning knators (only advising against relying too much on aramors). Maybe I just logged on at the "wrong" time of day for all of that?

    Can't say much about mp4 yet, as I haven't fought much at this level (except against the Loreroot guards), but I certainly haven't been crushed yet… while wandering around for over a month now I've hardly been attacked at all.

    Obviously I have far less experience with the fight system than anyone else who has posted in this thread, but here's an alternative proposal: how about "too-powerful" creatures simply refusing to fight against "too-weak" players? (However those two criteria are determined... Any creature, or upgrade level of a creature, with stats "too high" compared to the normally-available creatures? Any player with active days under a certain number, or wins or stats relatively too small, or who does not own any such super creatures, or some combination?) Then true newbies could not be attacked with super creatures, but players could still gain and upgrade whatever creatures they liked, and use them in appropriate circumstances.

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